Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1690: The End of the Volume-Sun Chachao and Yu Hong's Chapter (2 in 1)


The breath of spring infiltrates the earth, and the field is full of small yellow flowers, each facing the sun and striving to grow.

At the entrance of the No. 1 Prison in Jiangliao Province, the courtyard walls are towering and the sentries are straight.

quack quack ~

With the sound of the iron door opening, a ray of light illuminated the face of the man who came out from the opposite side.

He seemed a little unaccustomed to the sunlight outside. He put down his bag, covered his forehead with his hands, narrowed his eyes slightly, and had an expression on his face that could be described as "melancholy" or "confused".

bang~ bang~

Two people got on and off a Huaneng jeep parked diagonally across the parking lot.

"elder brother."

"Xiao Ning."

Sun Xiaoning ran two steps quickly, and went to hug Sun Chanchao, who had only seen him last month, but now that he came out, the circles of his eyes were red.

Dong Zhao patted his wife on the shoulder from behind.

"Good day, don't cry."

Only then did Sun Xiaoning try to hold back his emotions, and laughed through his tears: "Original sister and brother-in-law would also come, but last night, mom fell down, and they could only stay with mom in the hospital, so only Dong Zhao and I came here."

"Mom is in the hospital?" Sun Chanchao was anxious when he heard this: "What did the doctor say?"

Sun Xiaoning said: "Don't worry, the doctor said it's nothing serious, just go home and rest for a few days."

Sun Chanchao breathed a sigh of relief.

He is 55 this year, and his parents are both 80 years old. This person is prone to osteoporosis as he gets old. He is really afraid that the old woman will fall and break his bones.

"Okay, stop talking here, let's go home first." Dong Zhao took the bag with personal belongings in Sun Chanchao's hand, and said as he walked towards the jeep, "Xiao Ning has prepared a welcome banquet for you."

At this time, Sun Chanchao noticed an abnormal situation and looked around.

"Where's Yu Hong?"

Sun Xiaoning pretended not to hear, and continued to walk forward.

"Xiao Ning, what did I ask you? What about your sister-in-law? Didn't you say she was fine when you went to see me last month? Why didn't she come?"

Being pressed to such an extent, Sun Xiaoning saw that he couldn't escape, so he sighed heavily: " missing."

"Missing?" Sun Chanchao's face changed suddenly: "When did it happen?"

"It's been more than three years."

"Then why did you tell me she was fine?" He didn't understand until he asked this sentence. Most likely, Sun Xiaoning said this to reassure him. Why did he go to the south to work or go abroad to see Sun Sheng? , all false.

"Xiao Ning, what is going on?"

Seeing that he was in a hurry, Sun Xiaoning had no choice but to tell the story of how Yu Hong participated in Qiao Chunyan, Cao Debao and others' plan to report Zhou Bingyi, and then disappeared after arousing public outrage. Only then did Sun catch up with what happened.

After Yu Hong and Wu Qian broke up with Zhou Bingkun, why did Qiao Chunyan turn against her god-brother?

According to Zhou Rong's logic, is there any need to talk about this? It must be Zhou Bingkun's fault, otherwise why the former Fa Xiao had such a fight with him, Sun Chanchao can't, he has thought very clearly in it for the past few years, the reason why he went to jail is to help Yu Hong take the crime, Zhou Bingkun didn't feel sorry for him, showing love? The basis of flirting is based on not harming friends. What was the shit that Yu Hong and Wu Qian did back then if it wasn't harming others? This is all about sucking other people's blood, and you still expect them to continue to treat you preferentially?

One can be ignorant, but not shameless.

Thinking about the behavior of Qiao Chunyan and Cao Debao, it can only be said that they have committed the same problem as Wu Qian, always thinking that they can rely on their own "intelligence" to get a hair off Zhou Bingkun, but the fact proves that the final result can only harm others Has.

"Brother, are you okay?"

Sun Xiaoning watched him stand still, afraid that he would not be able to accept the emotional collapse for a while, after all, he was in his fifties.

"I'm fine."

Sun Chanchao shook his head, shaking off the messy thoughts in his head: "Where is Sun Sheng? How is Sun Sheng?"

"Oh, he's pretty good. After graduation, he went to the United States to find a job..."

She was afraid of provoking him, so she didn't say that she and her nephew hadn't spoken for six or seven years because of their attitude towards Zhou Bingkun.

"That's good, that's good."

Knowing that Sun Sheng is very promising, he is happy.


