Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1659 You should sever the relationship between mother and daughter

"Uncle, look at her."

Yueyue muttered in a low voice and hid behind him.

At home, my aunt always said that she wanted her to respect Zhou Rong, saying that she was her mother after all, only my uncle never taught her about this, and she was young in those years, but it didn't mean she was brainless and didn't care about things. She knew very well that her uncle was the genius in the old Zhou's family. Even if her grandfather did something wrong, she would just say what she had to say, never swallowed her anger, and never got used to them.

Originally, she didn't have a deep relationship with her parents, but she was dragged home in front of Xiao Lei just now, she was seventeen years old anyway, where would she put her face?

Lin Yue took another puff of cigarette, pressed the cigarette butt into the ashtray, then looked at Zhou Rong and said, "I know about this."

"you know?"

"That's right, I gave her two tickets to the concert and let her go to see it, and I also know the relationship between Xiao Lei and her."

Zhou Rong was dumbfounded by what he said. It was the first time she saw such a parent who allowed a child who was still a student to fall in love. She was already angry with her daughter. Now after listening to her brother, it is not so much an explanation as a provocation , the evil fire in the stomach cannot be suppressed no matter what.

"No wonder she looks confident. You are behind her. Zhou Bingkun, just pamper her. Anyway, she is not your daughter. It doesn't matter what you do, right?"

"Zhou Rong..."

Cai Xiaoguang felt that this was a bit too much. Of course, he could understand it. After all, she was his daughter. She hadn't seen her for several years. As soon as she came here, she saw Feng Yue, a high school student, hugging a boy of unknown origin. No wonder it feels good.

"you shut up."

Zhou Rong didn't give him any face, which made Cai Xiaoguang extremely embarrassed. Before she came to Guangzhou, she was quite polite when she spoke and acted. The moment she saw her daughter, her emotions, no, not just emotions, her whole body exploded.

"Zhou Rong, what nonsense are you talking about? This is not the Northeast, this is Guangdong, a province with a large population. If Xiao Lei hadn't helped her with her homework, she would not have been admitted to the experimental middle school at all. And that child was watched by Zheng Juan and me. The older one, his father is a doctor in the Provincial Court, his mother is a judge in the Municipal People's Court, and the child is also competitive. This year, he was admitted to Peking University with the fifth best score in the college entrance examination in the province. He is only stronger than you, but he is not worthy of Feng. Yue?"

Cai Xiaoguang didn't dare to speak, Lin Yue dared, and "sister" stopped calling: "My niece is seventeen years old this year, you have taken her for three years, and Zheng Juan and I have spent the remaining fourteen years with her." What right do you have to accuse her of raising her, since you are her mother? Have you ever heard that it is better to be kind than to be kind? After more than 20 years of schooling, you have read all the books in the stomach of a dog?"

Zhou Rong didn't expect Lin Yue to disrespect her so much, her face turned blue and red: "I came to Guangzhou this time to bring her back to Jichun."

Lin Yue pushed out the girl hiding behind him: "Ask her if she will go with you?"

Yueyue kept shaking her head.

Zhou Rong said angrily: "I am your mother!"

"I don't have a mother like you!" Yueyue was irritated by this sentence. From childhood to adulthood, other people were parents who participated in class meetings, sports games, graduation ceremonies, etc., and they were also cheered by parents in the audience. Well, she has always been an uncle and aunt. Many times, she doesn’t know how to write the composition about parents assigned by the Chinese teacher. There is also a birthday. She is seventeen this year, and she is about to become an adult. Can she not be angry when a person who has almost no nurturing grace for her comes over and points at her like a mother, and wants to separate her from Xiao Lei? Can you not complain?

Zhou Rong didn't expect that she would say such a thing, so she raised her hand in a hurry and slapped her face.


It wasn't the slap, it was Lin Yue who grabbed her wrist.

"Yueyue is following her uncle and aunt. If it were a stranger who had worked hard for more than ten years to bring up the child and was about to become an adult, you ran over and told them that you were the child's real mother and you wanted to take the child away. Have you ever considered other people's feelings?" Lin Yue said indifferently: "In order to be with Feng Huacheng, you had to sever ties with your family back then. How about letting Yueyue complete for you the things you didn't accomplish back then? You and her ...sever the relationship between mother and daughter."

"Bingkun, what are you talking about?"

Cai Xiaoguang didn't expect him to say such a thing, so one can imagine how uncomfortable Zhou Rong would be after hearing it.

Indeed, as he expected, Zhou Rong was very uncomfortable, so uncomfortable that she raised her other hand to slap Lin Yue's face.


The sound of slaps resounded in the living room.

