Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1646 You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me

President Du said: "This matter was decided after research by the agency. If you want to renew the agreement, you have to accept the appointment of the store manager and accountant by the agency. Otherwise, please find another place. It can’t be used anymore, because the registration information on the industrial and commercial side is a subordinate unit of the Golden Land Magazine, and if any accident occurs, such as food poisoning by a guest, fire, etc., the magazine will be held responsible.”

Excuses are all excuses.

Ding Xia knew this well. They felt that the reputation of "Jishantang" had been established and the business was booming, so they picked peaches against their conscience.

"Does President Wang know about this?"

President Wang is the leader of the publishing house that partnered with Shao Jingwen before.

"President Wang fell ill and went to the south for medical treatment. Now I will handle all the affairs of the company."

Ding Xia didn't know whether President Wang was really sick and couldn't handle the affairs of the club, or if he was deliberately avoiding the problem and was unwilling to break up with them. In short, the current situation is that the vice president surnamed Du is fully responsible for this matter.

"The rent is negotiable, and we can give another 5 percentage points in dividends, but the agency has to appoint store managers and accountants, which is absolutely impossible."

President Du said, "Is this what your boss means?"

Shao Jingwen was not there, and Lin Yue was letting go of the shopkeeper—after all, with the business philosophy of 30 years later, just a few pointers can make the restaurant more competitive. Neither the vice president surnamed Du nor the logistics director recognized The man in his early thirties sitting next to Ding Xia is the owner of Jishantang.

"Yes, what she said is what I mean."

One sentence attracted the attention of people from the magazine.

President Du frowned and said, "Are you Zhou Bingkun, the boss of Jishantang?"


"Since Boss Zhou came back from the south on a special trip, we need to have a good talk."

Lin Yue smiled, patted the desk and stood up: "President Du, I think you made a mistake. The purpose of my return to Jichun this time is not to negotiate, but to inspect the management capabilities of my employees and negotiate with me? You are not eligible."

After saying this, he got up and left.

There is no doubt that this angered President Du. In his opinion, Zhou Bingkun's behavior was really arrogant. Even if Zhou Bingyi came, he had to be polite.

"Zhou Bingkun, don't forget that Jishantang is affiliated with the magazine."

"You like it so much? Just take it if you like it."

Lin Yue shook his head, opened the door and left. People like Du Donghai will never be able to figure out what the point is. The most important thing for Jishantang to achieve today's achievements is the business philosophy that transcends the times, followed by the personnel Service, and then location, food quality, advertising marketing, interior decoration, etc. In other words, talent is fundamental.

Du Donghai and the logistics director looked at each other. They thought that Jishantang and Zhou Bingkun could be manipulated by the affiliation relationship, but they didn't expect that the other party flipped the table without saying a word. Didn't they say that businessmen pay attention to harmony and wealth? Why is this master such a donkey-tempered person that he will explode the thorns when he says he wants to?

Ding Xia looked at the bewildered so-called "literate people" opposite, and felt quite sad. Did they really think that Zhou Bingkun repaid the bank loan based on the profits of Jishantang? In the face of absolute strength, the magazine's small actions based on the affiliation relationship can only shoot itself in the foot in the end.

"Since Mr. Zhou has said so, there is nothing to talk about, three, please."

Hey, when the boss left, she issued an order to evict the guest, and she stopped talking.

This is... really embarrassing.

Du Donghai's face turned black. Originally, he promised the magazine employees to strive for 50% and guarantee 40%. He wanted to use the dispatch store manager and accountant to frighten Jishantang and force Zhou Bingkun and Ding Xia to submit. In the end, he only did the warm-up exercise Halfway through, others will stop playing with him.

"That's what you said, don't regret it."

"President Du, I think nine out of ten people who regret it are you."

"Hmph." Du Donghai patted the table: "From now on, you don't want to use the name 'Jishantang'."

Ding Xia shrugged and smiled politely, but in the eyes of the three people in the magazine, it was more like a sarcastic smile.


When Lin Yue came down from upstairs, Shao Jingwen was talking to the front desk, looking quite anxious.

"Editor Shao, please stay safe." He greeted with a smile.

"Zhou Bingkun! Are you back?"

"This kind of thing happened in Jishantang, I have to come back and take a look."

Shao Jingwen walked up to him, and said with guilt: "Is Du Donghai here?"

