Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1636 The richest man in optical film

Zhou Bingyi looked at Zhou Rong, who was sitting paralyzed on the kang head, and Feng Huacheng, who turned his head away and almost said that I had nothing to do with it, so he could only suppress his impulse for the time being.

"what happened?"

Zhou Zhigang pointed to Zhou Rong and said, "Ask her yourself."

Well, it turned out that he was angry with his daughter.

Zhou Bingyi looked at his sister. Although he didn't speak, the question in his eyes was clearly visible.

"Yueyue wants to follow Bingkun to the south, I think this matter can be considered."

"Listen, isn't this nonsense?" Zhou Zhigang pointed in the direction of Taiping Hutong and said, "Let Yueyue go with them? Can they educate the children well? A person who caused trouble and was expelled from the university, look at him on the first day of the new year." It’s embarrassing to teach Yueyue those words at the door of Xiao Guoqing’s house! I know that you have to take the postgraduate entrance examination, which turns into a job for him, and your house is too small to provide Yueyue with a good living environment, but if even you Can't, your brother who can't do anything will do?"

Zhou Rong didn't know how to refute, because what her father said was very reasonable, but she didn't know why, her intuition told her that she was right to do so, Zheng Juan would definitely be able to take good care of her children, if Feng Huacheng's advice was adopted, Yueyue would be taken over. When they arrived in Beijing, the three of them lived in a small house, and the children bothered her husband and she had to go to school. I was afraid that they would quarrel every day, and the three of them would feel uneasy.

"Dad, Bingkun...maybe it really works."

It was not Zhou Rong who said this, but Zhou Bingyi.

Zhou Zhigang told him that he was taken aback, not understanding what his elder son was doing wrong, and tilted his head and asked, "What did you say? Zhou Bingkun can do it?"

"Dad, I just got a piece of news that the famous Jishantang in our city is probably run by Bingkun."

This sentence is like dropping a boulder on the calm water, splashing a stormy sea.

"Bingyi, what did you say?" Zhou Zhigang thought he had heard it wrong.

"Dad, I said that Jishantang was opened by Bingkun."

This time he heard clearly, and everyone in the family heard clearly.

On the third day of the first lunar month, Zhou Rong took Feng Huacheng to go shopping outside, and walked past the entrance of Jishantang. Seeing the decoration, the environment, and the style, it can be ranked in Beijing. Well, why did Cheng Bingkun drive it?

"Bingyi, did you make a mistake? Hasn't Bingkun been fooling around in the south?" Zhou Zhigang stopped smoking and looked at his eldest son in a daze. No.

The most ineffective youngest son became a big boss or something, which was completely beyond his cognition.

Zhou Bingyi said: "Dad, I didn't believe it at first, but it was said by the people from Golden Land Magazine, and the editor-in-chief Shao who our family will help take family photos during the Chinese New Year, I reckon Bingkun is affiliating the restaurant Under the name of the magazine, they also said that the restaurant's net profit for the year was at least 100,000."

Regarding Shao Jingwen's question about coming to the digital film instead of looking for Feng Huacheng to look for Zhou Bingkun, and also kindly brought a photojournalist, everyone understands what he said.

Zhou Rong picked some long and dirty nails. These days are smoky, and the photos are all adobe houses and black soil. The environment in Beijing is far less good. The reaction is that she is disheartened, and she is gone. Youth in Peking University is exciting.

"Let me just say, there must be something hidden in him."

This time Feng Huacheng had nothing to say. At first he thought that Zhou Bingkun bought down jackets for Yueyue and gave big New Year's money to make his face swollen. After a fight, the reality slapped him hard. Sure enough, as Zhou Rong said, Zhou Bingkun is not poor to show off, but he is really rich. Buying down jackets for Yueyue, smoking Chinese cigarettes, etc. are very daily In terms of expenditure, there is no such thing as slapping a swollen face to fill a fat man.

"You still know Bingkun." How could he say it? That's all he can say.

Li Suhua smiled like a flower, put the sweater in his hand aside, and looked at his eldest son happily: "So... our Kun'er has become a big boss? One hundred thousand a year, I got a Be good, Mom has never seen so much money in my life."

"Yes, Mom, your youngest son is rich now. Our whole family's salary in one month is not as much as he earns in a day." Zhou Bingyi was afraid that Li Suhua would get a sudden illness when he heard the news, but luckily he didn't. Thinking about it, this is something to be happy about. It is completely different from Feng Huacheng's arrest last time.

Zhou Zhigang's expression was completely different from Li Suhua's, his face was full of sorrow, he lowered his head and remained silent.

Because he always felt that Zhou Bingkun was embarrassing for him. He said this in front of his wife, the eldest son and son-in-law, and almost went to the street to lament to the neighbors how he raised such a worthless son.

But now? He no longer has the qualifications to say that Zhou Bingkun is "worthless".

