Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1669 This time it was completely exposed (two in one)

"thank you."

Tang Xiangyang thanked his colleague, who shook his head and continued to look at the documents at hand.

He returned to his seat and sat down, picked up the phone and dialed the number of Lu Chuan's unit.

"Hey, Lu Chuan, my colleague told me that you called me just now, what's the matter?"

After asking a sentence, he fell silent, and held the phone to his ear for a long time, until the colleague sitting across from him thought something had happened to him, so he put down the documents in his hand and looked carefully.



"Tang Xiangyang!"


Tang Xiangyang shivered and woke up.

"What's the matter with you today?"

"I..." He put the phone that received the electronic busy signal back on the table, and said in a depressed voice, "Do you know who the vice president of Shencheng Group is?"

"Shencheng Group? Is it the controlling shareholder of the Luo Group, which you said before to buy our Jichun Chemical Plant?"


"who is it?"

"Zhou Bingkun."

"Which Zhou Bingkun?" After asking this question, his colleague came to his senses: "The one you said used to work in the slag-discharging workshop of the soy sauce factory? The one who was expelled from Tsinghua University?"

"Yes, that's him."

As a scientific researcher, academic qualifications are very important. Putting Tsinghua University graduates and Jichun University graduates together in the same major, basically no scientific research institute chooses the latter. They are also people who passed the examination in the slag production workshop of the soy sauce factory. Tang Xiangyang's father was the principal of a middle school, and his mother was a mathematics teacher. As a result, the year the college entrance examination was resumed, Zhou Bingkun was admitted to Tsinghua University, Lu Chuan was admitted to the University of Political Science and Law, and he was admitted to the University of Chemical Engineering.

The one with the best qualifications was the worst among those who were admitted to university. He was unbalanced in his heart. Fortunately, Zhou Bingkun was fired because of fighting with Tu Zhiqiang. When he heard the news, he was sad and happy. Anyway, it was quite complicated. , and later assigned to the Chemical Industry Institute and became an engineer, he was not as good as Lu Chuan among the six gentlemen, so he was the second best, but he never thought that the guy who told others that he was carrying millions of loans would actually He is the vice president of Shencheng Group, and not just an ordinary vice president, but a vice president who has never objected to Li Heping in the whole group.

This spring when Lv Chuan passed by Jichun on a business trip, the two met. He talked about the Jichun Chemical Plant and the unspoken rules of Shencheng Group’s strange recruiting. Just now, Lv Chuan called to tell him that he had an answer to this question. , Why doesn't Shencheng Group recruit Tsinghua University graduates? It's very simple, because Zhou Bingkun, vice president of the group, is very close to Liang Zi from Tsinghua University.

Obviously, you can't expect a person who was expelled from school to be grateful to the school, that's not generosity, that's stupid13.

As for how Lu Chuan knew about this, it was because this year Shencheng Group and Tsinghua University had just joined forces. In 1993, Tsinghua University established a school-enterprise called Indigo Electronics Technology Co., Ltd., which originally wanted to rely on the school. Resources and talents have a share of the booming electronics market, but in the past two years, Shencheng Group has brought it to the verge of bankruptcy.

The patents related to the scanner to be launched were squatted, and the partner cut off the supply of key components. Several papers published in international journals by the university professors who cooperated with it were found to be plagiarized, which almost became the laughing stock of the industry. Tsinghua University sent special personnel I went to Shenzhen to negotiate, but I didn't even see the president, and I was turned away by the security guards, which made it impossible for the principal, the head of the physics department, and the general manager of Tsinghua Indigo to come to the stage.

It is precisely because of the open confrontation between Shencheng Group and Tsinghua University that the truth surfaced, and Zhou Bingkun, the vice president of Shencheng Group, became famous among Beijing universities as the person who was expelled from Tsinghua University. The practice of "slapping the face" of the school after the year is very story-telling. This man has fully practiced the principle that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. This incident also made people realize that Shencheng Group is no longer a private enterprise, but It is an oriental giant that has integrated into the global technology circle and the electronic product industry chain. It is not difficult at all to block Tsinghua Indigo, a company with a strong background in the eyes of ordinary people.


Tang Xiangyang's colleagues were taken aback: "Our Jichun actually produced such a great man?"

It seems that he also knows how strong the Shencheng Group is: "Xiangyang, I didn't expect your buddy to be so powerful. When you become prosperous in the future, you can't forget the colleagues in the chemical industry."


