Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1686 I Don't Have A Sister Like You (Two in One)

When Zhou Rong and Cai Xiaoguang were arguing upstairs whether they should tell Qiao Chunyan that Zhou Bingkun was the boss behind Tangcheng Real Estate Development Company, those two were also talking about it.

"Zhou Bingyi also said that there is no collusion between government and businessmen, fart! It's pure fart! Let me just say, how could the two brothers not have any money exchanges? Zhou Bingyi is seeing that he is approaching retirement age this week, and he is going to make a fortune in his job. Let's go, that's right, that's it, how can you say that sentence, you have the right to use it, and it will become invalid after the expiration date. Zhou Bingyi, let me see how you pretend to be a saint this time."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, why are you talking so loudly? Why don't you think not enough people know about it?" Qiao Chunyan gave him a push.

"Then we must tell everyone about this, so that everyone in the film will know who Zhou Bingyi and Zhou Bingkun are."

"You stupid, what's the use of telling everyone?"

"There are many benefits. At the very least, I am happy to see the two brothers shouting and beating each other."

Qiao Chunyan picked up the bag and hit people.

Cao Debao hurriedly hid, and scolded while hiding: "What are you doing, why are you beating people while talking, have you taken gunpowder?"

"You just took gunpowder." Qiao Chunyan said, "Aren't you just trying to have fun with your mouth? There is no practical benefit."

"Then what do you say is best for us?"

"I think what Zhou Rong said is right. Zhou Bingkun is better than Zhou Bingyi for this matter."

Cao Debao couldn't understand her thoughts: "We have made it like that with him, can he promise to give you an extra suite? Do you think it was back in 1995 when you didn't want the Provence bath?"

"Then didn't we catch him and Zhou Bingyi's pigtails now?"

"Heh..." Cao Debao thought this was ridiculous: "Do you think that with Zhou Bingkun's temper, he can take advantage of you? How did he beat Zhou Rong at his father's funeral, and how did he treat Chachao and your two sisters?" ,you forgot?"

"One moment and another moment." Qiao Chunyan waved her arms and said, "Don't we know the secret between him and Zhou Bingyi now? He doesn't think about himself, he should also think about his elder brother. If this matter is verified, he will go to jail of."

Cao Debao understood: "Daughter-in-law, you are still smart, so hurry up and call Zhou Bingkun."

"What's the rush, let's go home first."

"Yes, yes, go home first."

Fifteen minutes later, the two returned home, and Qiao Chunyan dialed Lin Yue's number under Cao Debao's urging.

The phone rang for a while and then connected.

"Hey, brother, it's me, I'm Chun Yan'er."

"I know, tell me, what's the matter."

Qiao Chunyan didn't care about the neutral question from the other side.

"It's like this. I heard people say that you founded the Tangcheng Real Estate Development Company that undertook the construction of the optical film resettlement community. Now our family has encountered some problems with the housing allocation. Can you contact the demolition office? Say hello and help me out."

Cao Debao was listening to Zhile, what is it called? This is called hard talk, it's obviously a threat, it sounds like asking someone to do something, it's impossible not to admit it, Chun Yan'er is better at talking than him, and is able to make things happen.

Soon, Zhou Bingkun's answer came over the phone: "Who told you about this?"

"Brother, don't worry, I won't talk nonsense, can you still not understand what kind of person I am, Qiao Chunyan?"

"Then do you know what kind of person I am, Zhou Bingkun?"

"elder brother……"


Beep beep beep.

Connection lost.

Qiao Chunyan looked at the screen of Amoi's phone, but couldn't react for a while.

Cao Debao came back to his senses quickly: "Daughter-in-law, Zhou Bingkun hung up the phone."

"What are you doing, brother, bastard." Qiao Chunyan was so angry that she threw her phone on the sofa, walked to the TV with a cold face, and said through gritted teeth, "He's forcing me, he's the one who forced's him Forced me."

Cao Debao said: "Let me just say, he can send the eldest sister and the second sister to prison, what else can't be done?"

Qiao Chunyan didn't seem to hear it, and said in a bitter voice: "Okay, let's ride a donkey and read the songbook and wait and see, Zhou Bingkun, if you don't make me feel better, I won't make it easier for you."

"Daughter-in-law, eat an apple first, calm down, calm down."

Cao Debao was afraid that she would be paralyzed by a stroke just like Shen Hongzhi, and he would be miserable, so he quickly picked up an apple from the plate on the coffee table and walked over to calm her down.


three days later.

