Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1689 Let's Get a Divorce (Two in One)

"Xiaoguang, thank you for accompanying me to Guizhou."

On the train bound for Guizhou, Zhou Rong turned her head to look at the scenery outside the window, and said to Cai Xiaoguang who was sitting in the sleeper opposite.

"I think going to Guizhou to relax will help your mood."

Cai Xiaoguang took an apple and peeled it with a Swiss Army knife while responding to Zhou Rong's words.

They heard about what happened in the optical film, and the two quarreled again at home. Zhou Rong still insisted on her own opinion, saying that she had done nothing wrong. The people who planned to abort the abortion and the NPC fought and killed people were all because of the greed of Cao Debao and Qiao Chunyan. If they didn't take their interests so important, they wouldn't have the evil results they have today.

Cai Xiaoguang said that it was this arrogance and shirking of responsibility that made her go to the point where everyone betrayed her relatives today, but Zhou Rong said that if she was aloof, she would not go to Yan Xin, and if she shirked responsibility, she would not want to Get him back the script of "Our Generation".

What can he say now? Tell her that this sacrifice for her husband's personal decency is really great? How many men in the world live without dignity for the sake of their wives and children, and how many women work hard from dawn to dusk for their husbands and children. Why did they come to her, as if they had made a huge sacrifice?

He knew that Zhou Rong would definitely blow up once she said this, and it would be easy to ignore him for a month, because since she was a child, her life is what I like, so I just do it, and no one around her can turn her over , So after thinking about it, I decided to take her out to relax, broaden my horizons, and stop being stuck in my own extreme logic all day long to do more speechless things.


He handed over the apple in his hand: "It's ready."

Zhou Rong took it and took a bite, staring at the scenery outside the window in a daze: "I don't know what has become of Jinba Village, and whether the situation has improved."

In 1990, when she and Cai Xiaoguang went to Guangzhou to find Yueyue, they made a detour and found that the primary school she and Feng Huacheng opened in Shanwozi had been taken over by others, and the classroom had become a cowshed for the other party. She was very upset. Sad, I feel that I was a teacher in those years for nothing, and I got angry with Yueyue and Xiao Lei later, and there are also factors affected by this. The difference is 14 years, and the big cities in China are changing with each passing day, and they have changed a lot. I don’t know. The world deep in the mountains has also undergone a gratifying change.

Cai Xiaoguang straightened up and glanced at her, and said meaningfully: "Don't worry, after 20 years of reform and opening up, such great achievements have been made in economic construction. Compared with 14 years ago, Jinba Village will definitely become better."

"I hope." She took another bite of the apple, remembering the words of Zhang Zaopo, who made a fool of her and chose to stay and work in Jichun Literature and Art Publishing House instead of going back to Guizhou to teach. He said that the monthly salary of teaching in Guizhou was 80 yuan. , staying in Jichun for 1200 a month, this gap is really too big, so big that she doesn't know how to face it.


The door was pushed open from the outside, and a young man with oily hair and powdered noodles came in with a smell of cigarettes all over his body. He threw his things on the upper bunk, took off his shoes, climbed onto his bed, and plugged his earphones into the CD player when he was done. , humming Jay Chou's "East Wind Break".

Zhou Rong frowned, a little displeased with this person's selfishness.


After taking the train for a day and a half, and then taking the bus to the mountain town, it took a total of two days for Zhou Rong and Cai Xiaoguang to arrive at the small basin where Jinba Village is located.



Zhou Rong looked at the pale Cai Xiaoguang and said, "What's wrong?"

"'s okay, it's just that the car is turning around on the winding mountain road, and I feel a little dizzy."

He waved his hand, took a few deep breaths, and finally felt better.


Exhaling the turbid air in his lungs, he pointed to the green camellia fields on the left side of the road and said, "How is it? Has it changed a lot since 90 years ago?"

Zhou Rong looked at the patchwork blue-tiled houses and two-story buildings not far away, and had the illusion of being in a tourist town, which was completely different from fourteen years ago.

"This is Jinba Village? The changes are too big."

"That's why I said, the outside world is changing with each passing day. It's impossible for this place to be the poor mountain valley where the villagers have eaten their last meal and never had their next meal."

"..." Zhou Rong pondered for a moment and said, "Did you already know about its changes?"

