Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1704 Han Duoduo's Life Mentor

" fart."

Pang Qin stood up angrily. She really didn't expect that the psychopath opposite would use this method to frame her.

Yes, many people in the dungeon sympathize with the rebels, and even the police took good care of the demonstrators, and some factory workers went on strike to protest at the cost of reduced rations, but at this point the dungeon administrative system There is no way to make a statement, because the federal government has control of the army and has stationed directors on every continent. Their role is to integrate the production materials in the territory for distribution and utilization. Once the chief executives of the various cities offend them, the materials will be Stress is tight, and residents will also be hungry when they are tight, so how can they do work?

On the other hand, they are afraid of offending the residents who support the rebels, because in such a living environment filled with despair and destruction, the people at the bottom lack hope, and they really dare to go all out if they are impatient, coupled with the echo of the rebels , the administrative systems of the various dungeons are caught in the middle like a doormat.

Now this guy named Lin Dong says that she secretly supports the mass demonstrations. Even if the leaders understand her behavior, if things get serious, they have to give up her job to express their views on the council of the government. If she was laid off due to this incident, her monthly supply would be reduced by at least 30%, and life would inevitably be uncomfortable, so she was angry, anxious, and panicked.

Lin Yue said: "On the afternoon of October 31, you posted an anonymous post online using Morse code. May I show you the translated content?"

Time, place, people, events.

All four elements are complete.

The colleagues in the neighborhood committee saw her eyes changed, and someone quietly left their posts and went to the back.

"You lied, it's fake, it's all fake."

Lin Yue remained silent, just sneered.

On this matter, he spoke clearly and clearly. Do others believe him, or the woman opposite?

For the people who eat melons, the answer is obvious.

Soon, Cao Xiaogang, director of the neighborhood committee, came out from behind.

"Pang Qin, what's going on?"

Pang Qin pointed at Lin Yue and said, "Director, he slandered me. I have nothing to do with those people who demonstrated."

"Oh? So you look down on the demonstrators so much, no wonder you treat us like a fool."

After hearing this sentence, she gasped, never expecting that this guy named Lin Dong was so vicious.

After the establishment of the United Earth Government, why should the people in the underground city elect the Chief Executive? Rather than specifying it, it is because their decision "killed" half of the world's population. Fifty years ago, people in different provinces and states in a country would still yell at each other. Facing such a catastrophe, how can they There may be no different voices, but the election of a chief executive who manages one's own will help reduce hatred and division, which is somewhat similar to how an invader supports a puppet regime to manage the local people.

In this case, if you offend the federal government by saying the wrong thing, you will lose your job at most, and you will not have enough to eat. But if you offend the rebels and the radicals who support the rebels, they will be excluded and beaten lightly. Kill her whole family, and then set a charge of running dogs of the federal government as an example and vent——When human beings were still living on the surface, this kind of thing happened from time to time in the Middle East and South America, not to mention the dungeons filled with despair, this world There is never a shortage of extreme people.

"I don't, I really don't... Director..."

Pang Qin's face turned pale with fright, she really never thought that just a few words from that psychopath would put her in such a dangerous situation.

"Mr. Lin, right? We have something to say."

Cao Xiaogang saw that there were more and more people gathering outside, fearing that the incident would be too big to end, he hurriedly put out the fire, trying to get Lin Yue away.

"Okay, but before that, she must fulfill the reward she promised us, five people, five boxes of soda crackers."

"You... This is framed, this is framed."

Pang Qin wanted to die already, she obviously didn't do that kind of thing, why should she give him something.

Lin Yue took out the mobile phone in his pocket, swiped the screen, opened a website called BJ Dungeon Forum, and found an anonymous post in the favorites column, the content consisted of two numbers, 0 and 1.

"When I leave here, I'll have someone translate it into an English post, and then upload what you just said intact on the Internet. I think with the ability of the Internet police, it should not be difficult to find the mobile phone that posted the post through the IP."

Yes, she has never done it, but... anyway, she is very confused.

Cao Xiaogang hurriedly grabbed Lin Yue's hand and walked inside.

"Get out." Lin Yue shook off his hand: "With her attitude, if I don't make a big deal today, my surname will not be Lin."

Cao Xiaogang is also angry. You said that this Pang Qin, who came to him for this matter, should be rewarded, apologized, and let the matter be settled. What happened? If you insist on refusing to give it, isn't this causing trouble for the neighborhood committee?

"Pang Qin, you posted the post, so you just give it to others. You should be very clear about the consequences if things go wrong."

