"Oh, I see."

Lao Lin suddenly realized that his son returned home last year with a clean pocket than his face. Even if he said that he found a good job when he called this summer, it would be no problem to get 20,000 to 30,000 a month, but until now In half a year, it is basically impossible to earn a car worth 200,000 to 300,000 yuan. If Su Han’s father used it for the two of them to travel home during the Spring Festival, then it would make sense. , It should also be a gift bought by Su Han. After all, she is a girl from a big city with money in her family. It is the first time to celebrate the New Year at her boyfriend's house, so she will definitely not be stingy.

Zhang Yunxiu also heard the conversation between the two, and looked at Su Han more tenderly.

Lin Yue thought carefully about his life for more than twenty years, as if his mother had never seen him like this.

ding ding ding dong~

A ringtone of an incoming call interrupted the communication of several people in the living room. Zhang Yunxiu took it out to have a look, gestured to Su Han to answer the phone, took it to the balcony and pressed the connect button.

"Ah, Yunzhi, I'm back, I'm back."


"Good, good, good."


"Satisfied, yes, everything is ready."


"Don't worry, I know this and I won't forget it."


"The second grade? The third grade."


"Hey, okay, okay, okay, hang up."

Zhang Yunxiu hung up the phone and walked back to the living room. Seeing Su Han looking at her with a puzzled look, he pointed to the phone: "Lin Yue and his second aunt called and asked how the preparations for the New Year's Eve were going. A leg of lamb, asked me if I wanted it, and if I wanted it, I'd take it from her."

Su Han said: "It feels good to have relatives and friends all in one place."

Lao Lin asked, "Does your family have no relatives in Jianghai City?"

"My mother is from Jianghai, my grandparents left early, my uncle moved to New Zealand five years ago, my father's hometown is from the northwest, and all close relatives are gone."

Zhang Yunxiu said: "Don't be sad. From now on, this is your second home. Lin Yue's aunt, second aunt, uncle, sister-in-law, and several cousins ​​are all your relatives."

"Yes." Su Han nodded obediently and agreed.

Lin Yuechong blinked at Lao Lin, meaning to see how good his mother can talk. Why did the second aunt call to ask my sister if she wanted leg of lamb, and to find out if he brought his girlfriend back? The population is small, and there are few things that residents pay attention to. Does the relative’s child bring someone home for the New Year? Who did they fight again... These seemingly insignificant things about working in other places as workers are the hot news in their lives.

You must know that my second aunt, Zhang Yunzhi, is the most gossip among the three of her mother and sister. When she heard the news from his mother that Su Han was going home with him for the New Year, of course she had to ask about the situation. Fortunately, today is New Year’s Eve and tomorrow is New Year’s Eve. On the first day of the new year, if it were normal, I'm afraid I would have come to visit.

"Yunxiu, it's time. If you don't cook, it will be dark." At this time, Lao Lin pointed to the quartz clock hanging on the wall.

"Look, I'm too busy talking."

Zhang Yunxiu hurriedly got up from the sofa, took the apron and walked to the kitchen.

Lao Lin pointed to the north, and said to Su Han, "I'll help her, you two have traveled all the way, take a break."

After saying this, he followed Zhang Yunxiu into the kitchen.

Lin Yue vaguely heard his father complaining about his mother, thinking that she would check her household registration as soon as she entered the house, creating pressure on her son's girlfriend, and that they lived at home for five or six days. Can't you ask those words slowly?

"Still nervous?"

He took out a strawberry from the fruit plate, tore off the green leaves underneath and handed it to his girlfriend.

Su Han took it and put it in his mouth, chewing and swallowing.

"Auntie...too enthusiastic."

"My mother can't pretend. If she doesn't ask, she won't be able to sleep at night." Lin Yue stood up: "Let's go, I'll show you my room."

Knowing that he was trying to ease her inner tension, Su Han got up and followed him into the north bedroom.

Although no one has lived in it for a year, it does not have the deserted feeling of a house that has been vacant for a long time. On the right side of the bed is a solid wood wardrobe, on the left is a computer desk, the monitor is covered with dustproof cloth, and there is an Edifier subwoofer on the bracket. A photo frame, inside is a group photo of the graduating class of the third year of high school.

On the opposite side of the computer desk is a bookcase, not many books, a few novels, a set of manga about the big sword, a rotten forced colony armor, several Q-version figures of Naruto's main characters, and a pair of PS4 handles, plus The basketball signed by Yao Ming has a shiny new skin, and it is likely that it has never been used.

Su Han went straight to the front of the computer desk, picked up the photo frame on the top of the subwoofer and looked at it carefully: "All the people on it are your high school classmates?"

"Yes, can you find out which of these people is me?"

"It's not easy."

She turned around, pointed to a boy in the penultimate row who squinted his eyes as if he was still asleep, and said, "Is that right?"

