Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1645 I am the patriarch who plays dirty

Zheng Juan lowered her head and stared blankly at the cigarette case on the coffee table.

"Brother said that his father-in-law passed away. Mom means that even if we can't go back, he should call and tell us."

No wonder she was depressed, it turned out to be this matter.

Although the Hao family and the Zhou family were not close at all, and they hadn't even walked around, they were still relatives, right?

"okay, I get it."

Lin Yue was not surprised, because according to the TV plot, Hao Dongmei's father should have passed away in the summer of 1983. Now it is January 1984, and he has lived for half a year longer. Regardless of whether his appearance caused Zhou Bingyi to not go to college, After living in Hao's house, I helped a lot and prolonged the life of my father-in-law. I still thought too much, anyway, it was a good thing in a sense.

"Where is the Jishantang?"

"Ding Xia called your company. The secretary said that you are going back to China today, but you will stay in Guangzhou for two days, so she called home. She spoke in a very urgent tone and said that it was from the Golden Land magazine. Something went wrong, if you still plan to renew the contract, you need to send a store manager and an accountant to Jishantang."

After Zheng Juan finished speaking, she carefully observed his expression. It seemed that she was about to say some comforting words. After all, it would not be a good thing to hear.

At the beginning, it was agreed that the lease would be signed every five years. From 1979 to 1984, it has already been five years. It is normal not to want to rent out. But it is too much to send a store manager or something. Jishantang is obviously an individual business, and the situation forced it to be affiliated with the magazine. It has always been responsible for its own profits and losses, and takes 20% of its net profit as dividends every year. Now Seeing the astonishing performance of the restaurant, he took a chicken feather as an arrow, and really regarded himself as the supervisory unit? This is too shameless.

"Bingkun, don't worry about this, call Ding Xia tomorrow, and ask about the situation before making plans."

Lin Yue pointed to himself: "Do you think I look anxious?"

"It's not like..."

Indeed, Zheng Juan felt that she was more anxious and angry than him. After all, it was a business that her husband had worked so hard to build. How could Ji Shan Tang have a net profit of more than 100,000 yuan a year, so it was taken over by the magazine. What's the difference between this and robbery.

"Don't worry, I was already prepared when I decided to hang up."

Well, the situation is reversed, instead of the wife comforting the husband, it is the husband comforting the wife.

"Knowing that there will be disputes, you still do this?"

Lin Yue smiled, didn't answer her question, but complained.

"Take a shower and go to bed, we'll talk about it tomorrow."

When Zheng Juan heard about it, she got up to help him get a change of clothes.

The next day, Lin Yue called Ding Xia, discussed the matter with Zheng Juan, and decided that Yueyue would go to Shenzhen for a few days after the winter vacation, and then return to Jichun for the Spring Festival.

I came here in 1981, now in 1984, it's time to go home and have a look.


January 29 in the Gregorian calendar, the twenty-seventh day of the twelfth lunar month.

Lin Yue led Zheng Juan, Yue Yue, and Cong Cong out of the train station, and within two steps, he saw Zhou Bingyi waving at them.

"Let the uncle hug me, hey, I haven't seen you in three years and I've grown so tall."

Zhou Bingyi hugged his little nephew first, and then spoke to the two: "Mom has been living on her fingers for the past few days, and she told me to pick you up at the train station three times yesterday."

Lin Yue said: "Let's go, go home first, don't keep mom waiting. How did you get here?"

Zhou Bingyi said: "My colleagues from the work unit drove me here."

In the past three years, he worked hard in the south, and Zhou Bingyi was not idle. He was transferred from the Forestry Bureau to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, and his rank was promoted to Zhengke.

"That's fine, let's take a taxi and go."

After coming out of the train station and stopping a taxi, several people squeezed together and rushed to the optical film.

The appearance of Shenzhen can be said to be changing with each passing day. Jichun City has also undergone some reforms. Some places are being demolished and some places are under construction. Heaven's dry toilet...

The environment has not changed, and neither have the people.

Lin Yue greeted his acquainted neighbors with a smile. He walked away, then turned his back to gossip with others, such as "The prodigal son of the Zhou family is back", "The one who owes a few million", "The one who is better than the Xiong family" The two brothers are still strong"...

Of course, there are also some relatively fresh rhetoric, such as "I heard that Jishantang was opened by him, is it true?", "I opened this thing without making a few million? Is the money earned enough to repay the interest?" ?”

