Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1672 I never pick a day when I hit someone (two in one)




Zhou Rong went straight into the shed with a sad face and red eyes wiping away tears.

When she shouted, everyone sitting in the inner and outer rooms knew that she was back, and Li Suhua also called "Rong'er" at the window.

Standing at the door, Cai Xiaoguang nodded when he saw Lin Yue and Zhou Bingyi, and the eldest brother said, "Are you back?" He replied that he came back by plane from Hubei, but Lin Yue ignored him.

Zhou Rong cried for a while, and was pulled up by Wu Qian, who told her that Li Suhua wanted to see her, then wiped the tears from her face and hurried to the inner room, seeing her mother sitting on the kang, couldn't help crying again.

"Okay, don't feel bad, your dad didn't suffer, it's good."

"Mom, how can you say that? If Dad hadn't been stimulated, why would he suddenly get sick? If I had known that he would be so angry, I wouldn't have told him about it."

The conversation between the mother and daughter made the neighbors sitting in the outer room puzzled. They couldn't figure out what Zhou Rong said to make Zhou Zhigang mad.

They are ordinary citizens in optical film, and they have no close relationship with Zhou Bingkun. Sun Chanchao and others have not spread the news, so they naturally don't know that the youngest son of the old Zhou family is the vice president of a large group.

Lin Yue didn't enter the house, but sat in the compartment of the main room and talked with Congcong, because the child had a good relationship with grandma, and he basically had never been with grandpa. He explained, don't act outrageously, although he doesn't care, but Li Suhua still has to deal with the neighbors, if he hears someone talk about the old man's funeral, he will definitely feel uncomfortable.

He heard everything Zhou Rong said. Originally, he didn't want to get angry in front of outsiders. The boss also told him last night, asking him to save face. If there is anything to say after sending the old man away, he agreed at the time, but Now he's back on his word, because what the cheap sister said imply that Zhou Zhigang's death is being blamed on him?

He opened the door and went out.

"Zhou Rong, tell me clearly, what do you mean by that?"

Cai Xiaoguang saw that his mood was not right, and was about to step forward and pull him away: "Bingkun, your sister is just talking casually..."

"It's none of your business."

Lin Yue pushed him aside.

Cai Xiaoguang was very embarrassed and humiliated, and felt a little bit unhappy with Zhou Rong. She didn't know Zhou Bingkun's personality? It's okay to say this when no one is around, but if you say it in front of him, can there be good results?

The husband who was obedient to him was stymied by his hated younger brother, and thinking about Zhou Zhigang's death, Zhou Rong was furious, pointed at Lin Yue and said, "What do you mean by that? You know it yourself! It was you who pissed Dad off."


The sound of slaps resounded through the courtyard.

Those neighbors were all dumbfounded. That's right, in front of them, Zhou Bingkun, the younger brother, slapped Zhou Rong so hard that the corners of his mouth were bleeding.


Zhou Bingyi came in from the yard, saw the scene in the back room, and felt a little bit in his heart. He was afraid of something, so he took his time to distract himself. Zhou Bingkun and Zhou Rong went up against each other. The key was in front of so many neighbors.

There was another person standing behind him, Zhou Rong's daughter Feng Yue, but the girl looked calm when her mother was beaten, as if she had nothing to do with her.

Lin Yueniao is not a cheap big brother, so he grabbed Zhou Rong's hair and pulled him in front of Li Suhua: "Do you know why I don't talk about the south? You will eat, drink, sleep, and live in peace. How did you do it? Are you very angry? You feel that you have been treated like a monkey, and you have to let your parents feel the same way, and then scold me, beat me, and disgust me, and help you out A bad breath, the result? The old man knew that I was doing well in the south, he lost his temper, and lost his people. Instead of saying to reflect on the bad things you did, you blamed me, trying to be in front of everyone. It is true that I am pissed off by the old man. After all, everyone in the full-ray film knows that he does not want to see me. It is reasonable for the old man to be pissed off by me. Then? Then you can feel at ease, right, and let Yueyue see her uncle by the way What is it, a selfish slut like you, who has the face to be a teacher? Only that idiot Cai Xiaoguang would fall in love with you blindly."

Zhou Rong covered her face, her eyes were resentful and flustered at the same time, she really didn't expect Zhou Bingkun to see it so thoroughly, and talked about the small thoughts in her heart.

There was an uproar at the scene.

None of the neighbors expected that a funeral would involve the grievances of the old Zhou family's children, and this Zhou Rong... is the pride of the optical film.

"I don't."

