Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1678 Godfather of Business

The hostess said: "I have a report on the domestic VCD market share."

After finishing speaking, she took out a piece of A4 paper, on which was the market share report of VCD brand given by the relevant organization. As the first company to launch VCD, Fucheng ranked 12th, with a market share of 3.8%, and annual shipments Less than 100,000 units, which is seriously inconsistent with the positioning of "the first person to eat crabs". Many merchants in department stores joked that Fucheng had practiced the "magic skill of wedding dress". Back then, he spent a lot of money to advertise on CCTV. The final result is to sacrifice oneself and fulfill others.

The purpose of the TV station arranging her to ask this question is to use Aiduo to whip Fucheng, artificially create conflicts and topics, to make the audience in front of the TV climax, after all, watching the excitement is not too big a deal, the Yangtze River waves push the front waves, and the front waves die on the beach What's so funny.

Mr. Hu sighed: "I think you, like many ordinary citizens, are also deceived by appearances."

The hostess looked puzzled: "Mr. Hu, what do you mean by that?"

"Do you know the name of Fucheng Electric's parent company?"

"I really don't know that."

"Tiancheng Electronics."

"Tiancheng Electronics? Is it the Tiancheng Electronics that has mastered many advanced technologies in the fields of integrated circuits, optics, and precision instruments, and is world-renowned?"

"That's right, that's it." Speaking of Tiancheng Electronics, Mr. Hu lost his complacency: "Let's put it this way, 85% of the movement and 67% of the decoder chips in the popular brand phones on the market are from Tiancheng Electronics. Before this summer, Tiancheng Electronics’ market share in the VCD movement market was as high as 96%. Intellectual property issues were sued by Tiancheng Electronics, and in the end, I don’t know what kind of negotiations and exchange of interests the two parties have gone through, and finally chose to settle out of court.”

Mr. Hu looked at the expression on the hostess's face that could be described as "wonderful", and shook his head: "You thought that Fucheng's aggressive advertising in 1994 was to make wedding dresses for later companies, but it was actually a bait, cough …I mean that Fucheng’s doing this is also an act of expanding the market, and their main customers are VCD manufacturers such as Samsung, Pioneer, Sony, Aiduo, and Xinke.”

When he said the first half of the sentence, he was angry, and there was a sense of helplessness and resentment in the words, but fortunately, in the end, he stopped talking and did not greet Mr. Zhou's old mother. At present, all VCD manufacturers are trying their best to promote the competition by means of advertisements, price cuts, and gifts. On the other hand, Tiancheng Electronics only needs to maintain its advantages in terms of performance, and it can make money almost lying down.

"So that's how it is." The hostess adjusted her emotions: "Thank you Mr. Hu for uncovering the unknown side of the VCD industry for us."

Mr. Hu waved his hand: "You're welcome, I'm just telling the truth. This is not a secret, it's a well-known thing in the industry."


Cao Debao sat on the sofa, watching a man and a woman on the TV, his hands were trembling, and he wanted to pick up the peeled apple on the coffee table, but he didn't have enough strength to drop it on the ground.

He simply didn't pick it up, and sulked half lying on the sofa.

Now he knows why Hou Xiangqian scoffed at the saying that Fuduo VCD sacrificed itself to serve others in the market, because Tiancheng Electronics did not need to compete with Samsung, Sony, Aiduo, Xinke, etc., it only needed to be itself For scientific research work, those terminal product manufacturers will naturally help it expand its territory and open up the VCD market all over the world.


Qiao Chunyan came out from the back room and pressed the power button of the color TV.

"Damn you, what's wrong with watching this kind of show, the hospital is not enough, right?" After speaking, seeing the apple that fell on the ground, he picked it up with his hands, and took it to the kitchen to wash it cursingly.

Cao Debao swallowed, feeling a little bitter.


During the Spring Festival of 1997, Yueyue took Xiao Lei back to Jichun to celebrate the New Year. After graduating last summer, she joined an immigration service company. Zhou Rong was very unhappy about this. Firstly, the immigration service company is a private enterprise, and the social status of working there is not high. Second, she was afraid that her daughter would be black if she was close to ink. After staying in the house for a long time, one day she would live abroad on a whim. It would be difficult for her to ease the relationship with her daughter. Cai Xiaoguang later told her that Feng Huacheng and Wang Zi had gone. In response to news from France, she hurried to Beijing to persuade Yueyue to give up the job.

The two had a big fight over this matter. Yueyue said that it was her freedom to choose what kind of life to live. Zhou Rong said that her relatives were all in China. If she emigrated abroad, it would be selfish and unfilial. Yueyue was so angry that she directly After driving people out of the yard, even Xiao Lei, who was trying to persuade them to fight, was scolded.

Going back to the optical film, she found that compared with the previous two years, it was much deserted. After careful inquiry, she found out that many people had moved out.

