Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1657 The Death of Luo Shibin (Part 2)

Take the elevator directly to the parking lot on the -1st floor. As soon as the car door opens, a person flashes out from behind the opposite load-bearing column, wearing jeans and a black shirt, with sunglasses covering half of his face.

Seeing the other person walking towards him, he was immediately alert, and ran to the parking position of the car based on his memory.

As soon as he ran, the man in sunglasses ran too.

There is no doubt that this confirmed his speculation that the other party was the killer. Fortunately, the other party did not have a gun in his hand.

Luo Shibin bypassed a car and turned forward. The man was shaken and his speed dropped suddenly.

At this moment, the back door of a car in front opened, and another man wearing sunglasses came out, holding a baseball bat in his hand.

This person wasn't the only one. A cigarette butt flew out from behind the left front load-bearing pillar, and then a man with a scar on the left side of his face walked out.

Now he has figured it out, why you can eat first if there is something urgent, and why it will be there in seven or eight minutes. In all likelihood, that guy Zhou Bingkun is arranging the killer.

Seeing the three assassins encircling him and blocking the way to the car, Luo Shibin was so anxious that he could only run to the front right, hoping that a vehicle would enter and leave the parking lot to scare him away from the enemy.

I think he also encountered similar scenes when he was tossing various bills and controlled items in the northeast with Shui Ziliu, but fifteen or sixteen years later, he is no longer the young man in his twenties, who just walked a few steps and then called out. Breathing heavily, exhausted.

The killer behind him was getting closer and closer, and there was still more than 20 meters away from the exit of the parking lot. At this moment, another man rushed out from the opposite side, with a gleaming machete in his hand reflecting the lights on the roof, making him feel cold all over his body.

It's over!

What is his chance of winning one-on-one, now four-on-one? Not to mention putting the enemy down, it is very difficult to escape.

However, just as he was screaming every day and the ground was not working, he suddenly heard the roar of the engine behind him, and then the sound of tires turning quickly and rubbing against the ground, and an Audi broke through the killer's encirclement and stopped beside him.

"Boss Luo, get in the car quickly."

The window of the co-pilot was rolled down, and the driver, Xiao Jiang, greeted him anxiously.

Luo Shibin didn't care about other things, ran two quick steps and opened the right rear door, quickly got into the car, and closed the door.

"Quick, go."

Huchi, Huchi~

he gasped.

Xiao Jiang didn't say much, she pressed the gear with her hand, clutched the clutch, and accelerated the accelerator. The Audi car started in second gear, and the car spewed out a puff of black smoke with a whine, and rushed to the exit of the parking lot.

The killers had no choice but to give up, looking at the car buttocks and yelling endlessly.

Luo Shibin observed through the rear window for a while, and found that they did not catch up, so he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

"Boss Luo, are you going home?"

"If you don't go home, go to Shenzhen immediately."

How could Luo Shibin dare to go home? There might be a killer waiting for him at the door of his house. Only when he returned to the mainland could he feel safe.

Xiao Jiang didn't say much, and chose a road with fewer cars to speed up and head north.

After drinking a lot of wine and being frightened, Luo Shibin was blown by the air-conditioning when he got back to the car. Luo Shibin fell asleep in a daze. He didn't know how long it had been.

The impact woke him up, and he was about to get up to ask questions when he heard a crisp sound, and a black shadow came in from outside the window, accompanied by severe pain, his consciousness disappeared instantly.

Fifteen minutes later, the ambulance sounded its siren, and the blue light flashed away quickly.

With a walkie-talkie pinned to his shoulder, a patrol policeman in a reflective vest was holding a small notebook and asking the pale-faced Xiao Jiang questions. Into chaos.


two months later.

Neurosurgery Ward, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gascoigne Road, Yau Ma Tei.

The doctor in a white coat looked at the people in the corridor and asked, "Are they all the family members of the patient?"

Zeng Shan glanced at Lin Yue, then at Shui Ziliu: "No, Lao Luo's parents died many years ago, and there are no siblings in the family. They are all Lao Luo's friends."

"Then please wait here for a while." The doctor nodded at Zeng Shan and led her to the meeting room.

Lin Yue left the corridor on his back, went up the stairs to the roof of the ward, took out a cigarette in his mouth, lit it against the wind, and took a long puff.

In just ten or twenty seconds, a figure flashed at the entrance of the corridor, and the water limped up behind him.

"You are ruthless."

