Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1685 I mean this village is full of garbage people (two in one)

For the convenience of construction vehicles, the big alley has been paved with asphalt, and several houses along the road have also signed the demolition agreement. The excavator is demolishing the obstructing yard, so there is a relatively spacious area in the middle.

The mayor of Lang and his staff were besieged in front of the notice board, and behind it was a pile of construction waste. In the corner, there were broken cans, old cabinets, and rotten quilts discarded by nearby residents. A banner was drawn between two big trees. It says "reject forced demolition, resist collusion between government and businessmen", and the old rascals Da Xiong and Er Xiong in the optical film are still waving small red flags below.

Zhou Bingyi laughed back angrily, thinking that these two guys were convinced by Zhou Bingkun. After thirty years of relationship, the scars are healed and the pain is forgotten.

"Comrades, comrades, step aside."

The people on the optical film focused on District Chief Lang and didn't notice Zhou Bingyi's arrival. They didn't turn around until Xiao Wang yelled out a word.

"Zhou Bingyi is here."

"Zhou Bingyi is here."


"Mayor Zhou."


Zhou Bingyi led Xiao Wang into the crowd. District Chief Lang wanted to talk to him, but he stopped him with a wave of his hand. He turned to look at the crowd and said, "Folks, as soon as I came over there, I saw this banner hanging on the tree trunk. Forced demolition? Tell me, which house was demolished, and which department is demolishing it?"

No one spoke, because the slogan "Refused to demolish" was just a gimmick, a means by Er Xiong to make things bigger.

"Why don't you talk? No one forcibly demolished it?"

Zhou Bingyi glanced across the audience, and saw Qiao Chunyan, Yu Hong, and Cao Debao next to the notice board who looked like they were eating melons.

"Since there is no forced demolition, please tell me, what is the collusion between government and businessmen behind this? You say, whoever colluded with whom, as long as the evidence is convincing, we will definitely deal with it seriously."


There was another silence.

Perhaps seeing Zhou Bingyi taking the lead and thinking that he can no longer be so arrogant, Daxiong gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, stood up and pointed at him and said, "It's you, you colluded with your brother Zhou Bingkun and deceived us all."

"I colluded with Bingkun?" Zhou Bingyi smiled: "Then tell me, why did I collude with him?"

"Seven years ago, your brother cheated us to mortgage the property to him with a pawn. Seven years later, you can see that he has almost collected the house, so he introduced a demolition policy to make him a lot of money. Don't think we are all fools. , Isn’t this collusion between government and businessmen?”

Zhou Bingyi still kept a smile on his face: "How many years has Bingkun invested in Northeast China? Strictly speaking, he has been doing it since 1983. You should remember the name Jishantang. That is his first property in Jichun. The result is , put up a deal for Golden Land Magazine, took the restaurant back, and then it didn’t manage well. I’m ashamed to say that some people here should know my father Zhou Zhigang. He didn’t agree with anyone, so he never said what he did in the south, what achievements he had made when he returned home. I only found out that Longyue Hotel belonged to Bingkun many years later. The contracting rights of the factory, even including my meeting with Peng Xinsheng of the Luo Group because of the Jichun Chemical Plant, I didn’t know that my younger brother had made such a big name in Shenzhen. I won't wait until today to do this again. I should take care of the affairs of Jishantang back then. Taking a step back, even if I wanted to help him, he would not mind it, because the neighbors around him knew that the old man Of the three children in the Zhou family, my father thinks that I am the most promising and the youngest son is the worst. As for Bingkun, he held his breath and wanted to prove his father's opinion wrong. Think about it, he has such a high spirit, if he succeeds by relying on my relationship, Is that called success? Isn’t that slapping himself in the face?”

Da Xiong hesitated for a moment, then continued to raise his face, and spit and said: "These are all your family affairs, how can others know the truth, anyway, now he has cheated our house and made a lot of money in the demolition business led by you. "

"Does everyone think so?" Zhou Bingyi glanced around the crowd again. Although they didn't help, they still had a lot of doubts on their faces: "It's not that I, the older brother, praised the younger brother, Bingkun, he... really doesn't need to use This is how you make money.”

He just finished speaking here, only to hear footsteps coming from the corner of the big alley, and then a group of people came in noisily.

Seeing the person in front, Zhou Bingyi was stunned for a moment.

In fact, not only he was stunned, everyone was stunned, because it was said that Cao Cao Cao Cao was here, it was none other than Zhou Bingkun, the subject of today's topic.

Daxiong found his daughter-in-law among the crowd who came together, knew that he came from the pawn shop, and brought over all the troublemakers in the past.

