Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1670 the youngest son who can't afford it

Li Suhua said: "Someone gave it to you?"

Cai Xiaoguang's occupation, director, filming, has a certain relationship with VCD, so she takes it for granted that someone else gave it to her son-in-law, who won't need it, and plans to bring it here to relieve the old man's boredom, so this new son-in-law can deceive people, It's not like the old Feng Huacheng who can talk with his mouth.

"Mom, you got it wrong, I mean do you know who invented this thing?"

"Then how do I know, you have to ask the TV station."

Well, the old lady's idea is very simple. Since the advertisement was played on a TV station, then this thing must have something to do with the TV station.

Cai Xiaoguang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he glanced at Zhou Zhigang, and said seriously: "This is invented by your youngest son, and it is also produced in his factory."

"Bingkun? Did Bingkun make this thing?"

Li Suhua didn't believe it at first, and then laughed: "This kid, I asked you to come here instead of delivering the things myself."

Well, the two people's ideas are not on the same line.

Zhou Zhigang understood: "You mean his factory? Does he have a factory?"

Zhou Rong said in a sassy tone: "He not only owns a factory, he is also the vice president of Shencheng Group."

"Rong'er, what do you mean by that? Shencheng Group, what Shencheng Group?"

Zhou Zhigang started to participate in the third-line construction in 1969, and only came back in the mid-1980s. After finishing work, he stayed on the optical film and occasionally did some odd jobs. How could a person like him know about the Shencheng Group.

"Let's put it this way."

The good son-in-law who won Zhou Zhigang's favor in just two years said, "Do you know the Huaneng Automobile in our city?"

"It's the unit where the youngest daughter of the Sun family works, the Huaneng car that is sold to the bus company?"

Speaking of this company, he still has a little understanding, not only because Sun Xiaoning is the pride of the old Sun family, her mother always compares her youngest daughter with Zhou Rong, saying what's wrong with the university professors, what's wrong with Peking University, and the money she earns is not enough. It’s not that there is no Xiao Ningduo, but also because he followed the foreman to build a warehouse for Huaneng when he was doing odd jobs. He was greatly shocked by the size of the factory area, the number of workers, and the brand-new buses and trucks. There is no young person who does not want to go to work there. Food, lodging and car pick-up are provided. In summer, sour plum soup and toiletries are provided for free. In winter, the dormitory has heating, military coats, and more money.

"Yes, it's Huaneng Automobile, which is a subsidiary of Shencheng Group. You know the subsidiary, right?"

Of course, Zhou Zhigang understands that, just like there are several bureaus under China Railway, the counterpart business is different, but they are all managed by the headquarters.

The crux of the matter is, is Huaneng Automobile owned by Zhou Bingkun? Such a big company belongs to his youngest son?

Cai Xiaoguang hadn't finished speaking.

"There is also the Longyue Hotel, you know the Longyue Hotel? It is also owned by the Shencheng Group. The chemical plant in Jichun, which is about to close down and has more than 2,000 workers, is about to be acquired by the Luo Group? This The Luo Group, founded by Luo Shibin, was the one who was reported by Bing Kun before and spent several years in jail for speculation. He was with Tu Zhiqiang. Later, he had an accident in HK, because Luo Shibin's wife and water Since the internal friction, the company was about to collapse, and was rescued by the Shencheng Group through capital injection and reorganization. Simply put, the current big boss of the Luo Group is the Shencheng Group managed by your youngest son. And I suspect, Sun Gan The Red Star Timber Processing Factory where Chao and Xiao Guoqing work, as well as the Songhuajiang Soy Sauce Factory, are most likely also owned by Shencheng Group."

Li Suhua couldn't figure out what kind of group, what kind of subsidiary, whether it was a car or a hotel, but she could hear what Cai Xiaoguang wanted to express——his youngest son is very rich, so he can't afford a car or a big house Money to measure.

Zhou Zhigang was also greatly shocked, and couldn't accept the fact that his youngest son owns so many businesses for a while. Zhou Bingyi is his most proud son, step by step, he has become the deputy mayor of Jichun City, and Zhou Bingkun is a guy who doesn't follow the right path in his impression. , to fight for the benefits of the workers as much as possible, and drank stomach ulcers, and stayed in the hospital for seven days. Now Cai Xiaoguang told him that Zhou Bingkun is the boss behind the Luo Group.

