Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1694 I lie and never write drafts

"Dad, how did you come from there?"

Lin Yue said hello and was thinking hard at the same time.

Lao Lin said: "Your mother went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables. I was bored up there alone, so I wanted to come down and pick you up. It happened that your Uncle Wang was going to install fuses in the power distribution room and asked me to help."


This is normal. Everyone in the community knows that Lao Lin worked as an electrician for several years when he was young. Usually someone ran a line, repaired a light, etc., and the property manager would come home and call his father for help when he was not around.

"Uncle Wang, happy new year."

"Hey, happy new year, happy new year." The little old man who was only about 1.5 meters greeted with a smile.

Lin Yue always felt that the property company asked the old man to see that there might be human relations behind the gate. What can a little old man who is around 1.5 meters do? Not to mention scaring people, pets with a little bit of strength can't scare them.

It's normal in the county circle, the human society.

"By the way, didn't you say to go home with Su Han for the New Year? Where is the person?" Lao Lin asked the important point.

Why does my wife still go to the vegetable market at thirty? It is because I know that my son will bring his girlfriend home to celebrate the New Year, and I feel that the ingredients for the New Year’s Eve dinner in the family are not good enough, and they are not high-end. Special ingredients, so as not to make girls from big cities feel that they are not hospitable enough and be left out.

Lin Yue lowered his head and glanced at the co-pilot: "Did you hear what my dad said? It can take a long time to tidy up the hem of your clothes."

The girl pursed her lips, and said three times in her heart, "If you come, you will be safe", and when she was done, she opened the car door and got off the co-pilot, looked at the kind-hearted middle-aged man opposite and called out respectfully: "Hello, uncle. "

Lao Lin was stunned when he saw her. His son sent them photos of his girlfriend, and his wife said that she was pretty. She was a little worse than those female anchors with tens of millions of followers on Douyin. Now seeing her in person , he found that the situation was going to be reversed, Su Han looked much better in real life than in photos.

Lao Wang heard from Lao Lin that Lin Yue was going to bring his girlfriend home for the New Year, but he never thought that he would bring such a beautiful girlfriend home for the New Year. As the saying goes, white covers all ugliness. The girl opposite is not only fair-skinned, but also has a beautiful face. It's like the host on TV.

"Hey, hey, good, good." Lao Lin was so happy that he could not close his mouth from ear to ear: "You are tired after sitting in the car for seven or eight hours. Go upstairs quickly. The house is warm and there is heating in the house."

The old man remembered that Lin Yue said that Jianghai City belonged to the south and had no heating.

Su Han hurriedly said that he was not tired.

At this time, Lin Yue had already walked over to open the trunk, and brought out the prepared gift.

"Dad, if you take this, you should be able to carry it up in one go."

He handed over Moutai, a couple of Chinese cigarettes, and tea leaves from Zhengshantang, and he carried heavy things like Jinhua ham, salted duck, and drunk crab. Su Han was not idle, and helped share some of the burden.

Old Wang looked greedy, and made fun of Lao Lin from behind: "Look at these things, I want to eat at your house for this year's New Year's Eve dinner."

"Success, waiting for you."

"Forget it, I'm afraid that Yunxiu will kick me out, it's unlucky for Chinese New Year."

"You dare to say that when she goes out."

"That is."

Lao Lin and Lao Wang were talking behind each other, Su Han and Lin Yue entered the apartment building, seeing her questioning look, they smiled and explained: "Zhang Yunxiu is my mother's name."


"Don't listen to the old man who is blind and poor, my mother is very easy to get along with."

She nodded, "Yeah".

When he came to the third floor, Lao Lin opened the door of Xihu with the key, took the ingredients and put them in the kitchen, and called Su Han to sit on the sofa.

Lin Yue motioned her to take off her coat and hang it on the hanger, and she took the opportunity to look around.

It is a multi-storey building in 2000, with two bedrooms and one living room. Although it is a little old, it has a good layout, transparent from north to south, and fully designed.

