Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1692 Call it a day and return


The northeast wind howled across the mountains, and the bells of Beituo Temple beat the hearts of pilgrims like the tide.

The golden Buddha on the main hall is solemn, and the heavenly king is solemn.

On the long steps in front of the door, Lin Yue and Zheng Juan walked in front, Guangming followed behind, and beside him was a little novice who took care of him.

Zheng Juan is over 60 this year, and Guangming is over 50 years old. Even though the Shencheng Group donates a large sum of money to the temple every year, as well as the money for sesame oil from pilgrims, the monks in Beituo Temple have no worries about food and clothing, but they are monks. Naturally, life cannot be compared with secular life. Guangming's body is very thin and he doesn't wear much. Zheng Juan is quite worried about him, but he is in good spirits. It may be that the arrival of his sister and brother-in-law gave him a lot of comfort.

What is it that the four elements are all empty and the six sense organs are pure? There have been countless monks and nuns since ancient times, but how many people can really do it?

"Guangming, if you need anything, just tell Yueyue and Xiao Lei, don't feel embarrassed, don't open your mouth, every time I come to your place in winter, I feel bad for them when I see monks wearing such thin clothes."

"Sister, everyone is used to it, and speaking of it, this is also a kind of practice."

"Practice, practice, you can only practice if you have your life. If it's going to freeze, why do you practice?"


Guangming shook his head and smiled wryly, not knowing how to explain it to her.

Zheng Juan said: "Everyone is a monk, and I don't know what good temples are."

Guangming looked puzzled: "Who else has become a monk?"

Zheng Juan replied: "One of Yueyue's parents is in Qingyun Nunnery and the other is in Gaoxuan Temple. Anyway, they are in the south, and the weather in the northeast is really too cold. Guangming, why don't you go to Australia with us? The climate is warm and humid, and there is a Nantian Temple in Sydney, which is large in scale and has a good environment, and it can also promote Buddhism to overseas people, which is great."

"Sister, have you seen that ancient pine tree in front of the door? It is my life."

The light refers to the ancient pine tree at the south gate of Beituo Temple. Although it looks plain from the outside, it has guarded Beituo Temple for more than a hundred years.

Zheng Juan knew what he meant by saying this. From the 1980s to 2015, more than 30 years have passed in a blink of an eye. Both she and Zhou Bingkun would persuade him to go to a place with better conditions every few years, but none of them succeeded. The guy has eaten the weight and is determined to smash Beituo Temple.

"By the way, brother-in-law, go see Uncle Ding. I heard that he is seriously ill."

In the past, Zhou Bingkun and Zheng Juan lived in Guangzhou. Ding Jianye not only often went to Zhou’s house in the optical film, but also visited him in Beituo Temple. Whether it was the repair work of the temple building or the monks’ clothing, food, housing and transportation, he helped a lot. Ding Xia came once in a while and told him about Ding Jianye's situation, saying that he could no longer walk around in the ground, after all, he was over 80 years old...

Lin Yue said: "Don't worry, another purpose of my coming to Jichun this time is to see Uncle Ding."

"By the way, how is your brother?"

"Australia's medical conditions are very good. The doctor said that the condition is under good control. It is no problem to live another two to five years."

"That's good."

The three of them talked and walked, and they had already arrived at the gate of Beituo Temple.

"Sister, brother-in-law, I'll see you off soon. Slow down on your way, and go back to Jichun to have a look when you have time."

"Okay." Zheng Juan secretly wiped away tears, waved to Guangming, and the two walked down the mountain.

I met a few devout pilgrims on the road, and they came to worship the Buddha despite the severe cold. Perhaps they recognized their identities and seemed a little excited.

Lin Yue smiled and waved goodbye to them politely.


January 1, 2016.

When the New Year's bell rang and the cheers under the Sydney Tower resounded, Lin Yue was rolled up by a white light, his body was thrown into the distant night sky like a weightless feather, and disappeared above the clouds.


When the dizziness caused by time travel subsided, and the senses of smell, hearing, and touch returned one by one, he took a long breath, opened his eyes, and stared at the running indicator light flashing at the bottom of the laptop screen.

Returned from the world of "The World".

From 1972 to 2016, a total of forty-four years, I feel that Zhou Bingkun's life has been extremely long.

Think about Zheng Juan, Zhou Cong, Feng Yue, Zhou Bingyi... I still have a clear image of them.

Perhaps because he has traveled through many worlds, he has formed a habit from his body to his consciousness. Lin Yue was not immersed in the memory and couldn't extricate himself. He turned his head and looked out the window, and found that it was already dawn, and there was the sound of wheels turning in the carport not far away. I don't know if it is a hawker who is in a hurry to sell breakfast on the street, or a worker who is going to work.

Thinking of this, he was startled. He quickly picked up the mobile phone on the table and glanced at the calendar. He found that he hadn't missed the time. If he went home tomorrow, even if he was stuck on the highway for a while, he would not delay the holiday. Slack, get off the chair and sit on the head of the bed.

The emotional adjustment is almost done, and the following is the business part.

Lin Yue turned his attention to the system space, pulled down the menu to the taskbar, and a line of characters flashed before his eyes.

"The host has returned from the world of "Human World", and now evaluates the completion of the task."

Mission: [Don't come to see Guihong several times]

Main task: Change Zhou Bingkun's life trajectory (completed).

Side task: get rich first and get rich later (completed).

Task Completion: Good.

Sure enough, the degree of completion is good, not perfect. In fact, he has already made imperfect preparations, because the main supporting roles in the TV series Sun Chachao, Xiao Guoqing, Cao Debao, Qiao Chunyan and others were not brought rich by him, and the optical film was not demolished, but those in Jichun City who went to work steadily Ordinary citizens have benefited a lot. After all, whether it is Huaneng Automobile, Jichun Chemical Plant, or North Group, Songhuajiang Flavor Industry... are all big laborers, so the task is completed, but don't think about the perfect rating.

This is indeed a pity, but it is impossible to let people like Yuhong and Wu Qian take advantage of him for the sake of a perfect rating.

Alright, now that the rating is complete, it's time to distribute the mission rewards.

Just as he was gearing up and preparing to check the rewards of the main quest and side quests, the interface flashed, and a few large characters popped up in the middle.

Hidden achievement achieved.

[Gentleman]——In view of the dedicated performance of the host in the world of "Human World" for 44 years, the system randomly promotes a special title.

special title?

There is only one special title, and that is...【Master Breeder】.


[Breeding Master] After upgrading, he will get the special title [Breeding Master].

[Breeding Master] (Optional combination 3: You can help female patients who are not*not* regain their fertility.)

? ? ? ? ? ?

The real version of Sending Avalokitesvara?

This... is the system mocking him for being extra honest in the world of "Human World"? Still feel that Hao Dongmei is too pitiful, and want to give him this ability to avoid similar situations from happening in the future travel process?


This is a serious ability, quite a serious ability, the ability to contribute to society, and also the ability to make money. It is much more reliable than Putian hospitals, isn't it?

Lin Yue thinks that he has practiced well in mental combat.

He has a lot of inner drama here, and when he thinks about this and that, the system is much more serious in comparison. After helping him upgrade his title, he will automatically return to the higher-level interface.

"Now settle the task reward."

Main task reward: Passive skill [Knight LV1].

[Knight LV1]? What the hell is this?

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