"Bingkun, why are you back?"

Zhou Bingyi didn't know about his return to Jichun.

"Yesterday, the manager of the pawn shop called me, saying that someone came to make trouble and asked me what to do, so I booked a ticket for this morning and came back to deal with it." After speaking, he glanced at the slogan hanging on the tree trunk, and then looked at Da Xiong and Er Xiong glanced at each other, causing them to shrink back. He didn't put any further pressure on him. He walked to the small slope next to him and looked at the residents with contempt: "Sometimes it's really ridiculous when you think about it." , Sheng Mien fights Mi Qiu, the ancients never deceived me. What do you mean by hanging this banner? You understand, I understand, but my brother doesn’t understand, or he pretends not to understand. Don’t you just think you’ve lost money? Want to Go back to my real estate in the optical film, so as to get a share of the demolition, now it seems that there is a reason why the optical film is a poor place."

Everyone present could hear the sarcasm in his words.

"Did I force you to borrow money from the pawn shop? No, you are greedy for cheap and think that borrowing money is still a good business. After all, a well-equipped building is much more comfortable to live in than an adobe house with light-text films. You Enjoying the blessings of being outside for several years, you don’t have to worry about your parents slipping and breaking their legs when they walk on dirt roads on rainy days, you don’t have to worry about carbon dioxide poisoning from burning briquettes in winter, you don’t have to queue up to fetch water with buckets, and you don’t have to endure the smell of public toilets. Children can read key points At school, the old man has an emergency ambulance that can drive directly into the community. Now that the optical text film is about to be dismantled, after learning about the compensation standard, he feels unbalanced, so he comes out to make trouble and call. Are you still unreasonable? No, you should How shameless are you for asking this question? I, Zhou Bingkun, can’t choose my origin. If I could, I’d tell my son, look, there’s a group of bastards living in the optical film, and they deserve to be poor.”

If the first sentence is a sarcasm, the second is a curse.

Yes, it sounds ugly and angry, but anyone with a little bit of conscience knows that he is qualified to scold, and even more qualified to ridicule.

I managed the lumber factory for a small company, but the people who moved out of the optical film almost went bankrupt. Now the people who moved away saw that the optical film was going to be demolished, and thought it would be profitable, so they wanted to tear up the agreement in black and white and red handprints. From the standpoint of Zhou Bingkun, what would you think of the residents in optical film?

Zhou Bingyi couldn't say such things, but listening to his younger brother scolding this group of people was really relieved.

In the past, he was the one who got bullied, but now let these people experience Zhou Bingkun's poisonous tongue, um, it's pretty good.

Seeing that everyone just stared angrily and didn't dare to choke back, Cao Debao's eyes were about to burst into flames, Lin Yue hooked his fingers at him: "Cao Debao, are you not convinced? Come on, come out and speak."

How could Cao Debao dare to go out, smiled awkwardly, and took a step back instead, cursing behind his back, black and black, let alone stumbling, and fight Zhou Bingkun face to face? I really don't have the guts, after all, there is a lesson learned by Sun Chachao, this guy became ruthless towards Fa Xiao, and he didn't show any affection at all. There is also that Sun Sheng, who may not be known to others, and Yu Hong ran to their house last year Crying, saying that the British side informed him that Sun Sheng was missing, and was not found by the locals until three months later, naked on the beach in Brazil.

From England to Brazil, from Europe to South America, who didn't know what they did, but they remembered that at the party with Lu Chuan and Tang Xiangyang after Sun Chanchao entered, Zhou Bingkun asked them if they wanted to wipe out the Sun's family.

"Don't talk?" Lin Yue turned to look at Da Xiong again: "You come."

Big Bear also shrank back.

Lin Yue seemed to be very disappointed with their behavior: "It's really boring, how about it, don't you want to go back to your own house? It's not impossible, even if it is to support the work of the eldest brother, as long as you can press the photo The house area * the average price of commercial houses in Jichun City is returned to the pawnbroker, and the house in the optical film is still yours, how about it? It’s reasonable and legal, right?”

Zhou Bingkun promised to give them a chance to redeem the house?

There was an uproar at the scene.

Zhou Bingyi couldn't help frowning slightly.

Yes, Zhou Bingkun chose to compromise, giving the residents of the optical film who moved away a chance to redeem the old house, which could help him calm down the situation, but in all fairness, he felt a little guilty.

