Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1668 You should thank me for giving you a bite of food (two in one)

The Spring Festival of 1994 was another annual gathering of six gentlemen.

Wu Qian came out of the kitchen, glanced at this and that, with envy and hatred on her face.

"If you want me to say, Chun Yan'er is the best. In seven years or so, when we were still squeezed under the same roof with our father-in-law and mother-in-law, they lived in a two-bedroom apartment divided by the unit. Now they don't work in the Women's Federation, and the house is even bigger. , three-bedroom, my God, three-bedroom, their family can’t live in it.”

Sun Chanchao’s house is a small two-story building. After Sun Xiaoning moved away, it became more spacious. In 1979, when Ding Jianye helped them build the second floor, he repaired the old house on the first floor, so the living conditions of the Sun family It is very good in optical film, but Xiao Guoqing, Wu Qian and their son Dagang live in Zheng Juan's house in Taiping Hutong, which was left by the old lady before, and it is naturally the best condition to put it in the six gentlemen. Poor.

Qiao Chunyan didn't speak, but Cao Debao, whose face was as drunk as a monkey's ass, said: "Wu Qian, I heard that you are now the foreman of Longyue Hotel, and your salary has also increased. You think the conditions in Taiping Hutong are not good, so come out and rent a house." Isn't it over?"

"Hey, our family just didn't go to college, so we can't save some money for our son? There are a lot of things to do in the future when we marry a wife and find a job. I don't want him to be suffocated in a poverty-stricken place like us. Chun Yan'er, Debao, you don't know that girls in these ten miles and eight villages don't even see each other when they hear that their blind date is in digital format, why do you think I was so obsessed with marrying here in the first place?"

Xiao Guoqing was annoyed by these words, and he slapped the table: "Wu Qian, are you looking for trouble for nothing? What's wrong with the optical film? Zhou Bingyi is in the optical film, right? Now we are the deputy mayor of Jichun City, Zhou Rong, we are in the optical film." Is it a film? A professor at Jichun University, the kind who can lead graduate students, and Xiao Ning, who is now the chief accountant of Huaneng Automobile Factory, and Chun Yaner..."

"Me? What am I capable of?" Qiao Chunyan interrupted Xiao Guoqing's compliment: "I am the manager of the Provence bathhouse, and I am also a deputy."

"You don't care who he is, if he can live in a good house, he can get paid every month." Sun Chanchao said.

Qiao Chunyan didn't answer again, although she and Cao Debao knew very well that if the bath manager hadn't known that Zhou Bingyi, who had just been transferred to be the deputy mayor of Jichun City, was her god-brother, they wouldn't have lived in such a house at all.

"By the way, I went to Mrs. Qu's house a few years ago." Cao Debao hiccupped and continued, "You also know that since Chun Yan'er became the deputy general manager of the Provence Bathhouse, every year before the Spring Festival, I will be asked to go Send two bath tickets to Mrs. Qu. After all, washing at home is not as comfortable as washing in the bathtub. There are also people who rub their backs and pedicures, drink a cup of tea, and have some fruit after work. How comfortable, but this is not the point, me, I saw a rare item at the old lady's house."

He made a fool of himself and didn't say anything until Tang Xiangyang asked about the rare item.

"Ms. Qu told me that it's called a VCD, and it's connected to the TV. Well, it's just a small round disc. Once you insert it, you can watch movies on the TV. She also said that as long as there is a way to get it CD-ROM, you can watch any movie you want, such as "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance", "Huang Feihong", "Police Story"... What is this called? This is called movie freedom, why do you still watch programs on the TV? Forecast, you can wait for hours for a good movie."

Tang Xiangyang said, "Isn't this a video recorder?"

Cao Debao waved his hand: "The picture and sound of a VCD, one movie is two discs the size of a palm, and the video recorder can't compare. I asked Mrs. Qu where it was sold and how much it cost, and she told me that I couldn't buy it anywhere. It’s not on the market yet. A friend from Shenzhen brought it here for her to try out. But it’s coming soon. It can be bought on the market in as little as two months or more than half a year. On the way back, I thought, this stuff It will definitely become popular in the future, can we take advantage of it and do some profitable business.”

Xiao Guoqing said, "What kind of profitable business?"

"Think about it, the new gadgets in this electronic market are generally very expensive. We definitely can't afford the machine, but the CD is a thin piece, and the cost will definitely not be high. As long as we can start as soon as possible and get a batch of sources, then Once the land where the rich people gather in Beijing falls, I will definitely make a fortune. After I bought out my seniority and left the soy sauce factory two years ago, I have been lying at home until now. If this is the case, then I have to make some achievements to show her? National Day, catch up, do you want to do it with me?"

These two people didn't dare express their opinions, because Wu Qian and Yu Hong had been winking at the side.