Ever since the first neighbor who mortgaged his property bought a house in a commercial housing complex with the money he borrowed, and lived in a building with a private bathroom, heating, and no need to worry about the roof collapsing under the heavy snow, those people have already lived enough. People in dilapidated houses followed suit one after another. Slowly, fewer and fewer people lived here. A lot of young people and children at the village head and alleys have left, and most of the rest are middle-aged and elderly people over 50 years old. Because of this Or for that reason, they are still living in the old house in disrepair.

It was Lin Yue's intention for Yueyue to bring Xiao Lei to Jichun to celebrate the new year. The purpose was to let Li Suhua see this prospective nephew and son-in-law. Zhou Bingyi and Hao Dongmei also came back. As for Zhou Rong and Cai Xiaoguang, no one informed them, because no one wanted to Touch the mold of the third child.

After the Spring Festival, Yueyue and Xiao Lei went to Beijing, Lin Yue went south, and the optical film returned to its previous calm.

Another half a year passed in a blink of an eye. On this day, Qu Xiuzhen was sitting on a recliner covered with a blanket. She was nearly 70 years old with gray hair all over her head, and she didn't look very energetic.

"Little song, little song."

Ma Shouchang patted her on the shoulder.

Qu Xiuzhen slowly opened her eyes, looked at the old face opposite and asked, "What's the matter, old horse?"

"You watch TV."

"Watching TV? What's so good about TV?"

Qu Xiuzhen said that there was nothing interesting about the TV, but she still turned her attention to the TV behind her wife. On the upper right corner of the screen was the CCAV2 logo, and in the middle of the screen was a man wearing a tall chef hat and wearing an apron with the Songhua River Flavor Industry LOG on it. The chef of the star-rated hotel is handling the carp on the chopping board, using a kitchen knife to cut into pieces, while bowing his head to explain.

"The dish I brought to you today is called Demoli stewed fish. Demoli is a small town in the northeast, backed by the Songhua River, because the people there have a special way of stewing fish, and the stewed fish is special. It is delicious, so this dish is called Demoli stewed fish, which has been passed down to this day."

The chef took out another piece of cleaned pork belly: "Pork belly must be added to the de Molly stewed fish. We cut it into thick slices. Here is a little trick for everyone. Before the pork belly is put into the pot, soak it in cold water for a while, so that it will be cooked later. The taste will be better when it is cooked. What is the most intuitive feeling of our Northeast cuisine? Yes, it is large in quantity and affordable. Demoli stewed fish also has such characteristics. Let’s talk about the ingredients, onion, garlic, Ginger and so on, pay attention to thick ingredients and original taste, everyone look at the slices I cut, are they all thick slices?"

The camera zoomed in and gave a close-up of the ingredients on the cutting board.

"The stewed fish in the Northeast usually add tofu, stewed in the fish soup, and scooping up a piece is delicious and refreshing. I remember that I was very satisfied every time I ate it during the Chinese New Year when I was a child. Some people like to add a little more side dishes, such as peppers, potatoes, eggplants and so on. Yes, this can be added according to your preferences, so I won’t demonstrate it to you. Next, it’s the cooking part. Let’s heat the oil in a pan, put in the pork belly, stir-fry, remove the oil, and then prepare the Chinese prickly ash, star anise, fragrant leaves and other spices are poured in. If you are not sure about the proportion, I recommend a product here, which is the Songhua River marinade gift bag on our table, all of which are carefully selected spices. For stewed pork ribs, stewed pork, and old duck soup, just take out the corresponding ingredients and put them in the pot, so you don’t have to worry about buying spices in the mall anymore, it’s economical, fast and convenient.”


"Hey, the next step is the soul of this dish, beer. Demoli stewed fish does not use water. Well, now add a series of condiments from our Songhuajiang Weiye, light soy sauce, oil consumption, chicken powder, and some more White sugar. Put two slices of cabbage, stir-fried pork belly, and our main ingredient, big carp. The purpose of adding cabbage slices is to prevent the fish skin from sticking to the bottom of the pot during stewing. Here we cover it with a lid and open After 10 minutes, put tofu on it. After 30 minutes, add vermicelli. After 40 minutes, sprinkle with green onion, garlic and coriander. There is a saying in the Northeast, called Qiangun’s tofu and Wangun’s fish, which means The longer the fish and tofu are stewed, the better."


Qu Xiuzhen looked at the bottles and cans on TV, and a gratified smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. Since Shencheng Group completed the acquisition of Songhuajiang Soy Sauce Factory, it has been rejuvenated in just three years. A small local factory that produces soy sauce and vinegar has turned into a large-scale condiment company with dozens of seasoning products and branches all over the country. Just like what Zhou Bingkun told her at the beginning, she will definitely see a reborn Songhua in her lifetime Jiang soy sauce factory.

She was very pleased with this and had no regrets.

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