two days later.

Optical film.

Lin Yue glanced at Xiao Dagang who was kneeling on the ground in sackcloth and filial piety, shook hands with Xiao Guoqing's father, and walked out of the yard.

Lu Chuan and Tang Xiangyang stood at the entrance of the alley diagonally opposite, and waved when they saw him.

Lin Yue walked up to the two of them, took a cigarette from Tang Xiangyang and took a puff in his mouth.

"How did you learn to smoke?"

"It's annoying."

"What's bothering you?"

"My wife is in menopause, my son is going abroad, a lot of shit."

Lin Yue and Lu Chuan looked at each other with a smile, and said bluntly that Tang Xiangyang was the one with the most stable life and work among these people. Unexpectedly, he was forced to smoke to relieve his worries by family trivial matters.

"By the way, what happened to National Day?"

Tang Xiangyang was not surprised that he would ask such a question. Ever since Li Suhua was in poor health and the Zhou family moved out of the Northeast to Australia, he has rarely come back here. At most, he stayed here for a short time because of business matters, and he had no time to return to the DVD interview at all. Besides, since Wu Qian went in, Xiao Guoqing always walked around when he saw him.

"What happened? Because of Wu Qian."

"Wu Qian?"

"That's right, Wu Qian got her sentence commuted and she came out a year earlier. She went back to the optical film two days ago and didn't know what she said to Xiao Guoqing. The two of them had a quarrel. You know the state of National Day. He is addicted to alcohol and his physical condition is very bad. He was admitted to the hospital last year because of heart and liver problems, and now he is stimulated by Wu Qian..." Tang Xiangyang shook his head at this point: "Because of this incident, Da Gang and Wu Qian Severed the mother-child relationship."

"So that's what happened."

Lin Yue was a little bit embarrassed. Although he had traveled through so many worlds, saw the impermanence of the world, and saw many things more lightly than ordinary people, the encounter between Xiao Guoqing and Sun Chanchao still gave him a different feeling. There is an old saying that men are afraid of entering the wrong profession, and women are afraid of marrying the wrong husband. In the current era, men are not only afraid of entering the wrong profession, but also afraid of marrying a wife who is a monster.

"Catching up may not come back for a while."

"Can't you come back? Where did you catch up?"

As soon as he mentioned the name of Chaochao, Tang Xiangyang and Lu Chuan realized that, logically speaking, the Sun family and the Xiao family both lived in optical film, and now that the National Day people are gone, Chaochao should come here sooner, even if he is old, I can't work anymore, so it would be good to sit here and chat with Da Gang and the old man of the Xiao family, but the two of them have been waiting here for Zhou Bingkun for almost an hour, and there is no sign of catching up.

"Catch up and go to the United States to find his son."

Lin Yue told about Sun Sheng's situation and what happened after the two left. Lu Chuan and Tang Xiangyang didn't know what to say. She looks a little better than Wu Qian, but she's a bad type, not to mention cheating her husband, and ruining her son. can people say it?

Tang Xiangyang took a puff of cigarette and said, "Do you know what I'm most grateful for now?"

Lu Chuan said, "What?"

"I'm most thankful that Wang Ning was not involved in our Six Gentlemen's affairs."

Wang Ning is Tang Xiangyang's wife. Lu Chuan met her twice, and Lin Yue met her once. I heard that her father was a small leader of a state-owned enterprise, and she was pampered and raised since childhood.

"Six Gentlemen? What Six Gentlemen..."

Lu Chuan scoffed at this title: "Speaking of which, he is Bingkun, who has actually done some good deeds, unlike the few of us who have nothing to do with family affairs, how can we have the time and energy to be a gentleman."

Lin Yue said, "Are you praising me or scolding me?"

Lu Chuan said: "Twenty years younger, this is to scold you, because I'm jealous of you, now..."

Tang Xiangyang nodded, deeply agreeing with his words.

"By the way, about Dagang..." Lin Yue changed the subject: "Xiangyang, you are now a consultant of Jichun Chemical Factory, remember to take care of him more, this kid is not bad."