"Indeed, didn't I make a bad movie before? Yes, the word of mouth was ruined, but I came here to take a look when I was scouting the scene. I didn't expect such a big change. It was so big that I had to go farther to the Wumeng Mountain area. Framing."

da da da ~

During the conversation between the two, a four-wheeled agricultural vehicle full of autumn pears stopped nearby. The wrinkled old farmer looked them up and down, and said in very substandard Mandarin: "Is it someone from outside?"

Cai Xiaoguang nodded: "That's right."

"Where are you going? If it's far away, I'll give you a ride."

"No need, just two steps."

At this time, Zhou Rong glanced at the baskets of pears in the carriage: "Did you grow these pears yourself?"

"That's right." The old farmer pointed to the west and said, "Didn't you see it when you came? There is a large fruit forest on the other side of the tea field, and this pear was picked from there."

"And you're going to take them into town and sell them?"

The old farmer waved his hand: "The sorting will be done at night, and a special car will come to pull it tomorrow."

Zhou Rong still wanted to ask a few more questions, but at this time another four-wheeled agricultural vehicle drove up, pulling red dragon fruits in the compartment.

The old farmer smiled at the two of them, said goodbye, and drove the four-wheeled vehicle forward. The driver of the car behind, who looked a bit like the old farmer, also smiled politely at them, and followed the car in front.

Zhou Rong said: "In the past, people in the village would still be hungry when they planted rice. I didn't expect that now there are tea fields and orchards, and people's living standards have improved significantly. I am really grateful to the times..."


Cai Xiaoguang's tone of five-point approval and five-point reservation made her a little puzzled.

"What's the meaning?"

"Let's go, go and have a look inside." He didn't return to this question, and led Zhou Rong up the stone road on the left.

Zhou Rong looked at the village in front of her, puzzled: "Aren't you going to enter the village?"

"Come into the village later, I'll take you to a place first." Cai Xiaoguang said as he walked up the steps.

The two walked up for a while, and Zhou Rong vaguely heard noisy human voices, which sounded like children playing and playing. Turning around a row of small trees, there was a white courtyard in front of the right, and "Jinba Village" was hung on the right side of the gate. Elementary School" sign.

She was shocked. Fourteen years ago, Jinba Village didn’t even have a primary school. Children who wanted to study had to leave the mountain or walk more than ten miles to the town to study. Now there is no need for it. The bright three-story teaching building, the straight flagpole, and the wind The flags are waving, below are children wearing school uniforms of the same color and style, and there is an old man sitting outside the guardhouse, with a glass thermos cup on the ground on the left hand side, and a cattail fan in the right hand, fanning it one after another wind.

"Who are you looking for?"

"Uncle Ni, it's me, Cai Xiaoguang, the one who made the movie, we talked about it last year."

"Oh, I remembered, great director."

"Well, this is my lover, Zhou Rong."

The old man surnamed Ni may think that Zhou Rong has a kind face, and he took a closer look at her before realizing: "Wait a minute, I'll go invite the principal right away."

While talking, the old man left with the cattail fan.

Zhou Rong walked a few steps forward, looked at the children running and jumping freely on the playground to the west, and said, "Look at how lively they are, it's a good time, I still remember what the children in Jinba Village were like back then , an eight or nine-year-old doll has to take care of a five-year-old brother, and there is a younger sister who has just been weaned for a few days in the bamboo basket on the back. It's really a headache. This boy, it's better, girl..."

Having said that, a calm female voice came from behind.

"Director Cai, I received the book you sent a month ago, and the children like it very much. I was thinking of finding a time for the students to thank you, but I didn't expect..."

The woman who came with the old guard didn't say anything, but looked Zhou Rong up and down carefully for a while, and called out, "Teacher Zhou?"

"Who are you?"

Zhou Rong called her dumbfounded.

"I'm Minghui, Gong Minghui."


Zhou Rong thought of the little girl who was always the first to go to school 30 years ago. She said she was the daughter of the village chief. Her father said that no matter what she did, she should set an example and take the lead. In fact, she and Cai Xiao came to Jinba in 1990. When I was in the village, I asked about her situation. The villagers said that she stopped being a teacher after marrying in another village, and went to Chengdu with her husband to work. Unexpectedly, she became a teacher again 14 years later, and even became the principal of Jinba Village Elementary School. .

"Yes, it's me, Mr. Zhou, we haven't seen each other for 30 years, how are you?"


Zhou Rong counted the days. She is fifty-two years old this year, and Gong Minghui is also on her way to forty. At this time, it is really the most amazing magic in the world.

