Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1674 Call Me a Big Brother with Candy (Two in One)

two days later.

Longyue Hotel.

Today was the day for a dinner appointment. It was not appropriate to have a banquet in the near future when something like this happened, but Lin Yue obviously didn't care about it, and to a certain extent, it was also appropriate to give condolences to the neighbors who had contributed to Zhou Zhigang's funeral.

Zheng Juan didn't come, because he was worried that the two children would stay with Li Suhua. After all, the daughter-in-law could still chat with the mother-in-law, and the grandson and granddaughter...they must have no common language.

"Mr. Zhou, the guest you invited has arrived."

Lin Yue was inspecting the sanitation situation in the back kitchen. Manager Kuang, who replaced Ding Xia in managing the hotel, walked to his side and whispered a reminder.

"okay, I get it."

He was about to go outside when he saw the expression on the female manager's face and stopped in his tracks: "What's the matter? If you have something to say, don't act like you're hesitant to say anything. What annoys me the most is that Ding Xia didn't tell you. Bureaucracy and formalism?"

Manager Kuang pursed his lips: "President Zhou, are Wu Qian and Yu Hong really your good friends?"

See what she asked.

Lin Yue knew what her real thoughts were.

Wu Qian is the cleaning foreman of the hotel, and Yu Hong is the cleaner. They didn't know that Zhou Bingkun was the vice president of the group before, and he could work with a correct attitude. Now that they know that he is the vice president of the group, their mentality will definitely change.

With Wu Qian's character, she can figure out what happened even if she thinks about it with her butt. The fact that "she, Yu Hong and Zhou are always good neighbors and friends" has been spread to everyone in the hotel, and Kuang The manager just took over Ding Xia's job and faced such a difficult problem. Can she not be anxious? On the one hand, I was worried that Wu Qian and Yu Hong would let themselves go and smash the hotel signboard, and on the other hand, I was afraid that punishing those two would make them go to the boss's mother to complain, and it would be difficult for the boss to be caught in the middle. The hotel entertained them, this... She was really embarrassed.

"You are good."

Lin Yue didn't answer her question directly, but boasted instead.

"I'll take care of this, go ahead and do it."

"Okay Mr. Zhou." Manager Kuang replied respectfully, then turned and left the back kitchen.

Lin Yue also gave some instructions to the head chef on how to cook and then went upstairs.

Today, Sun Chanchao and Xiao Guoqing are invited to dinner. In addition to expressing gratitude to the few people who ran before and after Zhou Zhigang's funeral, they also wanted to find opportunities to beat Wu Qian and Yu Hong, lest these two people use their own banner to make trouble in the hotel. Domineering.

Speaking of which, Ding Xia has found a good successor. In fact, she can make Wu Qian and Yu Hong her ancestors. For example, she can not come to work, and her salary is paid. The problems that may arise are expressed, unlike the leaders of many companies in Northeast China who have been rigid in their thinking for a long time, and turn a blind eye to nepotism, or even join forces with others.

"Oh, don't look at Wu Qian and Yu Hong working in the hotel. This is the first time we eat here. It's too high-end. Look at the decoration, the big dining table, the big chandelier, it's too...what's that word called? ?Luxury, to luxury."

From a distance, I heard Sun Chanchao sighing.

"Hey, catch up, you are good at your level of education, who did you learn from?" Qiao Chunyan's voice.

"Can't you learn from my son?"

"Why, showing off your son who loves learning?"

"I'm happy to show off that Debao earned money to buy a three-bedroom apartment, but I'm not happy to show off to my son to study, okay? You're so domineering, isn't it Yu Hong?" Wu Qian joined the conversation between the two.

Next came Tang Xiangyang: "Chunyan, is Debao's situation better?"

He and Cao Debao used to work as workers in the same workshop, so their relationship with Cao Debao is naturally better than that of Sun Chanchao and Xiao Guoqing.

"It's still the same. You can eat, drink, walk, and sleep. The doctor said that as long as you keep relaxed and avoid extreme joy and sorrow, the situation will not worsen."

"That's good, that's good."

"Hey, what's going on with Bingkun? He treats guests to dinner and doesn't show up, telling us to wait here. This is really the big boss's trick." Xiao Guoqing almost beat the bowl with chopsticks and scolded the cook.

This guy is real, and he can't speak his mind.

Lin Yue reached out to knock on the door, and walked into the box from the outside.

"Look, this person just doesn't talk about it." Qiao Chunyan clapped her hands: "Let me solemnly introduce to you here, the vice president of Shencheng Group, the owner of Longyue Hotel, and my god-brother Zhou Bingkun, arrive."

