Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1639 beat you a double-faced villain

Jichun Songhuajiang Soy Sauce Factory.

On the sixth day of the first lunar month, today is the start of work. Many employees have not adjusted their mentality. Gu Pan seems to be slack. , even if their work clothes are not aesthetically pleasing.

Cao Debao is already the workshop director of the slag removal workshop, and there are only two old people, Chang Jinjin and Gong Weize's nephew Gong Bin, who were arranged by the old lady Qu, and one is deaf and the other is mentally ill. Lu Chuan and Tang Xiangyang have passed away after entering university Well, after Zhou Bingkun dropped out of Tsinghua University, he went to the south to make a living. The newcomers were all those who had returned to the city from the countryside, and they had nothing in common with him.

But today is different. On the first day of construction, an old friend came to the dregs workshop of the soy sauce factory.

It wasn't Lin Yue, the city courtyard was some distance away, and it took more than ten minutes to ride, it was Tang Xiangyang.

"I said Debao, didn't we agree before that we would go to see Mrs. Qu every fifth day? Why didn't you go this year? You don't know, Lu Chuan and I waited outside the compound for a whole afternoon, almost freezing Adult stick."

Tang Xiangyang complained as soon as they met.

Cao Debao said: "Can you blame me?"

"If you don't blame you, who else can you blame?" He got angry when he mentioned this matter, and he insisted that his family belonged to Jichun, and Lu Chuan's parents were transferred to work in Beijing, and his fiancée was also from Beijing, just to come back Attending the gathering of the Six Gentlemen, I took the train north alone, but the two of them could only stare blankly on the third day of the new year, because no one knew where Qiao Chunyan had moved. After thinking about it, go to the old lady Qu’s door to block people on the fifth day of the new year, and leave it there It was cold all afternoon, and finally the buddy standing guard at the door couldn't stand it any longer, so he called Mrs. Qu's house, asked them to sit in for a while, and said a few words, could he not be angry?

No, he came to the door as soon as the soy sauce factory started. After all, it was not easy for Lu Chuan to come here, so he had to meet everyone before leaving, otherwise this trip would not be in vain?

Cao Debao beat the oil residue on the upper of the shoe with a towel, and said in a deep voice, "Who else can be blamed, Zhou Bingkun."

"Bingkun?" Tang Xiangyang said, "What happened to Bingkun?"

"You said it's okay if he didn't come back a few years ago. He came back this year and said that we should have a good dinner together. At that time, because of the poor conditions of the National Day family, Wu Qian complained a few words, and he was annoyed. He thought everyone They all wanted to take advantage of him and gave everyone a lesson, and almost turned the table over in the end, how can you go to Mrs. Qu's place to pay New Year's greetings under such circumstances?"

Tang Xiangyang said, "How did Bingkun become like this?"

"I'm also wondering." Cao Debao hung the towel back around his neck, raised his head and sighed, his face full of embarrassment: "Maybe I learned from those southerners, it's changed, it's different from before..."

This is said, eight points are true and two points are false, and then the head and tail are cut off and only the middle is left. Alas, the responsibility will all be pushed to Zhou Bingkun's head.



Chang Jinjin stood beside him. He didn't know what the two of them were talking about. Anyway, he was very happy and kept giggling.

Tang Xiangyang didn't dare to answer, because Qiao Chunyan didn't go to the party of Sun Chanchao and others before Qiao Chunyan moved to the new house. Cao Debao said that Zhou Bingkun had changed, what about him?

"Ah, ah, ah, Abba, Abba..."

At this moment, Chang Jinjin, who had been smirking all the time, turned his face away, pointing his finger outside with a look of excitement.

The two of them didn't know what he meant, so they turned their heads to look at it together.

"Zhou Bingkun?"

Tang Xiangyang was stunned when he saw the person coming, because this person was too careless, Cao Debao just complained about him, and the back foot came?

Chang Jinjin patted his chest and greeted him happily.

Lin Yue waved his hand at him, meaning we can talk about it later, he and Tang Xiangyang would pass by and punch Cao Debao in the face.


Cao Debao was beaten into a daze, and was even thrown into the air, his whole body plunged into the pile of oil residue.

Tang Xiangyang didn't react at all, until Lin Yue caught up and kicked the workshop director's ass fiercely, and then called Chang Chengjin to fight.

"Bingkun, what are you doing? Stop hitting, stop hitting."

Over there, Cao Debao straightened up, was kicked in the chest by Lin Yue again, and fell on his back in the pile of oil residue, making his whole body covered with dirt.

"Zhou Bingkun!"

