Although it didn't get a perfect rating, it's good that the normal difficulty task gave a skill, which is a passive skill, but the name of the skill, uh... is it serious?

The system did not stop because of his complaints, and continued to distribute rewards.

Side quest reward: 2 skill strengthening points.

There is nothing to say about this thing, 2 points of skill enhancement points are already considered a good item in the prize pool of side missions, so there is nothing to criticize.

"The rewards have been distributed and are now under the control of the host."

The prompt flashed past, and the control of the interface returned to Lin Yue, and he switched the menu to the skill bar with doubts.

【I am Acting School LV3】.

[Steel Bladder LV2].

[Animal Friends LV3].

[Muay Thai LV3].

【Picture memory LV3】.

[Bargain LV4].

【Teacher Killer LV3】.

【Sneak LV3】.

【Photosynthesis LV2】.

[Left and right hemisphere LV5] - [Compound eyes].

【Taunt LV1】.

[Chameleon LV4].

【Hypnotism LV5】-【Nightmare】.

[Hacker LV3].

【Double Harvest LV2】

【Smell animal LV3】

【Super Sweat Gland LV2】.

[Night Demon LV1].

【Knight LV1】~NEW.

Currently unassigned skill reinforcement points: 4.

After returning from the world of "Charlotte's Annoyance", the balance of skill enhancement points is 2, plus 2 points from the side mission of "Human World", a total of 4 points, no problem, but this [Knight LV1]--(Note: Now you can freely control the mechanical unit, even if you have not received systematic driving training, at the same time, you will form an intuitive understanding of the target object's operating status, cruising range, characteristics and other data.)

Hey, this skill...not bad.

In short, with this skill, when driving mechanical vehicles such as cars, airplanes, helicopters, and tanks, you can drive proficiently without training, and you will be like an old driver who has driven this vehicle for many years I also know its situation well. In the future, I will drive a spaceship and play a submarine team... [Knight LV1] This skill is really useful.

Sure enough, the system is very serious, unlike him... the brain made up the wrong direction.

As for the balance of the 4 skill strengthening points below, he browsed the list again and found that there were no skills that needed to be upgraded urgently. He pressed the back button and pulled down the menu to the character attribute column. After returning from the world of "Charlotte Annoyance", he had no assignment A lot of attribute points have been accumulated now.

Name: Lin Yue.

Race: Human.

Strength 40.

Constitution 30.

Dexterity 30.

Intelligence 25.


Currently unassigned attribute points: 12.

Heh, 12 unassigned attribute points is really a lot...

Randomly added a point to each of the five circumferences, and the unallocated attribute points dropped to 7. Suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder, he resisted the urge to level his intelligence, pressed the back button, and closed the system menu.


After returning to the third company, he let out a long sigh of relief and lay down on the bed.

Just when he was about to go back to sleep, there was a fluttering sound of birds flapping their wings outside.

The villain is back?

Thinking of this, he turned his face and saw a black shadow flying into the room from the balcony.

This guy hasn't figured out what's going on yet, Lin Yue first saw something dangling from its mouth, well, last time he stole underwear and gave it a hard treatment, but this time he still didn't repent, and dumped the stolen goods at home again.

He slapped his hands on the bed, jumped up suddenly, stretched his hands forward, and grabbed the villain's feet.

"Ah, ah, you scared me to death."

As soon as it spoke, things fell to the ground.

"Sure enough, it's a flat-haired animal. It seems that the punishment was not enough last time. Let's see if I don't pluck your hair and disembowel you this time, and cook a pot of bird soup for eight meals."

"Ah, ah, bad guy, bad guy."

When one person and one bird were arguing, there was a knock on the door. Lin Yue turned his head and saw Tan Xiaoguang pushing open the door, looking at the man and the bird who were arguing opposite him in astonishment.

"When did you come back?"

"Oh, I came back last night, so I didn't dare to make a sound for fear of disturbing your rest."

Tan Xiaoguang nodded: "I thought you wouldn't come back years ago."

Lin Yue chuckled: "Why, I told you to take you to the train station, of course I can't break my promise."

Tan Xiaoguang did not delve into this topic, pointing to the big villain and said: "What happened to you?"

"Heh, heh, we're just kidding." Lin Yue was naturally embarrassed to say that the thief who stole the underwear was disorderly again, and he glanced down while speaking, trying to get the stolen goods that fell on the ground to the bottom of the bed , so as not to embarrass Tan Xiaoguang, he was stunned for the next breath, and picked it up as quickly as possible and put it in his pocket.


"It's nothing, the postcard I brought back from other places."

