Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1656 The Death of Luo Shibin (Part 1)

Luo Shibin and Shui Ziliu are both from the Northeast, cold wine to warm up in the cold, compared to the southerners who can drink it, but they didn't enjoy themselves at all in the previous round, and now the one who can't tell is coming again, so naturally there is no reason to leave. Sit down and continue drinking.

Just seven or eight minutes later, Jia Xingming's eldest brother rang, picked it up and said a few words, then opened the door and went out to greet him. Luo Shibin and Shui Ziliu were waiting in the room.

"What is the origin of this man? It can be seen that Lao Jia attaches great importance to him."

Swallowing the venison in his mouth, he looked at the new dishes on the table and said, "It's not just about paying attention, it's just flattery."

"Then we have to have a good chat with him, maybe we can help the Luo Group catch up with Huada."

The Huada Group competes with the Luo Group in many fields. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are rivals. This time, the goods in the wire drawing factory were unsalable. The people who encouraged that crook to do it.

"Yeah." Shui Ziliu still looked at the dishes on the table, and nodded slightly.

"Brother Shui, what are you thinking? You're not in a good mood, did you drink too much?" Luo Shibin felt that the water was flowing by itself, as if something was on his mind.

"Is there? No."

While the two were talking, there was a light click, the door opened from the outside, and Jia Xingming led a person into the box.

Hearing the sound, Luo Shibin got up to meet him, but when his gaze passed Jia Xingming and landed on the face of the person behind him, he was first stunned, puzzled, and then angry.

"Zhou Bingkun?!"

Who did he see? He actually saw Zhou Bingkun from the optical film of Jilin City in the three eastern provinces in HK. That's right, it was him. If it weren't for this kid, he wouldn't have gone to prison with the water flowing by itself, and he would have been squatting for five years. As for that face, let alone ten years, he would still be able to recognize it even if it was burned to ashes.

Jia Xingming touched his flushed face with his hands, pretending to be surprised: "Hey, you guys know each other? That's really great."

good? It wasn't good at all, Luo Shibin's face was so dark that water seeped out, he never expected to meet Zhou Bingkun in such a place anyway.

"How did you know him?"

"How do I know him?" Jia Xingming asked back, as if wondering why he asked such a stupid question: "Mr. Zhou is the vice president of Shencheng Group."

Shencheng Group?

This name caught my ears, and Luo Shibin thought he had heard it wrong. What is Shencheng Group? That is a leading enterprise in Shenzhen, involved in real estate, clothing and toy processing, electronic components, optical equipment, import and export trade, energy, hotels and many other fields. In terms of family background and scale, the Luo Group he founded is not as good as others one third.

The key is how did Zhou Bingkun become the vice president of Shencheng Group?

"Are you kidding? He is the vice president of Shencheng Group?"

Just as Jia Xingming was about to speak, Lin Yue patted him on the shoulder and walked up to Luo Shibin: "A reform-through-labour prisoner who has been in prison, you can be the president of the Luo Group, why can't I be the vice president of the Shencheng Group? Both have one nose and two heads." Eyes, why are you more expensive than others?"

He was not surprised that Luo Shibin didn't know him, because the puppet Li Heping participated in all the activities in Shenzhen with his assistant, and he controlled the remote control behind the scenes. Years later, there will be many channels for people to obtain information. Even 30 years later, for large Internet companies such as Tencent and Alibaba, everyone knows the names of Ma Yun and Ma Huateng, but the vice president of Tencent and the vice president of Alibaba President or something, how many people know their names? This is still the case for Internet giants, let alone those physical enterprises.

So it was normal for the other party not to know his identity when he deliberately kept a low profile.

Luo Shibin was irritated by the adjective "reform through labor" above, and punched Lin Yue in the face.

What I thought at the beginning was that after earning money and having a career in the south, I still worry about killing a worker in a wood processing factory? It’s just that he’s very busy with business, and he hasn’t had time to go to the Northeast to seek revenge. He also heard that Zhou Bingkun’s brother’s in-laws are not ordinary people, so he told himself to be patient. The scene completely exceeded his cognition, the villain who reported him and Shui Ziliu actually became the vice president of Shencheng Group? In other words, the enemy stayed with him in the same city for three or four years, and his achievements were not inferior to his.


