No wonder the factory director mentioned the name of Qu Xiuzhen, who had retired long ago, as soon as he saw him. It turns out that Ma Shouchang's wife came to the factory today. Look at the meaning... It seems that Lu Chuan accompanied her to visit the old place again, and Tang Xiangyang was a step ahead. Came to the slag-discharging workshop to find Cao Debao.

"Zhou Bingkun."

The old lady Qu saw him standing opposite the factory manager at a glance, with a hint of anger, or resentment, on her face.

"You don't want to visit me when you come back, what's the matter? Do you think I'm not needed for the development of the South now?"

"What are you talking about? There have been a lot of things going on at home these days, and I haven't even bothered to visit you. No... I should say I have no face to see you."

Mrs. Qu knew what he meant. At the beginning, he was the sales model of the soy sauce factory. He was an advanced worker selected by the district. Why, as far as the slag removal workshop is concerned, there are seven people in a workshop. Lu Chuan was admitted to the university, Tang Xiangyang was admitted to the university, Zhou Bingkun was also admitted to the university, and nearly half of the employees left. This is just a slag removal workshop , Think about how many experienced employees a factory has to leave, so the factory manager has a reason, and the factory also needs to keep some people.

Old lady Qu found out about this, and she was scolded when she went to the factory. The factory manager was honest and let him go, but what happened afterwards? He had only been studying at Tsinghua University for more than half a year, and he was expelled for fighting with Tu Zhiqiang. From a normal person's point of view, he would definitely lose face. It was only reasonable for Zhou Bingkun to avoid seeing her.

She didn't want to get entangled in this issue, because it wasn't the point, and it wasn't something that could be discussed in front of outsiders.

"what happened?"

She looked at Cao Debao who was turned into a dead man by the oil residue.

The factory manager said: "Zhou Bingkun came in and beat Cao Debao, and even messed with me. If you judge me, should I arrest him?"

The old lady Qu didn't say anything, she looked Cao Debao up and down for a while, she was so scared that she didn't dare to look him in the eye.

"Why did you hit him?"

Lin Yue repeated what he had just said.

Cao Debao saw that if he didn't explain it, he would be labeled as a character problem by Mrs. Qu, he pouted and said, "Who is fanning the flames behind the scenes? Zhou Bingkun, you owe the bank several million. You said it yourself."

As soon as this number came out, everyone was shocked, including the melon-eating crowd around them. They looked at each other in blank dismay and couldn't believe their ears.


How could he owe so much money?

Even the well-informed factory director felt that either he had heard it wrong or Cao Debao had said it wrong.

"How much?"

"Millions, he said it himself during dinner in the third grade of junior high school."

A few million, he is a good boy, he has worked for the Songhuajiang Soy Sauce Factory for 20 years, and his profit is not even a few million.

The director of the factory saw Lin Yue's eyes changed. Tsinghua University didn't study well, and he lost his underwear when he ran to the south. This guy is a prodigal son.

He was very proud of this, because when Zhou Bingkun was allowed to stay in the factory, this guy not only refused to listen, but also moved out Mrs. Qu to suppress him, what's going on now? I didn't study well, I didn't earn money, and I didn't even have the courage to go to Mrs. Qu's house to pay New Year's greetings.


It was so comforting to watch Zhou Bingkun deflated.

Qu Xiuzhen has a different opinion from the factory manager, and even more different from those workers. She thinks more, and borrows several million from the bank. Is this something ordinary people can do? Anyway, it is difficult in the northeast, and the south? Even if the pace of reform and opening up in the south is large and there are favorable policies, it will not be an easy task. The people in the bank are not fools. Will they evaluate their abilities before granting loans?

Lin Yue didn't give them more time to think about this problem, and grabbed Cao Debao by the collar and dragged him into the middle of the circle: "Da Xiong and Er Xiong took their daughter-in-law to Taiping Hutong to ask for a house, and you were the one behind it, right? I personally said I owed the bank money, but after I left, didn’t you all swear that you would keep your mouth shut? Cao Debao, you have two faces.”

When he was watching TV dramas, he didn't like this guy. Every time he had a dinner, he would complain that Lu Chuan and Tang Xiangyang were not good enough buddies, and he was the only one among the six gentlemen who didn't want Zhou Bingkun to be compiled by the magazine. Later, he wrote a report letter Zhou Bingyi. Qiao Chunyan's depravity is due to the dual effects of time and society. Cao Debao, from the very beginning, had the intention of eating soft food, otherwise he would not have the idea of ​​marrying the daughter of a high-ranking cadre who is in trouble.

