Li Suhua sent to the hospital?

Lin Yue frowned, his expression a little ugly.

Zheng Juan noticed the change in his expression and shook his hand.

At this time, Gong Wei had already parted from the crowd and walked into the courtyard of Old Zhou's house: "What's going on? Where's the person?"

Yu Hong stepped forward and said, "Old Uncle Zhou and Chao Chao sent Auntie to the hospital. Aunt Qiao and Uncle Qiao... were so scared that they didn't know where to hide."


At this moment, Zhou Rong's voice came from outside, and they turned their heads to see that she was holding Yueyue's hand, leading Feng Huacheng into the courtyard, and after seeing Lin Yue's gaze, she said with a guilty conscience : "Cai Xiaoguang, please have dinner. I took Yueyue and Huacheng with me. I was not at home. When I came back, I heard that something happened to my parents."

"What about big brother?"

"Oh, brother said he went to the train station to see off his comrades."

Lin Yue knew that Yao Lisong and Dong Weihong were leaving today, and it was normal for Zhou Bingyi and Hao Dongmei to send them off in the past.

"Let's go to the hospital first." Lin Yuechong asked Yu Hong, "Which hospital did you send it to?"

"City Court, City Court."

"Then let's go."

Lin Yue turned around and walked out.

Yu Hong followed him behind: "I'll go with you, catch up because I'm afraid you are in a hurry, so tell me to wait here."

It happened that there were still some questions to ask her, so Lin Yue didn't have much to say.

Gong Wei said from behind: "Bingkun, you take a step first, I will go to the old Qiao's family to find out the situation, and go to the hospital after we are done."


Lin Yue agreed and led the people to move on.

On the way, Yu Hong didn't know the details about the fight between the old couple of the Zhou family and the old couple of the Qiao family, but he explained the general situation clearly.

Today, Shen Hongzhi came to Lao Zhou’s house to visit, meaning that after hearing that Zhou Bingkun took Zheng Juan and her children to the south after the new year, the house in Taiping Hutong was also empty, so I asked Qiao Chunyan’s two older sisters to stay for a few more days, anyway. The eldest is married, and the partner's house can be moved out after the house is built, and the second child also has a partner, and it's time to talk about marriage, and they can live for another year at most, so they can have their own house.

Li Suhua didn't agree, saying that she couldn't be the master of the third son, and she had to talk about it herself. She also said that it's okay for five or six people in other families to share two rooms. Anyway, the old Qiao's house also has two and a half rooms, which is the same size as the Zhou's house.

Where did Shen Hongzhi dare to look for him, and she told Li Suhua that she was annoyed, so she muttered, "They won't be able to live in Zheng Juan's house in Taiping Hutong for a few days, and Zhou Bingkun can't afford three bedrooms and one living room. Big Bear and Two Bears".

Li Suhua told Shen Hongzhi the news, saying that Jishantang is Kun'er's property, and it can earn tens of thousands a year. The income of this day is more than that of Lao Qiao's family combined. What is a three-bedroom apartment? Ten three-bedroom units are also affordable.

This person, there is always a mentality of comparison, and women's mentality of comparison is even heavier.

Back then, Li Suhua and Shen Hongzhi wanted to match their sons and daughters. Of course, the old Zhou family was good at everything, and the old Qiao family was beautiful. But since Qiao Chunyan married Cao Debao, and Zhou Bingkun married Zheng Juan, the relationship between the two has been twisted. Well, on the bright side, they still call them "sister and sister", but they are always competing with each other underneath.

Li Suhua's beauty made Shen Hongzhi very angry, and directly revealed that Zhou Bingkun owed the bank several million.

There is no doubt that this is a big thunder.

Zhou Zhigang was very angry and told her not to talk nonsense. She, who was too angry, ran to the yard and called the neighbors to testify for her, saying that Zhou Bingkun, Sun Chanchao, Xiao Guoqing and others said it personally during the gathering at Qiao Chunyan's house.

Now things are big.

Zhou Zhigang valued his reputation the most, and his impression of his youngest son was finally changed because of the incident at Jishantang. He felt that he was not a fool in the past few years, and he still had some achievements, but who would have thought that this thought would not last? One day, Shen Hongzhi gave him a big blow. The key is the consequences of this matter being heard by the neighbors.

Reporting the thief's wife and expelling him from Tsinghua University, Zhou Bingkun already had a bad name on his back, but now he has the title of millionaire, where is the face of the old Zhou family going? He told Shen Hongzhi to stop arguing, but Old Qiao saw the tugging and thought that his wife was being bullied, so he also went up to the tugging. Seeing that the two sides were about to fight, the neighbors wanted to go up and separate them. At this moment , Li Suhua was touched by someone, and she passed out as soon as she sat on the ground. As soon as this happened, Zhou Zhigang hurriedly asked Sun Chanchao to push the scooter and sent him to the hospital. After all, Li Suhua had a cerebral hemorrhage before and was paralyzed on the bed for several years. Today, this dizziness is really going to be wrong, maybe the Qiao family will have to go in one of them.