Cao Xiaogang's statement destroyed her psychological defense.

"Okay, I...I'll give it to you, after work."

"That's the end?" Lin Yue said, "You called me crazy just now, how should I settle for farting?"

Looking at the people who came to work, and then at the colleagues around, Pang Qin hesitated for a moment, and slapped herself on the face.


"I'm a psycho."


"I'm the one who farts."


"It's my fault, it's all my fault."


"I shouldn't have said anything."


After several consecutive slaps, his face turned red, and he looked like a madman with disheveled hair.

Lin Yue nodded: "Seeing how sincere you are, I forgive you. I don't care for the five boxes of soda biscuits. You can donate them to the students of Wangfujing Primary School after work."

Then he looked at Cao Xiaogang: "Let's go, Director Cao, let's talk in your office."

Everyone in the hall was petrified.

You don't want to come here again, look at scaring Miss Pang, isn't this a joke.

Lin Yue ignored the discussion behind and Cao Xiaogang's astonished face, and walked straight to the back.

When he came to the neighborhood committee office, he took out a document and put it on the table.

"Let's see."

Cao Xiaogang picked it up and looked at it a few times: "Didn't you come here for the soda crackers?"

Lin Yue said, "I'm here for you."


"Haven't you heard a saying that the King of Hades is so easy to deal with little ghosts?"

"Don't you think that's too much?"

"Not at all." Lin Yue tapped the document in his hand: "This is the purpose of my coming to you, read the above content before speaking."

"Will the Earth collide with Jupiter?"

He couldn't understand the Roche limit, tidal force and related equations, but he understood the final conclusion: "Are you kidding?"

"Do you think I'm joking?"

"I are a masseur?"

"That's right."

When Cao Xiaogang heard this, a look of contempt flashed deep in his eyes. Of course, it could also be called contempt, but recalling Pang Qin's experience, he was not as explicit as he showed.

"The federal government has gathered the world's top physicists. How do you think their knowledge is better than yours? Are the wisdom of so many people not as high as yours?"

"Scientist? Hehe, it is not intelligence that determines the fate of human beings in many cases."

Lin Yue was too lazy to talk nonsense with him: "You just need to hand over this document to the chief executive of BJ Dungeon, and the rest is up to me and him."

"Can't you deliver it yourself?"

"It's so hard to see you, let alone him."

Cao Xiaogang put the file back: "Well, I will find a suitable opportunity to give the file to him, but I advise you not to put too much hope, no one will choose to believe the latter between a scientist and a masseur. "

"Do you think I'm unfounded, right?" Lin Yue smiled slightly, turned and left the room: "I hope you won't be ashamed of today's thoughts in the future."


Cao Xiaogang thought he was a lunatic, and Pang Qin was right. If a masseuse could question the authority of scientists, wouldn't he be qualified to be the rotating chairman of the United Government?

"Cut, ridiculous."

He went to the office chair and sat down, looked at the documents on the table, and finally decided to take them to the city hall, because that way the lunatic would not pester him. If the situation just now happened in the city hall, there would naturally be police Come forward and solve it.

The chief executive of the dungeon will offend the director of the federal government because of a masseur's whim?


Cao Xiaogang was right. The Chief Executive of BJ Dungeon asked his secretary to throw it into the shredder just after glancing at the content of the document. He thought it was funny. A fad studying Jupiter? If this thing is sent to the director, people will ask whose idea it is, answer, a masseuse?

That would not only make people laugh out loud, but might also be scorned by the director, which would affect the resource ratio of the BJ Dungeon. For him, the Wandering Earth Project is something that the scientists of the federal government need to consider. The problem, what he wants to do is to feed the millions of people in the BJ Dungeon.

On the other hand, Lin Yue knew very well what the result of his hard work was, and he also gave up on the way of feedback through normal channels.

"In the face of this catastrophe, mankind has shown unprecedented unity, in order to allow more people to survive..."

Thinking of the narration in the movie again, Lin Yue chuckled.

Back then when the Japanese army invaded China, were there still few people who made the country miserable? What kind of academic strife and ideological confrontation is hidden behind this positive statement in the movie, only the parties themselves know.

Why do people from the spaceship faction hate the Lianfu to the extreme, are they simply unconvinced after being defeated in the debate? I'm afraid not necessarily.

Draw lots to determine the places to enter the dungeon? Is it really fair? There are people from the notary office present before each lottery draw. After the US election, the ruling party will also say that the election process is fair and just.

And in order to let more people survive this sentence, do you think you are the "more"? Wouldn't it be "price"?

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