Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1703 Havoc in the Dungeon

Half a month ago, on the way from North China Plain to BJ Dungeon, Qian Heyi said a lot of things, put them on ordinary people, and they were not the roundworms in his stomach. Speaking, it is not difficult to figure out which sentence is true and which sentence is false. After sneaking into the dungeon, he hypnotized Qian Heyi the next night and learned some things from him.

Fat? They are not Fa Xiao at all, but it is true that Qian Heyi bribed mercenaries to save him, and the so-called "brotherhood and friendship" are also true, but the whole thing has nothing to do with "us".

How big is Qian Heyi? In his thirties, he was able to open entertainment venues and engage in black markets under the noses of the police. Who did he rely on to form gangs? On the surface, it seems that there is someone covering him, so the question is, how did this relationship come about?

In fact, five years ago, he was a big follower next to the black market merchant in the No. 3 underground city of BJ. Later, the black market merchant died of illness, so he was allowed to inherit his position, and the name of this black market merchant was Lin Genglong.

Before Lin Genglong died, he entrusted money to Heyi to take care of his nephew Lin Yue who was far away in the HZ dungeon. Back then, the brother and sister were assigned to live in different dungeons through lottery. At the beginning, there was a riot because some people refused to accept the result of the lottery. The rebels were suppressed and people were transferred to various dungeons in advance. In order to prevent them from knowing how their abandoned relatives died miserably in floods and storms, the federal military sealed off each dungeon and cut off the communication between residents and the outside world. Communication, so my sister disappeared from Lin Genglong's sight. It was not until a few years later that the public slowly accepted and forgot this cruel fact that the local area communication network of the dungeon was released to a limited extent. Because of the loosening of the blockade, Lin Genglong As a "rich and powerful" black market businessman, he was able to contact the outside world and search for his sister in the HZ dungeon. The news that came back later was frustrating. Lin Genglong's sister Lin Xi failed to enter the dungeon. The official caliber is that the reason is unknown. Lin Genglong was very disappointed about this, but his sister was gone and his nephew was found. He said that after the riot, he was taken into the HZ dungeon by a kind person.

At this time, Lin Yue was already 16 years old. First, he was used to life in the HZ dungeon. Second, Lin Genglong didn't want his nephew to do his job, so he didn't find a way to get him to the BJ dungeon. The opportunity of the police force, so there is an extra police officer Lin in the HZ dungeon.

Qian Heyi is a person who knows how to repay his kindness. He has been paying attention to Lin Yue's situation, and has bought several people from the HZ Dungeon Police Station to take care of him in various aspects. This is also the reason why he dared to say that the two of them were childhood friends. After all, Lin Yue lost his memory, and he has a certain degree of understanding of the latter's background, temper, and living conditions.

As for why you don't tell the truth, but tell some half-truths and half-false words, it can be regarded as an occupational disease. In their business, they say that they operate with integrity and are innocent. If you really believe it, you can only use one Words to describe, silly!

He also learned from Qian Heyi that mercenaries do exist, and they exist in a reasonable way.

20 years ago, the planetary engine pushed the earth to stop its self-promotion. Catastrophes such as tsunami, ice storm, and eternal night/eternal day swept the world. Those who got the pass entered the dungeon. Did those who did not get the pass die?

The answer is no. The Inuit living in the Arctic Circle can survive at minus 50 degrees. In some residential areas in northern Russia, the lowest temperature can reach minus 70 degrees. Naturally, the fittest can survive, and in addition to underground cities, there are underground facilities that are used for refuge, can withstand nuclear explosions, have a complete circulatory system, and can maintain a certain number of people for several years or even ten years. In some countries, even Hollow out the mountain to build a military base, these can create a certain number of survivors on the surface, just like the people in the lighthouse in the spiritual cage will go to the surface to search for living and industrial supplies on a regular basis, the survivors on the surface will also look around. resources utilized.

Obviously, these people will not have a good impression of the federal military and the people who work for them. It is understandable to rob a transport team, kill a few federal soldiers, and snatch their weapons to arm themselves. Why are the vehicles transporting Flint here equipped with heavy weapons such as rocket launchers, and some exoskeleton armor can also be equipped with Gatling machine guns.