This...he couldn't accept it for a while.

"Xiaoguang, you just said that he is the vice president, but there is also a regular president."

Cai Xiaoguang sighed: "According to a classmate of mine who works in the Shencheng Group, Li Heping, the real president of the Shencheng Group, doesn't care about anything at all. He once returned. Some people speculate that this is Bingkun’s blindfold, because in the early days of reform and opening up, there were tax and policy benefits for Hong Kong and Taiwan capital to invest in the mainland.”

Zhou Zhigang opened his mouth, he was speechless, went to the chair next to him and sat down, tremblingly picked up the cigarette case on the table, took out one in his mouth, and puffed on the stuffy cigarette.

Li Suhua glanced at it and said nothing.

Zhou Rong said: "Mom, did you see that this is the good son you have been protecting all the time. He is the vice president of Shencheng Group. He not only hides from us, but also doesn't tell the truth to you. What does he want to do? He is afraid that we will get involved. His glory? Afraid that we will take his money? Who does he think of us? Think everyone is as vulgar as him? Only by making money can we reflect our own value? "

Well, this is very Zhou Rong. If Lin Yue were here, he would definitely ask her back, did you say something similar when you looked down on Feng Huacheng at the beginning, a university professor, the spiritual level is high.

Li Suhua didn't speak, neither did Zhou Zhigang.

Zhou Rong thought of the conversation between Feng Yue and Xiao Lei heard in Beijing Siheyuan, and the more she thought about it, the more angry she became. She thinks that Zhou Bingkun deliberately raised her daughter to be selfish and vain, because only in this way, that dead girl will recognize her uncle and her mother. After all, her uncle is rich and she can buy whatever she wants, while her mother has no money. A lifetime salary cannot afford a dowry like a Beijing courtyard house.

"Dad, you should say something."

"What did you say? You said that the little bastard's wings are stiff, so I can't control it anymore?"

"Dad, you..."

"Zhou Rong, stop talking." Cai Xiaoguang winked at her and pulled her out of the room.

"What are you doing? Why don't you let me tell?"

"Didn't we agree before we came? Let Dad know Bingkun's current achievements. As long as the two of them can reconcile, you, brother, Bingkun, father-in-law and mother-in-law are still a family, and Yueyue has no reason to argue with you." , but how did you do it, is it useful to say those words? Can you be more mature and learn to be soft?"

Zhou Rong stopped and shook off his hand: "I'm not wrong, why should I give in? If he hadn't obstructed it, do you think Yueyue would deny me?"

"Zhou Rong, can you calm down?"

Cai Xiaoguang pointed to the two people standing at the entrance of the alley not far away: "People thought we were having a fight when they saw it."

Zhou Rong followed his pointer and found that it was Da Xiong's wife and Er Xiong's wife.

As a university professor, she didn't want to be used as a talking point, so she took a few deep breaths to suppress the anger in her heart.

"I'll go to my eldest brother and sister-in-law and ask him to help me find a way."

Cai Xiaoguang thought this was fine, at least Zhou Bingyi would not be emotional about this matter, and he was well-informed and communicative, much better than the stubborn Zhou Rong, so he didn't say much.


Another day passed.

Lin Yue knew that there was a lot of trouble because he used overseas resources to block Tsinghua Indigo, but he didn't care about it. The way of training agents will penetrate into many fields such as VLSI, software development, satellite communication, automation equipment, optoelectronic technology, automobile industry, network engineering, financial securities, etc., completely get rid of the dependence on the domestic market, as long as it is done step by step To implement his strategic plan for the group, becoming the head enterprise of the world's top 500 companies is basically a certainty.

However, he didn't know that his identity was exposed, and thought that this situation could be delayed for a few months.

jingle bell~

A burst of phone ringing interrupted his thinking, and when he answered it, it was the secretary who informed him that a caller had come in, and the caller said his name was Zhou Bingyi and he was his elder brother.

Lin Yue told her to turn the phone around, and then picked up the other phone and put it to her ear.

"Hello, is this Bingkun..."

After listening to Zhou Bingyi's narration, he didn't answer his brother's question, but asked with a gloomy face: "Who asked you to tell the old couple about this?"

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