Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1660 I am your (two in one)

Why contact Li Xianrong?

Cao Debao, as the director of the slag removal workshop, is very aware of the current operating conditions of the Songhuajiang Soy Sauce Factory. Since the Hongxing Timber Factory was contracted to Li Xianrong and changed its original model to produce composite boards, it has come back to life and started to make profits. Some large paper mills and wood pulp mills have signed cooperation agreements to supply them with long-term supplies. In this way, not only have sales channels been expanded and profit points have been increased, but they have also been integrated into the supply chain, allowing them to perceive market changes to the greatest extent and adjust products Strategies to produce products that meet market demand.

Of course, he didn’t say this. It’s impossible for a person who hasn’t been to junior high school for two years to have such a level. It was Sun Chanchao who told him, and I don’t know what the manager Li Xianrong sent to the Hongxing Wood Processing Factory thought. Yes, Sun Chachao became the director of the cutting workshop, Xiao Guoqing became the head of the security department, and the two of them had been ordinary workers for nearly twenty years, and the bottom of the six gentlemen was actually promoted.

Although the scale of the Hongxing Timber Factory is smaller than that of the Songhuajiang Soy Sauce Factory, with three or four hundred people in one and four or five hundred people in the other, the current situation is that the wood processing factory is booming, and orders are flying in from all over the country like snowflakes, and Songhuajiang Soy Sauce As for the factory, due to the lack of production vitality, it cannot develop products with market competitiveness. Run away, begging grandpa to sue grandma for subsidies, but there are many companies in the same situation as Songhuajiang Soy Sauce Factory, and the city cannot save them.

So he, who used to have a sense of superiority in front of Sun Chaochao and Xiao Guoqing, became the object of ridicule by those two people, and the first polite passage was that Director Yan, who was sent by Li Xianrong to Hongxing Timber Factory to manage business affairs, held a staff meeting Sun Chanchao thought it was good, so he wrote it down in a small notebook, and spent a little time memorizing it by heart, so that he could fill a cup in front of the newly recruited workers.

Going back to the task assigned to him by the director of the soy sauce factory, it is obvious that the director knew from some channel that Zhou Bingkun wanted to bring Li Xianrong to the soy sauce factory. To please Zhou Bingkun, the Hongxing Timber Processing Factory is probably closed down now, and now the soy sauce factory can't keep going any longer. The factory manager can't sit still, and wants to take the initiative to find Li Xianrong to discuss contracting. Judging from what happened in the Hongxing Timber Factory, Zhou Bingkun has a face with Li Xianrong It's very big, looking for Zhou Bingkun is more reliable than looking for Director Yan, but, in 1981, the two had a very unpleasant fight, and I was too embarrassed to look for it myself, so I turned my idea on him.

But the crux of the problem is that not only the factory director and Zhou Bingkun had a very unpleasant quarrel, wouldn't it be even more embarrassing if he, who had been beaten up, came forward?

So Cao Debao promised to find an opportunity to talk about it, but in fact he didn't do anything.

Looking for an opportunity, you have to find an opportunity. If you can't find an opportunity, what can he do? right?


The time came to mid-December 1990.

Jichun Railway Station.

Zhou Bingyi and Hao Dongmei stood at the exit and looked inside.

"Why haven't you arrived yet? It's already 11:30."

"The train is late." Just after Zhou Bingyi finished speaking, Hao Dongmei's eyes lit up: "Hey, here we come."

After speaking, he waved his hand inside: "Wei Hong, Wei Hong..."

Yao Lisong and Dong Weihong followed the flow of people out of the station and came to their side.

The two women over there hugged each other, and Yao Lisong patted Zhou Bingyi's arm: "I heard that you are now the deputy mayor of Hayang City? You're fast enough."

"I can't compare to you." Zhou Bingyi also patted Yao Lisong's arm: "Chairman of Shenzhen Shangneng Group."

"I heard Hao Dongmei say on the phone that you knew I was coming, so you took a day off on purpose, and even her wife didn't get that kind of treatment. Oh, I'm very relieved as a comrade-in-arms..."

"Look at what you said, you came all the way to the Northeast, can I not welcome you?"


The two walked out of the station while talking: "The last time I came to Jichun was in 1981. I didn't expect it to be 10 years. Look at the buildings on both sides of the road. Many of them are newly built."

Zhou Bingyi waved his hand: "It can't compare with your Shenzhen."

"What are you two talking about behind? Get in the car quickly." Hao Dongmei interrupted the conversation between the two, urging them to get in the car quickly.

"Hey, you see she's in a hurry, let's go."

