Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1647 Bingkun is a lot of pickled cucumbers

When Lin Yue returned to the optical film from the Jishantang, Li Suhua was happily standing in front of the 14-inch color TV, looking at it and touching it, which was so rare.

"Look at this color TV, red is red, green is green, it's really bright. Juan'er, you don't know that the old Liu's next door bought a black and white Panda TV last year, and that guy gave him a fright Every day, he invites a bunch of people to his house to watch TV dramas. It’s just ours. It’s a little small, but it’s colorful. Yueyue, Yueyue, come and see, do you like it?”

"I like it." Yueyue said without raising her head.

Lin Yue walked into the back room and hung his coat on the rack on the north wall: "I learned to be perfunctory at such a young age."

The little girl wrinkled her nose at him and made a grimace. She was watching an 18-inch Sony color TV in Guangzhou and a 14-inch Venus color TV in front of her. Of course, she couldn't be as excited as Li Suhua.

"Kun'er, how much did this TV cost?"

"Not much, a few hundred."

Lin Yue deliberately said less, because if she told the truth, she would inevitably be talked about by her, like a prodigal son, more than a thousand yuan is enough to build a few main houses...

"Hundreds of dollars? Do you really think Mom is confused? Old Liu's 16-inch black and white TV costs hundreds of dollars. This is a color TV, so it can only be expensive but not cheap."

Li Suhua is illiterate, but she knows how to settle accounts.

"Mom, but it's small."

"That's right, it's a little smaller than the old Liu's."

That's why Lin Yue didn't buy her a larger color TV. Of course, it was also because Jichun Department Store didn't have any bigger ones. At this time, if you want to buy a color TV larger than 17 inches, you have to go to Beijing.

In fact, buying a color TV is relatively easy now, and in three to five years, you will be eligible to buy this thing with a color TV ticket, and a color TV ticket alone costs one or two hundred.

"Mom, you can watch the Spring Festival Gala at home this year."

"When the time comes, I'll call Chun Yan'er's mother, and give her a good humiliation."

Zheng Juan was kneading dough in the basin, but she stopped when she heard this: "Mom, have you reconciled with Chun Yan'er's mother?"

"It's reconciled, it's been reconciled a long time ago, and there is no big vendetta that can't be overcome. They can think whatever they want, and they can say whatever they want. Anyway, I believe that our Kun'er will be able to repay the loan from the bank."

After Li Suhua said these words, she was attracted to the TV program again. As the end of the year approached, Jichun City TV Station was broadcasting the 83 version of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

Lin Yue shook his head beside him, thinking that the little old lady had really healed and her scars forgot to hurt.

"Bingkun, Bingkun..."

Zheng Juan looked outside: "Uncle Ding is here."

Lin Yue went over to open the door of the main room to welcome him out, and saw Ding Jianye walking into the yard carrying a bunch of New Year's goods in big bags.

He hurried over and took the things in his hands.

"Uncle Ding, why did you bring so many things this year?"

"Hey, it's all the neighbors in the village who heard that you're back, so they hurriedly brought their new year's goods to me, and asked me to bring them to you when I came over. Look, there are chickens, ducks, and dried fish. Dried peppers, small mushrooms, black fungus, toad oil in the box, and can see what it is."

Lin Yue picked up the net bag and put it in front of his eyes, hey, Songhuajiang brand soy sauce.

"This is really...commemorative."

"Who says it's not?" Uncle Ding said, "My car is small, the trunk can't be opened, even the co-pilot is full."

"Anything else?"

"Of course." Ding Jianye didn't enter the house, and pointed to the east: "Let's go, run with me again."

Lin Yue shook his head helplessly. In fact, he understood Uncle Ding quite well. The neighbors knew that he drove over and sent things to his house. It’s not appropriate to help this one or that. , There is no way, I can only pull it all to the optical film in one go.

"Bingkun, let me tell you, it's because my car is small. If I change to a bigger one, I'll have to park far away."

As soon as Ding Jianye finished speaking, he bumped into Zhou Bingyi and Hao Dongmei who were pushing their bicycles.

"Hey, Uncle Ding, you guys are..."

"It's just right, Bingyi, you can also give me a helping hand, and follow me to the car to carry things."


Zhou Bingyi was pulled into the young man just like that.


that night.

Zhou Bingyi and Hao Dongmei returned to the compound, pushing their bicycles to Hao's house.

"Bingyi, tell me...why do people from Wang Village send so many things to our house?"

