Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1641 Make you restless

Zhou Rong said in her heart that you are not lying. Mom is obviously fine, but at this moment, she can't expose her brother's lie. All she can do is press down her thoughts and sit down on the chair next to her.

Qiao Chunyan was so frightened that she murmured to herself, "How could this happen?"

"how so?"

Lin Yue snorted coldly: "Do you still have the face to ask this question?"

"Brother, I rushed to the hospital as soon as I received the call. I don't know why they fought."

"Okay, then let me tell you why they fought. Your man Cao Debao used your son Cao Yuanfang as a gunman and told your mother about the money I owed to the bank. With your mother's mouth, can you save the matter? I Dad has a bad temper again, so let them stay together, you can just think about it. Besides, Da Xiong and Er Xiong also knew about this, and they ran to Taiping Hutong to ask me for a house earlier, if this is for helping you If the two sisters take revenge, Cao Debao is qualified as brother-in-law."

Even a fool can hear the sarcasm and anger in his words.

Qiao Chunyan's expression changed: "Debao? Are you sure Debao did it?"

"Can there be a fake? I just went to the soy sauce factory to find him."

"This bastard who suffered a thousand knives! How could he do such a thing?"

Lin Yue glanced at her, then turned around and sat down beside Zhou Rong, ignoring her.

Qiao Chunyan's mood at this moment was like a brazier was placed under her buttocks, she didn't want to leave or stay, she was so embarrassed that she wished she could dig a crack in the ground and get in without getting out.

At the party in the third year of junior high school, she still proposed to keep her mouth shut and keep Zhou Bingkun's debts to the bank in her stomach. She turned around and Cao Debao sold her, and urged Cao Yuanfang to tell his grandma the news to avoid the psychological pressure of breaking the promise. It is indeed in line with Cao Debao's behavior style.

ten minutes later.

Qiao Chunyan hit a hard nail in the hospital and walked away awkwardly.

Only then did Zhou Rong find an opportunity to express her inner doubts: "Isn't Mom all right? Why did you say that?"

Lin Yue said: "Do you think that if I beat Cao Debao, it means the matter is over? It's just interest. It's in line with my principles to make the Qiao family restless."

At this time, Qiao Chunyan hadn't experienced three ups and downs, and hadn't been changed by the beatings from life. Cao Debao did such a bad thing, which directly caused the old Qiao family and the old Zhou family to turn against each other. The godmother was lying in a hospital bed unconscious, Can he still be good to you when you go back?

Zhou Rong shuddered. Gong Wei had come here just now. She had heard about what happened to Da Xiong and Er Xiong.

This younger brother is really different from before. Where is that honest, honest, cowardly and resigned younger brother?


that night.

Minfeng Sixth Lane.

Qiao Chunyan's house.

"Get out, get out of here with your things, get out of your house, and don't let me see you again." Qiao Chunyan pointed at the door and said loudly: "Cao Debao, I, Qiao Chunyan, work hard, take care of the housework seriously, and do my job well." Even if it's not as good as Zheng Juan, it's still better than Wu Qian and Yu Hong, and that's how you repay me in the end?"

Cao Debao was irritated by her, and threw his hat on the sofa: "I am your husband, and you actually let me go because of an outsider?"

"Outsider? That's my godmother! If it weren't for her and Zhou Bingkun, I would know who you are, Cao Debao? He owes so much money, life is hard enough, and you, as a friend, are still tearing things up behind your back. I am also embarrassing, who are you talking about? Calling you Shanpao is just praising you, you are a despicable villain!"

"Qiao Chunyan, you don't like me a long time ago, right? You are the deputy director of the District Women's Federation now. Your wings are hardened, and you don't like a big boss like me, do you? Didn't you tell me to go? Okay , I'm leaving, I'm leaving, don't regret it."

Cao Debao roared angrily, ran into the bedroom, opened the cabinet, and packed his personal belongings in the bag.

Cao Yuanfang, the son of the two, hid in a corner and cried loudly.

Cao Debao was upset by his quarrel. He was beaten up in the factory today, and his skin was skinned in front of Mrs. Qu. When he returned home at night, his wife made a fuss with him again. I can swallow it ? Of course I couldn't swallow it.

"Don't cry, I told you not to cry."

"Cao Debao, do you still have the face to teach him a lesson?"

"He is my son."

"I'd rather he didn't have a father like you."

"Qiao Chunyan, what did you say, tell me again."

"I said I was blind, why did I fall in love with such a shameless bastard like you, what? You still want to hit me?"


"I'm fighting with you!"



Passers-by in the alley looked at the broken windows on the second floor and the shards of glass on the ground by the street lights, and leaned aside in fright to prevent the fire at the city gate from affecting the fish in the pond.


The seventh day of the first month.

Li Suhua was discharged from the hospital and returned to Lao Zhou's house.

