Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1650 President Du, your mother calls you home for dinner

Time goes back to early 1987.

The trolley was moving almost silently on the red carpet. With a click, the front door opened. A woman in white overalls came out holding the sheets and pillowcases to be changed. She found the trolley that should have been parked at the door. The car was still five or six meters away from him, and he couldn't help frowning: "Wu Qian, Wu Qian, what are you doing?"

"Oh." Wu Qian woke up when she heard the words, and hurriedly pushed the car forward.

The woman in overalls stuffed the sheet and pillowcase into the car, and took the opportunity to poke her head towards the corridor window: "What were you looking at just now? So fascinated?"

Wu Qian pointed to the opposite side: "It's fighting."

"Fighting? Fighting again? How many times is this the first time in a month?"

"The third time or the fourth time, I can't remember."

The woman in overalls shook her head and sighed heavily: "It's only been a few years, and a good Jishantang has been turned into this. I don't know what those people are doing."

In the Jishantang in 1984, the number of customers, especially during the Spring Festival, is one of the best in the whole Jichun. I will also drive here for dinner. Yes, ordinary people really can’t afford it, but word of mouth doesn’t matter. If friends talk about when they were invited by someone in Jishantang, it’s a matter of face for Bel, what about now?


Whoever talks about Jishantang doesn't shake his head and say that since changing the owner, everything has changed.

The quality of the dishes, the service, the word-of-mouth... It's really getting worse and worse day by day. In the past, you had to wait to eat, but now even on holidays, the tables in the lobby are more than half empty, and there are people fighting every now and then. It's no wonder that business is good.

Wu Qian walked to the room with the washed sheets and pillowcases, and said: "You are from the countryside, and you have never worked in a state-run restaurant before. I have been a big-pot meal for several years, and I say the Changhe Hotel in Kanzikou. Well, they are all related households who enter through the back door. Private business was not popular at that time, and there was only one restaurant on the whole street. Hurry up, give more, the chef is in a bad mood, you feel uncomfortable, feel that the money is not worth the money? Hurry up and leave, no one will ask you whether you are satisfied or not, this Jishantang has been doing it since After changing the boss, the recruiters are all relatives and friends of the leaders of the Golden Land magazine, and they just rushed to work for a few years to become a regular. A group of people who want to eat cultural food, you expect them to serve others for a living ? Save it.”

The women in overalls were about to talk, when the walkie-talkie on the trolley rang, and it was the front desk who asked them if they had cleaned up the room, and the guests were anxious to check in.

She quickly stopped her thoughts and picked up the walkie-talkie to respond to her colleague's question.


On the other side, after Du Donghai learned of the accident in Jishantang, he rushed here to deal with it as soon as possible.

"Director Cui, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. It's all our negligence. Our management is not strict. This time we must learn from our lessons and make serious corrections. I will waive the meal expenses for you and your friends this time." After finishing speaking, he Winking at the thin monkey behind him, the man hurriedly handed over a stack of banknotes.

"The last time I came back for the New Year, I heard from my friends that Jishantang is the restaurant with the best service in Jichun City. Now it seems that it is a waste of name." Director Cui took the money from Du Donghai, without saying a word of kindness, coldly He snorted and walked outside.

Du Donghai didn't dare to say anything more, and sent it to the door with a smiling face like a grandson.

This is ugly and embarrassing, but it’s impossible not to do it. The director Cui opposite is not an ordinary person. He is a director of the operation and management center of Beijing Xinhua Bookstore.

Nodding and bowing to send away a few guests, his expression changed when he turned around.

"Are there any of you who do this? Such a stupid thing can be done? They made a phone call to the Municipal Cultural Bureau, and the magazine's face was completely humiliated by you."

Speaking of what happened today, he didn't get angry. The customer drank a lot of wine. Director Cui came out to settle the bill, and the people who organized the bureau settled the bill again. Zheng received two shares of money, thinking that others drank too much, and the matter passed in a daze, but he didn't expect that the incident would be discovered and he would be caught.

Not to mention that Director Cui is the director of Xinhua Bookstore in Beijing, not the director of Xinhua Bookstore in Jichun City... Even if it is the latter, it would be embarrassing for the magazine to make a fuss about it.

