Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1649 Can you give me the life my uncle gave me?

Two hours later, Lin Yue returned to the light-text film. National Day was in a hurry to tell Wu Qian the good news, and left in a hurry. Chachao invited Lin Yue to sit at home, but he declined, and happened to meet Wu Qian when he waved goodbye. Sun Xiaoning, who came back from outside, kindly called him Brother Bingkun and entered the house.

Qiao Chunyan also included Sun Xiaoning in Qu Xiuzhen's house. He felt bad. This girl was only 6 points away from being admitted to university. If she could repeat her studies for a year, she might have a good future.

"Catch up, if you can let your sister repeat for another year, as the saying goes, sharpening a knife is not the same as chopping firewood. If you can get into college, you will have more chances."

"Okay, I'll tell her."

Lin Yue patted him on the shoulder, turned and left.

That's right, today he sang a double reed with Mrs. Qu. If he was helping to find a job, people like Wu Qian would be confident. She thought that Xiao Guoqing had a strong relationship with him. After a long time, he would definitely become a demon. It won't be long, Ding Xia will be in a difficult situation --- I am serious, I am worried that it will affect the relationship between him and Xiao Guoqing, if I let it go, it will be difficult to convince the public. But when the recommender was replaced by Qu Xiuzhen, Wu Qian didn't dare to slack off. With her status as an old lady, Wu Qian didn't give face to anyone, and she didn't dare not give her face.

I can be regarded as playing a trick.

When they got home, Zhou Rong and Feng Huacheng were packing their luggage. Tomorrow is the sixth day, so they should go back to Beijing.

"What's wrong? Had a fight?"

As soon as he entered the room, he noticed that the atmosphere was abnormal.

Zhou Rong threw her clothes into the suitcase: "Bingkun, what do you think Yueyue is used to?"

When she was talking, Feng Huacheng sat on the chair and said nothing.

Lin Yue looked at the cubicle where the bed was placed, but did not find Yueyue and Cong Cong, and Zheng Juan was not there either.

"What do you mean by that?"

Zhou Rong was very emotional: "What do you mean by me? Just now I told her that when my mother graduates with a master's degree, I can take her to Beijing to live with us. Guess how she answered?"

"How did she answer?"

"She asked me if I would have a house with three bedrooms and one living room after graduating from a master's degree, where I can watch a big color TV, play game consoles, have a car to sit in when I go out, and buy her a camera, Nike shoes, and Armani dresses. Listen. , is this what a 13-year-old child should say?"

As if criticizing him, Zhou Rong finished speaking and Feng Huacheng stood up again: "On the day of the first day of junior high school, I thought of the New Year, and Yueyue was also in the fifth grade, so I gave the Hero brand pen that I had used for three years to She, but she said that she already has two pens, both of which you brought back to her when you went to HK, and the Parker ones are easier to use than mine."


This girl, before returning to Jichun, had warned her not to tell her family about the south affairs as much as possible, otherwise it would easily lead to unnecessary troubles, but I didn't expect... Hey, I fell on deaf ears.

"She only has money in her eyes now! Zhou Bingkun, Yueyue has become like this, you have an inescapable responsibility."

Seeing that she didn't speak, the more Zhou Rong thought about it, the angrier she became, the angrier she was, the more unpleasant it was to see him.

"So, it's my fault that I gave her a good life?" Lin Yue laughed at the two of them. Now he understands why Yueyue regards his words as nothing, just like what his parents said. That's right, she did it on purpose at all, she was mocking them for using their poverty as an excuse to put her with her uncle and aunt for ten years. It's ridiculous that the parents don't even understand their daughter's mind.

"A 13-year-old child is not too young..."

Yueyue already has her own thinking and judgment, as well as her daughter's thoughts.

"Is what Yueyue said wrong?"

"What's wrong? What's wrong with her?" Zhou Rong looked distraught... quite ugly: "As the saying goes, a dog doesn't think his family is poor, and a son doesn't think his mother is ugly. She's only so young, and she's become so money-worshiping and snobbish!"

"On the contrary, it's you who are money-worshiping and snobbish."