"Mr. Zhou, I remember that your biggest wish was to have a decent elementary school in Jinba Village."

"Yes." Zhou Rong looked at the children on the playground with a look of relief on her face: "The learning conditions of the children today are much better than before. It is rainy in the mountainous area of ​​Guizhou. I still remember that when I woke up every morning, the tables and chairs were covered with mold. Rotten smell, the blackboard is wet when you wipe it with your hand, and you will use your sleeve to wipe the blackboard over and over again when you arrive early, so the clothes are torn quickly and the most patches are made.”

Gong Minghui brushed the hair in front of her forehead with her hands, and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhou, let me show you around the school building."


Zhou Rong followed Gong Minghui as she walked forward while looking at her surroundings.

"Look how solid the materials used in this teaching building are and how well it is built."

Cai Xiaoguang nodded slightly at the side: "I heard that the construction team from the provincial capital came to repair it."

"That's right." Gong Minghui said: "Manager Huang said that from the foundation to the building structure to the wall materials, the construction standards are better than those of commercial residences. You can continue to use it later.”

"Hey, by the way, Minghui, when I came to Guizhou in 1990, people in the village said that you were not a teacher and went to work with your husband in Chengdu. Why are you now the principal of Jinba Primary School?"

She still remembers Zhang Zaopo said that the salary of being a teacher in the mountainous area of ​​Guizhou is only 80 yuan a month. Even if this is the case for graduate students, Gong Minghui has also graduated from high school, so the salary must not be much less. , It costs seven or eight hundred yuan a month, ten times the teacher's salary, she can't figure out what supports Gong Minghui to stay in the ravine.

"Mr. Zhou, the village chief asked me to come back. Being a principal here costs 1,200 yuan a month, including the 300 yuan in subsidies from the village, which is higher than the salary of our husband and wife working in Chengdu."

"One thousand and five? That's so high." Zhou Rong was taken aback. Zhang Zaopo only earned 1,200 yuan for a month after graduating from graduate school and entered Jichun Literature and Art Publishing House as an editor. Gong Minghui, the principal of a mountain village elementary school, actually had One thousand and five, this... She doesn't know who is lying: "Is the salary of teachers in Guizhou so high?"

"No, only the salaries of teachers in more than a dozen mountain village primary schools in our county are so high." Gong Minghui explained: "From the principal to the teachers, the monthly subsidy ranging from 300 yuan to 150 yuan is from the village-run orchard. Out of the profit from the tea garden, the remaining 1,200 counties have a very small financial burden, and the remaining 90% is paid by the Sunshine Education Fund.”

"Sunshine Education Fund?" Zhou Rong was taken aback.

"That's right, the Jinba Village Primary School and the village-run tea gardens and orchards were all built with the help of the Sunshine Education Fund. The school also has several school buses, which are specially used to pick up and drop off children from neighboring mountain villages to school. After Ba Village, children in the village have to climb more than ten miles of mountain roads to go to school in the town, but now they just need to wait at the entrance of the village or on the side of the road with peace of mind."

"This Sunshine Education really a great thing. I didn't expect Guizhou to invest more in education than our Northeast, and it still pays attention to it."

"Mr. Zhou, you are mistaken. This Sunshine Education Fund is not established by the province. It is a private institution."

"Private institution?"

"That's right, it's a private institution." Having said that, Gong Minghui stopped by the small flower garden between the teaching building and the library, and looked at a stone tablet surrounded by flowers.

Zhou Rong followed her gaze, and after reading the content on the merit tablet, her complexion became very exciting.

At first, he was puzzled, then shocked, and then puzzled. After the incident, he repeatedly looked at Cai Xiaoguang several times, his face became more and more gloomy, and he turned away without saying a word, directly confusing Gong Minghui.

Didn't Director Cai say that Zhou is always Teacher Zhou's younger brother? The elder sister is the educational enlightener of Jinba Village, and the younger brother is the philanthropist who aided in the construction of Jinba Village. This is such a touching story in the world. Why is Mr. Zhou so distraught?

"Director Cai, Miss Zhou..."

"Don't worry, I'll go see her."

Cai Xiaoguang comforted Gong Minghui, and hurried a few steps to catch up with Zhou Rong who was leaving in anger.

"Zhou Rong, Zhou Rong, what are you doing?"

"..." Zhou Rong turned a deaf ear and continued on.