The point is, I don't know how many times his store manager's nephew has done this kind of thing.

"How many times has this been done?"

"First time, really."

Of course he didn't believe it: "It's just you who want to become a regular? Why not!"

Du Donghai's nephew, Du Lingao, glanced at the window of the hotel manager's office opposite, and whispered, "Uncle, can we talk in there?"

"You also know how embarrassing it is."

Du Donghai also glanced over there. Although he was still angry, his voice was much weaker.

I don't know why, ever since the magazine took over Jishantang, monsters, monsters, ghosts and snakes have come out, and every now and then someone gets drunk and fights, and the factory and the courtyard eat up and clean up. Let's go, it's easy for them to eat and drink, but it's difficult to pay for real money. In just this year, the business of the hotel has been worsening day by day. There are many complaints, and there are many people who scold him behind his back. Let’s talk about the Spring Festival benefits. In previous years, they were paid ten or twenty yuan. The year before last was ten yuan, and last year it was reduced to eight yuan. Four or five yuan, so that they went to the president to make a fuss for a long time, as for this year...he didn't dare to think about it, let alone meet the accountant,

I don't know how that Ding Xia managed it. How did it become like this when she was in the hands of the magazine?

What's even more exasperating is that Zhou Bingkun sold the people in Jishantang to a HK boss, who bought the old building of the electric wire factory and opened a big hotel. This renovation and decoration, oh, that's a style , and it integrates meals, lodging and bathing together, and also imported a set of karaoke from abroad, which can be heard and sung, which is very advanced, not to mention Jichun City, it is the only one in the entire Northeast.

Their business is booming, and their place is going downhill. To be honest, he is afraid of coming to Jishantang now, because he always feels that Ding Xia is standing behind a certain window of the opposite restaurant and laughing at him—a mocking smile, this feeling is really terrible up.


"Don't call me uncle!"

Du Donghai spoke harshly, but his feet were honest. He dragged his shop manager's nephew into Jishantang.


Under the operation of President Wang and the accountant, the magazine office vacated a book warehouse and rented it to a furniture seller. This solved the problem of Spring Festival benefits, but no money was paid, and rice and oil were replaced, because these things can be negotiated. Different brands have different price cuts.

Du Donghai thought that this was the end of the matter, and his nephew didn't care. Anyway, the reputation of Jishantang has nothing to do with him. He just came here to gain qualifications. Women, get formalized.

However, five months later, like his nephew, Du Donghai, who thought that he could send President Wang away after suffering, was awakened from his dream by the young man who had brought him to the Jishan Hall for negotiations.


"What's the noise? Didn't you see that I was taking a lunch break? Go out."

The young man stood at the door, wanting to enter but dare not, wanting to go out but feeling that he could not do so.

Du Donghai also realized that he might really have something important to report, so he wiped his face and waved to people.

The young man hurried over and put a newspaper on the desk.

"Jichun Evening News?"

Du Donghai frowned. The Jichun Evening News is one of the most important newspapers in the local area, and its newspaper office has many business contacts with Golden Land Magazine, which is no stranger to him.

The young man pointed to an article on the front page.

Du Donghai picked up the myopia glasses that were placed beside him and put them on. When he saw the headline, his complexion suddenly changed. It was an editorial published by the Jichun Evening News.

The main title is "Economic System Reform is a Tough Battle", and the subtitle is "From the Prosperity and Decline of Jishantang to See Various Diseases Existing in Jiang and Liao under the Conditions of Reform and Opening Up".

He briefly read the content of the article again, his face was as white as a piece of paper, because this editorial started from the changes of Jishantang 84 years ago and 84 years later, and discussed in detail why the idea of ​​eating pots and rice It will become the biggest obstacle to slow down the reform of the economic system in Jiangliao Province, and put forward several very constructive views on how to correct the problem.

Thanks to the immortal, HAWK, for the 1,500 starting point coins rewarded by watching the sea in leisure time and farming when busy, and the 500 starting point coins rewarded by the lazy cancer patient I7, Gufeng Beicheng, I have no savings, and the 100 starting point coins rewarded by book friends with the tail number 4973 currency.

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