Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1661 I have a son and you don't have a son

February 14, 1991, Valentine's Day, is also the annual New Year's Eve.

Every household posted Spring Festival couplets, hung lanterns and set off firecrackers.

The children walked around the streets, occasionally lighting firecrackers, and would laugh mischievously once they frightened the passers-by.

Those who left the Northeast because of life difficulties also came back, and the family reunited at the dinner table, in front of the kang, making dumplings together, chatting together, and watching the Spring Festival Gala by the way.

Li Suhua was sitting on the kang, Zhou Zhigang was sitting on the top of the kang, facing Zhou Rong and Hao Dongmei, there was a small square table between the four of them, and next to it was a white porcelain basin filled with dumpling stuffing. Fold it, squeeze it in the middle, and knead it into an ingot shape.

Zhou Bingyi was rolling out the dough on the round table opposite, Feng Huacheng was leaning against the north wall, not working, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

There was a rush of footsteps outside, followed by a childish laugh, vaguely hearing dialogues such as "Don't run", "Come after me", "Baa baa, I can't catch".

Li Suhua's ears twitched: "Is it the two young grandsons of the old Liu family? And... the youngest son of San Gazi in front?"

Hao Dongmei smiled and replied, "Mom, your ears are really good."

Zhou Bingyi glanced up at her, shook his head, and said nothing.

At this moment, Zhou Zhigang threw the freshly made dumplings into the bamboo strips, and said in a strange way: "I don't understand what your mother meant, I think our house is deserted."

"Dad, for those who celebrate Chinese New Year, please don't say a few words."

Hao Dongmei hesitated to speak, but Zhou Bingyi glared at her at the right moment, and then swallowed the words that were stuck in his trachea.

They knew that Zhou Bingkun returned to Jichun. The third generation of the Zhou family, Zhou Congcong and Feng Yue, were still with him. They didn't go home during the Chinese New Year. In the eyes of outsiders, they really looked like a generational break. In the vernacular, it is an extinct household.

Zhou Zhigang also realized that he meant to blame Hao Dongmei for not being able to give birth to a child. As a father-in-law, it is difficult to explain it, because it is okay not to mention it, the more it is mentioned, the more it hurts, so he can only go to Feng Huacheng and sit down. , conveniently opened the cigarette case on the coffee table, took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, lit it with a match, squinted his eyes and took a deep breath.


"Huh? Dad."

"Didn't Zhou Rong just split up a two-bedroom apartment?"


"Since the living place is spacious, let's bring Yueyue back from Guangzhou."

Feng Huacheng looked at Zhou Rong, saw that she pretended not to hear, and left it there to continue making dumplings, so he nodded: "Well, it's time to bring Yueyue back, it's not a long-term solution to stay with her uncle and aunt."

Zhou Zhigang got such a statement, and there was a satisfied smile on his face.

Hao Dongmei felt even more uncomfortable over there, but she knew very well that she couldn't say it. If Zhou Zhigang knew that Zhou Rong would not be able to have a child in Guangzhou, and was beaten by Zhou Bingkun, this year would not be over.

"Grandma, grandma..."

At this moment, a voice came into Li Suhua's ears through the crack of the door.

"Cong Cong?"

The old lady didn't dare to recognize it at first, but when the source of the sound moved into the yard, she regained her energy and quickly got off the kang.

"It's Cong Cong, it's my eldest grandson who is back."

She knew about the return of her third son, but she wasn't sure if she would come home for the New Year. After all, the father and son had been fighting each other for more than ten years, and they were already twisted to the point of pinching each other, and it was useless to persuade anyone. How can you expect Zhou Bingkun's family, who has lived in the south for nearly ten years, to return to the digital film for the New Year? In all fairness, some are too strong.


Accompanied by the sound of the door opening, a half-teenage boy walked in from the outside.


Li Suhua agreed with a smile, and hugged Zhou Congcong into his arms: "Let grandma see how big she has grown."

Speaking of which, her affection for Congcong is deeper than that of Feng Yue, because Congcong was only a little over one year old when she woke up from a coma, and she was at the age of learning to walk all day long, which was very fun, and it was also because of this little girl Grandson, her relationship with Zheng Juan has greatly improved.

Soon, Zheng Juan appeared at the door. She first called Li Suhua Mom, and then called Zhou Zhigang, who was sitting in the room, Dad. Don't worry, call them elder brother first and then sister-in-law, Zhou Rong and Feng Huacheng are no exception, as if it should be their business, and whether they are called or not is their own business.

"Where's Bingkun?"

Li Suhua stroked Cong Cong's head and asked her.