Tang Xiangyang said: "Why do you entrust this matter to me? You are the vice president of Shencheng Group. As long as you say a word, who would dare not take care of him?"

"First, I won't stay in Jichun for much time. Unlike you, I will retire in a year or two. Then I can concentrate on being a consultant in a chemical plant, and I can give him more technical advice. Second, if Let me say hello to the people below, it is not good for Dagang's growth."

After listening to his explanation, Tang Xiangyang remembered what happened to Xiao Guoqing and Sun Chanchao, and understood.

"Okay, leave this to me."

As soon as the words were spoken here, Lu Chuan touched Tang Xiangyang's arm, and pointed to the courtyard of Xiao Guoqing's house: "That's... Cao Debao, right?"

Lin Yue heard the words and looked over, only to see a man wearing a mask and a baseball cap coming out of the yard and hurried outside.

"That's right, it's him."

Just as Lu Chuan was about to wave his hand to call for someone, Tang Xiangyang stopped him.

"What are you doing?"

Counting it, he and Cao Debao haven't seen each other for seven or eight years. Now that they met at Xiao Guoqing's funeral, it's only reasonable to want to catch up on the old days.

Tang Xiangyang said: "If you want to see him get beaten, then call him by his name."

"What's the meaning?"

At that time, Lu Chuan left after finishing the case, so he naturally didn't know about Qiao Chunyan, Cao Debao and others being beaten by the optical film residents.

Tang Xiangyang had no choice but to patiently tell what happened after he left.


What can Lu Chuan say? Can't say anything.

In the past, we shared pork, fought, drank, and watched old lady Qu's film "Six Gentlemen", but now the south is south, the north is north, the dead are dead, and the scattered are scattered.

At this time, Lin Yue said another sentence, which made him feel more complicated.

"Uncle Ma is gone. He didn't ask me to tell you what happened last month, because he thought it was too much trouble."

Ma Shouchang also passed away?

Tang Xiangyang took out another cigarette and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Let's go." Lin Yue greeted the two of them: "Long time no see, find a place to have a drink."


five months later.

The spring in South China is very short, and the autumn in the Northeast is not long. It is already a bit of winter chill in October.

Lin Yue was sitting in the conference room of the office building of the logistics park, with Feng Yue, Xiao Lei, and Zhou Cong standing behind him.

"Did you find her?"

Feng Yue shook her head: "People in the school said that she resigned last year, and people in the community also said that they haven't seen her since the Spring Festival last year."

"Do you want me to send someone to look for it?"

"It's not necessary, so what if you find it, she can live whatever life she likes, anyway, no one can change her."

"All right."

Lin Yue knew very well that at Zhou Rong's age, she would have changed her temper a long time ago, unlike in TV dramas, now even Cai Xiaoguang has nothing to do with her, let alone him.

"I asked you to come to the Northeast this time for two reasons. First, counting the time, I'm 60 too... I'm going to put aside business matters and take Zheng Juan around to have a look. Her life is not easy. , since I entered Zhou's house, I either take care of the elderly or take care of the children. I haven't had a few years of leisure. As for me, I have been running around and lacking time to accompany her. It's time to change the focus of my life. .”

The three of them didn't speak, they just stood behind obediently.

"Secondly, I think the time is almost up. Yueyue has worked in the immigration service company for several years, and stayed in the group for a while, and is almost familiar with the business. From now on, I will hand over the logistics to you. Right. Leilei is a bit mean. In the final analysis, state-owned enterprises lack business philosophy, but it doesn’t matter. I will stay with Li Wanquan for the next two years and learn his flexible thinking. In the next few years, sporting goods will be a hot spot. Take it well. Do it, don't let me down."

Feng Yue and Xiao Lei nodded slightly.

At this time, Lin Yue turned his head and looked at his son: "It has been three or four years since you came back from Harvard, do you still want to go to space to see?"


Zhou Cong nodded vigorously, this is his dream.

Lin Yue said with a smile: "Don't say that Dad favors one person over another, then I will give you this chance."