In addition to Sun Xiaoning, Dong Zhao, his elder sister and his wife, there was one more person in the banquet - Tang Xiangyang.

Halfway through the meal, Sun Chanchao asked a question.

"Where's Bingkun? Did you not tell him the news of my release from prison?"

Sun Xiaoning said: "The old lady is sick, and he sent her to a foreign hospital for treatment, and even Zheng Juan went abroad with her."


Sun Chanchao nodded, expressing his understanding. Li Suhua is over eighty this year, and it is reasonable to have physical problems.

Dong Zhao said: "Zhou Bingyi and Hao Dongmei will be leaving in a while. It is said that Zheng Juan is too busy in Australia alone, and Yueyue's child is still young, so she can't go there."

Tang Xiangyang said, "Didn't you say you don't retire until you're 65?"

"He is not in good health. I heard that he has been transferred to Jichun University as a part-time professor. He is fine at ordinary times. He needs to be taken care of in special cases."


Sun Chanchao asked again: "What about the National Day? Why didn't the National Day come?"

He didn't ask about Cao Debao and Qiao Chunyan, because Sun Xiaoning stopped talking to those two people three years ago.

Tang Xiangyang said: "I went to find National Day, he hasn't sobered up yet."

Speaking of which, he shook his head, thanks to Xiao Dagang's filial piety, in Xiao Guoqing's current state, he needs to change someone, not to mention the end of his life, most likely he will not recognize this father long ago.

When he was in prison, Sun Chanchao heard Sun Xiaoning talk about Xiao Guoqing's situation, and he had mixed feelings about it.

Ever since Zhou Bingkun went to the south, Wu Qian has been playing tricks, making things up and down, and making a family like this.

Yes, in the eyes of outsiders, Yu Hong also did it, but the money she made was spent on Sun Sheng, sending her children abroad to study, and her education is much better than that of Sun Xiaoning, which can be regarded as the realization of the dream of the husband and wife. It was also the reason why he was willing to help her take the blame.

"Today is a good day for my brother to be released from prison. Let's not talk about these bad things. Come on, let's drink."

Dong Zhao married Sun Xiaoning, so naturally he wanted to call Sun Chanchao "brother".

"Yes, drink, drink."

Because of his relationship with Zhou Bingkun, Tang Xiangyang has a good relationship with Dong Zhao in the past few years. Let's put it this way, if Sun Chaoyang was released from prison today, if Dong Zhao hadn't called to invite him, he might not have come here. to today...

Alas, it's hard to say.


Spring 2009.

San Francisco, U.S.

Sun Xiaoning looked at the address on the phone screen, then at the Chinese restaurant in front of him, and nodded to Sun Chachao, who was still in a state of confusion when he set foot in a foreign land for the first time.

"That's right, it's here."

Hearing what his sister said, Sun Chanchao regained his composure and walked towards the gate of the restaurant.

The location of this Chinese restaurant is a bit out of the way, and the store is not big. There are only four or five tables and a dozen chairs. Because it is not meal time, there is no one in it.

It may be that the business is not doing well. In addition to Chinese dishes, such as mapo tofu, sesame beef, fried mushrooms, etc., the shop also provides cheap western food, pizza, fried chicken, pasta, coffee and so on.

"Brother, sit down first."

Sun Xiaoning helped Sun Chanchao, who was wearing a suit for the first time in his life, to sit down.

Not long after the two sat down, a middle-aged woman wearing an apron with the name of the store came out, put the menu on the table, asked them in rough English what they wanted to eat, and took out a note pad to write it down.

Sun Chanchao's attention was not on the menu at all, he was looking at the waiter in his fifties standing in front of him, with complicated emotions in his heart.

Perhaps because she realized that the two guests in front of her were a little different from those who came to eat in the past, the middle-aged woman removed the note pad in her hand and looked sideways, her eyes stared straight.

She really didn't expect to meet him here.

"Yu Hong."

Sun Chanchao called out her name.

That's right, this old woman who works as a waiter in a Chinese restaurant is exactly Yu Hong who has been away for five years and has not heard from her.


Pens and pads fell to the floor.

Yu Hong took a big step back, looked at Sun Chanchao and Sun Xiaoning, her expression went from astonishment at first, to surprise, and then to panic.

At this moment, a sharp voice came from behind.

"Yu Hong, what did you do? I asked you to entertain guests to order, look at your sloppy appearance, let me tell you, if you receive any more complaints from customers, you should pack up and leave as soon as possible."