Lin Yue grasped the fist that Luo Shibin swung with hatred.

"Very angry, aren't you?" Lin Yue grabbed his hand and twisted it. Luo Shibin tiptoed in pain, but he didn't give in. The other hand hammered towards his chest again, but just like before, he was also grabbed. Another twist out.

Luo Shibin couldn't figure out why he was obviously bigger than Zhou Bingkun, why he was caught with both hands, and he couldn't break free with all his strength.

Lin Yue is well versed in the way of killing people and punishing one's heart. He worked harder with his hands, but his face was full of smiles: "Luo Shibin, what you are really angry about is not that I reported you to prison, but because your second child was deposed in prison. , In other words, you are a eunuch, and you will never even think about having children in this life."

"Zhou Bing..."

Luo Shibin yelled halfway and then stopped abruptly, because a foot was constricted in his chest, and the whole person flew out with a whimper, hit the wall heavily, and fell to the ground, grinning in pain, rolling from side to side.

"Luo Shibin, you don't have any children, what's the use of earning so much money?"

Lin Yue pulled a chair and sat down, and winked at Jia Xingming. The man in his fifties was very discerning, and hurriedly poured him a glass of water and offered it with both hands.

"Do you know why I asked you to come to HK? Because I have a piece of news to inform you. Just one day ago, Jia Xingming sold his 30% shares of Luo Group to Shencheng Group. That is to say, Shencheng Group Now it is the major shareholder of the Luo Group."

Luo Shibin stopped rolling and got up from the ground panting heavily. He didn't look at Jia Xingming or Lin Yue. He looked past the two of them and landed on Shui Ziliu, who was consistently sitting by the dining table, with 70% uncertainty and peace. Three points of anger said: "You already knew about this?"

"That's right."

The water flowed by itself without raising its head, maintaining the posture just now.

"So, you and the guy surnamed Jia came together to put on a play in front of me?"

"That's right."


Zhou Bingkun got 30% of the shares of Luo Group, and Shui Ziliu held 27% of the shares. The two of them added up to 57% of the shares. What about him? He only has 40%, even if those who hold dry shares don't betray him, the total is only 43%. Those two people can't kick him out, but it will be easy to bring down the Luo Group.

Shui Ziliu didn't speak, just took out a letter from the inner pocket of his suit, and silently pushed it in front of Luo Shibin.

The moment he saw this thing, he understood.

Lin Yue added next to him: "This is HK. There are many associations under the Hong Kong British government, and there are many desperadoes. You have no children. Once a person dies, who will own the company's shares? Luo Shibin , Have you calculated the time? Tu Zhiqiang will be released from prison in a year or two, don't you think he should be compensated?"

He said it very implicitly, but Luo Shibin is a smart man, and he understood it as soon as he heard it.

"Zeng Shan...Zeng Shan is also involved in this matter?"

Zeng Shan is his third wife. She is young and beautiful, and has a high academic and emotional intelligence. He doesn't believe that even she has betrayed him.

"Are you surprised?" Lin Yue said with a smile: "She is your third wife. In the ancient emperor's house, mothers were valued according to their children. As for you, you are also an eunuch. If you ever get old and look bad, The ghost knows if she will be kicked out by you like her predecessor, what will she do if she has no sense of security? If she can inherit your inheritance, I think she is willing to give some shares to compensate Tu Zhiqiang. As for the Luo Group, In the future, he will become an important partner of Shencheng Group, you see... Isn't this a good thing that everyone is happy with?"

Yes, it was a good thing for them, but a bad thing for him.

Luo Shibin's eyes swept over the faces of Jia Xingming, Lin Yue, and Shui Ziliu in turn.

He understands, he understands, Zhou Bingkun not only made him a eunuch, but also robbed him of the wealth he had accumulated over ten years of hard work. After so many years in the business field, he has never seen a man who is more handsome than this guy. Be sinister.

He couldn't fight again and again, what else could he do in the face of the scene in front of him?

Luo Shibin had a lot of thoughts, knowing that the only thing he could do was to escape, as long as he didn't give the desperadoes in the HK club a chance to assassinate and returned to Shenzhen safely, he would still have a chance to turn things around.

Gritting his teeth, he got up, knocked Jia Xingming down, opened the door and fled.

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