Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1673 You know how to write shamelessly (two in one)

Anyone can hear the resentment in this sentence.

Zhou Bingyi didn't sleep well last night, but he woke up this morning to see how bad the consequences of the conflict between his younger brother and younger sister were. Except for Sun Chaochao and others, the rest were either Chunyan's mother or Chaochao's father. The old people who have a good relationship with the old Zhou's family, or they are just good-for-nothings with the mentality of watching the excitement and pretending to be a big deal. Anyway, compared with the funerals of the old people nearby, they are a bit deserted.

The point is that it’s fine if the old Zhou’s family is an ordinary family. As far as the nature of his position is concerned, people don’t know how to talk about him if it’s spread out. able to work.

Of course Hao Dongmei didn't dare to ask Zhou Bingkun. The third son of the Zhou family never said flattering words when others gave her face.

If she doesn't ask here, it doesn't mean that Lin Yue doesn't say anything.

"Is it embarrassing to be cold and lonely?" Lin Yue said, "Call your mother to talk to the old lady, at least there will be one more person, right?"

Hao Dongmei looked embarrassed, a little embarrassed to get off the stage.

"Bingkun, can't you just say a few words?" Zheng Juan came over and wrapped black gauze around his arm.

Lin Yue glared at her, but in the end he chose to let Hao Dongmei go. This matter is placed in a normal family. The husband said that his parents-in-law would not be allowed to come. Does the daughter-in-law really listen to her husband? Not to mention how the mother-in-law who has not passed away thinks, will the younger siblings have a thorn in their hearts? Do you think your sister-in-law's parents look down on this place?

Is this the doctor at the hospital? That's where the relationship is extremely complicated. If she doesn't have this bit of EQ, how can she still hang out in the work unit?

Zhou Bingyi said: "Bingkun, haven't you realized your mistake by now? Well, you are right, but things in this world are not black and white. You have become the vice president of a group, so You don’t understand the truth.”

"Of course I understand, but I won't do this with my family, and I don't like you bringing the same thing in front of Jin Yueji to Lao Zhou's house."

Zhou Bingyi was very annoyed by what he said, but he didn't dare to continue to confront him, because he knew that the third child would not accommodate him.

At this time, Sun Chanchao came in from the outside with a wreath in his arms. Xiao Guoqing and Wu Qian were left behind, carrying burnt paper and tribute fruits.

Lin Yue sneered and said, "Zhou Bingyi, go and ask them for their face to help the old Zhou's family? Are you? Where are your friends? Where are Zhou Rong's friends? What qualifications do you have to bury me?"

Zhou Bingyi felt aggrieved. If he wanted to, he could bring many people over to help, but he couldn't do that. He was a principled person.

"Brother Bingyi, Gong Wei is here, go and meet him." Sun Xiaoning walked out of the yard with her old lady on his arm.


Zhou Bingyi nodded, got up and left the shed.

Soon, Gong Wei walked in from the outside, bowed three times to Zhou Zhigang's photo, and then went into the house to see Li Suhua.

After that, Sun Chanchao's parents, Xiao Guoqing's parents, Lao Qiao's couple, Lao Liu and his wife next door, Zhou Rong also appeared at this time, and sat down beside Hao Dongmei with a sullen face. They also brought them here on a tricycle, which made Zhou Bingyi's face dull, and Hao Dongmei felt like he was sitting on pins and needles.

Or Cai Xiaoguang knows how to be a man, knowing that Zhou Bingkun dislikes Zhou Rong anyway, but he has a knife mouth again, the only thing he can do is to try to be as comprehensive as possible, and not let the third child have a chance to challenge, otherwise God knows if it will happen The retribution was on his wife, but what he didn't expect was that Zhou Bingyi and Hao Dongmei were hammered by his actions.

The son-in-law over there brought his mother who has handicapped legs, and the daughter-in-law here can eat, sleep, walk and dance, and occasionally writes and draws in-laws without showing their faces, which is really embarrassing.

What happened next made Zhou Bingyi even more uncomfortable.

Because more and more people came to Lao Zhou's house, but they were not the neighbors of the optical film, but... some people didn't even know him.

"Who is this person?"

"Hey, I saw him on TV. His name seems to be Dong Zhao. He is the boss of Huaneng Automobile. That's right, that's him."

"Why did he bring so many people here?"

"Looking at their attire, they should be the leaders of Huaneng Automobile."

"Is it because of Bingyi's face?"


With the sound of discussion coming from outside the shed, Dong Weihong's younger brother Dong Zhao led seven or eight people in black suits into the yard, bowed to Zhou Zhigang in condolence, then nodded to Lin Yue, and led his men out of the yard to go to Zhou Zhigang. I stayed aside.

"Who is this?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen it before."

"Look at the leadership of this place, right?"