Tang Xiangyang said loudly: "Don't you think there's not enough trouble? Mrs. Qu already has opinions on you."

"Anything against me? What can she have against me?"

"Not only does she have a problem with you, but I also have a problem with you." Tang Xiangyang said: "I haven't come home for a few years, and when I get home, I get into a nest and fight with Fa Xiao. What's the matter with you? Look at how you stayed in the south." , what has changed?"

Lin Yue came here with a bit of anger, but when Tang Xiangyang said this, he amused him, the kind that laughed out of anger.

"Tang Xiangyang, you are the least qualified to say that, right?"

Not to mention Lu Chuan, his parents transferred to Beijing to work, he also studied in Beijing, married a daughter-in-law who is also from Beijing, and Tang Xiangyang, who has been staying in Jichun, hasn't attended the party in recent years? Throughout the whole TV series, Tang Xiangyang is the best among the Six Gentlemen except for Lu Chuan. However, every party is attended by others with their wives. He either does not go or goes alone. I never thought of introducing my daughter-in-law to everyone, and I never helped anyone from the beginning to the end.

In fact, this character has been pretty much beautified in the TV series, but in the novel it is a big villain.

"I went to the south, and I don't have time to go to the party. What about you? I go back to Jichun every year for the New Year. It's not easy to find time to meet friends? As a result, I always use the excuse of my parents' illness. If Lu Chuan hadn't come back this year, you would still have Pretend not to know, right?"

"I... I really... my parents take turns getting sick..."

Tang Xiangyang couldn't even say a single word of refutation to him.

Lin Yue said again: "You should know Dr. Xian of the provincial court, do you want me to talk about his views on your father's illness? There are many things that people just don't want to talk about, because it would be boring to say it, and it doesn't mean that others are fools. Let’s talk about me beating Cao Debao, what happened to me beating him? Because he deserves beating!”

This time Tang Xiangyang even turned back his desire to distinguish.

Zhou Bingkun could call out the three words Dr. Xian, presumably he had a basic understanding of his father's condition, so could he continue to talk? If you tell too many lies, you will only be embarrassed and ashamed.

While the two were talking, Cao Debao got up from the pile of oil residue and kicked Lin Yue's back fiercely.

He leaned over, knocked his elbow upwards, and bumped his shoulder. Cao Debao let out a miserable snort, and flew up. He hit the lid of the slag pool and fell heavily to the ground, rolling and moaning in pain.

If it weren't for the layer of oil residue on the ground, he would have suffered at this height and this throwing method.

Just as the employees in the slag-discharging workshop were pointing and watching the director's fun, there was a scolding from the door.

"Zhou Bingkun!"

Tang Xiangyang saw that the expression on the person's face changed, it was the factory manager who heard the movement and came over.

"Why did you come to the soy sauce factory to beat people?" The factory manager pointed at him and said, "Believe it or not, I asked the people from the security department to arrest you."

"Okay." Lin Yue said, "I'm worried that I won't have a chance to make things big."

"What's your attitude?" The factory manager glanced at Cao Debao, who was lying on the ground and couldn't get up, and kept crying for pain: "Don't think that you are covered by Mrs. Qu, so I dare not touch you."

"Old lady Qu is retired, who are you telling this to?" Lin Yue pointed to Cao Debao and said, "This guy fanned the flames in front of his mother-in-law, causing my father to fight with his father. He was knocked down to the ground and passed out, he has already entered the hospital, you speak from your own conscience, if I don’t beat him, you still have to confess to him?”

The factory manager pointed to the ground and said, "This is your private matter. I don't care. The soy sauce factory is my territory. If you beat someone here, I have the right to do it for you."

When Cao Debao saw that the factory manager was angry, he didn't lie on the ground and pretended to be dead. He got up grinning and stood aside with his head bowed.

"The truth is the same, but the human relationship is not the human relationship." Lin Yue said: "You took my hand and called Xiao Zhou kindly, it was because I sold more soy sauce in a month than other salesmen in half a year , Later, when I was admitted to university, the factory was unwilling to let me go. It was Mrs. Qu who came forward to do it for me. Since then, you have hated me. Come on, call the people from the security department, I am here Wait for them."

The workers watched helplessly, and the factory manager was a little bit embarrassed by what he said, and was about to call someone to call the security office to arrest them, when a voice came from the door of the workshop.

"What's going on? It's so lively."

Lin Yue looked over there, and old lady Qu walked into the workshop with Lu Chuan with her hands behind her back.

Thank you for the 500 starting coins rewarded by Miao Dawang. I don’t have any deposits. You, Brother Z, nicknamed Tai Nima, please give me the 100 starting coins.

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