"Here we are, in the manager's office, he probably hasn't left yet."

"Then you... promised him?"

"How can it be!"

Lin Yue said: "Do you think I am the kind of person who is threatened by others?"

Shao Jingwen sighed and said: "I didn't expect it to become like this, I knew it would be like this... Sigh."

"What's the matter, people die for money, birds die for food, this kind of thing can't be stopped."

"Then what are you going to do? Why don't you... file a lawsuit? Anyway, I'm retired, and I'm not afraid of offending Du Donghai and those people. I'll help you testify in court, proving that the magazine hasn't helped Ji Shantang for so many years. They also share 20% of the profits every year, so they should be able to win."

Not to mention, this old man is quite honest and responsible.

Lin Yue patted him on the shoulder: "I've got my heart, this matter, it doesn't need to be so complicated, I don't have so much time and energy to spend on the lawsuit, no matter who it is, it doesn't matter who wants to get it from me." If you bite a piece of meat, you must first be prepared to shatter your front teeth."

Shao Jingwen was about to respond to his complaints when there were thumping footsteps from above. Du Donghai brought the logistics director and the young man to the hall. When he saw Lin Yue and Shao Jingwen, his already ugly face became even more serious. gloomy.

"Isn't it just a restaurant? Let's do it ourselves!"

Lin Yue said: "Okay, on the day of the opening, I asked someone to buy two flower baskets and send them over."

Du Donghai glared at Shao Jingwen, and walked away with his anger.

"Editor Shao, I want to know what role Wang Youze played in this matter." Watching the three leave, Lin Yue shifted his gaze to Shao Jingwen's face.

"Old Wang, he doesn't want to speak out against his conscience, and he doesn't want to offend Du Donghai, so... he asked for sick leave."

"Okay, I see."

"Why are you asking this?"

"Because someone has to bear the consequences for this matter. If there is a wrongdoer and a debtor, I can't kill the innocent, can I?"

Shao Jingwen's complexion changed. Hearing Zhou Bingkun's in-and-out meaning, is he planning to take revenge on Du Donghai? is it possible?

"Boss Zhou."

Ding Xia interrupted the conversation between the two of them: "If the Jishantang is closed, what about us...?"

It wasn't just her, the front desk and the receptionist who realized what happened looked at him eagerly, knowing that everyone was pointing to Jishantang for dinner.

"When I first talked with Editor-in-Chief Shao, the lease period started from the completion of the renovation. If you do the math, there is still more than a month. During the Chinese New Year period, it will be open normally. After that, I will confirm everyone's intentions. If you don't want to continue working with you, follow N +1 standard severance pay to make a living by myself, I want to continue working with you...I will go to Beijing for training in mid-March, and I will inform you about future arrangements."

"N+1? What is N+1?" Shao Jingwen asked a somewhat presumptuous question.

Lin Yue gave Ding Xia a wink, asking her to explain to Editor Shao, while he walked to the door of the hotel and looked outside without saying a word. Editor Shao and Zheng Juan were very nervous when they heard that the people from Golden Land Magazine were thinking differently. It's a pity for Jishantang, but from his point of view, he didn't take it seriously at all.

Firstly, Jishantang, which earns 100,000 yuan a year, is a colossus to a person like Zheng Juan, but to Shencheng Group, it is just a small unit of the business puzzle; secondly, it is like him paying for Uncle Ding Just like engineering in Jichun, Jishantang is an experimental field for cultivating catering talents. After all, to change people's thinking, we have to proceed from reality. Now that there are enough talent reserves, the stage of a bit small Thirdly, as early as when he decided to obtain the management right under the name of Golden Land Magazine, he had anticipated that there might be economic disputes and had already prepared himself psychologically.

"So much?" Shao Jingwen walked to his side: "Bingkun, I know why you are not in Jichun, and Jishantang has been operating normally, and there is no reason for any major mistakes."

Lin Yue did not respond to his emotion, still looking straight into the distance.

"What are you looking at? So fascinated?"

He pointed to the four-story building diagonally opposite: "Look at it."

"What's so good about it?"

Shao Jingwen is very familiar with it. The old building of the electric wire factory, the old neighbor of the magazine office, has been built for more than ten years, and the paint on the outer wall has peeled off.

"Of course it looks good, because I bought it three months ago."


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