The two of them work in the Longyue Hotel. Although the nature of the position is not very decent, the money is paid a lot. It is no less than those who work in government agencies. They are now the workshop director of the wood processing factory. The National Day is a security guard. The chief of the department, the work is not tiring, and the money is paid a lot, so there is no reason to toss with him.

"Tch, coward."

Cao Debao pouted, feeling that they were too shortsighted.

"Look, as long as I seize this opportunity to make money, I will definitely be able to compare with Zhou Bingkun, won't I be a contractor for the soy sauce factory? See if he can do it, and the old lady Naqu, eccentric, is eccentric. Hey By the way, two days ago on Chunhui Road, I ran into Xiao Zhang from the koji workshop of the soy sauce factory. He told me that Hong Kong businessman Li Xianrong has been contracting the factory for two years now, and he hasn’t made much money. In this case, I still need to discuss with the city about the restructuring of the factory, saying that Shandong did it two years ago. You can’t make money even by contracting the operation, but you can make money by buying the soy sauce factory? That What did Hong Kong businessman Li Xianrong think? He must have been fooled by Zhou Bingkun, but it’s okay, if he succeeds in getting a share of money, I will do the same.”

Well, three crutches and two crutches went to Zhou Bingkun's body again, and he would come out like this every year.

Sun Chanchao didn't want to turn the dinner party into a denunciation meeting, so he quickly changed the subject: "By the way, I forgot to tell you something. Xiaoning's factory has reached a cooperation agreement with the city, and the bus company will purchase a batch of Huaneng brand cards. Medium-sized buses are put on various bus lines, among which there are No. 6, No. 73 and No. 128 that pass through our optical film."

Wu Qian said, "That means the buses we take to work will all be produced by Xiaoning's factory?"

Sun Chanchao corrected: "What is Xiaoning's factory, it is the factory where Xiaoning works."

Wu Qian waved her hand: "Hi, almost, almost."

Sun Chanchao continued to show off his promising younger sister: "She also said that this is nothing, and we will all drive cars produced by their factory in the future."

Now even Qiao Chunyan couldn't sit still, pointing to her face and said, "Us? Driving a car? Don't make fun of me."

As far as the current market situation is concerned, a car costs more than 100,000 to 200,000 yuan, and this money can be used to buy commercial housing, let alone money, she would not buy that even if she had money.

Sun Chanchao said, "This was said by the leader of Xiaoning's factory."

Cao Debao said: "Fudge, everyone is fooling, that small car can be afforded by everyone? But you wait, when I make a lot of money, I will drive one for you."

Qiao Chunyan kicked him from below, as if he thought he didn't know his last name after drinking three cups of cat urine.

"Huaneng's factory his name Dong Zhao? I heard people say that Shencheng Group is behind him, maybe...this is not empty talk." Tang Xiangyang looked at the empty plate and said: "Zhou Bingyi transferred back to Jichun Ren The first job he did after the deputy mayor was to quell the incident that the employees of the Jichun Chemical Plant went to the city because they could not get their wages. As someone who has stayed in the Jichun Chemical Plant, I know how difficult it is to do it well. It is said that Zhou Bingyi begged his grandfather to sue his grandmother and met many bosses, but everyone left after knowing the situation of the chemical plant. Sit down and have a good talk, but a man came to Shenzhen a few years ago. His name is Peng Xinsheng, he is the vice president of the Luo Group. He is very interested in the Jichun Chemical Plant. He even met with Zhou Bingyi and talked for several hours. If you stay before leaving, you will report the acquisition intention to the board of directors for approval. You must know that the Luo Group is also a very powerful private enterprise in the south. As long as the board of directors votes to pass, Jichun Chemical Factory does not say that it will be saved 100%, at least there is great hope Yes, after hearing the news, I called my lawyer friend in Shenzhen and asked him to help investigate the situation of the Luo Group to determine whether they have sufficient qualifications to take over the chemical plant. Guess what happened? This The largest shareholder of Luo Group's board of directors is Shencheng Group."

Qiao Chunyan said: "So, the Shencheng Group has invested a lot in Jichun."

Tang Xiangyang didn't know what to think of, and he couldn't laugh or cry.

"My friend, let's talk about the grievances of Shencheng Group, but it is true that the rules of this company are quite weird. Rather than saying it is inhumane, it is better to say...retaliation?"

Sun Chanchao, Xiao Guoqing and others told him that they were dumbfounded.

"what does it mean?"

"My friend graduated from Tsinghua University. Several times when he submitted his resume to Shencheng Group, he was rejected by HR. He couldn't understand why he couldn't compete with those who had worse conditions than him. Later, he invited the HR director to dinner and got him drunk before he learned a hidden rule that annoyed him——Shencheng Group’s companies are not allowed to hire Tsinghua University graduates. It is said that the president of the group ordered him to die. , the top universities in the country, which one of the students who can graduate from there is not the pride of heaven, to be treated like this, you say it is ridiculous."