"Look at Bingyi, and then look at you. Well, Lao Zhou has been a good face all his life, and his son made him look good once he got here."


There was another discussion outside, and then a middle-aged man in his fifties with short legs and a thick neck led a young man who helped carry the bag into the yard to mourn the old man.

Zhou Bingyi's face was a little dark. He knew this person. He was the deputy director of Jiangliao Tire Factory and his former subordinate.

He didn't inform the people at the tire factory about Zhou Zhigang's death, why?

Soon this question was answered, and the middle-aged man went to pass cigarettes to Dong Zhao after leaving the shed.

He immediately understood that Jiangliao Tire Factory is a supplier of Huaneng Automobile, and Huaneng Automobile is a subsidiary of Shencheng Group, and the other party came for Zhou Bingkun.

"this is……"

"I know this one. The boys from the Zhou family call him Uncle Ding. He is from Wangcun in the west. I heard that he drives a BMW."

"Heh, what do you know? He is the boss of Jicheng Real Estate Company, and his company developed the first commercial housing complex in Jichun. I know this better than I do. Boss Ding even repaired houses for his family back then. "

"Oh, you can build a big boss by building a house. In the past, it was just a matter of a few meals. This really different."

While talking, Ding Jianye brought his son and niece Ding Xia into the courtyard.

Then there is Li Wanquan, the director of the Northern Shoe Factory.

Wu Yuzhao, former director of Songhuajiang Soy Sauce Factory.

Gao Teng, deputy director of Jichun Chemical Plant.

The person in charge of Xing'an Pipeline Equipment Co., Ltd., a supplier of chemical plants.

Even Ma Shouchang and Qu Xiuzhen came.


There were so many people that the hutong near Lao Zhou’s house couldn’t hold it. Seeing these bosses and wealthy people plunge into the slums like optical films one by one, the surrounding neighbors were a little bit worried, and they all felt that it would be good to be a leader.

On the other hand, Zhou Bingyi's face was as black as a layer of ashes from the bottom of a pot.

None of these people came here for his face!

He told his secretary and office staff about the news of Zhou Zhigang's death, and urged everyone not to come over. Keep everything simple for his father's funeral. As a leader, he should set a good example in this matter, but now... Whoever makes sense, can't tell everyone clearly that those people didn't come here to mourn the old man because of their own face.

The yard of the old Zhou's house was completely surrounded, and there was a long queue of cars on the open space outside the photogram.

Some people who came back from the outside didn't know what happened, and the neighbors in nearby Taiping Hutong, Changning Hutong, and Qingtang Hutong were discussing loudly there.

"What's the situation? Why are there so many cars?"

"The leader came to inspect?"

"They all went to the optical film. I saw someone holding a wreath. They must have gone to the funeral."

"Hey, young man, you are the driver of this car, do you know what's going on?" Someone asked the driver directly.

"Don't you know?" The young man took the cigarette from the middle-aged man and said thank you.

"what do you know?"

"Boss Zhou."

"Which Boss Zhou?"

"It's the old Zhou's family who is going to be funeral today."

"You're talking about Zhou Zhigang from the optical film, right? I know better than you. What kind of boss is he? He's an old bricklayer. We used to work together back then."

"It's not him, it's his son."

"His son is obviously the deputy mayor of our city, how did he become the boss?"

"It's not his eldest son, but his youngest son, the vice president of Shencheng Group. I heard that he is the boss of the owner of our Jichun Chemical Factory... Actually, I only found out today." The young man is not so talkative as he is enjoying this kind of conversation. The feeling of being noticed.

"What is a vice president?"

Older people naturally don't know the meaning of this title, but everyone understands the meaning. The chemical plant is a large factory with thousands of people. Since he is the boss of the chemical plant's boss, the vice president at least manages tens of thousands of workers.

"You mean Zhou Bingkun? The prodigal son who owes the bank millions?"

"Master, I think you have misunderstood Mr. Zhou? Our chemical plant alone has a net worth of 20 to 30 million yuan. How could Mr. Zhou owe the bank several million yuan and not pay it? You want to say that he owes several hundred million yuan?" I still believe it, how many millions?" He smiled and waved his hands, showing disdain for this number.

The third child of the Zhou family is so rich?

Whether it is the neighbors of the optical film or the people in the nearby alleys, there is a feeling of unreality, because Zhou Bingkun first became famous because he robbed Tu Zhiqiang's wife, Zheng Juan, and reported Shui Ziliu, Luo Shibin, and Tu Zhiqiang after the incident. After that, he was expelled from Tsinghua University, and then it was reported that he owed several million to the bank, and Zhou Zhigang was so angry that he almost severed his father-son relationship with him. In short, it was notorious. Now the driver of the Jichun Chemical Factory told them that Zhou Bingkun had developed. , rich beyond imagination? this……

"Why are you standing there foolishly? Let's go!"