In fact, there are also factions in the Survivor Armed Forces. Those who hate the Union Government and advocate revenge are rebels. Those who don’t have too many ideas and just want to live well become mercenaries. As long as the supplies are enough, they will attack the Union Government. Soldiers are fine, and there's no psychological pressure to fight rebels -- it's all about staying alive.

If you think about it carefully, Lin Yue still understands the complaints of audience No. 0001. Originally, Da Liu's "The Wandering Earth" is a novel that shows the cruelty of the end and the complexity of human nature. It's a's not 100% positive. It is also passionate and sensational, and the sentimental original party is naturally very disappointed, but most of them dare not say "no", because there is a high probability that they will be torn apart and scolded, why bother themselves Woolen cloth?

For the vast majority of viewers, continuing to play music after watching the movie and continue to be happy, but for the people on earth who have suffered so much in this world, it is a dust of the times, and it is a big mountain falling on everyone's head.

There is another very important question, which was also answered by Qian Heyi, which is about black market dealers...

"Hey, it's your turn, what's the matter? Get out of the way if you have nothing to do, and don't get in the way of other people."

Lin Yue seemed to be in a daze, but he was actually thinking about something, but he was soon interrupted and realized that he could stop thinking about it, because it was his turn to handle business.


"Lin Dong."



"Where is your home?"

"Ganyu Hutong."

Of course, this is not the new identity Qian Heyi gave him, but another identity he forged for himself by invading the database of the dungeon. That's right, coming here today is an attempt and an experiment.

After checking the household registration and having a conversation, the female staff said with a blank expression: "What kind of business are you handling? Marriage? Divorce? Enlist in the army? Or receive supplies?"

"Isn't that under the control of the civil affairs department?"

"Return to the civil affairs department, what generation are you from? Now it's under the management of the neighborhood committee."

That's right, there is no concept of country, and it has been changed to the United Earth Government. Although the underlying structure has not changed, it is still how you get used to it, but there must be such things as reducing personnel and improving work efficiency.

Marriage, divorce, enlistment, "distribution of food stamps"... Well, the movie still deals with the distribution of dumplings during the Chinese New Year.

"Tell me, what business do you do?" the female staff asked again.

"I want to see your boss."

"Our leader?" The female staff was stunned for a moment before realizing that he was looking for the director of the neighborhood committee: "The director is not here."

"Aren't you going there during working hours?"

"How do I know that?"

"I have something important to report, which concerns the lives and deaths of hundreds of millions of people."

These words do not contain water at all. In the movie, the earth enters Jupiter’s gravitational field, affected by tidal forces, the land plate shakes violently, not to mention the small dungeons like the JN shelter, the entire HZ dungeon is destroyed, and there are 10,000 planets in the world More than 4,000 engines failed. Based on the total number of 3.5 billion people in the world, hundreds of millions of casualties are not an exaggeration.

The female staff looked him up and down carefully for a while, her eyes seemed... almost saying "you are crazy".

"I don't have time to talk to you here, go and go, stay where it's cool."

"Are you sure you don't want to notify him?"

"Hey, did I say are you finished? Next."

Lin Yue sat still, even if the people behind heard the female staff calling for the next one, they were too embarrassed to come over and chase them away.

Even if the world has become like this, the people in the neighborhood committee are still the same, and the police and firefighters are much better in comparison.

"It's just a matter of making a phone call. It's up to your director whether you believe what I say or not."

"Did you hear that I told you to go? I'll call the security if I keep talking."

Lin Yue said in his heart, "It's easy for the king to see little devils." He suddenly patted the service desk, stood up and pointed to the woman opposite the window and said, "Pang Qin, it was you who said last week that as long as we participate in the support of the spaceship faction After the parade, you gave each of us a box of soda biscuits, why? Now you don’t want to admit it? What do you think of us? Isn’t this a scam?” After speaking, he pointed to the female staff at the nearby window and said, “What are you looking at? Look, where is your director? Tell him to come over and ask him to comment."

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