Yao Lisong and Zhou Bingyi rushed a few steps, one got into the co-pilot, and the other went to the back seat to sit with two women.

Fifteen minutes later.

The car stopped on Chunhui Road.

The four got out of the car one after another. Dong Weihong looked around and looked at a shop across the road.

"Lu Ning Labor Insurance Store?"

Yao Lisong's eyes were also attracted, and he pointed to the opposite side and said, "I remember that it should be Jishantang over there, right? We ate there ten years ago, why? It closed down?"

Zhou Bingyi shook his head: "It's a long story, so don't worry about it."

"Okay, then don't talk about it."

Yao Lisong didn't force it, and they turned around and entered the Longyue Hotel in front.

Accompanied by Miss Yingbin's sweet "Welcome", Dong Weihong reported her name to the lobby manager who came up to the reception, and that person led them inside.

Zhou Bingyi said: "I remember that the last time you came to Jichun, the place to eat was also chosen by Wei Hong. She knows Jichun quite well, and you can choose whichever is high-end."

"Hi, I'm busy with work, and the old comrades in our corps also contact you a lot. Wei Hong is different. Whenever she has free time, she calls the friends who jumped in the queue together and chats everywhere. Oh, she also I have a pen pal from Jichun City, so I know more about the situation here than I do."

"Wei Hong still has pen pals in Jichun?" Zhou Bingyi was surprised.

"That's not a big deal, maybe you still know each other."

"Just kidding, how did I know her pen pal."

The two talked and laughed all the way into the Star Hall on the top floor. There are windows on the south and west sides. From here, you can have a panoramic view of the street view of an antique street opposite.

There was nothing to say next, eating, drinking and chatting, Yao Lisong was in the middle of drinking, and when he was talking about the achievements of southern reforms with Zhou Bingyi, the door rang.

Zhou Bingyi wanted to get up and open the door, but Yao Lisong held him down.

"Come in, knock on the door, I'll be waiting for you."


With a soft sound, the door of the box opened, and a person walked in from the outside.

Seeing the person's face, Zhou Bingyi and Hao Dongmei were stunned.

"Bingkun? Why are you here?"

That's right, it was Zhou Bingkun, his younger brother.

"Come on, come on, sit down, sit down and talk." Yao Lisong patted the seat beside him and instructed Lin Yue to sit down.

"I have something to do at hand, so I'm late." He apologized, and looked at the boss of the Zhou family: "I've been back for almost a month."

Zhou Bingyi and Hao Dongmei looked at each other.

He's been back for a month? Why didn't my brother and sister-in-law get any news about this matter.

Lin Yue said: "I don't live at home, and you work in Hayang. There are many things, so I didn't ask my mother to tell you."

That sort of explains it.

It's understandable if you think about it carefully. Zhou Bingkun and Zhou Zhigang didn't deal with each other. They lived together and lived together for three days and two days. As for not telling Zhou Bingyi, it was because he was busy with work and didn't want to disturb him? Is there an element of fear of being taught a lesson? After all, he beat Zhou Rong three months ago - Zhou Rong didn't dare to tell Li Suhua about this, but she told Zhou Bingyi.

However, it is not suitable to discuss this matter in front of Yao Lisong and Dong Weihong.

Hao Dongmei glanced at her husband, and quickly changed the subject: "Bingkun, what's the matter? You know Lao Yao?"

"Yes, we've known each other for a while."

"It's like this." Yao Lisong further explained: "Wei Hong and I came to the Northeast this time, not all for the purpose of going to the Corps to take a look around. We came with a mission. I heard that, Jichun City Auto Parts Factory has not been doing well in recent years, so I want to know more about the situation. If possible, I can buy it through the relationship in the city, and I can buy it, but I have to take the lead. I am more familiar with the situation, so I will ask him to come over and do the investigation work."

Well, it seems that his younger brother has started his old job as a middleman again.

Zhou Bingyi had heard it from the folk houses on the optical film, saying that his younger brother not only helped Hong Kong businessmen with ideas, but also brought people to the Northeast to discuss cooperation, and collected benefits from it. Zhou Zhigang was very disdainful of what his younger son did. There is no difference between pimps. People who lost the old Zhou family sold the Hongxing Wood Processing Factory to capitalists. What about the workers in the factory? This should be put back in the past, Zhou Bingkun was the comprador of foreigners.

Zhou Bingyi didn't see it that way, and thought that no matter what role his younger brother played in it, for those small state-owned factories that were terminally ill, contracting them to Hong Kong businessmen would at least have a way out.