As soon as she finished speaking, Lin Yue dragged Yueyue into the main room.

Before he could speak, Zhou Zhigang said with a straight face, "Why are you here?"

"Then I'll go."

He wanted to leave here, Yueyue turned around without saying a word, she didn't want to go back to the Chinese New Year, she always felt that she didn't know how to face Zhou Rong, the grandfather's words over there annoyed her uncle, it was just in time for her to leave. mind.

"What are you talking about, you're older than the New Year." Li Suhua said angrily to his wife, and walked over to hold Yueyue's hand: "Yueyue, show grandma, oops, you were only a little over ten years old when you came back last time, and now you're all grown up." grown up girl."

Feng Huacheng walked out from inside and smiled at his daughter, but it was quite embarrassing no matter how you looked at it.

Zhou Rong didn't move, and still maintained the posture just now, making dumplings there. Zhou Zhigang noticed her abnormal behavior and frowned.

Facing the pleading gazes of Li Suhua and Zheng Juan, Lin Yue didn't have the same knowledge as the old man, and pointed to the cubicle where the bed was placed: "Don't you still have homework to finish? Go study first."

Yueyue didn't want to meet Zhou Rong face to face, so she walked over with her schoolbag in a hurry.

Lin Yue picked up the leather bag at the door: "Mom, this is a new year's item brought back from the south. There are bacon from Hubei, white-cut chicken from Guangzhou, beef balls from Chaozhou, and yak meat from Qinghai. They are all from the north. No."

"Open it quickly, let me take a look." Li Suhua happily played with the new year's goods brought back by his youngest son from the south.

Over there, Zheng Juan had already washed her hands and started to help Hao Dongmei and Zhou Rong.

In order to have a peaceful Spring Festival, everyone tacitly only speaks auspicious words and does not mention the unhappiness that happened in the past.

However, I don't know if it's because Lin Yue and Li Suhua were chatting and laughing and laughing, or because they held back a lot of words and couldn't find a chance to vent them, and because of a few glasses of wine, Zhou Zhigang finally couldn't hold back, ignoring Zhou Bingyi's words The eyes signaled, and the lesson was taught at the dinner table.

"I heard that you helped a Hong Kong businessman surnamed Li to contract the Red Star Timber Processing Factory? You are quite proud, do you know the nature of this? Before liberation, it was the comprador of foreigners and capitalists. Embryo."

Lin Yue put down his chopsticks and argued hard: "You are very upset when I do this, aren't you? Well, tomorrow I will ask Li Xianrong to divest the capital and return the timber processing factory to the workers. If wages cannot be paid next month, I will Let them ask you for this good guy, as long as you can support everyone, ok, no problem!"

One sentence made Zhou Zhigang stupid.

"What? Don't dare to agree? Shut up if you don't dare to agree."

Li Suhua slapped his hand: "Why are you talking to your father?"

Lin Yue didn't say anything more.

"Look, look, this is the good son you are used to, not filial."

Well, Lin Yue didn't find any advantage, so he pointed the finger at Li Suhua again: "As long as he has three points of filial piety and one point of self-motivation, he won't become like this."

"Yo, it seems that you are very satisfied with big brother."

"You just came back, so you don't know yet. Your eldest brother is now the deputy mayor of Hayang City. Let's see what you have done."

Lin Yuexin said that the boss is now the deputy mayor, even if he is the mayor, as long as he invests on behalf of the Shencheng Group, he not only has to greet him backwards, but also has to treat guests to dinner and say good things so as not to lose his manners.

"Brother is filial and self-motivated, but he doesn't have a son. In the future, when you die, someone will keep a vigil and hold a flag. What about him? Why don't you point at my son and hold the ashes?"

Zhou Zhigang and Zhou Bingyi were almost not pissed off by the above sentence. While Hao Dongmei was unhappy, she was also complaining about Zhou Zhigang in her heart. Who doesn't know that Zhou Bingkun's words can choke people to death. Why did you bring your eldest son with you? Isn't this a group looking for abuse?

"Bingyi doesn't have Congcong and Yueyue. The times are different, and the daughter is also passed on to future generations."

Zhou Zhigang was panting heavily, his eyes were wide open, and he looked like he was going to beat someone up.

Hao Dongmei's expression changed, Zhou Bingyi's expression changed, Zhou Rong's and Feng Huacheng's expressions also changed.

This old man, which pot does not turn on and which pot to carry, cheated his eldest son, and turned his face and dragged his daughter and son-in-law into the water. Zhou Rong wants to live a stable year, so he can hide what happened in Guangzhou. Zhou Bingkun Woolen cloth? That's a master who never suffers.

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