Zhou Rong vehemently denied it, she didn't want to bear the infamy of her pissed off father.

"You belittled Feng Huacheng, saying that he is vulgar to give gifts for winning awards; you belittled Yueyue, saying that she was spoiled by me and her aunt as a gold digger; and Cai Xiaoguang, you have drawn a clear line with him as a woman for so many years Is it? No, in essence, he is your spare tire; and the matter of Daba Village, Guizhou, Gong Minghui still feels sorry for you for not being a teacher... You taught her to read and write so that she could be a teacher? Bah, you just want her to help you realize your lofty ideals, so that you can live the life you want with peace of mind, just like you were supposed to stay at home to take care of your mother, but you pretended to be deaf and dumb to force your elder brother to come forward Similarly, if you say that others are vulgar, selfish, or stinky, don’t you know that you, who are the dirtiest and most obscene and still pretend to be a moral model, are an out-and-out hypocrite.”

Wu Qian and Yu Hong looked stunned. This was equivalent to picking Zhou Rong's skin in public.

The others looked at each other in blank dismay. The Zhou Rong in Zhou Bingkun's mouth was completely different from the Zhou Rong in everyone's impression, seemed that the description of his younger brother was more convincing.

"Zhou Bingkun! Dad, you are so mad, do you still want to force me to death?" Zhou Rong looked like a lunatic with disheveled hair.

"I'm so angry that the old man will not mention it for the time being. If you want to say that you drank pesticide and jumped off a building or something, I'm too happy, because there is a good reason not to associate with the relatives and friends of the old Zhou family. , this is in line with how you and the boss think about me."

Zhou Bingkun's unreserved energy...

Some people remembered the scene when he discounted Er Xiong's legs back then, but they didn't expect that after more than ten years, the third son of the Zhou family was still the third son of the Zhou family, and hadn't changed at all.

At this time, Cai Xiaoguang grabbed Zhou Bingyi's wrist, obviously, he wanted the boss to come forward to resolve the crisis.

Don't Zhou Bingyi want to?

He thought that he cared about his reputation more than anyone else. At his father's funeral, the second child and the third child had a fight. If it got out, he couldn't afford to lose that person. Even if he hit him, if he was really beaten to the ground, it would be more embarrassing than others pointing at his back.


A female voice came from behind.

It was Zheng Juan who walked in.

The tension on Zhou Bingyi's face eased somewhat.

"What's the matter? Didn't you say that you have something to do after Dad's funeral?" She went out to buy burnt paper. She didn't know what happened just now, but one thing is certain, from the moment she left Shenzhen His husband was very upset with Zhou Rong.

At this time Li Suhua also spoke: "Kun'er, mother, please, don't make things difficult for your sister."


Lin Yue let go of Zhou Rong's hair with a cold snort: "Get lost!"

Zhou Rong glanced at Feng Yue, and couldn't hold back anymore. Just as she was about to retort, Cai Xiaoguang quickly blocked her mouth, and dragged her into the courtyard very arrogantly.

Neighbors are embarrassed because siblings got into a fight at dad's's kind of embarrassing anyway.

"I still have to cook for the old man, let's go first."

Qiao Chunyan's mother, Shen Hongzhi, had suffered from Lin Yue before, and when she saw what happened to Zhou Rong, she was afraid that she would say the wrong thing and be messed up, so she hurriedly smeared her feet and ran away.

As soon as she left here, other people also made excuses to leave. Even Sun Chanchao looked at Lin Yue and sighed, shook his head, and took his wife home.

Now it's clean, only Zhou Bingyi, Lin Yue, Zheng Juan, Cong Cong, Yue Yue, and Li Suhua are left.

"Look at what you've done, the neighbors have been scared away by you."

Zhou Bingyi endured and endured, but in the end he didn't hold back. Although what Zhou Rong did was indeed wrong, his younger brother slapped her in the face in front of all the neighbors. The better the family relationship, the better. Now that there is such an incident, others will be ashamed to stay there. Not only that, but people like Shen Hongzhi don't know how they will gossip about Zhou's second child and Zhou family's third child after they go back. .

Lin Yue laughed when he heard this.

His smile made Zhou Bingyi's scalp tingle, because referring to his past experience, his younger brother would definitely have nothing good to say next.

