Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1662 Your precious daughter is divorced

Lin Yue smiled, very coldly.

On the opposite side, Zhou Rong glanced at her daughter who picked up two mouthfuls of sauced beef and stuffed it into her mouth, said she was full and went back to the cubicle to review her homework, and said with a sullen face, "Yueyue has severed the mother-daughter relationship with me."

Her idea was very simple. Zhou Bingkun's unscrupulousness in the past would definitely spread the matter out. Anyway, Zhou Zhigang would know sooner or later that it would be better for Zhou Bingkun to tell the story.

"What! Cut off the mother-daughter relationship?"

Zhou Zhigang's hand knocked down the wine glass on the table, Li Suhua tilted his head to look at her, his face full of confusion.

"Zhou Rong, what did you say? Say it again."

"I went to Guangzhou in September and wanted to bring Yueyue back. I didn't expect that she would cut off my mother-daughter relationship with me because of a boy named Xiao Lei. Now she only has her uncle and aunt in her eyes."

Zhou Zhigang understood, understood why Feng Huacheng was evasive just now, understood that when Zhou Rong learned that Feng Yue had entered the house, he remained motionless as if he had never heard of it, and it turned out that the younger son was behind it.

"Zhou Bingkun, look what you have done!"

Originally, he had heard that Yueyue was spoiled by her uncle, vain, money-worshipping, and outspoken, but now she has developed to the point where she severed ties with her mother for the sake of a boy. Why did she become like this? In the final analysis, there is nothing to fear, because there is an uncle who is lawless and denied by his relatives.

Heh, does Zhou Rong count as the villain suing first?

Lin Yue is happy, doesn't she have a mental cleanliness? How did you learn to do such a dirty thing?

No, if you think about it carefully, her behavior is not called mental cleanliness, it should be called a double standard. When Feng Huacheng won an award, giving gifts to the judges was called vulgarity and depravity. Cai Xiaoguang was grateful for giving her a house and trusting his relationship to give her a gift, and he immediately liked it.

So it's not abnormal, it's normal.

Zhou Zhigang had a deep prejudice against him in the first place, and it was difficult for Zhou Rong to choose the one that was beneficial to him. Of course, Lin Yue didn't intend to explain it to that elm head.

"Zhou Rong, since you want to sue, you should be more serious. How can you ignore the fact that I slapped you? This is not good."

He also beat Zhou Rong?

Zhou Zhigang became even more angry, stood up and pointed at him and said, "I'll beat you to death, you unfilial son."

Find something to hit someone after you finish speaking.

Zhou Bingyi hurried to stop the old man, and wanted to ask him how good his younger brother was at fighting? Everyone in Quanguang Films knows that Zhou Rong went to Guangzhou to slap her younger brother and came back. Where is Lao Tzu? Zhou Zhigang wanted to beat someone with something, but Zhou Bingkun dared to fight back. At that time, the Spring Festival would not only be bad, but the old Zhou's family would become the laughing stock of all optical films, and he, the deputy mayor, would also be ashamed.

Who is Lin Yue? That's the master who is so angry that people don't pay for his life. Seeing that Zhou Bingyi was stopped by Zhou Zhigang, he continued to add fuel to the fire: "In order to marry Feng Huacheng, she wanted to sever ties with her family, which made you angry for three years. Don't write to her, now the same thing happened to her, don't care if it's retribution, anyway, I vented my anger for you and avenged you, it's fine if you don't say thank you, but you want to hit me, we Find someone to judge and see whether I am unfilial or you are not acting like a father."

"you you you……"

Zhou Zhigang's face flushed red with anger, his throat kept wriggling, but he just couldn't speak.

Zhou Bingyi said, "Bingkun, are you trying to piss Dad off?"

"It's not me who wants to piss him off, but you." Lin Yue's eyes turned cold: "I am a person who always has a clear grievance. Since you all think it is my fault, then let's open the skylight and speak honestly. You love Zhou the most. Rong, do you think she did the right thing and I did the wrong thing? Then if I tell you that Feng Huacheng divorced her, the reason why I came here today is just a play between the two of us, and I plan to announce it to the world after the Spring Festival , and your daughter has only been divorced for a week and discussed with Cai Xiaoguang about the dispute, how would you feel? Let Yueyue return to her side? Seeing her and stepfather love each other, right?"

A gust of wind entered the room through the unblocked door, blowing people's hearts cool.

Not only Zhou Bingyi, Zhou Zhigang and others didn't know about Zhou Rong and Feng Huacheng's divorce, Zheng Juan didn't know either. She opened her eyes wide and looked at the model couple opposite in disbelief. She went to Guizhou at the age of seventeen, regardless of her family's opposition for love. Married to a man ten years older than himself, and later one was admitted to Peking University, and the other was admitted to the Writers Association. From the perspective of people who only read the film, they were really gifted and beautiful, and the husband and wife were deeply affectionate, completely different from her and Zhou Bingkun's marriage wrapped in gossip Not the same, the result? The two divorced, and Zhou Rong fell into Cai Xiaoguang's arms at the speed of light. This... this was... so unexpected.