"The moment he fell in love with Zheng Juan determined today's ending, and I believe you know very well that if Luo Shibin doesn't die, sooner or later he will attack me or my son, so I can only ask him to die Slightly."

"You admit that you directed Luo Shibin to become like this?"

Lin Yue turned his head, looked at him for a while, and smiled: "If it was someone else, I would doubt whether he was carrying a tape recorder. Let me join you in this matter. The Luo Group is his. But what about you?" ... That's right, Luo Shibin's hk driver, Xiao Jiang, has been bribed by me a long time ago, and when the car hits the guardrail, as long as the angle is not bad, the crossbar will just pierce the rear compartment glass and hurt people. Among them, the only fly in the ointment is that Luo Shibin did not die on the spot, but became a vegetable, but it doesn't matter. After thinking about this incident, the police department should consider improving the structure of the guardrail. You see, Luo Shibin is dead. I did a good thing for the citizens of HK, I hope Lord Yan will take this into consideration and let him have a good pregnancy in his next life."

"He's not dead yet!"

"Guess what the doctor wants to say to Zeng Shan today? Do you think Zeng Shan will pull out his oxygen tube?"


The water flowed by itself speechless, because on this issue, as long as you are not an idiot, you know how Zeng Shan will choose.

If the person is not dead, Luo Shibin's shares in the Luo Group still belong to Luo Shibin. Only when the ventilator that he relies on for survival is stopped, Luo Shibin's assets will become inheritance, and she will inherit them reasonably and legally.

Luo Shibin died in a car accident, Xiao Jiang was only at fault and not guilty, Zeng Shan, as his wife, would definitely choose to forgive, because Xiao Jiang couldn't afford compensation, and even if she could, the money couldn't buy her husband's life back.

Pulling out Luo Shibin's oxygen tube was a difficult decision made after the doctor explained his condition and after thorough consideration. As long as Zeng Shan nodded, no one else had the right to object, so Luo Shibin died like this. , a sad event eventually turned into a happy ending.

In a word, "too f*cking".

"Brother Shui, do you regret it? Do you feel uneasy about your conscience?"

Lin Yue chuckled: "Then you quit. I will take back the shares in Luo Group that you and Zeng Shan donated to Tu Zhiqiang at a price higher than the market price. When Tu Zhiqiang is released from prison, the money will be enough for you to live happily ever after." Live freely."

"Did you even count my reaction?"

"That's right. For you, Luo Shibin's death belonged to me. I didn't kill Boren Boren but died because of me. Although you feel a little guilty, you won't regret it, because you know that he betrayed Tu Zhiqiang, and the Luo Group The bigger the scale, the more energy Luo Shibin has, and the less polite he will be to you. You can never go back to the past. This entanglement will make you choose to escape. Because Tu Zhiqiang and I are at odds, in order not to let him repeat Luo Shibin's mistakes , the best option for you is to start over in a strange city or country.”

Shui Ziliu looked at him with eyes like looking at a monster: "No wonder you became the vice president of Shencheng Group. The biggest mistake Luo Shibin made in his life was to underestimate you."

"No, the biggest mistake in his life was plotting against Zheng Juan."

"Your suggestion...I will consider it."

Lin Yue smiled, turned his head away and said nothing more.

The water flows away by itself.


As the two said, after two months of maintenance treatment, Zeng Shan finally chose to give up and pulled out Luo Shibin's oxygen tube. The hospital soon announced that the patient had lost vital signs and issued a death report.

Because he did not leave a will, Zeng Shan, as his wife, took over all the shares of Luo Shibin as the legal heir, and then went to the relevant department to change the company's shareholding structure. Chengcheng Group, which has become the largest shareholder and actual controller of Luoshi Group, with a shareholding ratio of 67%. So far, Shencheng Group has extended its business tentacles to the fields of metal products and mining.

Time flies, time flies, in the summer of 1990, Zhou Rong went south from the northeast, first went to Jinba Village, where she had been to the countryside, and then took the train to Guangzhou.

Both Zheng Juan and Lin Yue didn't know that she came here one day earlier and didn't go to the train station to pick up her. Zhou Rong followed the address to the target location, and before entering the community, she saw Yueyue coming out of the community from a distance and sitting on a private car.

Thanks to the immortals, X1212 rewarded 5000 starting coins, Wang Ershu next door gave 3000 starting coins, Feng Tongyin gave 1500 starting coins, just for reading books, and Yusheng wanted to reward 100 starting coins.

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