Tang Xiangyang was speechless, because the friendship of the six gentlemen...something went wrong.


Around the same time period.

Dongcheng District, Beijing.

Zhou Rong got out of the car, handed twenty yuan to the driver, and told him that there was no need to look for it. After finishing the work, she hurriedly got out of the car with her bag and rushed into the front door with the signboard "Yuan'ensi Hutong behind Nanluoguxiang" long alley.

She came to Beijing to look for Feng Yue. She heard from Li Suhua that her daughter did not plan to continue her studies and started working after graduation. She couldn't understand or agree with such an idea.

As Zhou Rong's daughter, at least she has to finish her graduate studies, so why don't she finish her undergraduate studies? That's really unprogressive.

Anyway, Zhou Bingkun and Zheng Juan have returned to the south, and Feng Yue is studying at university in Beijing alone, trying to find her daughter to have a good talk with. At the age of 21, she should not mess with her again like a rebellious teenager. After all It's their own flesh and blood.

The idea was good, but she was dumbfounded when she came here. It was basically a replica of going to Guangzhou. She made a big circle around Peking University, and finally found Feng Yue next to the Flower Temple in Weiming Lake. There is also a boy.

That's right, it was the Xiao Lei I met when I was in Guangzhou.

She was worried that dragging people away like last time would annoy her daughter, so she wanted to meet Feng Yue when she placed the order, but the two left Peking University and got on a bus directly.

If you can't get in the car together, you can only take a taxi to chase them.

This pursuit led to Nanluoguxiang.

She didn't know what her daughter was doing here, so she just followed.

He eavesdropped on the conversation between the two at the bank of Weiming Lake before, and knew a little bit about Xiao Lei's situation. In order to be with Feng Yue, he applied for the postgraduate entrance examination of this school. In this way, he would graduate a year later than Feng Yue. My daughter even joked She said that she would work first and earn a salary to support him, which made her very upset, because she thought of what happened to her and Feng Huacheng back then.

"Here we are, how is it? Not far ahead is the place where Mr. Mao Dun lived."

The daughter's voice interrupted Zhou Rong's wild thoughts, and pointed her in the direction, and walked quickly to a single-entry courtyard in front.

"Is this the courtyard you mentioned?" Xiao Lei's voice said.

"That's right."

"There are three rooms in the north room, two rooms in the east and west rooms, and two rooms in the south side plus a door room. It's quite spacious. Huh, what kind of flower is this?"

"Taipinghua, it's a pity, it's September now, if I got the key a few months earlier, I can still come to see the flowers."

Zhou Rong entered the door room, and the conversation inside was still going on.

"Uncle Bingkun didn't spend much time thinking about it. You see, the doors, windows and furniture have been replaced with new ones. I heard that mahogany furniture is very expensive."

"Well, I said that I like European-style furniture, but my aunt said that Chinese people should look like Chinese people, and it is better to have Chinese-style furniture in courtyard houses. She also said that this is our culture. You see, my aunt has followed my uncle for so many years, and I also learned from it. There are a lot of things."

"As the saying goes, those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black. Uncle Bingkun is such an attractive character, it is difficult for people around him not to be influenced by him. Hey, by the way, you have heard about the recent incident at Tsinghua University. A few Tsinghua brothers who often argue with us about who should be ranked first have become a lot more low-key recently."

"It deserves it! Who told them to be blind, it's embarrassing now."

"Don't say that, the students are right. It's the people who were in charge of this matter that were wrong. The key is that Uncle Bingkun didn't give them a chance to ease the relationship. It's really too rigid."

"Because in the eyes of my uncle, Stanford University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University and other top universities in the world are the same. Do you think he will put Tsinghua University in his eyes? Now I know that my family and optical film at that time The neighbors talked about this incident with resentment and regret, but my uncle was quite calm, and didn't take it seriously at all, as expected... gold always shines."

Zhou Rong was stupefied and didn't know what the two were talking about.

What happened to Zhou Bingkun? Why do these two people seem to be expelled from Tsinghua University? It is not the parties concerned but the school that should regret it? is this possible? Are they talking crazy? Yes, that younger brother of hers has some skills. After so many years in the south, he has met many nouveau riche, but is he qualified to compete against a super first-class university with a rich heritage like Tsinghua University?

At this moment, the conversation between Xiao Lei and Feng Yue entered the next stage.