Lin Yue said, "I just went to the back kitchen."

Qiao Chunyan said: "I know, I finally went to the grassroots to inspect the work. When I was the director of the Women's Federation in the district, the leaders in the city used to do this."

Lin Yue didn't continue to talk to her, and walked to the table to take a look: "Is the food ordered?"

Sun Chanchao said, "I'm waiting for you to order."

Lin Yue beckoned, called the waitress and said a few words, she nodded and walked out with graceful steps.

Wu Qian noticed the slight expression on Tang Xiangyang's face: "Look silly, our waiters here are all one-in-a-million beauties, don't want ugly ones, old ones, and bad-figured ones, let's just say that they are still beautiful before starting work." Go to Beijing to receive special training, otherwise, why do you think Longyue Hotel has been able to sit firmly as the most luxurious hotel in Jichun City for so many years."

After finishing speaking, he pointed at him and said with a sneer, "I don't think I've seen the world? You're still an engineer."

Indeed, she and Yu Hong have worked in the Longyue Hotel for more than ten years, and they have not seen much else. They have seen a lot of bosses who spend money like water, and the two of them complained in private. Next to a big boss who is worth millions or something.

Tang Xiangyang pushed his glasses, shook his head and smiled wryly.

Wu Qian continued: "Oh, Zheng Juan's fate is good. She married Bingkun, a potential stock. At the beginning, everyone was worried about his several million bank loans. Now that I think about it, it's really stupid. I didn't say that. , People who can come here to treat guests, who doesn’t have millions of tens of millions of debts? If you don’t owe the bank money, you are ashamed to call yourself the boss, because others will think you have no strength, it’s okay, you can’t get it in the bank money."

From this point of view, she really did not mess around in vain, and she has changed a lot from her previous thinking.

"Okay, well said, you are so right." Qiao Chunyan raised her hands and applauded her.

Yu Hong touched her from the side, but Qiao Chunyan didn't hold back: "What do you mean? You think my actions are too rude? My god-brother hasn't spoken yet? Are you god-brother?"

Lin Yue nodded, meaning he didn't care.

As far as Sun Chanchao and Xiao Guoqing are concerned, there are no major problems and many minor problems, but as long as it is not a principled mistake, he does not want to argue with them. He, the boss, would rather be the Hao family's son-in-law than the Zhou family's mainstay. Why do you complain, want to take advantage of him, and have to look forward to Shu. It's normal to put it on someone who hasn't read much. However, there are very few women like Zheng Juan who know how to be grateful and contented.

"See, who said he has changed? No." Qiao Chunyan said: "Let's be fair, whoever manages such a large group can spare time to deal with these trivial matters in his hometown? It is said that my brother has forgotten his roots and has no conscience. "

This made Xiao Guoqing blushed. He didn't know it before, and he just realized it in the past few days. The reason why he was able to become the security section chief of the Red Star Wood Processing Factory was that Sun Chachao became the workshop director. No matter how hard the work is, it is the result of Zhou Bingkun's operation.

Wu Qian muttered in a low voice: "Obviously your family's Cao Debao danced the most, but now it's doing well, let's beat it."

Qiao Chunyan pretended she didn't hear it: "Now I know why Mrs. Qu feels uncomfortable when we complain. She is not uncomfortable there. She is driving people away. She is just an old leader, so I am embarrassed to say something. Challenging."

Just as she was complimenting Lin Yue and trying her best to increase her favorability, the waiters filed in and brought out plates of dishes.

Fruit platter, soup with seasonal vegetables, jellyfish head in red oil, fried durian rolls, secret squab, soft-shelled turtle soup, garlic au dragon, charcoal-grilled lamb chops, emerald shrimp balls, steamed grouper...

The wine is two bottles of Maotai 15-year-old wine, four bottles of red wine with English labels.

Wu Qian and Yu Hong are hotel employees. Although they work in the guest room department, they still have some understanding of the prices of these dishes. Among other things, two bottles of Moutai 15-year-old wine are worth several months of their salary. up.

Qiao Chunyan remembered the scene where Cao Debao came back to treat Xiao Guoqing and others to dinner after earning money by reselling CDs. Is there half a year? Just compare it.

The waitress standing behind Lin Yuechong winked, and the two came over. One of them opened the Moutai wine on the table, poured it into the exquisite wine dispenser in front of him, and passed it clockwise to Sun Chachao, Xiao Guoqing, Tang Xiangyang and Lin Yuechong. Yue filled it up, and another person took a red wine decanter and poured about a third of each into the goblets in front of Qiao Chunyan, Yu Hong and Wu Qian.