In the past, he would definitely think that this is the right way to do it, he is his younger brother, but now it is different, it may be because he is old, or it may be because he has realized that he only cares about work in this life and has done too little for his family. It’s unfair to the younger brother—from the perspective of a businessman, he didn’t make much money, and those three melons and jujubes are far from impressive for Shencheng Group; From the perspective of Zhou Bingyi, it can be regarded as mixed, some are grateful and some are hostile, and more are jealous and unhappy; from the perspective of his younger brother Zhou Bingyi, in order to support his work and calm the situation, he chose to compromise with Da Xiong and his group... There are some people here who are so greedy that they are hopelessly greedy.

"Three months, I will give you three months."

Lin Yue left behind these words, turned around and left, as if he felt his feet were dirty if he stayed in the optical film for a second longer.

Among the onlookers were not only Da Xiong, Er Xiong, Cao Debao, and Yu Hong who had no bottom line and selfishness, but also some residents who simply wanted to join in the fun. They looked at Da Xiong and others with contempt. Regret chess, playing mahjong can't afford to lose is any different, always thinking about what to do to benefit yourself, and treating others as fools?

"I can't afford to lose."


"Don't say a few words, don't mess with such rascals, blocking keyholes, throwing manure, throwing firecrackers in the yard, kicking the back wall in the middle of the night...they can't do anything."

"The brothers of the Xiong family are both in their fifties, and they are about to become grandpas. Why do they still do this kind of thing?"

"Didn't they borrow money from the pawnshop two years ago and move to Chonghua Community? I heard that they broke up with the people in the entire unit building. They put pickles in the corridor, piled up garbage, and brought some dubious things in the middle of the night. People coming and going, loud noises, this family is really... annoyed wherever they go."

"Don't say it, don't say it, Er Xiong's wife is here."


Zhou Bingyi didn't continue to listen to the neighbors' complaints, and told Xiao Wang and District Chief Lang to learn more about the progress of the demolition and the residents' additional demands, and quickly caught up with Lin Yue.

"Bingkun, get angry, I really didn't expect things to turn out like this."

Lin Yue said: "Many times you feel that you are doing them good, but they may not appreciate it. A farmer will be bitten if he saves a dying snake, let alone someone with more ideas."

"Don't be so pessimistic. Didn't you hear the conversation of the neighbors just now? There are still many people who miss you."

"Hehe, ten silent people with a conscience can't speak louder than one mad villain."

Zhou Bingyi was speechless, because what his younger brother said was right, even if a hundred people thought of him well, he might not be able to gain the upper hand in the face of two vicious hooligans.

Seeing that he was about to walk out of the photocopy, Lin Yue comforted him instead: "Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault, in fact I didn't lose money, and it's not like I'm giving back the house for nothing. Compared with the house price in 1995, I'm This has doubled the profit, almost 10% annual rate of return, for the vast majority of prudent investors, it is considered a high return."

It is true to say so, but referring to past achievements, Zhou Bingyi always felt that the energy he put in on this matter was not proportional to the money he earned.

"A few days ago Zhou Rong came to see me again."

"Or that thing?"

"Yes, she said that Cai Xiaoguang is now forced to make bad dramas, which will affect her reputation."

"That's their own choice, why let others wipe their ass, you just say I said it, let her die as soon as possible, the same is true for Yueyue."



What Zhou Bingkun said in the big alley quickly spread across the optical film, and those who bought houses in the urban area a few years ago were moved.

Just give the pawnbroker the amount of the area of ​​the old house * the current average price of commercial housing to get back the real estate certificate, and then get a resettlement house based on the size of the family size * 20. For some people, there is a price difference. Second, the resettlement house is a new house, and the location is a bit off, but the mayor of Jialang also said that according to the planning blueprint announced by the city, Wangjiatun belongs to the Hope New District. Schools, hospitals, and several shantytowns will also be moved there. When there are more people and shops, they will be able to live, and then the housing prices will rise.

A group of people began to sell their houses, planning to take advantage of this and move back to optical film and other demolition. A group of people didn’t want to make a fuss. The building they live in now belongs to the central city, which is close to the commercial street, work place, hospital and school. It’s not worth it to go back and forth to make up for the ten or twenty square meters, and a few people ask relatives and friends to borrow money to redeem the house. Why, the buildings they bought before don’t want to lose, and they want to take advantage of the cheap compensation for demolition and relocation. Savings + borrowing can make up the area of ​​the old house * the average price of commercial houses to redeem the house, live in it once you are done, and sell it later when you get the resettlement house.


To put it bluntly, everyone is beating themselves up, and everyone is figuring out what to do to benefit themselves.