Of course, he doesn't think that a rich person is better than a college student. In his mind, the establishment is the first, the education is the second, and the money is the third. After all, it was in the era when he married Li Suhua. No, there is no need to push it so far. Just ten years ago, rich people had to eat corn bread and drink polenta honestly.

"What's wrong with being rich? His attitude is wrong."

Zhou Zhigang took a puff of cigarette and interrupted the conversation between Li Suhua and Zhou Bingyi: "Hiding such a big matter from the family, are you guarding against us? Are you afraid that we will spend his money? Are you afraid that we will go to his restaurant to eat the king's meal?"

If you want to say that his angle is tricky, it is indeed quite reasonable.

The younger brother opened such a big restaurant, but the family didn't know about it at all, and they heard it from outsiders. You said that this would spread to the ears of the neighbors, what would you think? Ninety-nine out of ten there will be no good things to say.

Zhou Bingyi and Feng Huacheng dared not speak. Li Suhua sighed heavily. He didn't know how to communicate with his wife. His father was so stubborn that he couldn't come back with eight horses. The youngest son, what he did was really too much, low-key It's not this low-key way, you know, she was still worrying about where Zheng Juan and Congcong went to the south two days ago.

Zhou Rong was thinking about Yueyue, but she didn't express her opinion, so the whole room fell into silence.


The sixth day of the first month.

Lin Yue and Zheng Juan were in the room discussing when to leave for the south, when they suddenly heard Cong Cong who was playing by the window pointing outside and shouting "Ahhh", they went to the door and took a look outside, and found that it was Da Xiong and Er Xiong leading the way. Then their daughter-in-law came to the door.

Oh, it's only the sixth day and I can't wait.

"Come in, let's talk." Zheng Juan noticed Erxiong's right index finger was tied with a splint. She was afraid that he would fight with the Xiong family again, so she thought it would be better to go in and talk. will go too far.

"What kind of house do you enter, just say it here!" Unexpectedly, Er Xiong is quite arrogant, and he is much different from his elder brother who knows the truth of being a good man and not suffering immediate losses.

Lin Yue thought that he shouldn't have broken one of his fingers in the first place, but if he wanted to, he would have broken all five fingers.

"Zhou Bingkun..."

Er Xiong half-spoken, Lin Yue moved Zheng Juan behind him, said "into the house", and immediately stepped on Er Xiong's stomach, and before Da Xiong could react, he pressed his head and walked towards the courtyard. When the fence hit, there was a click, sawdust flew, and blood flowed horizontally.

Er Xiong's daughter-in-law was about to move, she gave him a backhand slap, and flew out with a slap, and fell down among a pile of jars, twitching continuously.

Daxiong's daughter-in-law was frightened and stupid, and stared at him blankly.

That's not all, he walked up to Erxiong who was rolling around on his belly, pressed his hand on his arm, and twisted it cleverly, only to hear a scream of "ah", and his arm fell off.

Daxiong's daughter-in-law turned pale with fright, and sat on the ground with a plop, shaking her hands in front of her body: "I was wrong, I was wrong, don't kill me, don't kill me."

The neighbors around heard howls like slaughtering pigs, put down their work and ran over, looked into the yard, hey, what did you say? The Xiong family group was wiped out.


Zheng Juan wanted to come out, but was scared back into the house by his words "don't come out".

Lin Yue grabbed Er Xiong's hair and pulled it back: "If you want to talk about being arrogant, I have never persuaded others. Believe it or not, I crippled one of your legs today, and you have to swallow this bitterness obediently."

Er Xiong said bitterly, "I don't believe it."

Lin Yue stamped his foot without saying a word.


Hearing a scream that was countless times shriller than before, Er Xiong dragged an arm, wanting to touch the place where it was kicked off, but he didn't dare to touch it, his facial features were distorted in pain, and he was sweating profusely.

The neighbors in Taiping Hutong were frightened, no one thought that he was so ruthless. The Xiong family brothers, who are well-known in optical films, beat him half to death.

Er Xiong's daughter-in-law, who had just been lying on the altar and pretending to be dead, crawled up in front of Lin Yue enduring the pain, and kowtowed to him.

"I beg you, please, don't beat him again, or you will die if you beat him again."

Erxiong also has two sons, if her man dies, who will raise their sons?

At this time, Daxiong's wife also walked over to help Daxiong up.

"Oh, daughter-in-law... daughter-in-law... I... Am I being fired? Isn't it?" His injustice, the second child is messed up, so you just beat the second child, it's better to kill him, beat him to death No one would compete with him for the inheritance after the death of his parents, but now... I feel bitter.

"What's going on? Let it go, let it go."

I don't know who told Gong Weize about this, he walked in from the crowd, his expression changed, and he took off his hat in shock.

"Bingkun, you...why did you get into trouble again?"

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