"The neighbors left as soon as they left. Where have you seen neighbors who have been accompanying the vigil, but you, my good brother, actually let my wife go to work in the hospital at this time. She is the eldest daughter-in-law of the Zhou family. Weddings and funerals are like this. Everything can be absent, why do you have to gossip and point fingers if the neighbors don’t come? You still say that Hao Dongmei’s mother will not be allowed to come to the funeral tomorrow, heh, Hao Dongmei’s father is gone, and the old man can’t come back in Chongqing Come on, Mom just woke up not long ago, and she is still a little confused. Zheng Juan said to go to express her condolences, but you were ashamed and didn't let her go. Now it's the turn of Lao Zhou's family. If you don't let Jin Yueji come, this relative doesn't exist. Well, since it doesn't exist, let me ask you, do you want to be the eldest son of the old Zhou family, or the door-to-door son-in-law of the Hao family? Even if you are a door-to-door son-in-law, you are not like you, right?"

Zhou Bingyi's face turned livid at these words, but he didn't know what to say.

Lin Yue continued: "The next time you scold me, first check whether you, the big brother, have set an example."

Zhou Rong shirked responsibility as soon as she got home; Zhou Bingyi put himself between the Hao family and the Zhou family. The son did not fulfill his obligations, but the son-in-law did a remarkable job.

"Zhou Rong blamed me for not educating the children well. At least the old man is gone. Congcong and Yueyue rushed back after putting down their studies. They wanted to see him for the last time. Zheng Juan was the one who bought incense sticks and paper for the funeral. What about you? What did you do again?"

If there are people here who don't know the situation of the old Zhou's family, they will definitely think that he is the eldest brother, and Zhou Bingyi is a wimpy wimp.

"Bingkun, don't talk about it, I don't feel good about losing my father, so don't take your anger out on your elder brother." Zheng Juan saw that the elder brother would not get off the stage, so she hurried forward to persuade Li Suhua to fight, and even pouted at Li Suhua, meaning For mom's sake, don't worry about it so much.

Of course, Lin Yue was not emotional because of Zhou Zhigang's death. He just felt that Zhou Bingyi's son was given to him for nothing. So inhumane, don't you even approve a funeral leave?

At this time, the old lady said: "Kun'er, I'm hungry, go and make a bowl of noodles for mom, I haven't eaten your cooking for a long time."

Li Suhua hasn't eaten much since yesterday, and now he is asked to cook, no matter whether it is to send him away to ease the conflict between the two brothers, or because he is really hungry, anyway, the old lady opened her mouth, there is no reason for him not to do it.

"Or fried noodles?"

“The fried noodles are delicious.”

After receiving such an answer, Lin Yue went outside to start a fire, and Zheng Juan hurried to fight.

Zhou Bingyi looked at Li Suhua, very embarrassed.

Zhou Bingkun seemed to be the cause of such a fuss at a funeral, but after a quarrel, it turned out to be his fault with Zhou Rong.

"Uncle, do you drink water?"

Feng Yue entered the room to talk with Zheng Juan's eyes, which was also a step down for Zhou Bingyi.


Zhou Bingyi took a sip of water from the cup handed by his niece, and his complexion improved.

Lin Yue made a few bowls of noodles with fried sauce from the things at home. The old lady was really hungry, and she ate a whole big bowl. According to her wishes, she wanted to order another half bowl. He ate a lot, and said that the fried sauce made by Liubiju in Beijing was not as good as his. Congcong said that it was because she hadn't eaten it for several years.

Zhou Bingyi didn't move his chopsticks, because he was full of gas, so he drank two cups of tea and went to the old Liu's house next door to discuss the funeral tomorrow.

After Zhou Rong left, she didn't come back. Qiao Chunyan came in the evening, and Balabala said a lot. The main meaning was that Cao Debao's cerebral hemorrhage hadn't recovered quickly. The doctor ordered him to avoid emotional agitation and do some rehabilitation training, so she didn't have time Come over to help Zhang Luo, I hope the godmother and godbrother don't blame her.

Lin Yue heard about Cao Debao from Sun Xiaoning, and thinking about it, this guy has suffered retribution. He is narrow-minded and jealous of others, so he is easily hurt by fire.

As for whether Qiao Chunyan came here to explain sincerely, or whether she had any thoughts about him, the vice president of Shencheng Group, and didn't want to leave a bad impression on him, only she knew.

In the evening, Cai Xiaoguang came to the optical film alone, talked with Zhou Bingyi, and said a few words with Li Suhua, and then left.

According to what he meant, Zhou Rong was not allowed to come over, and he would show up at the funeral tomorrow, so as not to have conflicts with the third child, and make the whole family unable to come to Taiwan. Naturally, Li Suhua and Zhou Bingyi would not have any objections. Lin Yue scolded He also scolded and hit her, out of sight and out of mind, so he didn't bother to learn as much as her.