"Sit, sit, take this as your own home, don't look outside."

Lao Lin came out of the kitchen, saw her still standing there, and greeted her warmly.

"Hey." She agreed, and sat down in the middle of the three-seater sofa.

"Lin Yue, quickly pour tea for Su Han, there is hot water in the water dispenser."

"Dad, you are too enthusiastic. She is not a guest, she is your future daughter-in-law."

Su Han rubbed his hands between his legs, blushing.

Before Lao Lin could speak, the door opened, and a middle-aged woman with a mole between her eyebrows and a pair of gold earrings came in carrying two bags of ingredients: "This is what I said, as long as you don't go through the door, you are a guest."

"Mom, you came back in time."

Lin Yue quickly took what was in her hand.

"Where's Su Han?"

The old lady was not very interested in the son she hadn't seen for a year, so she asked where her daughter-in-law was when she entered the door.

At this time, the girl who had just sat firmly on the sofa jumped up.

"Auntie, I'm here."

"No wonder the old Wang has a headache. This real person looks much better than the photos. You say that our Su Han looks like this. Once the beauty is turned on and the lights are turned on, then the female anchors of Douyin and Kuaishou can't be compared. Go down." Zhang Yunxiu walked over, looked left and right, she was satisfied here, but embarrassed the girl.

"Well, I've become a supporting role in feelings."

Lin Yue was very speechless, this old lady, she became her Su Han just after meeting her, and did she watch too much Douyin Kuaishou, she opened her mouth and shut her mouth about female anchors, the market is sinking a bit.

"If you are told to go, you can go. What are you poor? By the way, there is a box of strawberries in it. You can wash it and give it to Su Han to eat. Also, ask your dad to take out the beef I marinated the day before yesterday. I brought two pieces of bacon, remember to soak them in water, and put the toon sprouts in the freezer to melt in cold water."

"That's right, it's my mother."

Lin Yue complained, and walked into the kitchen under Zhang Yunxiu's threatening eyes.

The father and son were busy for a while, thawing the dishes that should be thawed, marinated, and washed, and then returned to the living room. Zhang Yunxiu had already checked the household registration for more than ten minutes. How many people do you have, what does your father do, what does your mother do, do you have brothers and sisters, are grandma and grandpa still alive...

To be honest, Lin Yue sympathized with Su Han quite a bit, but there was nothing he could do about it, this was the process that ordinary families should have when dealing with this kind of thing.

"Lin Yue, you are good at cooking. You just cut the tofu a few times, and you are much better than Hong Laosan at the gate of the community." Lao Lin took off his apron while chatting with his son. At home, if there is no job at hand, he will definitely contract the kitchen by himself, but Lin Yue has not inherited his advantage. He has never been in the kitchen a few times since he was a child. He is willing to cook, but the skill he showed just now really impresses him, and he feels that he is better than the chefs in the home-cooked restaurants along the street in the neighborhood.

Lin Yue said nonsense: "Oh, I met a chef friend in Jianghai City. Customers said that watching him cook is a kind of enjoyment. I think both cooking and knife skills are very good, so I ask him to teach him." Been with me for a while."

As for knife skills, one can only teach tricks, and long-term practice is the kingly way.

Lao Lin often cooks, so he naturally understands this truth, but when his son says this, he can only choose to believe it, because Lin Yue doesn't need to lie, and talent does exist, regardless of whether you admit it or not.

"By the way, when did you learn to drive?"

"Last year, I signed up for a class last year, and the coach praised me for learning quickly."

Lao Lin asked again: "Your Uncle Wang said that the car you drove back was not cheap, where did it come from?"

Two hundred thousand is naturally not a small number for old workers living in small counties.

Lin Yue wanted to talk about renting it, but suddenly thought of the Moutai wine, Zhengshantang black tea, and the king crab that the old man had never seen before. A hat to save face.

"That car, Su Han's father knew that I was going to take her home, so he lent me the car."

The girl sitting diagonally across from him cast a puzzled look at him when she heard this explanation.

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