It was Shen Hongzhi again.

This Qiao Chunyan's mother is really a wonderful thing.

Twenty minutes later, several people came to the hospital. Lin Yue asked the nurse to check. After getting the answer, the group came to the neurology department and saw Sun Chanchao sitting on a chair in the corridor from a distance.

"how's it going?"

Zhou Rong blamed herself a little, thinking that if she and Feng Huacheng didn't go to Cai Xiaoguang's appointment, maybe things wouldn't come to this point.

"The doctor said that after a few hours of observation, if there is no problem, you can go home." Sun Chanchao pointed to the ward, which meant that people were inside.

Hearing what he said, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and it was obvious that the problem was not serious.

Zhou Rong wanted to go into the ward to have a look, but after taking a step or two, the door opened from the inside, and Zhou Zhigang walked out with an old face.

"Your mother is asleep, don't disturb her."

While closing the door, he looked at Lin Yue: "You still have the face? It's all because of your good deeds."

Lin Yue was speechless about this matter. It doesn't matter if it has something to do with him, or it doesn't matter if it has nothing to do with him.

"Why am I ashamed to come? I came to see my mother, not you. Don't worry, one day you will live in, I will never come, lest you see me feel bad, and I see you feel uncomfortable."

"You...I will kill you, an unfilial son."

Zhou Zhigang was so angry with him that he raised his hand and hit him. It was still the same as before. He believed that Zhou Bingkun, a prodigal son, was the culprit of everything.

Sun Chanchao and Feng Huacheng rushed to stop him, Zhou Rong pushed Lin Yue back, and Zheng Juan was still pulling behind.

"What's the fuss? This is a hospital. Patients need to be quiet, and they want to fight." The door of the next ward opened, and a nurse in a white robe came out, looking at them angrily.

Only then did Zhou Zhigang put down his raised hand, suppressed his anger, and glared at Lin Yue.

"I'm sorry." Zhou Rong apologized to the nurse.

clatter clatter clatter~

I heard a rush of footsteps, and there were two figures at the end of the corridor. It was Zhou Bingyi and his wife who rushed over after learning about this incident.

"Dad, how is Mom?"

"Ask Zhou Rong."

The old man wanted to smoke, but he pulled out his cigarette. He looked at the "No Smoking" sign on the wall, then inserted the cigarette back, went to the chair next to him and sat down.

"Mom is fine, she is asleep." Zhou Rong told Zhou Bingyi about Li Suhua's situation.

Lin Yue pulled Zheng Juan aside, gave a few words and turned to leave.

He didn't take two steps forward before Zhou Bingyi caught up.

"Bingkun, what are you doing?"

"What do you say, don't get in the way here."

"I have something to ask you, let's go out and talk."

When the two came outside, Zhou Bingyi said solemnly: "Shen Hongzhi said that you owe the bank several million, is this true?"


"Are you right? How did you do it, owe the bank so much money?"

Zhou Bingyi was very dissatisfied with his indifference, and his family members were dying of anxiety. What about the client? It's not affected at all, it's just... He can only describe it as "a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water", but compared to Zhou Zhigang, he is more rational. More than 100,000, for these debts, the principal has not been repaid and not mentioned, at least the interest can be covered.

"Don't worry about my affairs, take care of your own affairs first."

"What are you talking about!"

"Then you help me pay it back?"

One sentence blocked all the roads for Zhou Bingyi.

He pays him back? Several million, he will pay with his life?

"Bingkun, tell me the truth, what do you think?"



"Why do you have to pay back the money you borrowed based on your ability?" Lin Yue said: "Don't you know that there is such a thing as a 'subsidized loan'? Money that does not require interest, will you use it for you?"

Zhou Bingyi blinked. As the most mature and prudent member of the Zhou family, he couldn't accept his younger brother's behavior at all, but he wanted to refute it, but he didn't know how to refute it.

He felt that Zhou Bingkun's idea was similar to Yao Lisong's.

Seeing that he had nothing to say, Lin Yue went to the place next to the bicycle and kicked the bracket, and the cart went out.

"Mom hasn't woken up yet, why don't you stay here and watch over you?"


Zhou Bingyi was taken aback: "What account?"

Without looking back, Lin Yue got on his bicycle and headed out.

A voice came with the wind.

"What are you talking about!"

Zhou Bingyi thought about it carefully, and he understood that according to the third child's recent behavior, he was going to settle accounts with Qiao's family.

Things are already like this, how will it end if the trouble gets worse?

"Bingkun, come back to me."

Lin Yue turned a deaf ear and continued to ride forward.

He chased after two steps and failed to catch up, but was so tired that he was out of breath. In the end, he could only sigh and choose to give up.

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