Although Tan Xiaoguang was a little strange, he didn't delve into it: "Since you're up, do you want to go downstairs to have breakfast together?"

Lin Yue said: "I ate a bit too much last night, I'm not hungry, you can go by yourself."


Tan Xiaoguang agreed, turned and left.

Hearing the sound of the door closing from outside, Lin Yue threw the big villain into the bird stand, and took out the things he stuffed in his pocket just now.

In fact, it was not a postcard, but a photo.

"Where did this thing come from?"

"I won't tell you, I won't tell you."

The big villain raised his wings, flew out of the balcony with a gust of wind, and disappeared.

Lin Yue didn't move, looking at the figure above lost in thought.

"Don't tell... don't I know?"

He shook his head, opened the drawer under the computer desk, and put the photo in.


On the twenty-eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, the square in front of the railway station was crowded with people. Lin Yue finally found a parking place to put Tan Xiaoguang and his luggage down.

"I won't send you in, see you in the Year of the Rat."

"Say hello to my uncle and aunt for me."


Tan Xiaoguang waved at him, pulled the suitcase to the entrance and queued up.

Lin Yue returned to the car and glanced at the girl in the co-pilot: "I'll leave it to you."

"Well, when will you and Su Han come back?"

As the vehicle drove into the expressway out of the city, Zhou Lin asked while looking at the scene flying out of the co-pilot's window.

"The fifth and sixth day, what's the matter?"

"No... nothing."

"Don't you have the key, as long as you don't miss the opening on the eighth day of the lunar new year, of course, remember to call me when you come back on the seventh day of the seventh day, and I will pick you up."

Zhou Lin tilted her head and looked out the window, not sure if she was looking at the city scenery or her side face: "Can you leave me alone..."

Lin Yue didn't hear her clearly: "What?"

"No... nothing."

"What's wrong with you today? Are you stammering?"

Zhou Lin shook her head and did not answer the question.

Lin Yue glanced at her side face, without asking any further questions, and turned his head to drive with peace of mind.


On the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month, Tan Xiaoguang and Zhou Lin were sent away. On the 30th day of the twelfth lunar month, Lin Yue came to the Oriental Garden to pick up Su Han with a bunch of things, and went out of the city under the eyes of her parents who were happy and melancholy. Elevated drive away.

"Don't be so nervous, okay, my parents are not tigers, so they can still eat you?"

Seeing the long queue of vehicles leaving the city at the entrance of the expressway, Lin Yue took the opportunity to tease Su Han. The girl has been tense since she got in the car. She has already drank almost two bottles of mineral water before leaving the city. When you go to his house and meet your parents, will you be so nervous that your tongue gets stuck and you can't speak? I really don't know where the calmness of the pet owners in the store went.

"If you continue to drink like this, I guess we will have to stop once in each service area."

Su Han gave him a hard look.

"Don't be afraid, an ugly daughter-in-law always wants to see her in-laws."

When he said this, he turned back a Land Rover that wanted to stop.

"I'm afraid... What if your parents don't like me?"

"Will not."

"You said...should I put on my makeup? And those gifts, I should have heard my mother tell me. Tangning doesn't even have a boyfriend. How could she know what the old man likes?"

Well, Lin Yue felt that he should not speak.

The car got better after getting on the expressway. The road was blocked a few times, but it took about half an hour. When I returned to my hometown county, the sun had not yet set, and it was more than an hour earlier than expected.

The light poles on the long street are hung with Chinese knots representing blessings. On both sides of the gate of the community are festive red lanterns and a row of colorful LED lights. Old men and old women are talking.

The communities in the county seat are not like the first- and second-tier big cities. There are plenty of parking spaces. Lin Yue drove the car directly behind the unit building and stopped. He got out of the car, and before he could stand still, he heard a person joking on the side of the road: "Old Lin , your son is back, hey, this car is not bad, what's it called... Oh yes, Cadillac, my son said it's more than 200,000 yuan, look like you've made a fortune outside."

Lin Yue turned his face and saw that the gatekeeper of the community, who is also a resident of Building No. 5, was walking with his father from the power distribution room.


I just thought about taking my girlfriend home for the New Year, and forgot how to explain the car and the house. I told Xiaorui and Su Han that I had an uncle who ran to HK during his escape from Hong Kong. After his death, he left a will. The paper stocks of HSBC Bank and part of the property were distributed to his family, and he turned salty fish into a rich second generation, but now when he returned home, he told Su Han on the road that ugly daughter-in-laws always want to see their parents-in-law, so this How to fulfill the lie of accidentally becoming rich and handsome by virtue of the legacy of the predecessors?

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