Yueyue, who was pretending to be doing homework in the cubicle, also stood up, staring blankly at her biological parents with complicated expressions.

"Aren't you going to ask why?"

Lin Yue said, "It's very simple, because Feng Huacheng cheated. Just half a month ago, he slept with a young poet named Wang Zi. They are really a model couple."

During the Spring Festival of 1981, Zhou Zhigang was so energetic when he brought his children to visit for the New Year. He introduced Feng Huacheng to everyone he met as a great poet in Beijing. Now, the gentle and elegant poet has become a beast in clothes.

"Am I an unfilial son? Hehe, this is your good daughter and son-in-law."

Zhou Zhigang looked at his daughter and said, "Is what he said true?"

Zhou Rong remained silent, and she didn't know if she didn't hear or didn't know how to answer.

"I asked you if what he said was true?"


A bowl was thrown on the ground and shattered into several pieces. Only then did Zhou Rong react and nodded. Although she didn't know how Zhou Bingkun knew about this, it was obvious that the divorce between the two could not be concealed.


Zhou Zhigang sat slumped on the chair, looked at Feng Huacheng angrily, and wanted to yell at Feng Huacheng, but he was afraid that the third child would see a joke, so he should stop scolding, and his heart was really blocked.

"It's a crime."

Li Suhua shook his head and sighed, not knowing what to say or what to do.

"Have you finished eating? Leave after eating." Lin Yue winked at Zheng Juan, then called the two children out of the compartment in the outer room, and left without looking back.

whoosh, whoosh, whoosh~


The monkeys and fireworks shot up into the sky, lighting up the starless night sky.

Zheng Juan wanted to complain to him, but she didn't know where to start. She knew it would be like this. Why did she propose to go back to the old house for the New Year?

Just bear it and pass? Is her husband the kind of person who would wrong her?

Congcong was still young and couldn't understand the complicated relationship between adults. Although Feng Yue was a little at a loss, what was certain was that her mother would never have the face to ask her to leave her uncle and aunt and go with her.


As far as Lin Yue is concerned, since the villain Zhou Rong filed the complaint first, don't blame him for flipping the table.

In the TV series, Zhou Zhigang was depressed after learning the news of Zhou Rong and Feng Huacheng's divorce. When he was playing chess, he was shocked by Cong Cong's sentence and died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage. As a result, whether it was Zhou Bingyi or Zhou Rong, when they came back, they saw Zhou Zhigang was able to say that he could lie down, and then began to complain about Zhou Bingkun, as if he didn't take good care of Zhou Zhigang. One of them was busy with work, and the other was filming with the director's husband in other places. In the end, they had no responsibility at all. If Zhou Zhigang hadn't been sentenced by the doctor After the death sentence, he had been sober and stiff for a day. If he died in the hospital, wouldn't Zhou Bingkun be able to argue?

With all the shitty things this daughter did, her mother was paralyzed with anger, her father was pissed off, she was extremely selfish, what happened in the end? There's nothing wrong with it, I have a husband who loves me, a daughter to support, and a respected university teacher, tsk tsk...

He didn't want to be the one to take the blame here, so he simply exposed Zhou Rong and Feng Huacheng's mess. If Zhou Zhigang died, it would be Zhou Rong and Feng Huacheng's responsibility, and it had nothing to do with anyone else.

What Lin Yue didn't expect was that Zhou Zhigang was fine after being so stimulated. The film was peaceful, and the old Zhou's house was peaceful. He didn't expect that his arrival would make the old man pass that damned hurdle Son.

He did not attend the gathering of the six gentlemen on Wednesday.

I don't plan to go to Ma Shouchang's house on Friday, mainly because I don't want to meet Wu Qian and Yu Hong. As for Sun Chanchao and Xiao Guoqing, I plan to find a chance to meet and have dinner at Hongxing Lumber Factory after the Chinese New Year.

That day, after talking on the phone with Dong Weihong's younger brother, he made an appointment to pick him up at the train station on the eighth day of the lunar new year. After finishing the work, he sat in the living room and read the newspaper, when suddenly there was a knock on the door without haste.


Seeing Zheng Juan drying the laundry on the balcony, Lin Yue put down the newspaper, walked to the door, turned the doorknob and pulled it, a face came into view.

"Ms. Qu, why are you here?"

In the past, on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, everyone went to her house to pay New Year's greetings, but this year it is better, and the situation is reversed.

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