If it was before, Yu Hong would definitely say sorry, pick up the notepad and pen that fell on the floor, and lower her head to ask the guests to repeat the food they want to eat, but now... no matter how much the proprietress scolded her, she didn't respond at all .

"Hey, I told you, do you still want to do it?"

The proprietress came out from the back kitchen and was about to explain to the guests with a smile when Yu Hong turned around and left.

Unexpectedly, Sun Xiaoning moved quickly, and pulled him back: "You can go, tell us where Sun Sheng is."

The proprietress was stunned when she heard the words: "Do you know each other?"

"It's none of your business." Sun Chanchao's words frightened the fat woman into terrified speech.

"Yu Hong, where is Sun Sheng?"

"have no idea."

"have no idea?"

Sun Chanchao was furious, and raised his hand to hit someone, but Sun Xiaoning hurriedly stopped him: "Brother, don't be impulsive, she definitely knows where Sun Sheng is, since Brother Bingkun gave us the news, it must be right. "

After Sun Chao was released from prison, he couldn't contact Sun Sheng for more than half a year. As a result, during the Spring Festival of 2008, the boy contacted his elder sister through a video call, and told his family that he was married to a black man.

After hearing the news, the Sun family was in a rage. Regardless of whether Sun Sheng did it for the purpose of naturalization in the United States, from the standpoint of Sun Chaochao, he would definitely not agree to this marriage, because it would be too embarrassing to speak out.

The father and son had a fierce quarrel because of this incident. In the end, Sun Sheng told him that if he disagreed and insisted on going back to China, then he would not have this son from now on, and he should stay away from Sun Xiaoning. Said that if it weren't for the good daughter in the eyes of this grandparent, the Guangzong Yaozu University of Wuhan University, their family would not be like this.

Sun Chanchao was so angry that he was almost hospitalized, and the family has not had a good year.

Can Sun Xiaoning be blamed for his imprisonment? Yes, the younger sister went to Wuhan University, the old couple was very happy, at first they had to compete with the Zhou family, but later Zhou Bingkun asked him to be the deputy director of the wood processing factory, the old couple were also very proud, seeing relatives and friends Everyone tells everyone that they have overtaken their interest, and now they are the deputy director of the wood processing factory. If they don't have a job and want to make money, they can go to their son.

It’s all Yu Hong, who is obsessed with the fact that Zhou Bingkun provided for Sun Xiaoning to go to college. He always wants to make his son compare himself to his aunt. There was a big gap, and she was very disappointed. Later, she didn’t know which channel to get information about studying abroad, so she used the purchasing power in her hand to get kickbacks, falsely reported the expenses, and sent Sun Sheng to study in the UK after saving enough money. In order to help Yu Hong take the crime, he spent five years in prison. After he came out, he thought about reuniting with his wife and children. No matter how bad the family situation was, it was better than that on National Day. Unexpectedly, Sun Sheng said that he could not go back, and married a black wife. In order to become a U.S. citizen.

Because of covering up Yu Hong and Zhou Bingkun's quarrel, he spent five years in prison with a bad name behind his back, and in exchange for father and son turning against each other, can he not be angry?

In the next year, he tried hard to contact Sun Sheng, but all failed. In the end, Sun Xiaoning found Zhou Bingkun and asked him to help him find them. Finally, they told them an address, and said that Sun Sheng had been in contact with him for several years. Live with Yu Hong.

In other words, Yu Hong knew that her son was going to marry a black man, and she also knew that the father and son had turned against each other. What's more, from 2007 to 2009, she didn't make a phone call to Jichun for two full years. What did she want to do? Do you want to take your son to sever ties with the Sun family?

"Let go." Yu Hong broke Sun Xiaoning's hand vigorously: "If you don't let go, I will call the police."

"You still want to call the police?"

Sun Chanchao's thoughts are very simple. In order to help you get rid of the crime, I spent five years in prison for my son to have a good future. Now that Sun Shengyuan has gone far, he has to sever ties with the old Sun's family. It is his son who was killed by that black wife Is it bad to teach? Or was it badly taught by this mother?

This time he didn't give Sun Xiaoning a chance, so he slapped him down.


The sound woke up the proprietress of the restaurant and let out an onion-flavored belch.

Yu Hong was knocked down to the ground, staring at Sun Chanchao in a daze, and after taking a few breaths, said bitterly: "You want a son, right? Okay, I'll take you to find him."

Sun Xiaoning heard that he let go.

Without saying much, Yu Hong took off her apron and went outside.

The proprietress watched the three leave, quickly closed the door, and told Yu Hong loudly not to come to work tomorrow.


half an hour later.

