Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1637 The Xiong family destroyed by the regiment

Last time he broke Er Xiong's finger, at least it didn't look like the injury was serious. It's only been a week since then. At least minor injuries, starting from 3 years in prison.

"Uncle Gong, you came at a good time." Lin Yue took the time to wipe off the dust from his hands, took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it over.

"You still have the mind to smoke? What a big heart you are." Gong Wei was annoyed enough by him, once a year ago, and once a year, there is no one like him in the optical film, think about it In the past, why was he deceived by his honest and honest face?

Lin Yue smiled at him, walked up to Er Xiong, and said with a smile: "It's only the sixth day and you can't wait to come over to ask for a house, did you hear something?"

When Er Xiong saw Gong Wei coming, he immediately got excited: "I want to sue you, I want you to go to jail."

"What do you think I beat up your brothers like this? Just to let you send me to prison."


Er Xiong was dumbfounded by what he said, and Gong Wei couldn't figure out that he had made a mistake in saying such stupid things.

"You should listen to someone. I owe a lot of money to the bank. In fact, it's not just the bank, but also private. I can't pay so much money, and I'm afraid they will threaten me with the lives of my family. Why don't I go to the bank?" Forget about hiding in prison, those people know I'm in there, and they can't get any money by threatening my family's life, so they can only stare blankly. After ten or eight years, the limelight has passed... Well, ten or eight years anyway Who knows what will happen next, right? You can sue me, no problem, but I’m actually quite worried about your elderly and children, because those people definitely don’t want me to go in, and they may pay back the money outside. Big prison, the money will definitely be wasted, how can I not go in? It’s very simple, fuck you, kidnap your wife and children, discount your legs and force you to withdraw the lawsuit. So, I sincerely wish you and your family Be happy and be safe."

Lin Yue raised his eyebrows: "By the way, you said that if I beat to death the people who made trouble in my yard, would I be able to hide in prison and eat imperial food for the rest of my life?"

The regret in Erxiong's heart, no wonder this guy killed them without any scruples, it turned out that he had the idea of ​​going to prison to avoid disaster.

He also knew that when it came time to resort to the law, the house in Taiping Hutong belonged to Zheng Juan and Guangming, and they couldn't get it. Zhou Bingkun owed a whole lot of debt, and it would be nothing to add a little compensation. To paraphrase the old saying, Those who are barefoot are not afraid of wearing shoes, and those who are desperate for the future want to do extreme things.

Gong Wei said: "Bingkun, calm down, don't be stupid, don't kill people no matter what difficulties you have, do you hear me?"

He is really convinced now, if you want to talk about playing hooligans, Er Xiong is his mother's younger brother, look at the time before and after this year, Zhou Bingkun played the Xiong family around.

Daxiong's wife said: "I...I don't want it anymore, we don't...don't want the house anymore."

They really heard that Zhou Bingkun owed a lot of money to the bank, so they couldn't wait to come over to ask for the house, because they were afraid that Zheng Juan would be involved, the bank seized the house in Taiping Hutong, and finally the bamboo basket was empty.

But they never thought that this Zhou Bingkun was even more unreasonable and vicious than them.

That's right, it's a relief for people who owe millions outside to go to jail, so how can they be afraid of Da Xiong and Er Xiong? The key is that this guy is very good at fighting. , He couldn't even make a decent reaction, so he was beaten like this. Just imagine that once Zhou Bingkun hits hard, it can really kill people.

Lin Yue asked, "No more? Really no more?"

Da Xiong's daughter-in-law shook her head vigorously: "No more."

Lin Yue grabbed Er Xiong by his collar and lifted him up: "What about you?"

Er Xiong's daughter-in-law quickly responded: "We don't want it either, we don't want it anymore."

"You don't want it either?" Lin Yue said regretfully, he pinched Er Xiong's arm and twisted it, followed by another miserable howl.