Yu Hong's expression was a little unnatural, and her movements were very stiff. You must know that as a housekeeper, she is usually ordered by guests. When has she been served by someone serving tea like this? Sun Chanchao and Xiao Guoqing are not much better. , Qiao Chunyan and Tang Xiangyang are better, after all, they are people who have seen the world.

"Okay, you guys go down, we can do it ourselves."

In order not to put pressure on them, Lin Yue ordered the waiter to leave the room.

"Okay, Mr. Zhou, we are right outside the door, please greet me if you have anything to do."

The two agreed and went outside. Sun Chanchao, Xiao Guoqing and others were obviously relieved, and their expressions and movements became more natural.

Qiao Chunyan laughed and said: "Brother, I think you should arrange a few more ordinary-looking people in this hotel. Look at the two younger sisters just now. They can't compare me to a single flower in this optical film, which makes me feel embarrassed to eat." gone."

Tang Xiangyang and the others smiled, and the atmosphere eased a lot.

Lin Yue said: "It was because I didn't think carefully, and I didn't inform the manager in advance, so she followed the standard of a business banquet."

"Hey, I just said it casually." Qiao Chunyan held up the cup: "How long has it been since I sat down with my brother and had a good meal? Four or five years ago? Our hard buddies in optical film, Tie Let's go, sisters."

She didn't say that the Six Gentlemen and their wives in the film only, Lu Chuan didn't have time to come, Cao Debao was sick, and even if he wasn't sick, he would probably be ashamed to come. Others may not know, but as a wife, she knows He knew that seeing his best friend outperforming him would make his brain hemorrhage with anger, if it got out, wouldn't people laugh it off?

Lin Yue picked up the wine glass, and the others followed suit and drank the wine in the glass together.

Sun Chanchao licked his tongue after drinking, then turned the cup upside down and put it in his mouth twice.

Xiao Guoqing thought of an advertisement on a certain station: "What's wrong? Can't let go of the last drop?"

Sun Chanchao said: "This wine is hundreds of yuan a bottle, and this glass is a week's wages."

Wu Qian said: "Look at how promising you are, Bingkun invited us to eat here today and never thought of saving money. As long as you are not afraid of sneaking under the table and making people look ugly, good wine is enough, isn't it Bingkun?"

"It's okay, if you like it, I'll ask Xiao Kuang to bring you two bottles back."

Lin Yue said it casually, but Sun Chanchao was too embarrassed to ask for it. It's too rude to take back after eating and drinking other people's food.

He was about to say no here, but Wu Qian spoke quickly: "Do we have it too?"

She pointed to the red wine in front of her.

Qiao Chunyan and the others didn't know this red wine, but Tang Xiangyang, as an engineer at the Chemical Industry Institute, knew a little bit about it, because the exchange rate had to be considered, and the price of this stuff was no lower than that of Moutai.

"Yes, everyone has."

It's been so many years, and she's still the same Wu Qian who always wants to take advantage of others, but Lin Yue doesn't care about it. For a person who calculates profits by tens of millions every day, he naturally won't be entangled in this point of gain or loss.

Qiao Chunyan said: "Listen, this big boss is full of confidence, let alone Mao 15, people like us can drink ordinary Maotai once a year, that is a very extravagant consumption."

Mao 15 can be named as the deputy director.

With just a few words, she got a pair of high-quality red wine from Lin Yue, and two bottles of Mao 15 for Xiao Guoqing. Wu Qian was very proud.

"As for you, you still have to drink, and a family like ours can smell it."

Qiao Chunyan said: "What kind of family do I have? Can we all be the same? It's just my brother. My brother is really amazing."

Wu Qian was unhappy when she heard this: "Chun Yan'er, I don't like to hear you say that. Who doesn't know that your man made a fortune selling VCD discs and bought three bedrooms and one living room for his family, what about us? Catch up and live with my parents. Our family of three squeezed into the two adobe houses of Zheng Juan's house in Taiping Hutong. Even if Bingkun and his wife don't like it any more, it is Zheng Juan's ancestral property. My house, can our situation be the same?"

"Okay, okay, I'm better than you, I'm better than you."

"Apart from Bingkun and Zheng Juan among us, your family's conditions are better."

As he talked, his eyes were red, and the teardrops were rolling in the eye sockets.

Qiao Chunyan took a look and said, "Why are you still crying?"

Yu Hong hurriedly extinguished the fire for the two of them, and picked up the wine glass: "Come on, let's three women have a drink, this is the first time we have eaten in such a high-end restaurant when we grow up."