As for the situation of the Auto Parts Factory in Jichun City, he has heard about it. He has heard that not only is there a problem of poor management, but also the problem of trusting others and being cheated of millions of dollars that cannot be recovered. It can be said that this is a hot potato. The higher authorities didn't know whether they should fill in this bottomless pit, but Yao Lisong was interested in it unexpectedly.

"Auto parts factory? Isn't your Shangneng Group in the energy business? Why are you interested in auto parts factories?"

Yao Lisong glanced at Lin Yue, and said with a smile: "Yes, Shangneng Group's business is mainly concentrated in the energy field, but judging from the current situation, an overly single industrial structure is not conducive to the long-term and stable development of the company, and as a leader Those who want to have a sense of the overall situation, learn to seize the track, and lay out in advance, so as to ensure that the company will not be eliminated by the market."

"Listen, listen." Zhou Bingyi looked at Hao Dongmei and said, "Is this still the old Yao in our impression? What I said really made me ashamed."

Yao Lisong said: "I'm poor, don't you?"

Zhou Bingyi waved his hand and said, "Really not."

Yao Lisong put his hand on the wine glass, but did not raise it: "To be honest, it is like this. I am very optimistic about the car business. You see, with the continuous improvement of our country's economic level, people's income is increasing every year, as high as before. Unattainable TVs, refrigerators, washing machines, and motorcycles have begun to enter ordinary households. I believe that the automotive industry will develop greatly in the future and will definitely become affordable commodities like home appliances. I plan to invest in the automobile industry. Compared with the South, the Northeast, as an old industrial base, has a complete automobile manufacturing industry chain. If you start here, you can save time and recruit more skilled workers.”

"Hey, I understand when you say that." Zhou Bingyi almost pointed at his face and said that it was still human.

"Let me explain to you again. Regarding the layout of automobile manufacturing in Northeast China this time, Shangneng Group and Shencheng Group have reached a strategic partnership. They take the lead and we take the small lead. Do you know about Shencheng Group?"

Zhou Bingyi nodded: "I've heard of it."

"As a Hong Kong-owned holding company, the reason why Shencheng Group cooperates with Shangneng is that we value our status as a state-owned enterprise. Second, they have done a good job in the battery, electronic components, and solar industries, and have some business contacts with Shangneng. , so even if you don’t look at my face, for the future of the northeast economy, you have to take care of it.”

"No problem, as long as I can help, I will help."

"That's right, come on, drink."

Yao Lisong raised his wine glass and invited the Zhou brothers to drink with him.


Zhou Bingyi drank the wine in his glass, put some food into his mouth, and looked at his younger brother sitting next to Yao Lisong: "Old Yao, you know Bingkun is my younger brother and you asked him to run errands for you, let me tell you , I don’t want to treat him badly.”

Yao Lisong smiled playfully, "Don't worry, he will never be treated badly."

"By the way, there is one more thing."

"What's the matter, tell me."

"Remember Wei Hong's pen pal I told you just now?"

"Remember, what's the matter?" Zhou Bingyi glanced at Dong Weihong, and found that he didn't realize that Yao Lisong brought the topic to her, and chatted with Hao Dongmei without knowing what he was talking about, but he was very involved anyway.

"What did I say when I came in just now?"

"What did you say?"

"Wei Hong's pen pal is far away in the sky and close in front of us."

Far in the sky and close in sight?

It must not be him, nor Yao Lisong, nor Hao Dongmei who jumped in line with Dong Weihong, so there is only one person left in the room—his brother Zhou Bingkun.

Zhou Bingyi's eyes stared straight, thinking that Yao Lisong was joking, but after careful observation, he found that it was not a lie.

"Bingkun, is this true?"

Lin Yue nodded.

"..." Zhou Bingyi was speechless.

No wonder Yao Lisong half-jokingly told him that maybe he knew Dong Weihong's pen pal, not only that, but very familiar.


He wanted to ask Zhou Bingkun how he and Dong Weihong became pen pals, but his face changed halfway through the sentence, because he suddenly remembered that when he was serving in the Corps in the past seven years, he received a letter from his home, Zhou Bingkun asked him where Hao Dongmei joined the team, and the conditions were poor. Not bitter? Where were the educated youths working together from? He thought that Li Suhua was curious about his daughter-in-law's living conditions, so he didn't think much about it at the time, so he wrote some information about Hao Dongmei in the letter, which said that Dong Weihong had a good relationship with her.

It won't be that time...

No wonder Zhou Bingkun, who was far away in Jichun, knew about Hao Dongmei's infertility. In all likelihood, Dong Weihong said it with a big mouth.