In the yard of Old Qiao's house.

Mazar, bench, small square table, melon seeds, peanuts, small bowl of tea.

The smoke was lingering, fruit crumbs were everywhere, and a few newborn mosquitoes were buzzing around.

This is of course not the point, the point is the neighbors sitting around.

Yu Hong, Da Xiong, Er Xiong, Da Xiong's wife, Er Xiong's wife, Qiao Chunmei, Qiao Chunhua, old Liu Tou, Liu Ailin who had just been released from prison for two days, and the speculator who just moved back to live in the old optical film house. Surrounded by many people.

"Can this story be fake? It's absolutely true!" Cao Debao enjoyed being the center of attention. It seems that selling VCD discs and making a lot of money back then was not as good as it is now: "This was said by Zhou Rong herself. She said that Tangcheng The boss behind the scenes is Zhou Bingkun, who not only undertook the development and construction of the Wangjiatun community, but also built commercial real estate as soon as the optical film people moved there.”

"What is commercial real estate?" asked an old lady who couldn't understand.

"This commercial real estate is big shopping malls, big hotels, and office buildings used by big companies."

When he said that, everyone understood.

Crowded shopping malls, big hotels filled with luxury cars, and office buildings soaring into the sky.

In other words, future optical prints will be very valuable, and will be a commercial treasure where every inch of land is expensive.

"So you see, Zhou Bingkun has been working on the idea of ​​a light-text film since seven years ago. Now Zhou Bingyi has gone up, and with a big wave of his hand, he wants to renovate the old city. After that, the two brothers started to sing double reeds. The elder brother planned, the younger brother contracted, and the left hand built and settled. The community, don’t want to give us more houses, and the right hand is doing commercial real estate. It is necessary to build a core business district that can continuously attract money. This is not collusion between the government and businessmen. Maybe for doing such a thing, these two brothers really take us for fools?"

The more Cao Debao talked, the more excited he became, and the more righteous he became: "The sons and daughters of the optical film? The Zhou brothers are lying on our optical film residents to suck blood..."


He slapped a blood-sucking mosquito that landed on his arm.

"This blood-sucking...mosquito."

Speaking of this, there was a strange noise outside the yard, and everyone turned their faces to look, only to see a person getting up from the ground in the darkness and walking staggeringly forward.

The lights were too dim to see who it was, but the pungent smell of alcohol could be smelled several meters away.

"Is it National Day?"

"It should be him."

"Look at the way you walk, you can't go wrong."

"Drinking again? But Dagang is suffering, and he has to go to work and take care of his father."

"Hey, what a pity..."

Cao Debao said angrily: "Did you see it? Did you see it? This is Zhou Bingkun's attitude towards Fa Xiao. He was imprisoned after catching up with him, and he became a drunkard on National Day. He is so rich that the timber factory is under the name of Shencheng Group." I can't even be ranked, just because of Wu Qian's covetousness of a little money from him, and how many families in our film-only films have nowhere to go. Do you expect such a person to do charity? Will he suffer? Will people take advantage? Impossible. "

Liu Ailin has a deep understanding of this. If he hadn’t been sentenced to one year and two months for stealing property from the factory, his daughter-in-law would not have divorced him. Even the children would not be studying anymore because they were rejected by their classmates. , running around with a group of gangsters in the society, let's take care of it, and I was told that you, a reform-through-labor prisoner, are not qualified to teach me.

Big Bear said: "After talking so much, you just say what to do?"

Qiao Chunyan said: "What else can we do? Let's make a fuss, this matter won't make a big fuss, no one will care about us."

"Yes, Nao, as long as Zhou Bingyi is afraid, we will win." Liu Ailin followed suit.

Many people here are like Qiao Chunyan and Cao Debao, who have houses outside and want to come back and share a house. Now that they think they have caught the sore foot of Zhou Bingyi and Zhou Bingkun colluding with officials and businessmen, they naturally want to make a fuss about it of.


a month later.

Zhou Bingyi's office.


Zhou Bingyi turned his head and waved his hands, and said to Secretary Xiao Wang: "I know what you want to say, don't worry, you are not afraid of the shadow, it's okay, all you have to do during the time I'm gone is to assist Deputy Mayor Liang in handling the investment promotion The problem of attracting capital and promoting talent flow.”

Xiao Wang nodded: "Don't worry."

Zhou Bingyi didn't speak any more, turned around and left.

That day and night.

Lin Yue received a call from Hao Dongmei, saying something happened to Zhou Bingyi and asked him to go back to Jichun as soon as possible.