Wu Qian didn't move, she just shook her body and turned her head away,

"What are you doing, and what are you doing? Every time you get together, you do this." Xiao Guoqing's eyes widened with anger, and he stopped drinking and eating.

"When Kun'er is away, don't you complain? Why can't I be wronged? Not to mention Kun'er, you have to be half as capable as Debao, and we won't be living in Zheng Juan's house now."

"Yes, I'm not half as capable as Debao, let alone Kun'er. You married the wrong person. If you're not satisfied, go find someone else. If you have the ability, go."

"Xiao Guoqing! Are you speaking in human terms? I have been married to your old Xiao family for eighteen years. Don't you know how much you have suffered and how much wronged you have suffered?"

Qiao Chunyan also supported Wu Qian: "National Day, people who are rushing to the fifth day, why are you still like this, like a firecracker, it explodes at one point."

Can he not blow it up? In 1981, when the six gentlemen gathered, Wu Qian played a demon, and Zhou Bingkun gave them Zheng Juan’s house to live in. In 1984, when the six gentlemen gathered, Wu Qian played a demon again. After the end, Qu Xiuzhen introduced a Now that they know about the job as a cleaner, Zhou Bingkun is actually the boss behind the Longyue Hotel. What does she want to do if she is still here today? Originally, I knew that Zhou Bingkun saved the Red Star Timber Processing Factory, and arranged for him to be a small official who didn’t have to do heavy work. He spent a lot of money to invite everyone to dinner in such a high-end restaurant, and prepared expensive gifts. I was ashamed of being led off by Cao Debao before, but I didn't expect Wu Qian to be a monster again.


This is a big hotel, if you want to change it to your own home, make sure the tables are turned over.

"Hey, it's alright, it's alright, stop arguing." Sun Chanchao got up to persuade the fight.

Wu Qian turned her head away from looking at Xiao Guoqing, and wiped her tears with her hands.

Lin Yue looked funny from the side. This woman knows the truth that a crying child has milk. Every time she eats with him, she sells badly. She knows what she wants to do with her butt, let alone Qiao Chunyan and Yu Hong, now even Xiao Guoqing, the big bastard, can feel the smell.

"If you can't speak, don't say it. No one treats you as dumb. Now I finally know why Kun'er doesn't want to attend our party. With something like you around, I will hide."

"Xiao Guoqing!" Wu Qian wiped her tears and said, "Some words have been in my heart for a long time. Since everyone is here today, then I don't want to hide them. Among us, who does Kun'er care about the most? Overtake , Did he help build the two-story building in your house? He also offended the Daxiong family for you. Yu Hong told me that even your sister Xiao Ning was admitted to the university by Kuner. Arrange her into Huaneng Automobile, and now you are in love with the director of the factory, and after they get married, your family will enjoy the blessings. Tell there such a thing?"

Sun Chanchao looked at her daughter-in-law fiercely.

Yu Hong dodged and did not dare to look at him.

Wu Qian continued to complain: "Yes, Kun'er didn't directly help Chunyan, but what did Cao Debao rely on to earn a three-bedroom apartment? If it was him, would it be possible? Kun'er gave him the opportunity , He caught it, and your family got rid of the situation of renting a house and have a good life today."

Looking at the problem from the perspective of those few people, this is not bad. If Shencheng Group did not release the electronic product VCD, and if Zhou Bingkun did not give it to Mrs. Qu in advance, Cao Debao would not be able to see the business opportunity and do a good job. Be ready, strike at the right time, and earn the first pot of gold.

"What about us? Kuner let us live in two adobe houses in Taiping Hutong. Yes, later on National Day became the head of the security department, but the salary was one-fifth less than that of Catch-up. I worked as a cleaner in the hotel I have been working as a clerk for almost ten years, is there any problem with mentioning a foreman? No problem. So I said that he takes care of our family the least, is this wrong?"

Qiao Chunyan wanted to say that fate is not so comparable, but looking at Wu Qian's appearance, she knew that she would not listen to her, so she had to give up.

Tang Xiangyang was sandwiched between the woman and the man. He who was jealous of Zhou Bingkun now has a little more sympathy and understanding. Tell me, when you have no money, you secretly compete and compare. Now that you have money, you can care about it a little more. , That one is aggrieved, you care a little more about that, and this one is complaining. Parents can’t equalize their children. This kind of friendship, it’s not good to help, and it’s not good to help too much. Just now good? What is just right? How can it be just right?

At this time, Lin Yue got up from his chair and looked around at the people present: "Wu Qian, do you think I'm in charge of your family, right? Well, I'll give you and National Day a chance."

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