Lin Yue sneered and said, "It's you who think that you don't have time to study and treat her as a burden; you think that the house is small and you can't sleep well, and you think of her as a burden; it's you who think her daughter has adapted to a prosperous life, and it's you who don't want to go to Beijing to suffer." You, what do you think of her? Is it a small animal that is fostered by me? As long as you give me a little favor and show that I am your biological parent, I will happily throw myself into your arms and be a good daughter to your parents? Zhou Rong, you are angry not because she is snobby about money, but because she violated your will and chose uncle and aunt instead of you in emotional conflicts."

These words made the faces of the two people on the opposite side change suddenly.

"Before we talk about how to educate Yueyue in the future, please show the appearance of being a parent."


The door opened, and Zhou Bingyi and Li Suhua walked in from the outside.

"What's the matter? Bingkun, why are you talking to your sister?"

"You have no right to intervene in the matter of educating children."

Zhou Bingyi choked on his words, and Li Suhua was so angry that he walked over and slapped his ass: "Spoken nonsense as soon as you got home, did you eat gunpowder?"

Of course she didn't really fight, even if she did, it would not be much more important to Lin Yue than tickling.

"She was the one who took the gunpowder."

Li Suhua turned her head and saw the suitcase on the kang, her face was puzzled: "Rong, isn't it the train tomorrow? Why did you pack your luggage today? What did Kuner say to make you angry?"

Zhou Rong gritted her teeth and remained silent.

Feng Huacheng explained: "It was Yueyue, what Yueyue said hurt Zhou Rong's heart."

"Heh, Yueyue broke her heart? At the parent meeting last year, other children introduced their parents to their classmates, and when Yueyue introduced their uncles and aunts, why didn't you think about whether you hurt your child's heart?"

"Kun'er, didn't you say to help mom make an antenna, so that the TV can receive more TV sets? Your brother brought all the iron pipes and bamboo poles you wanted, and they are in the yard." Li Suhua said while driving him away. Get out of the room so as not to say anything that intensifies the conflict.

Zhou Bingyi took advantage of the situation and walked into the back room, apparently wanting to persuade Zhou Rong.

Lin Yue didn't know what they said, but Feng Huacheng and Zhou Rong didn't wait until the sixth day to leave, and left with their suitcases in the evening.

He didn't go see him off, and let Zheng Juan stay at home.

When Zhou Bingyi came back from the train station, Lin Yue also fixed the antenna, and went into the house to search for channels for Li Suhua.

He stayed at home for another day and went to Beituo Temple to see the light. On the seventh day of the first lunar month, he bid farewell to Li Suhua and took his wife and children on the train bound for the south.


Everything was on the right track, Zheng Juan brought Yueyue and Congcong to live in Guangzhou, Lin Yue was in charge of the group affairs in Shenzhen, and two months later he flew to Beijing with a trainer invited from HK, looking for another opportunity to meet with Ding Xia had a talk and then returned to the south.

In the following six months, Shencheng Group successively took pictures of several industrial lands in Shekou and a residential land in Nanshan District, two commercial lands.

In 1985, Tiancheng Electronics Factory was expanded, and the production line was increased from three to nine. It not only produced motherboards for TV manufacturers, but also expanded its business to tape recorders, radios, stereos, and car electrical appliances.

At the end of 1985, Shenlan Garment Factory added a shoe-making workshop. In early 1986, Lin Yue visited Italy and Germany. It took two months to win the processing orders of two major sports brands, Adidas and Kappa.

In 1986, after completing the construction task of the office building of Yao Lisong Unit, the engineering department started the development of commercial land in Nanshan District.

In the summer of the same year, Shencheng Group reached a cooperation agreement with the American Kodak Company to build a joint venture factory in Shenzhen to produce cameras and video camera lenses.

At the beginning of 1987, due to the poor management of Factory 755, some employees resigned and went south to join Shencheng Group. Lin Yue began to get involved in the battery industry.

At the same time, Luo Shibin's metal wire drawing factory was also built, and workers have been recruited for trial operation. The name of the Luo Group has also begun to come into the public eye. entity business.

In Jichun City, 3,000 kilometers away from Shenzhen, while the outdated production concept and economic system still influence the lives of the masses, the social level has also loosened a bit, such as the commercial complex opposite Jishantang.

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