"Go? Where are you going?"

"You're stupid. Of course it's the old Zhou's family. Didn't old Liu send you an errand to carry the coffin?"

"Hey, didn't you say that you want to prevent the old Zhou family from coming to power, and to avenge...the revenge he had on me and Erxiong back then?"

"Are you stupid? When did I say such a thing? What I said was that everyone is in plain text. You can't look up and look down. It's been so many years, so why mention him?"

"Not a daughter-in-law, what do you mean?"

"What do I mean? I'm not! Go away."

Everyone turned their faces to look, only to see Da Xiong's wife pulling Da Xiong's ears with a dazed face and pulling them back to the light-text film.


In the morning there were a lot of people, and there were few neighbors for the optical film. In the afternoon, a large number of people came after a hula. Basically, everyone who had time and could move around came.

The reason is very simple. Many big bosses came to the old Zhou’s house. The key point is that many big bosses didn’t leave after expressing condolences. They chose to stay for dinner and sit with those neighbors who came to help. Wanquan's factory manager ate three bowls of vegetables and five steamed buns in a row, and he still said he was not full. Moreover, this guy was very talkative, and he had a lively chat with the neighbors of the optical film. He also said that he used to be a boiler burner. Knowing people and making good use of them gave him the opportunity to make a lot of money.

Although the neighbors don't have a clear idea of ​​how well Zhou Bingkun is doing in the south, it's good to talk to the leaders of the northern shoe factory, Huaneng Automobile, and Jichun Chemical. Well, maybe they will open the door for them to arrange a job or something because they are neighbors of the old Zhou family, that would be great.

不说和老周家走得近的十几户,就连大熊这种给周秉昆揍的满地找牙的主儿都舔着脸凑上来,给客人端茶倒水、洗碗刷盘、搬It was a joy to do things like lifting and lifting.

Until the funeral was over, Zhou Rong's complexion was not good. Those who didn't know the inside story only thought she was sad about her father's death, and those who knew the inside story thought she was angry with Zhou Bingkun. Only Cai Xiaoguang knew what his wife was thinking.

No one in Zhou Bingyi's work unit came to understand. He wanted to lead by example and manage the funeral in a simple manner. What about Zhou Rong? There are two teachers from Jichun University. It is conceivable how bad their popularity is. Then look at Zhou Bingkun. With such pomp and circumstance, Zhou Zhigang is such a face-saving person, the last journey of his life is the most The youngest son who is not optimistic has earned him enough face, and the boss and second child who are praised in front of others and praised in the end, have contributed a few tears from the beginning to the end. , I don't know what the reaction will be.

It was already evening when we returned to the optical film, and Lin Yue asked Zheng Juan to take the child back first. He stopped and talked at the place where Dong Zhao, Li Wanquan and others parked, made an appointment for a dinner party, and walked inside after finishing the work.

When he got home, he was just in time for Cai Xiaoguang to see off his old lady and come back to pick up Zhou Rong.

"Mom, you just protect him, don't you have two dollars? What are you showing off? Now everyone who reads the full-ray film knows that he is the big boss, and he will pat his ass back to the south in the future, how about you? What do you do? How do you deal with those neighbors who ask us to do things and borrow money? As the old saying goes, there are many people who are popular, and if you know that you are rich, there are more problems."

The truth is such a truth, but the resentment and jealousy inside and outside the words are also obvious.

Cai Xiaoguang was very embarrassed, hurried two steps into the back room, and pulled her out without saying a word. Basically, Lin Yue entered the main room with his front foot, and the two of them came out from the back room with his back foot. When the two passed by, Zhou Rong snorted to express his dissatisfaction.

Cai Xiaoguang was startled, quickly gagged her mouth, pushed and shoved her away.

Lin Yue knew why Zhou Rong was itchy, because she got into Yueyue's car on the return journey, but unfortunately her daughter saw her coming, opened the door on the other side and left.

She asked her, "Is this how you treat your mother, and you've gone to college for nothing?"

Yueyue said that she read a lot of books, but no matter how beautiful the words were, they became selfish.

Knowing that there were still many neighbors at the scene, she was so angry that she almost smashed the car window.

The really shameless teacher beat and scolded his younger brother in front of the neighbors, and his daughter didn't recognize her as a mother, so he might have committed suicide by jumping off a building and drinking medicine a long time ago. What about Zhou Rong? Apart from being angry, he couldn't see the slightest intention of seeking death, this face was thick enough.

If you think about it carefully, her so-called mental cleanliness seems to be used to be harsh on others and more lenient than self-discipline. The front foot of the TV series divorced Feng Huacheng, and the back foot fell into Cai Xiaoguang's arms. The setting of being willing to sacrifice everything for love is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and after peeking at Yueyue’s diary, she didn’t object after knowing that her daughter liked Zhou Nan, and even encouraged her to attract the person she likes. She didn’t think about Zheng Juan at all, Zhou Nan really If you want to marry Yueyue, how can you hide the fact that you were raped by Luo Shibin at the beginning? How would the neighbors who only have digital movies think of Zhou Bingkun and his wife?