Considering that Dong Weihong's hometown is in Guangdong, and Yao Lisong changed his career to work in Shenzhen, Zhou Bingkun went to the south after dropping out of Tsinghua University, maybe he joined them.

Zhou Bingyi was a little unhappy, firstly because Zhou Bingkun had been keeping correspondence with Dong Weihong without telling him, and secondly because he guessed that his younger brother probably gained a lot of benefits by relying on his relationship with Yao Lisong. Let’s talk about helping Hong Kong businessman Li Xianrong contract the Hongxing Timber Factory. With Zhou Bingkun’s qualifications, is it possible to get acquainted with such a person? impossible! But what about Yao Lisong?

It's not like bluffing outside under his banner, but the nature is similar.


The welcome banquet is over soon.

For the meal fee... the lobby manager gave a 30% discount. According to her, it was the employee's price, because the general manager of Longyue Hotel used to work in Jishantang, and he was old friends with Mr. Zhou Bingkun.

Zhou Bingyi asked Hao Dongmei to pay the bill, and he dragged Lin Yue into the bathroom.

"Bingkun, why didn't you tell me about you and Dong Weihong?"

"Did you drink too much?" Lin Yue turned on the faucet, put his hand in the sink and rinsed: "Why do I have to tell you who I am friends with?"

"You ask why? Because Yao Lisong and I are comrades-in-arms." Zhou Bingyi pointed to the south and said, "Did you tell him that you are my younger brother? Did you ask him to introduce you to business?"

"If you insist on saying that, it counts." Taking the joint Shangneng Group's investment in the Northeast this time, generally speaking, there is indeed a little bit of Yao Lisong's intention to introduce business for him.

"How could you do that?"

Zhou Bingyi was so angry that he slapped the sink with his hand: "How was the Hao family before? Did our old Zhou family get involved with them? No! Dad has been a worker all his life, and he has been diligent and hardworking. I always remember our dad's teachings, It doesn't matter who comes looking for you on the basis of your relationship, you can do what you should do, and refuse what you shouldn't do, but how can you use my banner and my comrade-in-arms relationship with Yao Lisong to mess around? Also, in front of the boss just now I can’t tell you about Yao’s face, Zhou Rong is your elder sister, and she traveled thousands of miles from the northeast to Guangzhou, and you beat him even if you didn’t say good hospitality, how did you become a younger brother?”

"What is rebellion? What is playing your name?" Lin Yue said: "As long as you don't violate the law and discipline, do business reasonably and legally, win-win with the same interests, and mutual benefit, then there is no problem at all. The ancients still have The saying that Xian does not avoid relatives, when I come to you, it means that I am using your banner to make trouble by relying on your comrade-in-arms relationship with Yao Lisong? Well, let’s take a step back, even if I really rely on you, this What is the result of the incident? Have you found a contractor for the Hongxing Wood Processing Plant? Have you secured investment from Shangneng Group and Shencheng Group for the Northeast? Once the project starts, how many jobs will be solved for industrial workers? For such In the end, how many favors do you owe?"

Zhou Bingyi was so refuted by him that he was speechless.

"The matter between me and Zhou Rong involves Yueyue. You have the least say in the matter of raising children. Finally, let me ask you a question. Can she be a good sister if she can't even be a mother? Ask the elder sister to be a good example, and criticize the younger brother, you and Zhou Zhigang really have a fight."

After saying this, without waiting for Zhou Bingyi to reply, Lin Yue shook off the water stains on his hands, pulled a piece of toilet paper from the box to wipe his hands, turned and left.

Zhou Bingyi was very angry because he called Zhou Rong instead of sister, and Zhou Zhigang instead of dad. He wanted to reprimand him, but he was afraid of being reprimanded. Anyway, every time he talked to him, he was overwhelmed by those big reasons.

Yao Lisong and Dong Weihong didn't stay in Northeast China for too long, only three days, and they went to Beijing after finishing their work. Lin Yue visited some auto parts companies on the spot. It was the end of the year, and it was not easy to summon Dong Weihong's younger brother as the year approached. Ji Chun planned to discuss restructuring and cooperation with the auto parts factory after the Spring Festival.

What bothers Lin Yue at the moment is whether he will be able to return home this year. Li Suhua knows that he is in Jichun, and Qiao Chunyan also knows, so why don't you go back? , Zhou Zhigang, and Zhou Rong, even if they don't say bad things, they will definitely not give him a good face. What Zheng Juan meant was to go back, because it has been many years since I went back to the Chinese New Year. At least I have to accompany Li Suhua to eat the New Year's Eve dinner. It's over, and thinking about it makes sense, he didn't object.

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