Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1643 I heard you want to kill me?

"Did you draw it?"

Yao Lisong was taken aback, his jaw-dropping expression was a bit like a comedian.

"I thought it was drawn by a professional designer invited by your company from abroad. Look at the shape of this building, which is grand, stable, smart and fashionable. It is very similar to the characteristics of Shenzhen. Mr. Zhou, I really do. Unexpectedly, you are actually an architectural designer, and I would like to ask, which university in China is a high-achieving student?"

"Didn't Dong Weihong tell you?"

Yao Lisong shook his head, he didn't care about this, his wife's former pen pal, he thought he could help him in his career, and there was no need for a deep friendship.

"Tsinghua University, drop out."


Hearing the first four words, Yao Lisong nodded, and said in his heart that it's no wonder, but when he heard the last two words, he looked confused. Did he have such a level before finishing reading? Is this guy a genius?

He is not a person who has seen the world. In order to develop Shenzhen's economy, the office has sent him to HK many times to learn successful experiences. For the proposal given by the group, it is difficult to find a designer of this level in China.

"Mr. Zhou, you really have such abilities at such a young age. No wonder Wei Hong always praises you for your ability. My ears are so calloused."

These words are true and false, false and true, after all, no one will make trouble with people who compliment him, right?

Lin Yue looked at his watch, walked back to the sofa and sat down: "Ten minutes, people from the engineering department should be there."

Yao Lisong was very satisfied with his work efficiency, and said with a smile: "By the way, Mr. Zhou, do you know what I felt the most when I heard your name for the first time?"

Who is Lin Yue, how could he not see the temptation and doubts under the calm expression of the guest.


"I used to work in the Jiangliao Construction Corps. I had a very good partner. His name was Zhou Bingyi, from Jichun. There was also a younger brother named Zhou Bingkun who had been taking care of the elderly at home."

Yao Lisong came to the South in 1977, and Zhou Bingyi was transferred back to Jichun in 1978. He went to the Northeast during the Spring Festival in 1981, and the conversation with Zhou Bingyi and his wife was also about the Construction Corps, so Yao Lisong didn’t know the old Zhou’s family. The situation, until this time the unit and Shencheng Group reached a cooperation intention, the leader sent him to meet the vice president, and after seeing the name and talking to his wife, he knew that Dong Weihong once asked him to help contact Lao Zhou and Shencheng, the pen pals of the train skin The group vice president is the same person.

"That's right, I'm that Zhou Bingkun, Zhou Bingkun from Jichun City's optical film, Zhou Bingyi's younger brother Zhou Bingkun."

Yao Lisong stood up abruptly, two diametrically opposed emotions of disbelief and expectation emerged on his face.

"Is it really you?"

"Who else can I be?"

Lin Yue sat still, smiled and said, "There's no need to be so surprised, right?"

"But Wei Hong..."

"Why didn't Dong Weihong tell you the truth, right? I told her to hide it from you." Lin Yue looked at him calmly: "What would you have done if you knew that I was Zhou Bingyi's younger brother three years ago? Call me as soon as possible. Did Ji Chun confirm this in the past? What will my brother think when he hears about it? My younger brother used his relationship with you to sell electrical appliances in Shenzhen? With his temper, do you think I can have good fruit? Even if the truth is true You can do it with little effort, and the normal affairs within the scope of your duties will change when you get to Zhou Bingyi. Well, you should know the situation of his father-in-law's family. Let's put it this way, this is the most taboo thing in their family. "

Yao Lisong relaxed slowly and sat back on the sofa.

To be honest, from a man's point of view, Dong Weihong's attitude towards this pen pal really made him a little wary. Now that he knew that Zhou Bingkun was Zhou Bingyi's younger brother, his mental grievances disappeared.

"You said why didn't you say it earlier, you must know that you are Bingyi's younger brother, so I don't need to spend a lot of time to do a lot of investigation work. As far as our relationship is concerned, can you still lie to me?"

"One code is one code, friendship is friendship, work is work, besides, Shencheng Group is not mine alone."

Yao Lisong thought about it, and felt that what Zhou Bingkun said was very correct. The president of Shencheng Group is a Hong Kong man named Li Heping. He usually attends important events with Li Heping and his assistants. As the vice president of the group, Zhou Bingkun rarely does public affairs... ...It can also be said that you keep a low profile, don't steal the limelight from your boss, and know how to be second in command. If it weren't for his unit's business relationship with Shencheng Group, how could the two of them have the opportunity to sit down and chat.

"You're right. This is about business. As the old saying goes, brothers have to settle accounts clearly."

"Speaking of this." Lin Yue leaned forward and folded the lower part of his suit into his arms: "I'm the vice president of Shencheng Group... I hope Brother Yao will keep it secret for me, I don't want my family to know this matter."

"It's a good thing, why don't you tell them?"

"My brother and sister have been smart people in my father's eyes since I was a child. If my family knows about my situation here, I'm afraid of causing unnecessary trouble. It's good to keep this kind of thing as it is."

"Oh, I see."