"In the past two years, Uncle Ding would also come to sit at home and buy some New Year's goods for Mom, but not as many as this year. You didn't see that the storage room under the eaves of the West House was full."

"I understand. Most of the people in Wangcun sent a bunch of things over when they knew your brother was back. I know that Uncle Ding's niece Ding Xia is in charge of Jishantang, but she can't take care of the whole village. Everyone is recruited to be waiters, right? Look at the new year's goods delivery, the people in the smaller half of the village have mobilized."

"Indeed, this is what I don't understand. If I have a chance to go to Wang Village in the future, I will ask someone there."

"You little brother, you are always so quiet. You don't know when you will make a big news out of nowhere."

"Speaking of this..."

Zhou Bingyi sighed heavily.

"What's wrong?"

"In the afternoon, Zheng Juan went to buy vinegar, and Bing Kun went to fetch water. The two met outside the courtyard. I heard Zheng Juan ask him about the Jishantang, saying that Golden Land Magazine would appoint a store manager and an accountant. If Bing Kun If you don’t agree, the lease will not be renewed.”

Hao Dongmei stopped, frowning deeply: "The lease cannot be renewed, so that means Jishantang will close down?"

Zhou Bingyi nodded slightly.

"What about the loan owed to the bank? If you can't even pay the interest... Isn't the magazine's people taking advantage of the fire? What does Bingkun mean by this?"

"He drove away the vice president who was going to negotiate."

"It's his style." Hao Dongmei thought of the two Spring Festivals that Zhou Zhigang spent at home before. Who did Zhou Bingkun love? Even his own father said something straight, and the people from Golden Land Magazine played tricks on him, so he would be surprised if he could bear it: "But... isn't there no room for maneuver in this way?"

"Who said it wasn't?"

"Why don't you go to the magazine office after the new year to find out what the president has to say?"

Zhou Bingyi looked distressed: "You also know my situation. It's not easy for me to get involved in business matters, and I will be gossiped about."

Hao Dongmei said: "Bingkun is your own younger brother, you can't just leave him alone, why don't I go and talk to my mother and let her..."

"Don't." Zhou Bingyi didn't let her finish her sentence: "Your father just passed away, and your mother's mood hasn't adjusted yet, so don't bother her with such things, and she doesn't have a good impression of Bingkun. , and because of this..."

Hao Dongmei stopped talking because what Zhou Bingyi said was the truth.

"Zhou Bingyi, Hao Dongmei."

At this time, a bright female voice interrupted the conversation between the two, and she turned her face to look at a middle-aged woman walking beside her, with short neck-length hair, neatly dressed, and holding a dustpan in her hand, who seemed to have just finished dumping Garbage back.

"Aunt Qu." Hao Dongmei called affectionately, "It's so late and you haven't rested yet?"

"No, there have been a lot of guests at home recently, and the old horse is still chatting with people at the moment. I can't go back to my room to sleep by myself. That would be too rude."

The two of them thought about it too. It's the Chinese New Year. It's normal for people from the unit to come and visit the retired old comrades.

"By the way, I heard you mention Bingkun's name just now, is he back?"

Zhou Bingyi smiled and said, "Yes, I just got home yesterday."

Qu Xiuzhen said again: "Then what you said just now... has he encountered difficulties?"

Zhou Bingyi took a look at Hao Dongmei, and replied truthfully: "It's Jishantang. Jishantang has an economic dispute with the Golden Land magazine that it was affiliated with at the beginning."

"Quick, tell me."

Zhou Bingyi told the story again.

The old lady became angry after hearing this: "It's unreasonable, this is too bullying. What does Bingkun mean?"

Zhou Bingyi said: "I just listened to it from the side, thinking that it would be bad for my mother to know about it, so I didn't ask about it."

"Okay, I see, it's getting late, you go back quickly."

Qu Xiuzhen left with the dustpan.

Zhou Bingyi and Hao Dongmei glanced at each other, thinking she must be nosy, right?


Zhou Zhigang did not go home during the Chinese New Year. After the past two years, both Zhou Bingyi and Zhou Rong knew that this younger brother was a Shun donkey, so they deliberately did not mention those bad things. Time for gentlemen to party.

When walking towards Taiping Hutong, Zheng Juan remembered what Sun Chanchao brought Yu Hong to Lao Zhou's house to do yesterday.

They're here to pay you back.

ps: Now the monthly ticket is doubled at the end of the month, remember to vote

Thank you for farming when you are busy, Xingfengxue rewarded 5,000 starting coins, before I was confused, paid news rewarded 600 starting coins, and you, Brother Z, gave you 200 starting coins.

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