Before that, the Qiao family hid at Qiao Chunying’s elder sister, Qiao Chunying’s in-laws’ house. Later, they heard from their daughter that the godmother was in a coma. The doctor said that if they couldn’t wake up within 24 hours, they might never wake up. They desperately packed their things and went back to the countryside overnight. As the person who fought with Zhou Zhigang, Old Qiao was afraid and worried at the same time. Coupled with the exhaustion of the journey, he fell ill when he returned to the countryside. The three daughters of the Qiao family had to rush to the countryside. Take care, in short, it's too much trouble.

The eighth day of the first lunar month.

Zhou Zhigang got on the train bound for Chongqing, which was delivered by Zhou Bingyi. Lin Yue didn't go, and he held Zheng Juan still, because in Zhou Zhigang's view, these unsettled and repeated troubles of the old Zhou's family were all unresolved. It is because of him, without him, Li Suhua would not faint, without him, the neighbors in the optical film now would not regard the conflict between Qiao Zhou's family as a joke, and the rumor that Zhou Bingkun owed the bank several million spread like wildfire. Good neighbors, whether you are afraid of being implicated or being borrowed money, in short, hide far away, and don't contact them if you can.

The ninth day of the first lunar month.

It was Zhou Rong's and Feng Huacheng's turn to leave. They were supposed to leave for Beijing on the seventh day of the lunar new year, but because of Li Suhua's hospitalization, Feng Huacheng and the library leader asked for an extra two days off, which has been delayed until today.

"Isn't that the third child of the Zhou family? I heard that he owes the bank several million?"

"Isn't it? I also heard that he hired a mistress in the south."

"What nonsense, does Bao Xiaosan need so much money?"

"You can't come up with so much money, will Xiao Saner follow you?"

"That's true, poor Zheng Juan..."

"I said earlier that Zhou Bingkun is not a good strategy. He can covet Zheng Juan's beauty and report Tu Zhiqiang. Now that his wife is getting older, he will definitely turn his attention to those young and beautiful girls."

"What you are talking about is all irrelevant. The key is that when you mention Lao Zhou's family, you know that the third son owes several million. This reputation is ruined. Otherwise, the daughter-in-law will go home first, and Lao Zhou will leave behind. ?"

"If you want me, I'll go too. With such a prodigal son, at the very least, I'm out of sight and out of mind when I go to other places."

"Millions, millions, I have to teach my son well, and don't learn from the third son of the Zhou family."


The old people of optical film gathered at the alley to discuss the matter of Lao Zhou’s family and Lao Qiao’s family. There was a fight in the sixth day of junior high school, and the heat in the ninth day of junior high school has not dissipated. Zhou Bingkun has become a negative example of parents educating their children. It has become a disgrace to the optical film.

Lin Yue turned a deaf ear to these noises, and carried Cong Cong to the old Zhou's house. Feng Huacheng and Zhou Rong had already packed their bags, and Zhou Bingyi was talking to them.

"You really want Yueyue to go south with Bingkun and Zheng Juan?"

"Yes, brother."

Feng Huacheng shook his head, he had nothing to say, Zhou Rong was such a person, no one could change the decision she made.


Zhou Bingyi sighed. Hao Dongmei talked to him last night, saying that she couldn't take Yueyue to stay with her for a while. Isn't Zhou Rong planning not to take the postgraduate entrance examination? I will graduate in half a year, and I will give them the children when I return to Jichun. Hao Dongmei went downstairs to communicate with her mother, and she didn't know what the two of them said, but the result was nothing. Looking at his mother-in-law this morning, she looked unhappy, and she didn't know if it was for the matter or for his son-in-law. .

"Bingkun is here."

Zhou Rong reminded the boss, looked at Lin Yue, and found that there were only father and son: "Where is Zheng Juan?"

"She has something to do, don't wait."


Zhou Rong didn't think too much, and handed Yueyue to Lin Yue: "Kun'er, I have to trouble you again, I will go to the south to pick her up after I graduate."

Lin Yue didn't take her words to heart at all.


Feng Huacheng raised his wrist and looked at his watch: "Zhou Rong, the time is almost up."

"Then let's go."

Zhou Rong picked up her bag and walked outside with Feng Huacheng.

Lin Yue didn't send them to the station, because it was troublesome to bring the children, and Li Suhua couldn't do without people.

Zhou Bingyi, Zhou Rong, and Feng Huacheng were all gone before Zheng Juan came to Lao Zhou's house.

"Here's what you want."

"Oh, I didn't expect to find it?"

She handed Lin Yue a small bag, looked at Yueyue standing beside her and said, "Where's sister?"


"Huh? I'm late?"

It can be seen that she was very sorry for not being able to send her sister and brother-in-law off in time.

"Okay, let's go back to the house, don't you still have to do your mother's work?"

As Lin Yue said, he took the little girl's hand and walked to the main room. The child didn't feel sad at all when his parents left.

"Then when shall we leave?"


"Tomorrow? Can't the day after tomorrow?"


"Tomorrow I want to go to Beituo Temple to see the light."

"Okay, then the day after tomorrow."

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