He agreed, saying that he would fly back to Jichun tomorrow.

In the TV series, Zhou Bingyi was reported after the Wangguantun community was built. It seems that this place was reported in advance because of his relationship.

At the end of June, before it fell into a volt, the temperature increased every day. Especially today, the sun seemed to be setting on the top of the head, and the heat was scorching the black earth. It didn't dissipate, and after going out for a walk, the sweat can soak the vest. The old people said that it should rain, not light rain, but heavy rain or heavy rain.

That night, at Zhou Bingyi's home.

Hao Dongmei was sitting on the single sofa, grasping the armrests with both hands, with a few white hairs scattered between her temples, and the crow's feet at the corners of her eyes were a little darker. She looked much older than Zheng Juan, who was sitting on the three-seater sofa.

"Say that Zhou Bingyi takes money? If he took money, he wouldn't do so many things that offend people. Only mediocre people in the world have no blame and no reputation, so they will do more things to offend others, and do less things to offend others less. Sinners, but look at them, have they been reported? No, they have a good life."

The more she talked, the more excited she became: "If you want me to say that they are much more harmful, look at this house, which was allocated by our hospital. He went to the tire factory and went to Hayang until he was transferred back to Jichun as the mayor. He didn’t even want the house we should have. He said that we have no children and are busy with work during the day. Money, who did he spend the money on? Bingkun? Even if he collects money for a lifetime, can he get one-thousandth of Bingkun's net worth?"

"Sister-in-law, don't worry about getting angry. Bingkun said that he has already arrived in Jichun, and he is looking for someone to inquire about the situation of the elder brother. It will be fine." What Zheng Juan can do, she can only comfort her with gentle words.

"I believe there is nothing wrong with him, and I believe that the investigation team will give him a clean slate, but you know, he is a cancer patient, and as a doctor, I know better than anyone what this pressure may bring to him. harm."

"Brother, cancer?"

Zheng Juan was stunned, she never expected the situation to be so bad, she was secretly glad that she didn't tell Li Suhua about it, otherwise, God knows if the old lady would be able to bear this blow.

"Sister-in-law, don't be sad, brother is a good man, nothing will happen."

When she said this, she remembered something that Zhou Bingkun said inadvertently the last time when he came home. He said that people who are only for digital films are not worth it, so Zhou Bingyi, a fool, is desperate not to try to pull them out of poverty. But material poverty is easy to solve, and ideological poverty may not change for decades.

It seems that he knew Zhou Bingyi had cancer early on.

Hao Dongmei turned her head to wipe away her tears, and forced a smile at her: "What about Mom? Is she okay at home alone?"

"It's okay, Mom is going to dance the square dance with the old men and women in the community after dinner. She used to say that she is not used to living in high-rise buildings. Now if you have to mention it to her, she will say when did I say such a thing?" I don't know if she is pretending to be confused or really confused."

"That's great." Hao Dongmei said: "Mom has a daughter-in-law like you, and the rest of her life can be regarded as a blessing."

The atmosphere in the room gradually improved, and suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Zheng Juan said: "Bingkun should be here, I'll open the door."

After speaking, he stood up and went to open the door.

When she saw the people standing outside, she didn't react for a moment and stayed where she was.

Hao Dongmei didn't know what happened, and was about to get up to look, when she suddenly heard "Go in" from outside, and a figure with disheveled hair was abruptly pushed into the room.

"Zhou Rong?"

She looked carefully and recognized the identity of the person.

Not long after Zhou Rong was pushed into the room, Lin Yue also walked in from the outside.

At this time, both Hao Dongmei and Zheng Juan noticed a detail. Zhou Rong had a red palm print on her left face, and it was swollen very high. It seemed that she was beaten by Zhou Bingkun.

"Bingkun, you..."

Zheng Juan was puzzled, didn't he go to inquire about Zhou Bingyi's situation, why did Zhou Rong get it, and still deal with such a heavy hand.

Lin Yue made a silent gesture to her, turned to look at Hao Dongmei and said, "I said, how did Cao Debao, Daxiong and others know that the boss of Tangcheng is me? It's exactly what I said, it's hard to guard against house thieves by day and night. .”

"Bingkun, this...what is going on?"

"Ask her yourself."

Lin Yue pushed Zhou Rong towards Hao Dongmei: "Did you say it yourself or should I say it for you?"