Er Xiong's wife was taken aback, and was asking Gong Weize to save her man, but found that Er Xiong's right hand could move.

It turned out that the blow just now was to help Er Xiong set bones.

Gong Wei breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that this guy would beat Erxiong to death. Although few neighbors in the optical film liked the Xiong family, he was in charge of the police anyway. For a homicide case, don't wear his police uniform.

Lin Yue blew a puff of smoke at Erxiong, took out two 50 bills from his wallet and threw them on Erxiong's face: "I'm still a little different from you, take the money and send your man to see a doctor, get out."

Originally, according to his idea, he wanted to find the person who lied to Zhou Bingkun in the TV series, and spent 1,000 yuan to buy the three-bedroom and one-living room in the other party's hands to replace the small broken house of the Xiong family. The two parties signed an agreement and completed the procedures. What will happen, and how the Xiong family will fight against the original owner is not something he should worry about, but seeing Er Xiong's appearance, he suddenly changed his mind. It's too flattering to them, so it's better to attack them head-on, and give them a hard time, and it will be more refreshing to hit them and call them grandpa.

Erxiong's daughter-in-law didn't dare to say anything, and took the money to set up the man and limped away.

Daxiong's wife muttered that she owed so much money to others, and helped her man to leave.

From their point of view, even if Zhou Bingkun hadn't lost money in business, it would be impossible for Zhou Bingkun to save his family fortune if he spent so much money.

At this time, a word came to Gong Weize's mind - wicked people have their own grind.

Who has the Xiong family suffered from over the years? I didn't expect to keep suffering from him, especially the Erxiong, who has always been arrogant when he sees others. This time, he was so dumbfounded that he didn't want to die, right?

As for today's battle, the optical film and the neighbors in Taiping Hutong can discuss it for a year.

"You said you owed a lot of money? What's going on?"

Lin Yue said nonsense: "I was deceived by Hong Kong businessmen when I partnered with people from the south."

"How much did they scam you?"

"A few million."

"Ah?" Gong Wei almost choked to death on this number, and took a long time to come up: "Why are there so many?"

This time he knew why the Xiong family was cowardly. If he met such a person, he would have to be cowardly. With so many debts, it could be said that his whole life would be over, so he was afraid that people would play tricks on him? Since life is hopeless, then fuck it.

"Look at"

While the two were talking, a person came running outside, looked at Lin Yue, and then at Gong Weize. It seemed a bit surprised that both of them were there, but this emotion only lasted for a few breaths before swallowing, pointing to The direction of the light-text film said: "Uncle Gong, go and have a look, old Zhou's family and Lao Qiao's family, it''s time to do it."

"Old Zhou's family? Which old Zhou's family?"

Gong Wei didn't react for a while.

"Which other Zhou family can there be... just..." The young man pointed at Lin Yue and said, "It's his father."

Zhou Zhigang started messing with someone?

Not only Gong Wei was taken aback, Lin Yue was also a little surprised, that bad old man would actually fight with someone? And old Qiao's family refers to... Qiao Chunyan's parents?

Isn't Li Suhua and Shen Hongzhi god sisters?

Can this work?

"Let's go and have a look." Gong Wei hurriedly put on his hat and walked outside: "The young ones are finished, and the old ones are beaten. Today I will circle around your family."

Lin Yue shrugged with an innocent look on his face.

He also wanted to know why Zhou Zhigang fought against Qiao's family, so they went out together.

"Bingkun, wait for me."

Zheng Juan came out with the child in her arms: "I'll go too."

"What are you going to do? Isn't this adding to the chaos?"

"I'm worried about our mother."

Hearing what she said, Lin Yue didn't say anything more, took Cong Cong and walked to the optical film.

A few minutes later, seeing that they were almost there, Lin Yue heard the neighbors discussing that the old people on both sides of the Zhou family and the Qiao family had a fight, and Li Suhua suddenly fainted and was sent to the hospital.

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