Several people looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Yes, it looks interesting to outsiders, but for those Tsinghua University graduates, they are very angry, but you have nothing to do, after all, they are private companies, and it is the freedom of others to set the recruitment conditions.


The Spring Festival of 1994 just passed away.

Sun Chanchao, Xiao Guoqing, Tang Xiangyang, Wu Qian and others have devoted themselves to their day-to-day work and life. They either want to earn more money to save their son's tuition fees, or they regard the door as a dead end. The wood is not allowed to be taken out of the factory by the workers, or the useless toiletries of the guests in the hotel rooms are sold in the market to earn pocket money.

Cao Debao has been waiting for the time to come.

Sure enough, half a year later, Fucheng VCD advertisements appeared on various CCTV channels and began to bombard the audience with information.

From autumn to winter, Cao Debao went to Beijing and asked a group of people in the Xinjiekou Audiovisual City. He found that VCD was already widely known, but because the machine was too expensive, the price of several thousand yuan was not affordable by ordinary people, so he had to Go to rich relatives or friends to have a look.

After getting the first-hand information, he went back to the Northeast, took out the pension from the bank when he bought out the seniority of the soy sauce factory, and prepared to go south to pan for gold. For this reason, he even had a fight with Qiao Chunyan. But in the end he won and arrived in Shenzhen with the money in early December. After learning that Zhou Bingkun founded Jishantang, he went to the sales department to do business in order to prove that he was not bad at all. He also met many bosses from the south. The knack of dealing with people, he really found a black businessman who turned from the production of laser discs to VCD discs, and bought a batch of pirated movies and karaoke discs.

With the current production technology, how much is the cost to make a VCD disc? 15 pieces! Two sheets cost only 30 yuan. How much can you sell for transporting them to Guangzhou? 90-100 yuan, how about moving to Beijing? More expensive! It can reach 150-180 yuan.

In this way, Cao Debao went north with a sack of VCD discs on his back, and earned nearly 10,000 yuan in one trip.

He thought his spring was coming, and he didn’t even go home for the Spring Festival, so he traveled around Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Beijing, earning almost 100,000 yuan in four or five months.

What was the concept of 100,000 yuan at the time?

In 1995, the commercial housing in Jichun City was only over 1,700 yuan per square meter, and this money could buy a small two-bedroom apartment.

After another two months, the market began to deteriorate. In the past, I could earn 100 yuan with two discs in Beijing. There are more people in this industry, and the profit has dropped to 20 to 30. The big and small bags are not half of what they used to be. So Cao Debao, who felt that the situation had changed, returned to Jichun and took out part of the money to buy a house with a loan. As for the remaining 30,000 yuan...he took it to Guangzhou.

The profit of VCD discs is very low, but after more than half a year of continuous work, he has obtained a lot of first-hand information, such as those who rely on recycling second-hand CD players, remove the casing and install a decoder board, and put a new casing on them to sell as a new machine. business, this thing is a brand-name machine in the market, with poor compatibility and poor error correction ability, but compared with those imported machines and big-brand domestic machines, the profit is high, and the cost is less than three hundred. Thousand seventy-eight.

Unlike the purchase channels of pirated VCD discs, brand-name machines are more difficult to obtain, but he was lucky. The owner of the workshop is also the deputy chief of the production department of Fucheng Electric Company, which is the founding manufacturer of VCD to the market.

As for the origin of Fucheng Electric Company, it is said that it is a subsidiary company spun off from Tiancheng Electronics, and Tiancheng Electronics is a subgroup of Shencheng Group.

The deputy head of the production department of a subsidiary of the Shencheng Group sub-group has set up a black workshop for assembly... This relationship chain is really complicated enough.

"By the way, Chief Hou, I don't know where you are from Jichun?"

Cao Debao looked at the man who was seven or eight years younger than him and asked, maybe because there are fewer people in the Northeast of Shenzhen, and there are fewer people in Jichun, the two met only a few times. He regarded him as a good friend, and invited him to his home as a guest. In order to be able to cooperate for a long time and get goods at a low price, he certainly would not be ignorant of flattery, so the two of them settled the transportation and came to the community where Chief Hou lived.

"I am from Taiping County."

"Oh, Taiping County."

Cao Debao knew that Taiping County was the northernmost county in the jurisdiction of Jichun City, and had abundant coal resources.

"Chief Hou, how long have you been in Shenzhen?"