He slightly whetted his son's appetite, and said softly: "Last year, SpaceX suffered a serious setback. The Falcon 1 rocket failed three times in a row. I injected 150 million US dollars into it through a Canadian company. It was just an agreement at the time." I made some commercial cooperation without any additional requirements. Now your temper has settled down. The old man in the R\u0026D center has a good opinion of you. If you are ready, then go to the United States. I think Iron Man should Will give you a position that will satisfy you."

"Dad, I'm so happy."

Zhou Cong was very excited and ran over to hug Lin Yue.

Feng Yue leaned over to Xiao Lei's side, and whispered: "Do you know who he learned the trick of hugging his thighs from? Me! In the past, when my uncle went abroad, he would always bring back some rare things that could not be found in China. It’s all about giving me more and giving less to him. Later, he asked my uncle why he favored me more, and I said I was better at acting than you, so this guy became more and more good at acting. I really think he should hang out with Cai Xiaoguang , rather than focusing on any space program.”

Xiao Lei took Feng Yue's complaints very seriously. This guy is a fine person. He has a poisonous mouth in front of Feng Yue and him. Lazy and self-willed, who do you think this fancy face-changing technique is for?

"By the way, Xiao Lei, I have a soy sauce factory worker named Chang Jinjin who is doing odd jobs in the Northern Group now. Please take care of him when you get there. He is someone entrusted to me by Mrs. Qu."

"Good uncle."

At this time, Feng Yue pointed to the guard room at the gate of the logistics park and said, "Is that Uncle Chachao?"

"Yes, I asked Sun Xiaoning to take him here to look at the gate. It happens to be close to the optical film, so it is very convenient to go home and go to work. Oh, and the residents of the optical film, you look hardworking, honest and stable, and you are willing to come to the logistics park Give them a chance when you go to work, anyway, the work of loading and unloading trucks pays more for more work, and whoever earns the money is not earned.”

"Uncle, you really still worry about the neighbors here."

"It's just you, a girl who is careful and thoughtful, and you are still so poor at the age of thirty-five."

"Even if all the old teeth are gone, Yueyue is still a child in front of my uncle." She hugged Lin Yue's neck coquettishly, and then she winked at Xiao Lei, as if to say that she and Zhou Cong had been competing for favor since childhood. That younger brother will act again, and he will not be as painful as her little padded jacket.

"By the way, didn't Uncle Chaochao go to the United States to find Sun Sheng? Did you find it?"

At this time, she remembered a sentence that her aunt said occasionally, and she was a little curious why her uncle brought Sun Chanchao to the logistics park to watch the gate.

Lin Yue said: "If Sun Sheng doesn't come back, he said that he will die there too. Catch up with disappointment, so he returned to China with Sun Xiaoning."

"This kid is too xenophobic."

"It has nothing to do with worshiping foreigners. Everyone has their own horns, and Sun Sheng is escaping from reality."

Feng Yue nodded thoughtfully upon hearing this.

"Okay, I will explain what I have to explain. If you encounter any problems, please consult those old business people. If you are really unsure, you can call me if you can't make it. The plane should land, and I should go."

Lin Yue got up from the sofa, picked up his coat and walked outside.


Time flies like an arrow, and time flies like a shuttle.

Six years passed in a flash.

The time came to 2015.

Shencheng Group has become a well-deserved leading enterprise in the world's top 500. In addition to traditional industries such as real estate, hotel catering, outdoor products, sports equipment, daily seasoning, metallurgy, energy, automobiles, logistics, and import and export trade, The business has further developed into emerging and popular industries such as aerospace, optical equipment, material engineering, photovoltaics, new energy vehicles, and electronic chips, becoming a cross-field business cluster.

Li Suhua passed away this summer at the age of 90. Ji Chunren jokingly said that on the day of the funeral of the old lady, she went to a small circle of celebrities in the industrial and commercial circles. Thinking about it, there is no way, because no matter what business you do, you have to deal with each other. Shencheng Group will become an unavoidable barrier.

