Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1642 As a Top Architect

Zheng Juan persuaded her for a long time, but the old lady didn't agree to live with them in the south. She kept repeating the same sentence, saying that the older this person is, the more he can't move out of his nest. He has lived in optical film for more than 20 years. Let's talk, if she goes to the south, she will have to adapt to the environment again, which is a big problem for her. Besides, the eldest son is still in Jichun, and he will come back to see her every day, so there is no need to worry about her.

She also said that she believes that the third child can repay the millions owed to the bank and be admitted to Tsinghua University. This setback is nothing.

Since it didn't make sense, the two of them stopped pushing. On the tenth day of the Lunar New Year, they got on the train to the south. The couple traveled across half of China to Shenzhen, the experimental field of reform and opening up.

five months later.

Inside Tiancheng Electronics Factory.

Lin Yue glanced at the colored paper in the corner of the workshop and frowned slightly.

"Mr. Zhou, this was left when the city leaders came to cut the ribbon the day before yesterday. I haven't had time to clean it up yet. I'll find someone to clean it up."

Lin Yue waved his hand: "It's not urgent, tell me about the production situation first."

Director He was recruited from the Nanjing Radio Factory. He had been the head of the production department, so he was naturally familiar with production matters.

"The double-sided printed board production line has been assembled, and there are electronic materials. During the Spring Festival, it has been fully stocked and can be put into production at any time. The problem now is that the quality of the newly recruited workers is not high, and some experienced masters are needed to teach them. , The technical requirements for etching and solder mask processes are relatively high, so the training period will be relatively long, and the actual production time may be 1-2 weeks later than planned.”

Lin Yue nodded his head lightly. In the 1980s, domestic PCB printing technology was still relatively backward and could not be automated at all. It was difficult for technicians in some state-owned factories to understand the production lines and related technologies imported from outside, let alone Those inland migrant workers who have never attended junior high school.

"You can recruit more experienced technicians, such as your former colleagues, or those from brother units. Money is not a problem."

"Mr. Zhou, this...the price we offer is already very high, at least three times the unit salary, but you also know that it's not about money, they don't want to lose their establishment."


It is very difficult for a person who has been in the big pot for 20 or 30 years to give up his establishment and invest in a private electronics factory, especially for the old workers. It is difficult to change the old concept.

"In this way, there is no problem in starting work later, but we must ensure the quality and effectiveness of training, as well as production safety, and there must be no slack."

"President Zhou, don't worry about this."

"Has the worker's board and lodging problem been resolved?"

"One room for six people, with public toilets and bathing rooms, and 24-hour hot water service, free staff activity room, library, according to your instructions, I also bought a set of projection equipment from HK, and played it regularly every week The movie is for the employees to decompress. As for the cafeteria, two southern cooks and one northern cook are invited to cater for the tastes of workers from different regions." He paused at this point: "Mr. Zhou, actually..."

"Speak straight."

"You don't need to do this. I asked a lot of workers who came to our factory to apply for jobs. They only have one idea, which is to make money. As long as they can support themselves, they can save some money every month. The environment is harsh and the work is tiring. no problem."

Lin Yue shook his head, without explaining to him the reason for doing so.

Director He smiled embarrassingly, and further believed that there was an essential difference between Mr. Zhou and those TW businessmen who swarmed in like wolves smelling blood.

"Two things." Lin Yue said: "First, I negotiated with the Japanese side yesterday about the purchase of a multi-layer printed board production line and the introduction of multi-chip module packaging technology. They agreed to buy shares in the form of converted shares. Second, , next weekend you and I will go to Furi TV Co., Ltd. to sign a supply agreement."

"Okay." Factory Manager He smiled like he just took a sip of honey, and he really admired Mr. Zhou's vigorousness and work ability from the bottom of his heart.

"Okay, take me to the cafeteria and dormitory building."

"President Zhou, this way please."

Director He hurriedly led the way and led Lin Yue towards the cafeteria.


Fall 1983.

In an industrial building across the street from China Merchants.

The young and beautiful secretary knocked on the door with the signboard of the vice president's office, and when she heard "please come in" from inside, she opened the door and walked in.

"Mr. Zhou, Mr. Yao is here."


He turned the seat, stood up with his hands on the desk, walked over and shook hands with the man behind the female secretary: "Mr. Yao, hello."

"Oh, Mr. Zhou, I have admired your name for a long time, I have admired you for a long time, brother Wei Hong's work, thank you very much." Yao Lisong shook his hand and said, "That kid has earned a lot of money in the past two years. He's doing well, so let's forget about my concern with Wei Hong."

Yao Lisong is such a person, with a somewhat familiar personality.

"Sit." Lin Yue beckoned him to sit down on the sofa in the reception area, and flirted with the secretary, meaning to let her go down and treat her by herself.

Yao Lisong sat down on the sofa, looked at the environment of the office, and said enviously: "The decoration is very good, much better than ours. You don't know that the old house more than 20 years ago was used for several years. , This summer, a typhoon blew up and the roof of the warehouse was blown off. The leader saw that there was really nothing to do, so he asked the city for instructions to build a decent office building, but he didn't want to spend more money, alas... "

Said and waved his hands: "It's difficult."

Lin Yue made tea and poured him a cup: "That's much better than your previous working environment in the Jiangliao Construction Corps."

Yao Lisong was not surprised that he could say that, because according to Dong Weihong, she knew this pen pal before she agreed to marry him. She never thought that they would be transferred to the south after 1979, and he would also take advantage of the spring breeze of reform and opening up to Shenzhen. And the business is doing well.

Now it looks more than good, it's really amazing.

"It's been more than a year. In fact, I have wanted to meet you for a long time, but either you are busy with work and don't have time, or I am busy with work and have no chance. If it wasn't for the project bidding this time, I don't know what the delay will be. time."

Indeed, Lin Yue was busy, and Yao Lisong was also busy, but it would be a bit too much to say that this came from the heart, and it was just a scene.

"Yes." Lin Yue pointed to the huge slogan outside the window: "Time is money."

"Yes, yes, time is money."

Yao Lisong responded with a smile, picked up the cup and took a sip of tea: "This is... West Lake Longjing, right? Good tea, oh yes... business, why did you forget the business."

He unzipped his handbag, took out a document and handed it over: "The leaders of the unit had a meeting to study it, and everyone is very satisfied with the construction plan proposed by your company. If there is no problem, we can sign the contract."

Lin Yue took the file and flipped through it: "Okay, I'll call the engineering department to come to the meeting."

"By the way, can you take the liberty to ask, is the author of that blueprint... from your group or invited from outside?"

"What? If I tell you that the author of the drawing is from the Shencheng Group, are you going to poach my corner?"

Yao Lisong smiled, waved his hands and said, "Who can poach your people, but those infrastructure engineering soldiers. I heard that many people joined your company after leaving the army."

Lin Yue picked up the teapot and filled it up for him: "Oh, the investigation is careful enough."

Yao Lisong said: "For our unit, this is a major event, so of course it must not be sloppy."

Lin Yue got up and walked to the desk, called the secretary and told her to call the people from the engineering department to prepare for a meeting. After hanging up the phone, he turned to look at the guest and said, "The author of the design drawings you are looking for is far away and close at hand. In front of you."

Yao Lisong blinked, and it took him a while to react. He swallowed the tea in his mouth and said vaguely, "You?"

"That's right!"

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