"It's almost ten years." Hou Qianqian said with a lot of emotion: "After I graduated from technical secondary school, I just caught up with the wave of educated youth returning home. The streets gave priority to veterans, transferred cadres, and educated youth who returned to the city. Later, I couldn’t wait any longer, so I left a letter to my family and came to the south. I worked in Guangzhou for two years, then came to Shenzhen and joined Tiancheng Electronics Factory. At that time, the main products were circuit boards and small transformers. , Relays, cluster circuits and other electronic components, and later developed into tape recorders, telephones, electronic watches, radios, stereos, etc. Now, computer motherboards, professional sound cards, VCDs, car radios, audio amplifiers, mouse keyboards, arcade boards, Scanners, small home appliances...Anyway, we will do whatever is popular in the market, and Tiancheng has also developed from a large factory into a science and technology park with several subsidiaries under its jurisdiction."

Taking advantage of the moment when the other party took the key to open the door, Cao Debao asked again: "Chief Hou, most of the best-selling VCD brands in the market are foreign brands such as Pioneer, Samsung, and Sony. Some people said that Fucheng VCD's advertisement on CCTV last year became popular. With these brands, Fucheng VCD didn't make much money, is this... is it true?"

He believes that the reason why Hou Xiangqian came out to assemble and sell miscellaneous brand machines as the deputy chief of the production department of Fucheng Electric Appliance Factory is probably because the factory is not profitable.

"Who did you hear that from?"

Hou Xiangqian scoffed at his statement.

Cao Debao was about to ask more questions when the door opened and Hou Qianqian's wife came out to greet him with a smile and said hello.

"It's really disturbing."

He handed over the gift he was carrying in his hand.

Hou Xiangqian let him sit on the sofa in the living room, and when he was done, he told his wife to go get some food and drink, and take the Beidacang wine that he brought back from the Northeast during the Chinese New Year.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome, just make a plate of peanuts and stir-fry vegetables."

Cao Debao said politely, and turned his head to look at the furnishings in the living room. At first, his gaze had passed over the photo frame on the wall, but he looked back when he found something.

"Chief Hou..."

"What's wrong?"

"The person in this photo."

"Oh, the vice president of the group came down to inspect the Futian Electric Appliance Factory on the day it was completed. Xiaozhang in the office took some photos. I saw that this one was good, so I kept it."

In the photo, Hou Xiangqian is smiling and introducing the operation of the production line to a man in his forties.

For Cao Debao, the important thing is not the matter, but the person.

"what is his name?"

"Zhou Bingkun."

Zhou Bingkun?

Cao Debao's face was very ugly when these three words caught his ears.

"How big is it?"

"In his early forties, about the same as you."

"Where are you from?"

"I heard that they are from the Northeast... Sigh... Or you can say that people are more popular than people, the gap is too big."

Hou Xiangqian sighed, as if regretting that the status gap between himself and that person was too great. If we got closer, we might be able to develop friendship or something.

Cao Debao didn't hear the second half of the sentence, and muttered the words "Zhou Bingkun" and "northeast man".

This year, he earned close to 200,000 yuan, thinking that if Zhou Bingkun returned to the Northeast during the Chinese New Year, he would be ashamed of that guy who always put on a show, as if everyone owed him something.

I didn't expect, I didn't expect... This guy hides really deeply. If he hadn't come to Shenzhen and happened to meet a fellow like Hou Xiangqian, he doesn't know how long he would have been kept in the dark.

Zhou Bingkun is the vice president of Shencheng Group, what about him? two hundred thousand? He can't compare with one hundred thousand and two hundred thousand.

The deputy head of the production department of Futian Electric Factory, a subsidiary of Tiancheng Electronics under Shencheng Group, has created a side job workshop that is the basis for him to make money. How bad is this?

To be exact, he relied on the leftovers of Shencheng Group to complete the greatest pursuit in his life - a house, but it is impossible to compare Zhou Bingkun to him.

"Brother Cao? Brother Cao? What's wrong with you?"

Hou Xiangqian wanted to pat him awake, but before his hand touched Cao Debao's shoulder, he fell to the ground with a plop.


three days later.

Northeast, Jichun.

Tang Xiangyang walked into the office from the outside, looking a little absent-minded, he didn't even hear the new girl greet him.

"Xiangyang, Xiangyang? Tang Xiangyang!"

It wasn't until his engineer colleague called his name loudly that he reacted and snorted.

"Are you OK?"

"It's okay, I'm fine."

He is indeed fine. It is Cao Debao who has something to do. Yesterday, Qiao Chunyan received a call from Shenzhen, saying that Cao Debao had been hospitalized with a mild cerebral hemorrhage, and she was asked to go there quickly. Because he didn't know the specific situation, everyone was in a hurry. He wondered how much he could help. When I was busy, I borrowed a car from the institute to take me to the train station.

"By the way, someone called just now, looking for you."

"Looking for me? Who?"

"Called from Beijing, he said his name is Lu Chuan."

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