Lin Yue took her into his arms and said, "That's right."

Su Han twitched twice, and slowly relaxed.

"Uncle, what if Auntie comes in?"

Lin Yue shook her hand and said, "Why did my dad send my mom away? I just think she put too much pressure on you by asking her to check the household registration, so don't worry, they won't break in suddenly."

"Uncle's heart is really fine."

"At this point, it is said that my parents' temper has grown reversed."

Su Han smiled slightly, and suddenly remembered what he said just now that the Cadillac XT5 parked downstairs was lent by her father to the two of them for transportation home: "By the way, why did you say that my father lent you that car?"

"Do you still remember the paper stocks of HSBC Bank? My parents are ordinary workers in sugar factories. They only know that the stocks can be exchanged for money, but they don't know that the dividends in these years alone are 1.4 million yuan. They would definitely approve of it for buying a house, but if they knew that I spent 300,000 yuan to buy a car, this year would be difficult. With Zhang Yunxiu's temper, she would definitely keep scolding me, a prodigal son, so instead of embarrassing her, it's better to say It was your father who lent us the transportation, and he can use this to show his attitude towards us and enhance my parents' goodwill towards your parents, so why not do it."

"You're really smart."

As soon as the girl finished speaking, a yell came from the direction of the kitchen: "You prodigal son, buy such expensive wine for your father, and this..."

Before he could finish speaking, his voice stopped abruptly, as if someone had blocked his mouth with food.

Lin Yue shrugged: "Do you hear me, this is you here. If I go home to celebrate the New Year by myself, I will be punished for those Moutai, Zhonghua Tobacco, and King Crab. As for tea... Unfortunately, she doesn't know that brand .”

Su Han covered her mouth and said softly, "That's right, this is my real mother."

Lin Yue chuckled: "Indeed."

Having said that, he moved his head closer and kissed the back of her ear.

"Don't make trouble."

Su Han itched and tilted his head, but his body was already crisp: "We will be found out."

"Don't you think this is more exciting?"

She blushed suddenly, and broke free from his embrace. She didn't want to be too tough, so she pulled his arm: "It's getting dark outside, let's go to the kitchen to help uncle and aunt."


Lin Yue originally wanted to tease her so that she wouldn't relax, but now that he's back in Jianghai City, he naturally won't really make trouble under the noses of his parents and let her drag him out of the bedroom to the kitchen.

Su Han had a good heart, but Zhang Yunxiu quickly pushed her out of the kitchen. It was the first time for her son's girlfriend to come to the house, and she would never let her into the kitchen to work.

Lin Yue was retained by his father, and the family of three worked together inside, just before the Spring Festival Gala started broadcasting, it was later than other families, because the ingredients he and Su Han brought back from Jianghai City were all Lao Lin. The couple have never been in contact with each other, but he insisted on doing this, saying that the two elders should eat something different from before. As a result, the corresponding condiments were either missing one or the other. After all the wine was finished, they sat down at home.

As far as Lao Lin's salary is concerned, the most wine used for the New Year's Eve dinner is at the level of Jiannanchun and Meng 3. Today, my son brought back two bottles of Moutai, so naturally he should drink more, but Zhang Yunxiu will hold down half of the next bottle for the father and son. Now, thinking about getting up early tomorrow to eat dumplings and going to my uncle's house to pay New Year's greetings, the two of them didn't insist.

After eating, put away the bowls and chopsticks, Zhang Yunxiu took Su Han to watch the Spring Festival Gala, Lao Lin said that he was bored but had nothing to do, so he bit the bullet and followed his wife to watch and play a skit that must be educated Meaning, to make a joke, you always have to talk about some positive energy.

Lin Yue sat on the single sofa and swiped his phone three times and two times. He felt that it was almost time. When he was about to do magic tricks for them, the system gave him a "ding" first.

This thing is worse than some unscrupulous bosses in China, no matter how busy the job is, there are rotations during the Spring Festival, right? But the system doesn't stop at the New Year's Eve, and pushes new tasks at the moment.

After complaining, he thought about looking at the task content first, then put his phone away, and focused his attention on the system space, ready to see which film and television drama the system wanted him to harass this time. When he pulled down the menu to the task bar, When I saw the target object, I couldn't help being stunned for a moment. It wasn't a TV series, but a movie. The very popular science fiction movie "The Wandering Earth" was released during the Spring Festival last year.

PS: I was discussing writing "Xiao Huanxi" with book friends, but I only saw more than 20 episodes, so let's write a popular movie first.

Thank you for the 3,000 starting coins rewarded by Perfect World in Dreaming, please call me the 600 starting coins rewarded by Daxia Li, the 500 starting coins rewarded by Soaring Fish, the 200 starting coins rewarded by Aowu is not a crime, Qingfeng, Brother Feng is a thug , you are silently reciting the reward of 100 starting coins.

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