"Am I going to come here to find you after next year?"

"What do you say?"

"It's too far from Peking University."

Xiao Lei was a little apprehensive. From Peking University to Nanluoguxiang, it took more than an hour by bus.

Feng Yue said, "You still have another choice..."

"What choice?"

"My aunt said this courtyard house was a dowry for me."


The conversation in the yard stopped, and Zhou Rong's mind also went down.

dowry? This courtyard is Zhou Bingkun's dowry to Feng Yue?

Siheyuan, this is a courtyard in Beijing. Although she doesn’t know the house price in Beijing, she knows that the house price in Jichun is more than 1,700 per square meter, and a small two-bedroom apartment costs 10W, and the mortgage interest rate is as high as 15%. In other words, a loan of 70,000 yuan The annual interest is 10,000, but what is the salary of ordinary people? Three or four hundred yuan, the annual salary of a family of three is not enough to pay back the interest without eating or drinking.

Even in Jichun, not to mention Beijing, the heart of the country, and the courtyard in front of me covers an area of ​​at least 300 square meters, how much does it cost? With her salary, what is the least she can buy without food or drink for the rest of her life?

Zhou Bingkun gave it to Yue Yue as a dowry? He will be so generous? How much money does he have? And what about Congcong? What about my son? Won't you be emotional in the future?

Zhou Rong felt that there must be something tricky in it, there must be something tricky!

Maybe there is something wrong with the source of this courtyard house, and it may also involve bank loans or something. If Feng Yue really wants this house, there will probably be economic disputes in the future.

She comforted herself like this, because she thought from the bottom of her heart that Zhou Bingkun could not be so kind to Feng Yue. After all, he has his own son, and there is an old saying in the countryside that "nephew dog, nephew dog, eat and drink, take away", Zhou Bingkun is so shrewd Wouldn't people be wary of things like "No sweeter sugar cane is worse than sugar, no dearer aunt is worse than mother"?

"Yueyue, are you proposing to me?"

After a while of silence, Xiao Lei's voice sounded again in the courtyard.

"Hahaha, you think beautifully..."

Zhou Rong found that she couldn't listen anymore, but she didn't know how to communicate with Feng Yue after breaking into the courtyard. Obviously, those two people had reached the stage of discussing marriage, Zhou Bingkun and his wife even prepared a dowry for Feng Yue , what about her? What has she given her as a mother? No love, no education, no material goods, no understanding, maybe... She could say that she was passing through Beijing and just wanted to see her daughter?

At the same time as this thought flashed through my mind, there was a beeping sound in the bag, and the sound was quite loud.

It's the pager ringing.

She quickly ran out of the door room, walked quickly to the corner of a nearby yard and hid, and waited for Xiao Lei to search for a long time without finding any suspicious objects and returned to the courtyard, then took a look at the pager in her hand. Phone, Cai Xiaoguang" seven words.

Cai Xiaoguang is now out of town to talk about scripts, and knowing that she came to Beijing to find Yueyue, if she is asked to call back quickly at such a sensitive time, there is only one possibility, something happened.


Two days later, Tang Xiangyang's house.

This was the first time for Sun Chanchao, Xiao Guoqing, Wu Qian, and Yu Hong to come here. His wife was not there, and his children went to school. He was the only one at home.

"What did Chun Yan'er say? Is Cao Debao's illness important?"

Before her husband could speak, Wu Qian couldn't sit still, and went straight to the topic without taking a sip of water.

Tang Xiangyang said: "Chun Yan'er said there is nothing serious, the situation is not serious, the doctor said to control his emotions, he can go home after a period of treatment in the hospital."

Hearing such an answer, several people breathed a sigh of relief.

"At the beginning, Chun Yan'er didn't let him go to the south to resell VCDs, but he didn't listen. How did he say that, oh, he insisted on going his own way, what happened now, did something happen?" 43, what are you messing around with?"

Xiao Guoqing glared at her: "You don't say a few words, no one will treat you as dumb."


Wu Qian wanted to retort, but seeing everyone's faces, she finally stopped her mouth and fell silent.

"Actually, the main purpose of my notification to you this time is not to report Cao Debao's illness, but to talk to you about Bingkun."

Tang Xiangyang was taken aback by what they said. Isn't the focus of the moment Qiao Chunyan and Cao Debao? Why did they turn to Zhou Bingkun again?

