Lin Yue is not an aborigine in the world of "The Wandering Earth". A traverser like him has not inherited the memory of the original owner of the body, and has little knowledge of this world. Moreover, he has no relatives, no friends, and no relationship at all.

Facing the actions of Cao Xiaogang and the chief executive of the dungeon, in the previous world, they would definitely have to endure hardships before saving the earth. Just like what Liu Qi did, they only need to change the program of the planetary engine, and then sacrifice the space station and Liu Peiqiang, of course, was able to push the earth away from Jupiter. He was the savior of the earth at that time, and he would have a halo bonus for everything he said. Afterwards, he led the rebel army to destroy the lives of those people in the federal government and abolished the wandering planet plan, which naturally meant The main mission is completed.

But... after thinking and thinking, weighing and weighing, let him ignore the casualties of hundreds of millions of people to achieve the mission goal, this kind of thing is still not done, people are selfish, but selfishness must have a bottom line.

So, he decided to try again, and this time, he would do his best.


Half a month later.

The time came to December 2074.

Wangfujing Middle School.

Physics class of the second year of junior high school.

Han Duoduo was turning a ballpoint pen, chewing gum while blowing out a white bubble from time to time, and then looked out of the window—even though she knew that the outside world was fake, what school building, what spring was beautiful, and what green grass was like felt, all could be seen. It's an illusion created by augmented reality technology, but she still enjoys watching it, well, at least it can relieve eye fatigue, can't it?

bang bang~

The continuous applause attracted her attention, and she turned her face to see that the principal appeared on the podium with a man in his thirties with black-rimmed eyes.

"Students, please stop and listen to me. Your physics teacher has recently been ill. He needs to undergo a minor operation and needs to stay in the hospital for a few days. In the next few days, the physics class will be taught by a new student. Lin Feng, Mr. Lin is here to teach, everyone applauds and welcomes."

Sparse applause rang out from below, Han Duoduo kept her hand on the table without moving, still blowing bubbles there, it didn't mean much to her whether she changed her teacher, which subject she changed to, or even whether she took it or not , because her grades have no room for decline.

"Hey, Dodo, this new physics teacher is quite handsome."

The girl behind poked her shoulder.

"It's quite handsome, especially his mouth, so sexy."

"I don't remember such a teacher in our school, do you remember seeing him?"

Han Duoduo shook his head: "No."

The girl at the back table said: "I hope his lectures are more lively and interesting than Lao Xing's."

"Come on, even if you find a storyteller to talk about mathematics, physics and chemistry, it won't be lively and interesting." After finishing speaking, Han Duoduo lay down on the table and went to meet Zhou Gong. She was still somewhat interested in Chinese and history. math and physics? Whoever loves to learn learns.

Just like the countless calm days in the past, she fell asleep very quickly, and she didn't know how long it had been. A burst of chattering discussions woke her up from her sleep, and she felt that the girl at the back table kicked her chair, and she couldn't help but shudder. Trembling, he woke up from a stupor, first wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, then looked up at the podium, and after a few breaths, he was stunned, because there were a lot of formulas written on the blackboard, which they didn't learn Had it...Of course, even if she had learned it, she would basically not be able to understand it at her level.

"So, students, my calculation result is that if the earth cuts into Jupiter's gravitational field at the current speed and direction, then the only result is to break through the rigid Roche limit and be torn apart by Jupiter's gravity. That's right, if the earth cannot Stop, this may be our last Spring Festival.”

Han Duoduo knew why everyone stared at the new physics teacher without blinking. It wasn't because what he said was interesting, but because what he said was...too sensational, because the Wandering Earth Project is a plan that countless scientists have painstakingly researched and determined. The senior officials of the federal government vowed to send everyone to their new homes safely.

This new physics teacher really dares to speak.

Isn't he afraid that the principal will find out and fire him?

Han Duoduo wanted to take a closer look at the people on the podium, because her impression of him was vague and erratic, but the more she concentrated, the more confused her mind became. She had just fallen asleep, why was she so sleepy? ? And those formulas on the blackboard, how come there is a feeling of sudden enlightenment?