Sun Chanchao and Sun Xiaoning, led by Yu Hong, walked into a dilapidated apartment building that looked decades old, with peeling outer walls, graffiti on the inner walls, and the smell of urine. They entered a building on the third floor. Room.

The room was very dark, the floor was dirty, and there was a smell in the air that I didn't know where it came from, but it was very pungent.

Sun Chanchao got used to it a bit, and saw the man lying on the sofa like a dead dog. Although the man's face was thin, his eyes were sunken, and his hair was messy, he still recognized that it was his son, Sun Sheng.

Sun Xiaoning was completely stunned, unable to understand how his nephew, who was clever and lively when he was a child, became like this.

"Sun Sheng, why... don't you know me? I am your father, I am your father..." Sun Chanchao said in a slightly hoarse voice, but in exchange for "Get out, I don't know you you.".

The man on the sofa got up, staggered into the bedroom, and slammed the door shut.

Sun Chaochao stayed where he was.

With sharp eyes, Sun Xiaoning noticed the pinhole on Sun Sheng's arm, as well as the spoons, tin foil and lighters thrown on the ground. Now she knew where the strange smell in the room came from.

Yu Hong said: "This time you give up."

Sun Chanchao grabbed her by the collar and made a gesture to hit her, but Sun Xiaoning stopped her again. Compared to her, she was quite calm, knowing that this is not the country, and it would be very troublesome to get into a mess because of hitting someone.

"How did he become like this? Tell me, why did he become like this?"

In Sun Chanchao's memory, Sun Sheng is very good, otherwise he would not go to jail to protect his wife and children. However, who would have thought that after five years, when he came out of prison, the son he finally found would have died. Not that person in my impression.

Yu Hong said: "Last year, I lost a lot of money in stocks, my wife ran away, and people came to my door every day to demand debts. He couldn't bear it, and it ended like this."

Sun Chanchao sat on the ground with blank eyes. He didn't know much about stock trading, but he had heard a lot of tragedies about losing money because of stock trading.

Sun Xiaoning has, because last year's economic crisis has spread widely. I heard that many companies and individuals in the world have gone bankrupt, and even Huaneng Automobile has been affected. hinder.

"How did Sun Sheng get into the bad habit of speculating in stocks?"

"You'll have to ask him that."

Sun Chanchao was puzzled, not knowing why he was involved.

Yu Hong said: "Didn't you always want Sun Shengchang to learn, to learn from his aunt, and not to be a big bastard who doesn't know anything like you? Buying stocks is what most Americans do. He just doesn't want to admit defeat. He bought the bottom, and finally owed a lot of debt."

Sun Xiaoning didn't know what to say. Cao Debao was jealous of Zhou Bingkun, and now he became a street mouse that everyone shouted and beaten in optical film; Yu Hong was jealous of her and passed the pink eye disease to her son. With this appearance, the word "jealousy" is really harmful.

Sun Chanchao and Yu Hong have been friends with Zhou Bingkun for many years, why don't they know that person better than she does? Sun Sheng is admitted to university, and he really wants to make up his mind to study abroad. If he doesn't have enough money, if he asks him, will he refuse? Most of the time, what he wants is a sincere attitude towards his friends, rather than utilitarian flattery and acting. Wu Qian and Yu Hong...why don't they understand this truth?

If Sun Sheng could be steady and down-to-earth like Dagang, he wouldn't be where he is today.

What can she say now?

I can only say in my heart that the law of heaven is unpredictable, and good fortune has tricked people.

"Do you still recognize such a son?" Yu Hong's expression was a little ferocious.

Sun Chanchao didn't say a word, but just patted his heart heavily. Both he and Yu Hong wanted to make their son stand out and change their destiny through reading, but who knew that reading more books would not necessarily make life better. good.

"Let's go, brother."

Sun Xiaoning shook his head, pulled Sun Chanchao up from the ground, opened the door and walked out.

When walking towards the exit, looking at his brother's back, he felt that he suddenly aged ten years, and Sun Sheng's depravity seemed to take away all the energy from his whole body.

After the two returned to the hotel, Sun Xiaoning received an overseas call from Dong Zhao. The content was very simple. Xiao Guoqing passed away unexpectedly. If the situation permits, I hope she and Sun Chaochao will return home immediately.

In Sun Chaochao's current state, go back to attend Xiao Guoqing's funeral? Can it work?

Sun Xiaoning regretted asking Zhou Bingkun to help find Sun Sheng, such a would be better not to look for him.

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