"The day before yesterday Lu Chuan called and told me that Bing Kun is the vice president of Shencheng Group."

"Hey, I thought he was also sick and hospitalized, so..."

Wu Qian stopped in the middle of her speech, as if realizing something, she looked at Yu Hong who was sitting across from her, and it was obvious that the woman who had never talked much thought of going with her.

As old people who have worked in Longyue Hotel for nearly ten years, they certainly know that Longyue Hotel is a hotel brand of Shencheng Group. Major domestic cities have invested in the catering industry. At the internal meeting on the eve of the Spring Festival, Ding Xia also revealed the group's plan to establish a chain hotel brand this year. At that time, she may leave Jichun to develop new businesses for the group.

"Shencheng Group? Xiangyang, I remember you seem to have said that our Huaneng Automobile in Jichun is also the unit where Xiao Ning works, and the big boss behind it is this Shencheng Group." dialogue.

"That's right."

"Kun'er is actually the vice president of Shencheng Group? Lu Chuan is not mistaken, is he? Isn't he a second-hand dealer?"

Xiao Guoqing couldn't say the words "broker" or "intermediary", and he couldn't call Zhou Bingkun a pimp like Zhou Zhigang. The essence of introducing a company to a wealthy HK company is the same as reselling materials.

Tang Xiangyang shook his head: "He deceived us all."

At this time, Yu Hong, who had been silent all this time, said, "No wonder you said that Shencheng Group doesn't recruit people who graduated from Tsinghua University. Isn't Bingkun expelled by Tsinghua University?"

Her words were very convincing, and the others looked at each other and nodded.

Xiao Guoqing said: "I said why don't you pay any attention to us, so we have become the big boss."

Seeing Tang Xiangyang's refusal to express his opinion, Sun Chanchao said with a resentful expression on his face: "Why don't you care about us? Aren't Yu Hong and Wu Qian working in Longyue Hotel, and the salary they pay is not low."

Wu Qian did not agree with his statement: "Ding Xia pays every employee a high salary, and we are his friends."

Sun Chanchao had nothing to say, although he knew that Wu Qian's focus was on money, while Xiao Guoqing's focus was not enough friends, but now he didn't know how to excuse Zhou Bingkun.


At the same time, Cai Xiaoguang held a Fucheng VCD in his arms, and brought Zhou Rong back to the optical film.

Zhou Zhigang didn't go out to do odd jobs today, mainly because no one is willing to use him anymore. After all, he is sixty-eight years old. If something goes wrong at work, no one can take responsibility.

If you want to say that they are also interesting couples, one fights with the youngest son every day, wishing to yell at people when he sees them, but he is not mad at death, he is alive and kicking every day, and the other finds out that he has been persuading him for so many years, so he simply doesn't care about anything I should eat, drink and sleep. I was still a little confused after waking up from a cerebral hemorrhage in the past seven years, but now I am getting better every day, my eyes are not dazzled and my ears are not deaf. The children outside can remember who is who and can distinguish clearly .

When Zhou Rong pushed open the door, the couple were eating lunch at the round table, a plate of spicy cabbage, a bowl of miso, and a plate of blood sausage that Ding Jianye had sent in autumn.

"Hey, Rong, didn't you go to Guizhou? Why did you come back?" Li Suhua put down the shepherd's purse steamed bread and got up to meet her.

Steamed buns and rice are already the staple food of people in this day and age, but those who are older still order steamed buns with steamed buns, cornmeal cakes, etc., not because they want to remember bitterness and sweetness, but because they are greedy.

Zhou Rong glanced at Cai Xiaoguang: "Talk to your parents."

"Dad, Mom." The uncle director clapped the things in his hand: "Do you know what this is?"

Both shook their heads.

Cai Xiaoguang didn't talk much, went to the back room and put the cardboard box on the kang, took out the VCD host inside and connected it to the TV, put a disc into the disc compartment, and pressed the play button.

There was a flash of blue light in the AV window, and the startup LOG of Fucheng VCD first appeared, followed by the movie screen. The four characters "snake-shaped tricky hand" in the middle were very low compared to the subtitles of the new movie, and they would shake slightly with the change of the camera lens.

"I got it, I got it." Li Suhua pointed to it and said, "This is the one that advertised on CCTV... what kind of VCD."

Zhou Rong smiled, but somewhat reluctantly.

Cai Xiaoguang said, "Mom, do you know where this VCD came from?"

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