Yao Lisong is also a person with brothers and sisters. There is more or less a mentality of comparison between elder brother and younger brother, between elder brother and brother-in-law, and between younger brother and brother-in-law, and the principle of shooting the first bird is applicable in most situations , in many cases, the greater the ability, the more responsibilities will also increase, and if you do it well, there will be less applause. You can never go wrong.

"Okay, I won't tell Bingyi about this."


"Be polite to me about such a small matter."

Lin Yue smiled at him, and looked down at his watch after finishing the work: "It's almost time, let's go to the conference room."

"Okay." Yao Lisong drank the tea in the cup, picked up the bag and put it under his armpit, and followed him out of the office.


Three hours later, Guangzhou is more than 100 kilometers away from Shenzhen.

The newly renamed Chaotian Road Primary School once again ushered in the end of get out of class time. With the harsh jingle of the bell, the teachers left the classroom with their textbooks, and the students began to pack their schoolbags and prepare to leave.

During this period of time, the guard at the school gate is still the janitor. Most of the parents who pick up and drop off their children on the road ride bicycles, and occasionally one or two come by car, which must attract attention.

"I failed the exam again this time, and my aunt will definitely scold me when I go back."

"Aunt? Do you live with your aunt?"

"Well, my mother is studying in Beijing."

"So far? Don't you miss her?"

"No, I'm used to it. I've lived with my uncle and aunt since I was four years old."

"Ah? Then your mother is too pitiful."

"What is she pitiful for?"

Yueyue replied coldly.

To be honest, Guangzhou is a bit xenophobic. Many students speak Cantonese in the class, but she doesn’t know it. She feels isolated. Finally, a transfer student from the north came to her. A friend who speaks the same language, but unlike her situation, Pingping has her parents by her side.

Pingping could hear the resentment in her words, and held her hand kindly: "Yueyue, how about we go to the park together this weekend?"

After all, she is a child who has only been promoted to the fifth grade. Yueyue's resentment towards her parents was washed away by her playful heart, and she kept nodding and said: "Okay, okay."

After saying this, she noticed the person standing at the school gate, and waved vigorously: "Aunt, aunt."

"Yueyue." Zheng Juan responded with a wave.

Pingping said, "That's your aunt?"

"That's right." Yueyue pointed to the little boy who was a little over four years old next to him and said, "He's my younger brother, Congcong, this guy is bad. I was punished by the teacher the day before yesterday because of him, and he secretly took it away." Not to mention the textbooks I put in my schoolbag, I even tore up my homework."

"Oh, I really want to have a younger brother, so someone can play with me."

"I'm getting annoyed by him."

"Yueyue, who annoyed you to death?" Zheng Juan interrupted the conversation between the two girls: "Did you get bullied by your classmates in class? I'll go to your head teacher."

"No, no, I was just joking with her, aunt, this is our new classmate Pingping, and her parents are also from the Northeast."

"Hello, Auntie." Pingping greeted politely.

"Hey, hello." Zheng Juan agreed, looking around, as if it was strange that Pingping's parents didn't come to pick up the child.

"Auntie, my house is in the alley over there, I can just walk back by myself." The little girl was quite sensible.

"Oh, I see……"

At this time, Yueyue looked left and right, with a puzzled expression on her face: "Auntie, where is uncle? Why didn't uncle come? Didn't you agree to go back to Guangzhou today?"

"Yueyue, are you confused? Today is Thursday, and your uncle didn't come back until Friday."

"Huh? It's only Thursday, and I thought I'd be on vacation for half a day tomorrow."

While Zheng Juan was holding Cong Cong's hand and talking to the two little girls, a Toyota drove by the side of the road.

"Stop, stop, stop the car."


The driver slammed on the brakes and the car stopped on the side of the road.

The water sitting on the right side of the rear compartment showed a puzzled expression: "What's wrong?"

Luo Shibin pointed out the window: "Brother Shui, look who that person is."

Ziliu leaned over to take a look.

"Does it look like Zheng Juan?"

"kind of."

While the two were talking, Zheng Juan walked into the alley where Pingping's house lived, holding the hands of the two children, one big and one young.

Luo Shibin said: "Well, Brother Shui, I'll go to Shenzhen first, you stay here and investigate. If that person is really Zheng Juan, Zhou Bingkun must be nearby."

Shui Ziliu took out a cigarette and stuffed it into his mouth, while rolling down the car window: "Binzi, it's been so long, forget it."

"Forget it? How can we forget it! If it weren't for Zhou Bingkun, would we have been arrested for five years? There is also the matter of Qiangzi, Qiangzi is still in prison now, Brother Shui, is this revenge for you? Don't plan to report?"

Seeing that Luo Shibin was so excited, Shui Ziliu could only give up his persuasion, took out the lighter and lit the cigarette.

"Okay, you go to Shenzhen, I'll check people."

The hatred on Luo Shibin's face eased a lot, and he muttered to himself: "If Zhou Bingkun lives in the northeast, we can't do anything about him. If he comes to the south to work, I will definitely kill him."

Shui Ziliu took a deep look at him, and stretched out the hand holding the cigarette out of the window to light off the ash.

"Let's drive to the train station."

The driver glanced at the two bosses through the rearview mirror, put the forward gear on and stepped on the accelerator to drive away.

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