"No, I didn't say it. Don't wrong a good man."

Cao Debao is telling the truth, but...

Lin Yue sneered: "Yes, you didn't say it, or you didn't need to say it, because your son said it, so it has nothing to do with you, right? He didn't participate in it, so it's not a breach of promise Right? Cao Debao, you really have a lot of eyes."

Lu Chuan and Tang Xiangyang's faces were both ugly, because Cao Debao looked like he had revealed his true form under the mirror of the demon. They really didn't expect that such a thing would happen when they revisited the old lady Qu's hometown, witnessing the good buddies of the past The ugly side.

Like this approach, what is not self-deception?

"Cao Debao? Did you really do this?" Qu Xiuzhen was so angry that she clenched her hands tightly, with anger between her brows, she couldn't figure it out, Zhou Bingkun's situation was already very difficult, Cao Debao didn't think of a way to help, Still making small moves behind the scenes.

"I...I...Zhou Bingkun, you lied, you spit on you..."

It's a pity that no one believes his words anymore, especially Qu Xiuzhen, because when Zhou Bingkun, Lu Chuan, and Cao Debao were guests at her house for the first time, this guy broke the original owner's clock, and in order to shirk Responsibility secretly took the ornament, and the next day, under her questioning, he couldn't hide before admitting that he took it.


Lin Yue didn't bother to pay attention to him, turned to look at the factory manager and said, "Didn't you find someone to arrest me? Are you going to arrest me?"

The factory manager looked at Mrs. Qu with embarrassment.

"If you don't catch me, you can leave. My mother is still lying in the hospital."


What can the factory director do? Mrs. Qu is here, so there is no place for him to speak, and this Cao Debao is really embarrassing, no matter how much he hates Zhou Bingkun, he will not dare to stand by Cao Debao's side at this time, after all, there are so many people watching .

Lin Yue turned and left without saying much, but when he left the workshop with his front foot, the old lady Qu chased him out with his back foot.

"Zhou Bingkun."


"Come here." Qu Xiuzhen called him aside: "How is your mother? Are you okay?"

"The doctor said it's nothing serious, and I can recover after going back and resting for two days."

"Well..." After receiving such an answer, she felt more at ease: "How many millions do you really owe the bank?"

"That's right."

"What's the matter?"

"If you owe money, you owe money. What's the inside story?"

"..." Qu Xiuzhen didn't speak, but stared at him firmly.

Lin Yue was a little uncomfortable when she looked at her: "Well, all that money has been turned into steel, cement and mechanical equipment."

After saying this, Qu Xiuzhen understood: "Just lie to you, my family and buddies will all lie to me."

"Isn't there nothing I can do?" Lin Yue said, "I told them, how do the family members get along with the neighbors in the optical film? Look at Lu Chuan and Tang Xiangyang, aren't they also alienated from Cao Debao and the others? I compare They are not doing well, and they can still be friends, but once the truth is told, this friendship will most likely turn sour and stink of copper coins. Of course, Sun Chanchao and Xiao Guoqing will definitely take care of it, but It’s not now, there are still neighbors with optical prints, now they know that I owe money and hide away, and when they understand the actual situation in the future, they don’t have the face to make excessive demands, do they?”

Qu Xiuzhen said: "That's right, you see things very deeply, and you have a thorough grasp of human nature. Lao Ma and I didn't misunderstand you. Work hard in the south and make more achievements for us to see." She stopped here , and glanced back at the slag-discharging workshop: "But Cao Debao... well, let's stop talking, let's go."

"Then I'll go see you and Uncle Ma when my mother is well."

"Okay, we're waiting for you."

Lin Yue waved to her, rode on the bicycle not far away and left.

When he returned to the hospital, Zhou Zhigang had already left, and it was Zhou Rong who coaxed him away, saying that it would be fine if they were here.

Thinking about it, I got angry with the third child, fought with the old Qiao, and went to the hospital for a long time. It's no wonder the old man is not tired.

"What did you do?"

As soon as he sat down, before he could speak, Qiao Chunyan hurried over with a bag.

"I rushed from work to the hospital when I received the news. Why did I start fighting when I was fine? Brother, how is the godmother?"

Zhou Rong pointed to the door of the ward, and just about to speak, Lin Yue stabbed her from behind.

"The doctor said that he is still in a coma, and whether he can wake up depends on the next 24 hours."

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