It wasn't her hand that hit Lin Yue's face, it was Lin Yue's backhand slap that made Zhou Rong's hair disheveled.

"To tell you the truth, I have endured you for a long time. Zhou Zhigang is reluctant to beat you, but Feng Huacheng dare not beat you. Let me do it."

Cai Xiaoguang saw that Zhou Rong was at a disadvantage, and stepped forward to push Lin Yue, but he didn't want to be kicked by him and staggered and fell to the ground.

"Leave my girlfriend alone, and if she asks you to come to Guangzhou, you will come to Guangzhou? If you don't break up with someone like you, who will break up? If I hadn't helped you get rid of the director of the tractor factory, would you have had a chance to go to college? Have a chance Showing off in front of her? Feng Huacheng has nothing to do with bile ducts, what kind of onion are you, dare to interfere in the affairs of the old Zhou family."

Not to mention the Cai Xiaoguang in the novel, the Cai Xiaoguang in the TV is a licking dog. When Zhou Rong was young, she had to cut off ties with her family because of Feng Huacheng. Later, the two divorced. In less than three days, she took her daughter and married Cai Xiaoguang. Well, speaking of these two wonderful things, they are right.

Zheng Juan was stunned by his actions, and it took a while to react, and she quickly pulled the siblings away.

"Bingkun, calm down."

"I'm calm."


With a soft sound, the door of the third bedroom opened, Zhou Congcong walked out sleepily, and said in a daze, "Mom, what happened?"

Zheng Juan said: "Look at you, you woke up the child with fright."

"Go and see the child." Lin Yue sent her away, looked at Zhou Rong who was holding her right cheek and looked at each other with resentment, and said, "I used to sacrifice everything for love, but now? Are you looking down on Feng Huacheng? Do you think he is worthy?" I can't beat you? I hit you, a self-centered bitch."

Zhou Rong still wanted to fight him desperately, Cai Xiaoguang stepped forward and hugged her waist: "Zhou Rong, don't get excited."

No wonder Feng Huacheng didn't come, Zhou Bingkun's brute force even dared to slap his sister, so his brother-in-law was no problem, so Feng Huacheng was the kind of poet who would give his brother-in-law a beating, where would he put his face?

Lin Yue gently pushed his niece on the back: "Mom or uncle, you choose."

Yueyue didn't expect that things would develop to this point. She wanted her uncle to help her get ahead, but when she saw the slap just now, she was terrified.

Looking back at Lin Yue, seeing his resolute attitude, he looked at Zhou Rong again, after hesitating again and again, he turned his head and rushed into his room and could not come out.

Zhou Rong blushed, pointing at the door of the second bedroom, speechless.

Lin Yue went to the door and pushed it open: "Get lost."

Cai Xiaoguang saw that he didn't care about siblings at all, so he hurriedly dragged Zhou Rong out of the house.


Lin Yue closed the door, walked back to the sofa and sat down with a cold face. He had been running outside for a month, and it was really unlucky to encounter such a thing when he finally found time to go home.

Zheng Juan opened the door and walked out, Lin Yue blocked her mouth first: "Don't say anything."



Originally, according to Lin Yue's idea, he would go through the transfer procedures for Yueyue as soon as the school started, and then he could leave for Jichun in October, but Zhou Rong's troubles dragged off the ideological work of getting through Yueyue until winter, and agreed to continue the course in the Northeast .

At the end of 1990, Lin Yuetuo returned to Jichun with his family.

Of course, it’s different from before. I didn’t go back to the old Zhou’s house, and I didn’t take back the house in Taiping Hutong from Xiao Guoqing and his wife. Instead, I moved into the city’s first commercial housing complex developed by the real estate company managed by Uncle Ding. The same as before, he chose a three-bedroom and one living room with a small courtyard on the first floor, which was a little low-key compared to his identity, but this was what Zheng Juan meant, saying that he was used to living in optical film before, and the villa was too deserted.

Zhou Bingkun’s move back to Jichun from Guangzhou was not the Zhou’s family who first knew about it, but Qiao Chunyan, who had been dismissed from the position of deputy director of the District Women’s Federation and thrown into the vice president of the Provence Bathing Center. She told Cao Debao the news, Cao Debao revealed it to the director of the soy sauce factory while drinking again.

This guy started complaining about Lin Yue after three glasses of wine, why didn't he return to Jichun after so many years in the south, why didn't he even recognize his father, Zhou Zhigang never had good things to say about his son, but let him What Cao Debao didn't expect was that the factory manager found him after he woke up the next day, and asked him to find Zhou Bingkun. For the sake of old friendship, he could help contact Li Xianrong, the Hong Kong businessman who contracted the Red Star Wood Processing Factory.

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