And Zhou Bingkun has become a legend in the business world, a focus figure in Chinese circles at home and abroad. The Shencheng Group he controls has provided more than two million jobs at home and abroad, and indirectly affects the upstream and downstream of the supply chain. The livelihood of tens of millions of people.

Feng Yue is 40 years old this year, and has achieved dazzling results in the six years in Jichun, um, and various titles that sound tall.

In autumn, the leaves turn from green to yellow, leaving the branches under the blowing of the wind, and falling on the newly paved asphalt road.

At this very moment, the car was carrying her and Xiao Lei out of the industrial logistics park, heading for the airport far away in the suburbs.

Just yesterday, her uncle sent her a short message with an address on it.

A day later, the taxi stopped at a parking lot in the suburbs of a small county in Guizhou. The two got out of the car, checked the direction, and walked towards the round arch opposite the parking lot.

Xiao Lei looked at the content on the phone screen, and at the plaque above the round arch.

"Qingyun'an, that's right, it's here."

The two of them walked into the arch, and what they faced was a small tower, only three stories high, but judging from its shape and building materials, it should have a history of hundreds of years.

After walking two steps forward, a nun wearing a monk's hat stepped forward, folded her hands together and said, "The two benefactors are here to offer incense and worship Buddha, or to pray for blessings and fulfill their vows?"

Feng Yue said: "No, I'm here to find someone."

"May I ask who the benefactor wants to find?"


The nun gave her a deep look: "Please wait here."

After saying this, he left.

In less than five minutes, a woman wearing a monk's hat and cloth shoes came from the courtyard on the right. Xiao Lei patted his wife on the shoulder and turned to leave.

Feng Yue had guessed on the way here, and now that the guess has been confirmed, even if he was prepared, his emotions were still a bit complicated.

"Why do you want to become a monk?"

In the past few years in the Northeast, she has been looking for Zhou Rong, not because she wants to restore the mother-daughter relationship, but because Li Suhua chanted "Rong'er" several times in her later years, and her uncle Zhou Bingyi asked her to look for it. , just to fulfill the wish of the old lady.

It's been six years without any clues. I never thought that she came to Guizhou and became a nun.

If it was in the past, Zhou Rong would definitely ask, are you still refusing to call me mom until now? It's different now, she couldn't see the slightest bit of excitement on her face, and said coldly: "This is all thanks to your father."

"Feng Huacheng?"

Same as her attitude towards Zhou Rong, she would not call Feng Huacheng Dad.

"You don't know yet, do you?"

"Do not know what is this?"

"He has become a monk, and now the Gaoxuan Temple near Jinba Village has a dharma name. You haven't seen him yet, have you?"

After hearing Zhou Rong's words, Feng Yue was dumbfounded.

My mother became a monk, and my father also became a monk. These two people are really...

She no longer knew how to describe her mood at this moment.

"Didn't he go to France with Wang Zi?"

Zhou Rong didn't answer this question directly: "I'm married to Cai Xiaoguang, and now I'm here to become a nun? It's actually pretty good. The Qingdeng ancient Buddha helps a person to face his heart. Know yourself."

Feng Yue sighed heavily: "Grandma is gone, it's just about this year."

"I know."

"you know?"

"That's right, Cai Xiaoguang came here a few days ago when he went to Jinba Village to film "Our Generation" and told me the news of your grandma's death."

"and you……"

"Since entering the Buddhist gate, the six sense organs will naturally be pure, and the worldly affairs will be cut off."

Feng Yue still wanted to talk, when a bell sounded from behind, Zhou Rong shook her head: "It's time for lunch, let's go."

After speaking, he turned and left without looking back at her from beginning to end.

Feng Yue left Qingyun Nunnery with mixed feelings, and Xiao Lei, who was reading the inscription beside her, came to her.

"How did the talk go?"

She recounted the important points of the conversation between the two just now.

Xiao Lei said: "Then do you want to go to Gaoxuan Temple to see your father?"

Feng Yue shook her head: "No need, let's go home."

ps: Happy May Day!

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