Cai Xiaoguang left on the front foot, and Congcong started fighting with Yueyue on the back foot, because this kid asked his sister a word, and the face of being a teacher is thin. If her mother humiliated his father and went back to hang herself, would she go? Wake up and cry for mother.

Zhou Bingyi felt that this kid's mouth was as poisonous as his father's.

that night.

Zheng Juan and Yueyue fell asleep in the partition of the main room, and Zhou Bingyi couldn't hold on anymore, so he leaned against the wall and snored.

Congcong covered himself with a blanket and had already gone to meet Duke Zhou.

Li Suhua lifted the quilt and got down, looked at the elder son, then at the younger grandson, and went straight outside.

October was approaching, and the weather in the Northeast was turning cold. She glanced at Zhou Zhigang's photo and walked forward.

"Mom, what are you doing up so late?" A voice came from behind.

Li Suhua turned his head and saw his youngest son squatting outside the fence smoking a cigarette.

"Why aren't you sleeping?"

"I am not sleepy."

"You didn't sleep last night, how could you not be sleepy?"

"Would you believe me if I said that the reason for staying awake was to keep an eye on you?"


Li Suhua didn't know what to say.

Lin Yue said, "Did you hear the old man call you again?"


"Don't bother with him, I'm not afraid of him when he's alive, and I can calm him even more when he's dead."

"This child, how do you talk? He is your father."

"If he dares to take you away, I will lift his coffin."

Li Suhua slapped him: "Don't be too harsh on your brother and sister."

Lin Yue looked at her half-truthfully and said: "Then you can live for a few more years. If you live, this family will not be broken up. If you disappear like the old man, then I will be messed up."

Li Suhua slapped him again, but he probably understood what he wanted to express: "Mom just thinks the room is too stuffy, so come out and have a look. It's weird if you say it. Your dad chokes you when he meets you. As for the night watch, you have to do it honestly."

Lin Yuexin said, am I guarding him? I am guarding you.

"When the matter is over, you can go to Shenzhen with me."

"What are you going to do in Shenzhen? Mom has lived in the Northeast all her life, and I'm not used to living in the South."

"Then who do you ask to take care of you? Big brother? Hao Dongmei's mother is also old, and he is busy with work, so she has no time to take care of you. Zhou Rong? It's fine to live with her for ten and a half months. After a long time, she will just take care of you." You are a burden."

"Mom isn't going anywhere, she's just on the optical film."

"Alright, then I'll ask Zheng Juan to come back and take care of you. It just so happens that Congcong is in high school too, and it's easy to get into college in the Northeast."

"Then you won't let him go abroad?"

"Don't worry, with your son's current ability, he can go whenever he wants, and it doesn't matter which prestigious school he wants to go to."

"See what you can."

The old lady smiled happily: "Oh, you said that this old man, it would be great if he didn't screw with you. Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, so why do you think so hard about it?"

Lin Yue glanced at Zhou Zhigang's photo, thinking that Zhou Rong would have been pissed off if he hadn't screwed me.

"Go home, it's cold outside."

Li Suhua didn't say anything, followed him back to the house, continued to sleep on the kang, Zhou Bingyi was awakened by Lin Yue's footsteps, opened his eyes suddenly, and called "Mom".

"You sleep with you, Mom just goes out to get some air, and Bingkun is with her."

Zhou Bingyi nodded, leaned back and continued to sleep. After all, he was already a five-year-old. He always drank and socialized and hurt his body. This night...he couldn't make it through.

On the third day, the funeral day.

Yesterday, the fight between the third child of the Zhou family and the second child Zhou Rong was spread very quickly on the optical film, except for those who have a good relationship with the Zhou family, such as Sun Chanchao, Xiao Guoqing, Wu Qian, Yu Hong, and Sun Xiaoning, who came to support the audience , Many people who were made uncomfortable by yesterday's scene simply stopped coming, so it seemed a little deserted.

Hao Dongmei went to the hospital to sign up and then came back. Seeing the scene in front of her, she was puzzled and took her husband's hand and asked, "What's going on? Where's Zhou Rong? Didn't she come back yesterday?"

On the day Zhou Zhigang passed away, she heard Zhou Bingyi discussing the funeral process with the nearby old people, and knew that today should be the day when the neighbors gathered people to express their condolences, but now... the big cats and kittens who were close before Only.

Zhou Bingyi said, "What's going on? Ask Bingkun."

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