Every dungeon is a local area network, but for some reason, what happened at Wangfujing Middle School in BJ Dungeon swept across the entire Asian continent, because the network lock set by the federal military was opened for some reason, and the physics teacher Lin Feng's lecture video penetrated into everyone's computer terminal like a self-replicating virus, and even the supporting computer of the exoskeleton armor received related emails. Not only more and more land residents knew about it, but even Liu Peiqiang and others at the space station all saw this video, and... before that, Moss went offline.

When did the hacking skills of the rebels become so powerful? This was their initial thought, but after watching the video, everyone's minds changed, because people with a little knowledge of astronomy felt that what Mr. Lin said made sense——as he said, planets Whether the engine can run smoothly and overcome difficulties is not determined by just relying on a formula, inputting data into it, obtaining a range interval and comparing the results obtained by another formula. The complexity of geography and different regions, Small differences in the construction of planetary engines by people of different skin colors may trigger a chain reaction at a critical moment. Using Jupiter’s gravitational slingshot effect to accelerate the earth is actually a gamble with a high probability of losing. The price will be 35 Hundreds of millions of lives.

Liu Peiqiang looked at Jupiter, which was getting bigger day by day, outside the glass window and said, "Makarov, what do you think of this matter?"

"My friend, this matter should be troubled by the people above. The most important thing we should do now is to fix Moss. Without him, I have no chance to call my mother."

"This is a matter of life and death for 3.5 billion people."

"Oh, even if you really want to die, there are still more than two months, enough for us to do a lot of things."

Liu Peiqiang was speechless: "There is one more thing I don't understand. How did those people do it?"

Makarov said: "Do what?"

"To paralyze Moss."

"Ask me a question that even that nasty French engineer doesn't know? I'm having a hard time."

"Makarov, I didn't mean to ask you about Moss, I mean, if those people can turn the space station into a space coffin, will the federal government..."

Makarov nodded, understanding what he meant.

If the rebels have the technology to break through the information blockade of the federal government, then the end of the federal government may not be far away.

"Then we can only wish the federal government can last longer, and hope that we will not be sent to see Jesus by a missile."


Liu Peiqiang found that he and Makarov belonged to that kind, how should I put it, wine and meat friends.

"I don't know what happened to Liu Qi and his grandfather."


At the same time, the underground city of New York, the headquarters of the federal government.

Five people sat around the conference table.

The black man in the middle asked, "Did anyone find it?"

The Asian face on the opposite side said: "No, BJ Dungeon has already screened all the personnel, and did not find that physics teacher named Lin Feng."

The white man next to him said: "The question now is that Mr. Evan's answer is that what Mr. Lin said is not alarmist. If the original plan is followed, once the earth enters Jupiter's gravitational field, it will inevitably cause many chain reactions. As long as the planetary engine is affected If the impact fails, it is very likely to exceed the Roche limit threshold, which will bring unimaginable consequences."

At this time, the hooked nose on the opposite side said: "Since this possibility cannot be ruled out, the plan to use the gravitational slingshot effect to accelerate the earth is a gamble at the cost of the lives of 3.5 billion people around the world. Attacks on supply points and shelters, demoralization of the army, widespread strikes in the dungeons, I propose to reverse the planetary engines immediately to avoid being captured by Jupiter."

The Asian face said: "I agree with this proposal. Our family members are all on the earth. Even if it takes thousands of years to reach our new home, it is better than being destroyed by Jupiter."

Whether it is for their own family or for the earth, the remaining three all expressed their support.

After this small-scale meeting, the Federal Government held another enlarged meeting, and the final vote overwhelmingly passed the proposal to cancel the use of Jupiter's gravitational slingshot to accelerate.

One and a half months later, the earth changed from approaching Jupiter quickly to orbiting Jupiter, and it continued to slow down under the reverse thrust of the planetary engine. It is not easy to accelerate to this level. If it slows down and stops, it will take more than a dozen more to accelerate to this level. years, but no one in the federal government complained about this, thinking that the bankruptcy of the Wandering Earth Project was a major mistake, because the physics teacher who warned them pointed out another way for them, no, it should say two.

So far, for Lin Yue, the Wandering Earth project is over, and the main task is basically completed.

Thanks to the lucky protagonist for rewarding 5800 starting coins, and brother Jiang for rewarding 100 starting coins.

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