Others said Zhou Bingkun was stupid, but Zheng Juan didn't think so.

"What on earth are you planning?"


"Don't try to lie to me, I don't know you yet, don't worry about the time when you don't suffer from anything."

"Are you kidding me? I have suffered a lot from Wu Qian."

Zheng Juan knew that Xiao Guoqing and Sun Chanchao had become the director of the wood processing factory, and the other had become the deputy director of the wood processing factory. Wu Qian and Yu Hong also went to work together. They were also very enthusiastic about carrying the sedan chairs for them. They stuffed more than a dozen people into the factory in a row, and they were very popular for a while.

Why did Liu Ailin leave in a fit of anger? It's very simple. Most of the people who came to Lao Zhou's house to look for Li Suhua to work wanted to enter the factory as a leader. They thought that her husband could arrange good jobs for Xiao Guoqing and Sun Chanchao, so they would also have a job. Qualified to receive such treatment, take a step back, the factory manager can’t be the director, the section chief or director should be fine. In the end, the answer I got was to go to the construction site to work as a small worker first, and then recommend a unit based on performance. This psychological gap is too great. , can be happy.

"What on earth are you thinking? National Day is your childhood, so you can't go too far."

Zheng Juan has a very bad feeling that Xiao Guoqing and his wife are about to stumble. As a couple who have shared the same bed for more than 20 years, she knows Zhou Bingkun's character very well, and those who dig holes for him are without exception. All died horribly.

"How come, I am not practicing the initiative of 'get rich first, then get rich later'. Of course I have to help my friends if I have the ability."

Zheng Juan distrusts his awareness and "kindness" from hair to toe, but he has been playing sloppy and not telling the truth. As a housewife, she has nothing to do To change his mind, he could only sigh, said to go to sleep, and went to rest on the kang in the back room.


Soon, what Lin Yue said last night swept through the entire optical film like a storm.

Some people think he must be crazy, is this a loan? This is a gift of a house. The brick houses and adobe houses in the optical film are exchanged for commercial houses in the city. Idiots will not borrow this money.

Some people also suspected that there was fraud in it, but if you think about it carefully, what could he defraud them? You can redeem the house within 2 years if you repay the principal, and you can continue to live in it during this period. What is the difference between this and lending you a large sum of money without interest?

If you can doubt the motive of borrowing money, then providing tuition fees to children who are admitted to college without any strings attached is a gift of real money.

Of course, he did offend some people when it came to arranging work. Some people even said that they went to him to arrange work to save face for the old Zhou family. Don't talk about giving it to an official, at least arrange a job with less work and more money, and the result? It is absolutely disgusting to be asked to go to a construction site to work as a half-year laborer.

In short, some say he is stupid, some say he is crazy, some say he is bad, some say he is good, some say he is stinky and show off, some say he takes himself too seriously, some say he is a weasel giving a New Year greeting to a chicken There are those who say that he has done a good job, and there are also those who don't want to be critical.

January 1996.

Ding Jianye, who is about to retire, stands on the roof of a residential building that is about to be completed and overlooks the Songhua River in the distance.

"It's still you who are amazing. Sometimes when you think about it, comparing yourself with you, it's like I've lived in vain for more than 60 years."

"Why do you say that?" Lin Yue handed him a cigarette.

Ding Jianye took it and took a sip in his mouth: "Under normal circumstances, when land is acquired and a building is built, in a place like optical film, there must be many people sitting on the ground and raising the price, and they will take the developer as a fool and beat them up. What about you? A shell of borrowing money to let them sell the house to you willingly. This is actually taking advantage of ordinary people’s greed for petty gains. The idea of ​​redemption at any time is even more retreat. Imagine that they are used to living with complete facilities. Who would care about an old house with optical prints? What's more, with the ability of those people, it is difficult to earn a house in three to five years. There are only a handful of real estate development companies in Jichun City. We are The biggest one, the second one, 'Tangcheng', if I guessed correctly, is yours too. After all, shopping malls are like battlefields, and often need to sing double reeds and perform fake plays. These people mortgage the property with their left hand to ask you to borrow money, and hold the money with their right hand Go to buy commercial housing developed by your company, not to mention the place where you can get optical film at a very low cost, but also artificially create demand, push up real estate prices and make profits, and make the neighbors of optical film feel that they owe you favors. Awesome. Ah, amazing...I admire you in ten thousand capital letters, Ding Xia and others say you are the group's strategic planner, don't you know that you are also not an ordinary person in terms of manipulating people's hearts and manipulating details."

"Is there?" Lin Yue smiled wryly: "I am dedicated to being the one who drives the rich first, so let's do this... just to reduce unnecessary troubles, do you think they have moved into the building in advance? Want to work hard There is also an option for those who work, the realistic conditions for children to receive higher education are guaranteed, families with critically ill patients can also receive life-saving money, and they don’t have to worry about housing for the next five years, all of which are good things.”

"That's why I say you are amazing, because you can always use reason to make others speechless."

"Speaking of business, as a leading developer, try to control the rise in housing prices as much as possible. You can make money, but you can't cut leeks without a bottom line. The result of exhausting the pond is that there are no small fish in the end."

Ding Jianye nodded: "I see, when are you going back?"

"Leave the day after tomorrow."

"In such a hurry?"

"There is a forum about Internet access standards for mobile phones to participate in. This is a major event related to the development of communication technology in the next 30 years, and I cannot be absent."

"Do you want me to see you off?"

"Forget it, the plane at 6 o'clock in the morning."

"Okay, pay attention to safety when you go abroad, some people will do anything for the market."

"For this, what I want to say is, welcome to do it."

Lin Yuechong blinked at the old man, put on his helmet and turned to leave.


November 1996.

A talk show is playing on TV.

The hostess was sitting in serious business attire with a touch of vivaciousness. Opposite her was a thin man who looked very young.

"Mr. Hu, I have another report in my hand. From 1995 to early 1996, the domestic VCD market was basically monopolized by foreign brands such as Samsung and Sony. The market share of domestic brands was less than 15%. The VCD market share of domestic brands is rising rapidly, especially the Aiduo VCD you created, whose sales volume in South China and East China has surpassed that of Samsung VCD, I want to know what is the secret of Aiduo’s ability to beat Samsung. "

"Cost-effective and publicity." Facing the camera, Mr. Hu looked proud: "The same quality but lower price, the same product, domestic or foreign products, which one should you choose? We often say open the market? The essence of opening the market What is it? It's very simple. It's to open people's heads and stuff their good impressions of their own products. I read a book on psychology. People will have a preference for things that they see every day. When they encounter similar When comparing things, we will unconsciously compare them, proving that the former is better than the latter from all angles, and at worst, each has its own merits.”

"It is said that success is reserved for those who are prepared, Mr. Hu, this sentence is vividly expressed in you." The hostess complimented.

"I'll be embarrassed if you praise me so much." Mr. Hu said with a smile.

At this time, the hostess changed the subject and asked a particularly topical question: "Mr. Hu, there is a view circulating in the market that Fucheng advertised on CCTV before, letting the people of the whole country know about the VCD product. , but I didn’t expect this move to help Samsung, Sony, Pioneer, and later brands such as Aiduo and Xinke. Although Fucheng is also producing VCDs, it has been tepid. In the past two years, its popularity has not increased but decreased. May I ask this What do you think of it?"

Mr. Hu looked at her strangely: "Fu Cheng is tepid? Who told you about this?"

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