Whose interests are harmed by the optical film people doing this? Investors. The land is approved in the district, and the funds for the construction of resettlement communities come from the developers. If they do this, the developers will have to build more houses and pay more. Originally, this kind of business can't make much money. Commercial real estate is built in optical film It is another project with large investment, long period and high risk, so it must be complained and resisted. The city also believes that this kind of chaos must be curbed, otherwise the shantytowns to be demolished will be like this, what is the urban construction plan? push on.

So the city began to investigate the people who returned to the optical film after the announcement was posted to determine whether there were other properties in the city. Qiao Chunyan and Cao Debao's family thus entered the field of vision of the inspectors. The family of seven had a total distance of 170 meters The housing is close to 25 square meters per capita.

They rushed to subsidize 120 square meters for six people, plus some money to exchange for two two-bedroom apartments, but when they paid the money, they didn't accept it. This made the two very annoyed, and learned from the gossip that the old Qiao's house might be Those on the "blacklist" can only make up according to the area, not the head.

The situation was not good now, they tried to find someone to clear it up several times but failed, the two thought of Zhou Rong, and wanted her to do Zhou Bingyi's work.

"Sister Zhou Rong, the situation is like this. I hope you can talk to Brother Bingyi and let him accommodate him. There are thousands of households in this optical film. There are not many more than our family, and many less than our family."

Zhou Rong thought for a while and said politely: "I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. You should know the character of big brother. As long as it's something that violates discipline, let alone my sister looking for him, it's useless even if my parents look for it. And recently he has a lot of opinions on me. The big one, let him be a middleman, match a boss who is related to Xiaoguang's future, and even refuse Zhou Bingkun's invitation to have a meal together."

Qiao Chunyan knew that the relationship between Zhou Rong and Zhou Bingkun was very tense, but she didn't expect the relationship with Zhou Bingyi to take a turn for the worse now. You must know that when they had conflicts before, Zhou Bingyi always stood by Zhou Rong.

Neither she nor Cao Debao looked good.

Zhou Rong continued: "In fact, it is more effective for you to ask Zhou Bingkun for this matter than to ask your eldest brother. Tangcheng, which undertook the Wangjiatun resettlement housing development project, is a unit of Shencheng Group. It is Zhou Bingkun's one word to give anyone an extra apartment." .”

Zhou Rong didn't live in the optical film, so she didn't know that Qiao Chunyan and Cao Debao had broken up with Zhou Bingkun.

Of course, even if she knew, she would say the same thing. Seeing Zhou Bingkun troubled by these human relations, at least she could vent her anger.

Tangcheng is a real estate company under Shencheng Group?

Qiao Chunyan and Cao Debao looked at each other, they were very surprised by this setting. Didn't the outside world say that Ji Cheng and Tang Cheng had always been fighting, and the second child refused to accept the boss? What's the matter? The boss behind the co-authored two companies is Zhou Bingkun? Is this singing a double reed?

The two of them pretended to be troubled, and naturally they couldn't continue chatting with Zhou Rong, so they got up and said goodbye after a few casual words.

Zhou Rong kept sending them out of the corridor, waving goodbye to them.

As soon as she returned upstairs from below, Cai Xiaoguang came out of the kitchen with the word "unhappy" written on his face.

"Zhou Rong, do you know what you are doing?"

"What did I do?" Zhou Rong didn't know why.

"Do you know what the consequences will be if the news that Tangcheng's behind-the-scenes boss is Bingkun is spread?"

"Isn't what I said the truth? What are the consequences?"

"The demolition of the optical film is in charge of the big brother, the contractor of the resettlement house is Tangcheng, and Bingkun is the person who owns the most real estate in the optical film. If this matter spreads to the ears of those who are dissatisfied with the demolition policy, it will Don’t you think there is cooperation between brothers and collusion between government and business?”

"Brother said it himself, he doesn't care about these gossips, he just wants to do things well."

"That's right. He can ignore other people's opinions in order to do practical things, but his identity... Alas, aren't you trying to sabotage the stage? Zhou Rong, when will you change your childish style."

Zhou Rong told him that she was annoyed: "What's wrong with me dismantling his platform? Didn't he also dismantle mine? Also, doesn't elder brother always say that he is not afraid of the shadow when he is upright?"

Cai Xiaoguang was so angry that he didn't cook, he threw the apron on the sofa: "You can do it."

After talking, I went into the study.

Zhou Rong said angrily: "Cai Xiaoguang, what kind of attitude do you have? I asked him to introduce Yan Xin to Zhou Bingkun, isn't it all for your sake?"

Cai Xiaoguang's angry response came from the study: "I thank you, thank you for giving up your innocence for me."

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