Hao Dongmei knew that she was not as good as Zheng Juan in taking care of the family, so she would put on a show to fight for it. Zhou Rong also knew that Zheng Juan had paid a lot for the family, but she didn't do anything as a little cotton-padded jacket, so she didn't care about her parents.

Extremely selfish people generally have a strong mentality, so it is impossible to talk about committing suicide, but it is impossible to do it.

Lin Yue walked into the back room and found that Zheng Juan was not there.

"Where is Zheng Juan?"

"There was still a lot of meat, eggs and fruit left over from the funeral. We couldn't eat it, so she shared a share and sent it to the neighbors with her two children."


Lin Yue nodded, walked to the table, picked up a cup and poured some tea water to moisten his throat.

At this time, Zhou Bingyi, who was sitting on the chair, spoke.

"Before there were so many people, I'm embarrassed to tell you that Dong Zhao, Ding Shu and others are fine with condolences to Dad, but why did even the supplier send representatives over? You see the traffic jam at the western intersection. If you don't know, you think it's just a text film. Something big happened."

"You still said it was deserted in the morning, and you think it's noisy when there are too many people?"

"I mean it's too ostentatious."

"Hehe, brother, don't think that I don't know what you're thinking. Are you afraid that people who don't know the truth will put the act of holding a funeral on your head? It will affect your reputation and hinder your future, right?"

When Zhou Bingyi told him the central matter, he couldn't help lifting his buttocks, sitting very uncomfortable.

"For so many years, you have advanced to the Forestry Bureau, then to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, then to the Jiangliao Tire Factory, and then to the deputy mayor of Hayang City, and now you are back to Jichun as the deputy mayor. What have you done, please? No, it should be said that apart from coming back once a month, what have you done to help your parents? What have you done to help your brothers and sisters? As for the old Zhou family’s two dilapidated houses, Uncle Ding’s people have been doing the repair work every year. From winter to summer during festivals, Ding Xia will bring some rice, noodles, oil, tobacco, wine, sugar and tea, and Sun Chanchao, Sun Xiaoning brothers and sisters, and Xiao Guoqing and his wife will occasionally come to sit at home and help with some physical work. You think they are watching Who did this for the sake of face? A person who has not contributed much to the family, in turn asks his younger brother to do things against his will for the sake of your future. Do you know how to write the word "shameless"? Maybe you are a good leader, But definitely not a good big brother, let alone a good son.”

Here he is again.

But what can I do?

Zhou Bingyi had nothing to say, so he could only listen obediently, regretting over and over again that he was cheap. It has been more than ten years, and he has not learned a lesson after suffering so much.

"Uncle Bingkun, Uncle Bingkun."

At this time, a slightly immature voice came from outside the door, and as a figure flashed by the door, Sun Chanchao's son Sun Sheng walked in from outside.

"It's Sun Sheng." The old lady beckoned him into the room.

The kid looked at this and that, and seemed to sense that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the back room: "My dad said he was very tired, so he wouldn't come over to eat at night. Anyway, Uncle Bingkun will return to the south in a few days, let's get together later .”

According to the customs of the optical film, Sun Chachao, Xiao Guoqing and others did not lose their efforts. They should be invited to a meal after the funeral. However, the current situation has been tossing for three full days. No, unlike the young man in his twenties, Lin Yue nodded.

"Okay, then go back and tell your dad, I will wait for them in Longyue the night after tomorrow."


Sun Sheng agreed, turned and left.

When he walked out of the courtyard, Lin Yue hadn't returned to the house, so Zhou Bingyi stood up and said, "Mom, since they won't come, I'll go back too."

Li Suhua said: "Go back, go back, I have Juan'er and Kun'er with me, don't worry."

Zhou Bingyi got up and left with his coat, and the old lady sent him to the door.

Lin Yue didn't say anything.

Just as Zhou Bingyi was discharged from the hospital, he happened to meet Zheng Juan who came back with her two children.

"Brother, are you leaving now? Why don't you go there after eating."

"Yes, I don't think they will come to catch up with them. I plan to go back early, and there will be no cars if it is later."

"Oh, then you slow down."

Zhou Bingyi nodded and continued to walk out.

Zheng Juan gave Lin Yue a clear look, as if she guessed the fact that the two brothers had another dispute: "Brother is actually quite pitiful."

Lin Yue knew what she meant by saying this. Zhou Zhigang had two sons and one daughter at the end of his life. As for Zhou Bingyi, he had no sons or daughters.

"The path I chose." Lin Yue left this sentence and turned back to the house.

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