"Zhou Bingkun, don't bully people too much." Zhou Rong covered her face and said, "Yes, I told Qiao Chunyan and Cao Debao, am I wrong? Aren't you the boss behind Tangcheng? Dare to do it or not, Or is it that Big Brother and you really had a shameful off-stage transaction."

As soon as the words finished, she heard the sound of footsteps behind her, she tilted her head slightly, and glanced at a black shadow from the corner of her eyes.


A very loud slap in the face made Zheng Juan tremble. She never thought that Hao Dongmei would be so furious.

"Did you know that your brother has cancer?"

Hao Dongmei raised her hand again, but this time she didn't drop it. She kept taking deep breaths, trying to suppress the evil fire in her heart. Zhou Rong was eating here a few days ago, and when the three of them were making dumplings, they talked about the film. Zhou Bingyi said that he doesn't care about the outside world's comments, but if he said he didn't care about this kind of thing, Zhou Rong really thought he could preach it everywhere? Doesn't this add to the chaos of the demolition plan of the optical film, not to mention that Zhou Bingyi has worked very hard on this matter, plus he is seriously ill...

She really wanted to kill this younger sister who was not successful enough but not successful enough. When Zhou Bingyi gave her the opportunity to go to Peking University, why did she give up such a nerd who did things based on his likes and dislikes, regardless of the consequences.


Zhou Rong was taken aback. She didn't expect Zhou Bingyi to push forward the optical film demolition plan so hard when he was seriously ill.

Lin Yue said: "Zhou Rong, you don't know that the boss has cancer, right? If he gets worse because of the pressure, can you still be so confident? Oh, I forgot, although Dad is because you talk too much. Yes, but you don’t think so, you only think that he was pissed off by me, and it’s none of your business. If the boss is gone, you will probably justify yourself like this——if the boss behind the scenes in Tangcheng is not I, if I don’t go to the muddy water of the optical film, the boss will be fine, right? So all the mistakes are my fault, not yours. "

Zhou Rong said, "How did I know that Qiao Chunyan and Cao Debao would report on Big Brother? Aren't they very nice to you? Aren't they your friends? Look at you..."

Before she finished speaking, she was slapped again.

But this time it wasn't Hao Dongmei who fought, but Zheng Juan.

"You are shameless!"

Zheng Juan, who has always been good-tempered, was also irritated. She really couldn't understand why this woman could always put the blame on others.

Hao Dongmei also pointed at the door, suppressing her anger and said, "From now on, I don't have a sister like you, get out! Get out!"

Zhou Rong looked at this and that, gritted her teeth, and left in anger.

From her point of view, it was unacceptable. Cao Debao and Qiao Chunyan came to ask her for help, thinking that the demolition plan was advocated by Zhou Bingyi, and they could take his shortcut to get a house. She told them the truth so that they would not hold back Picking up sesame seeds from watermelons is more effective than asking the big brother of the Zhou family who doesn't have much contact with each other. Is it wrong? She didn't do anything wrong, but why did everyone accuse her of doing something wrong and Zhou Bingkun was not held accountable.

Zhou Rong couldn't understand Zheng Juan and Hao Dongmei's thoughts, Zheng Juan and Hao Dongmei couldn't understand her thoughts, and didn't want to understand her thoughts. For them, the most important thing now was how Zhou Bingyi's situation was.

"Bingkun, didn't you go to inquire about the situation of the elder brother? How did the inquiry go?"

"Lv Chuan is here, specially for this matter, I haven't seen him." Lin Yue said, "But don't worry, I've already told them about my elder brother's stomach cancer, and they promised to pay close attention to him." state, and will not sit back and watch his condition worsen."

Hao Dongmei was relieved when she heard such an answer: "Bingkun, thank you for your hard work."

"It should be." Lin Yue walked to the sofa and sat down, poured a glass of water and took a sip: "By the way, you haven't eaten yet, do you want me to make some?"

Hao Dongmei shook her head: "I'm not hungry."

Lin Yue knew that even if she did it, she wouldn't be in the mood to eat it, so she didn't force it.

"Qiao Chunyan, Cao Debao, Daxiong, Erxiong, Liu Ailin...hehe..."

When Zheng Juan heard him speak in such a tone, she felt a little flustered: "Bingkun, don't do anything stupid at this time, brother's situation is unknown, you are now the backbone of my sister-in-law and me, if you have something to do with them Well, what can we do?"

"Don't worry, I'm already this age, and I've already passed the hard age."

Thanks to Moldy Star and Xiren for the 5,000 starting coins, William Carloing for the 3,000 starting coins, and book friends with the tail number 4325 for the 200 starting coins.

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