"Can you stop being so stubborn?"

"Cai Xiaoguang!" Seeing that she was about to leave the school, Zhou Rong stopped and turned her head to look at her husband coldly: "Did you do it on purpose?"

She figured it out now, why did she bring her to Guizhou to relax and see what changes had taken place in Jinba Village? I'm afraid Cai Xiaoguang knew that Zhou Bingkun had contributed to all the seemingly beautiful things here.

"That's right, I did it on purpose. In order to show you how many good things Bingkun has done, your father has always wanted to make the neighbors of the optical film have a good life. If Cao Debao and Qiao Chunyan were not greedy, they would have lived You have entered a spacious and bright building. You have been unable to let go of the education of Jinba Village. Bingkun has not only aided in the construction of more than 20 mountain village primary schools throughout the city, but also helped them find a way to make money by relying on mountains and mountains. The Sunshine Education Fund It exists, can stabilize and absorb talents from the education industry to teach here, something that the education system at the city and county level can't do, he has done it, don't you feel proud to have such a younger brother?"

"I don't think so." Zhou Rong said categorically, "Cai Xiaoguang, have you ever thought about what this village has to do with him? Why does he take such care of Jinba Village? Actually, the answer is very simple. He did this to make me sick. In order to prove to me that ideals and enthusiasm are a pile of cow dung, only he and his money can change the status quo in Jinba Village."

After saying this, she left without looking back, looking at the hasty walk, it seemed that staying here for a second was an insult.

Cai Xiaoguang frowned deeply, glanced at the Jinba Village Primary School behind him, and walked outside.

This time he didn't speak, and he didn't speak from the time he left Jinba Village until he boarded the plane back to the city.

When I got off the plane and returned home by taxi, the first thing I said to Zhou Rong was "Zhou Rong, let's get a divorce."

He really couldn't figure it out, regardless of good or bad things, as long as Zhou Bingkun made achievements, it would turn into a vicious attack on her in Zhou Rong's mouth. He did so many things to try to change her opinion, but unfortunately, They all failed, he was too disappointed, and it was very tiring to get along with Zhou Rong, who had a distorted mentality, who was extreme and unaware of everything, so after thinking twice, he decided to break up.

"Cai Xiaoguang, what did you say? Look into my eyes and say it again." Zhou Rong thought she had heard it wrong.

Cai Xiaoguang didn't evade, and said it again: "You heard me right, let me say divorce."

Zhou Rong froze for a moment, and her whole body was gradually filled with anger: "You actually want to divorce me because of my attitude towards Zhou Bingkun? Well, leave as soon as possible."

Cai Xiaoguang didn't talk to her any more, went into the room to pack up her personal belongings and put them in the suitcase. Before going out, she looked at Zhou Rong and shook her head.

"I'll see you at the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau on Monday."

Zhou Rong didn't speak, and didn't sweep the things on the dining table to the floor until the door was closed.

At this moment, she hated Zhou Bingkun to death, robbed her daughter, kidnapped Li Suhua, made her lose face with Zhou Bingyi, and now it was because of him that Cai Xiaoguang wanted to divorce her.


2005 Spring Festival.

Four or five months have passed since Zhou Rong and Cai Xiaoguang divorced.

No one cared about what happened to her marriage. The colleagues in the unit and the neighbors in the unit building were not even interested in gossiping about her.

As the year approached, Zhou Bingyi didn't call her, Cai Xiaoguang didn't call her, and even Li Suhua forgot about her. The only greeting was the fake blessing from the colonel leader at the New Year tea party.

On New Year's Eve, the whole family would happily make dumplings, but her home was extremely deserted, and even the heating seemed to have suddenly stopped.

Not wanting to live alone at home, she came to the street and walked into Yayuan Community unknowingly.

The home of Zhou Bingkun and Zheng Juan is in Unit 101, Building 1, which is next to the door. Through the window, you can see Zhou Bingyi talking with Li Suhua. On the dining table a little further inside, Zheng Juan is making love, Hao Dongmei and Feng Yue are making love. Dumplings, Xiao Lei and Zhou Bingkun are posting Spring Festival couplets. Zhou Congcong, who has returned from school this year, holds a bowl of lotus root box and eats his mouth full. From time to time, he points to the Spring Festival couplets that his father and brother-in-law just posted. They are stuck obliquely or upside down.

ps: It's the end of the month, double the monthly pass, remember to vote.

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