I don't know whether Li Suhua told the neighbors about Jishantang being his property, or Qiao Chunyan's mother spread the word after returning from the countryside. Anyway, he doesn't care, he likes to talk about it.

"Kuner, Kuner..."

Several people had just passed the water room, and within two steps, they saw Li Suhua wearing a thick padded jacket and scarf standing in the yard waving at them from a distance.


Yueyue shouted loudly, and ran forward shaking her two braids.

"Hey, slow down, be careful of slippery roads."

Li Suhua went forward to greet her, and hugged the cheerful little girl.

"Mom, why are you still out? It's such a cold day, what should I do if I catch a cold?" Zhou Bingyi blamed a lot in his words.

Li Suhua ignored him, looked at Lin Yue and said, "My old lump has been gone for three years, but I miss my mother. Come on, let my mother see if it has changed?"

The old lady pinched his face and rubbed it: "Fat."

After speaking, he said to his daughter-in-law: "Juan'er, thank you for taking care of him so well."

"Mom, what are you talking about? Isn't it the right thing to do?" Zheng Juan patted Congcong on the back: "What are you doing in a daze? Call me grandma."

Congcong was born in 1979 and went to the south in 1981. He is only a little over four years old this year. He doesn't remember many things before he was two years old.

The child didn't speak, just hid behind her.

"Congcong, what did we say on the train?"

"Okay, okay, Juan'er, don't embarrass the child, let's go into the room, and stay for two days to get familiar with it."

Li Suhua led a few people into the main room, Lin Yue walked around the room, and found that the furnishings were still the same, the furniture and bedding remained unchanged.

"Bingyi, have you told Dongmei?"

"I told you about coming here for dinner tonight. She said she would come over after work."

Zheng Juan said, "Sister-in-law is going to be a volunteer again?"

Zhou Bingyi nodded: "This hospital will be understaffed every Chinese New Year. Think about it, many doctors and nurses are from out of town. Who doesn't want to go home early for a reunion year? It's really the 29th or 30th of the twelfth lunar month. , Is it still too late, so these medical students, especially those who live in Jichun, are arranged to be volunteers every year, which is called an internship opportunity, but in fact they are voluntary labor.”

Zheng Juan said: "Sister-in-law is really hard."

Zhou Bingyi said, "I've been used to it for so many years."

"Kun'er, what do you want to eat? Mom will make it for you tonight." Li Suhua said to Lin Yue after bringing the candied melons and pastries to the two children.

"Sauerkraut stewed pork ribs, I haven't eaten it for several years."

"I know you like this, wait, mom will do it for you."

"Mom, let me help you."

Zheng Juan hurriedly took off the down jacket she bought when she was changing trains in Beijing, and went to help Li Suhua.

"I've got everything ready. You're tired from the train ride for two days, just rest."

"Mom, I'm not tired. Kun'er bought a soft sleeper ticket and slept all the way."

"Grandma, grandma, what do you think this is?" Yueyue showed off the camera that her uncle brought back from abroad: "You don't need to ask someone to take pictures this year, I'll take them for you."

She still remembered the time in 1981 when Shao Jingwen brought a photographer over to take a family portrait of Zhou's family, but it was a pity that Zhou Zhigang didn't go home for the New Year, and Zhou Rong and Feng Huacheng were on the 29th train.


The twenty-eighth of the twelfth lunar month.

There are 30 this year, and most units don’t have a holiday until the 29th. Lin Yue went to Jichun Department Store first when he came out in the morning, bought a 14-inch color TV, and asked Zheng Juan to take the delivery man to the optical film. People came to Jishantang.

The end of the year was approaching, and it was the peak time of passenger flow. The waiter was so busy that he was dizzy. Even if he was the boss, he had to wait for about five minutes before seeing Ding Xia.

The two chatted about the current situation, Lin Yue didn't say anything, and let her talk.

I didn't go home for dinner at noon. In the afternoon, people from the magazine came, a vice president surnamed Du, a logistics director, and a newcomer.

"President Du, the relationship between our Jishantang and your Golden Land magazine has been very stable in the past five years, and the annual dividends and rent are also paid in full. Isn't it unfair for the magazine to make such a request?" Ding Xia has been a manager for several years and has met many famous people. Now she speaks with the momentum and confidence that only a manager can have. She is completely different from the female worker in a textile factory five years ago.

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