Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1707 [Spiderman] and [Iron Man]

Lin Yue walked to the balcony, making sure that the surveillance cameras would not be able to capture him, and that he would not be discovered by the surrounding residents. He suddenly opened the window and jumped over.

His house was on the third floor, at this height, an ordinary person would have to break his leg or something if he jumped down, but he just floated in the air like this, maintaining the posture of pressing his hands down for five seconds before slowly falling down.

It wasn't until the toes touched the ground and a thin layer of dust was blown up by the airflow that the ghost gloves slowly disappeared and returned to their previous invisible state.

Lin Yue looked around again, but found no trace of people, but there was a shivering little white cat under the holly bushes.

Using the influence of [Animal Friend LV3] to appease the cat, he walked around to the back and returned home.

That's right, this is the second application component of the Ghost Glove, the high-efficiency injector, which is similar to the effect that Iron Man's suit can fly in the sky, but it has multiple injection ports, which can move left and right and fly freely. A pair of ghost gloves, when one is used for slowing down, if two are used together, it will maintain the effect of floating and slowing up. From this point of view, it is not considered black technology. You must know that it has appeared in reality. Similar to the equipment of the pilots in Red Alert 2, but the high-efficiency injectors of the ghost gloves have little impact on the surrounding environment --- the jet airflow is not intense or hot, but the thrust is large, the battery life is long, and it can float for ten minutes Fifteen minutes is no problem, and no idea what fuel it's running on.

This component was unlocked when he touched the Flint, which is quite appropriate considering the effect of the planetary engine.

So far, the reward retrieval of the "Wandering Earth" mission has been completed.

Since there were no new skills to unlock, he didn't browse the list of skills, and directly pulled down the menu to the attribute bar.

Name: Lin Yue.

Race: Human.

Strength 46.

Constitution 31.


Intelligence 26.


Currently unassigned attribute points: 6.

Originally, the main task of difficult difficulty would reward 4 attribute points. The reason why the remaining value is 6 is that after entering the world of "The Wandering Earth", he suddenly added 5 points to his strength, 46 strength and 50 ghost gloves. % increase in strength, coupled with the potential bonus of the explosion in the face of death, this forcefully crushed the alloy parts of the exoskeleton armor and saved his life.

Today, even if he doesn't find equipment to measure punching strength for experiments, he can still confirm that his punching strength should be above 400 kg. Tyson at his peak was only 300 kg+. The argument is still very reasonable, at least there are more opportunities to kill the opponent when fighting hand-to-hand.

He sat down on the sofa again, it was already 3:25 in the morning, he turned off the TV, lay down on his side, and closed his eyes to catch up on sleep.

early morning.

His father and mother's conversation woke him up.

"Old man, look, he really slept on the sofa all night. This child is too stubborn. I went to see her in Su Han's room just now, and the door was not locked at all. What does that mean? It means that Su Han does not reject sleeping with him. Zhang bed, you will be staying at home for several days, is it possible to sleep on the sofa all the time?"

Not to mention, Zhang Yunxiu's brain became brighter after sleeping.

"Okay, okay, please keep your voice down, don't wake them up, I have already said that this is about the two children, so don't meddle in it." Lao Lin deliberately lowered his voice: "I slept well last night. Damn, it’s already 7 o’clock when I opened my eyes, I hurried to wash up, and I still have to make dumplings when I’m done, it’s late enough for the New Year’s Eve dinner, it seems that our family has to wait for the last bus for the dumplings on the first day of the new year.”

"Then there are still people who don't eat dumplings and sleep until noon."

"You want to compare with those young people?"

Zhang Yunxiu stopped talking, and went into the bathroom honestly to brush her teeth and wash her face, while the couple behind got into the kitchen. She was still worried that her son was too honest, and she didn't know that chasing girls had to be thick-skinned.

This is a mother... No, it should be said that it is a parent, who is really worried about her children.

Those who give birth to a son are afraid that the child will be too straight and cancerous, and they will not find a girlfriend in the future, and they will be too scumbag and too carefree, and they are worried that they will cause disasters; those who give birth to a daughter are even more worried. It's not easy to become the laughing stock of relatives and friends, and it is inevitable that there is a kind of daughter that is raised by others.

When Su Han woke up, they had already packed half a bowl of vegetable stuffing. She took the time to wash up, and then went to help in the kitchen. Naturally, the two sides were arguing again. At this time, Lin Yue got up pretending to be woken up, and saw that he also came to the kitchen , Zhang Yunxiu didn't say anything.

The speed of making dumplings by four people has increased significantly... No, it should not be said that it has increased significantly, it should be said that it has increased by leaps and bounds, because before the son who was not active in making dumplings or eating dumplings, the speed of making dumplings is faster than the sum of three people , Just like a veteran who has worked in the dumpling restaurant for more than ten years.

The couple looked amazed, but Su Han was no stranger to it, just like talking about her boyfriend with her father, and describing him included words such as extremely talented no matter what he did.

Su Han doesn't like dumplings filled with meat, so Zhang Yunxiu specially prepared vegetarian and three delicacies for her. It was nearly nine o'clock when the first pot of dumplings came out. Lin Yue poured the vinegar and went to the balcony to call Su Han's parents. After sending blessings to each other, Lao Lin wrapped a big red envelope for his daughter-in-law-to-be, and Lin Yue only accepted it after he said something.

It is said that the big red envelope is actually only 2,000 yuan, but in a small place like the county town, it is already more than half a month's salary for ordinary people.

After dinner at 9:30, the first wave of guests ushered in at home, Aunt Shen's family across the door.

As the saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, not to mention that Zhang Yunxiu and Shen Jiajia are colleagues in the same unit. When they bought a house back then, the two deliberately chose the opposite house, which shows how close the relationship between the two is.

Lin Yue knew that Aunt Shen, like her second aunt, had a secondary purpose of visiting for New Year's greetings. She mainly wanted to see Su Han, because her family also had a son who was one year older than herself, so it was difficult for her to bring a girlfriend home for the New Year. I am very concerned about this kind of thing.

That’s right, this is the case in small places, not only the children’s academic performance, how much money they earn, their jobs, their garages, and even their daughter-in-law’s beauty and family conditions.

Then there was another conversation like checking household registration. Aunt Shen first praised Su Han for being beautiful and sensible, and then asked questions, Zhang Yunxiu followed to show off.

Lin Yue felt sorry for his girlfriend, but there was nothing he could do. When people came to pay New Year's greetings, they couldn't avoid it, and the old lady enjoyed it, so she had to feel wronged.

The whole morning passed like this, and after lunch, Lao Lin urged Zhang Yunxiu and Su Han to go shopping. He wanted to avoid the enthusiastic neighbors in the community, and also wanted her to show his son's girlfriend to see the place where his son lived and grew up.

Not long after the two women left, Lao Lin also went to Maguan with Lin Yue.

Maguantou said it was a shanty town, but it doesn’t count. At least every household has a two-story building. The conditions are better than ordinary urban villages, and much worse than residential communities. The county has always planned to demolish them, but it has been several years. There is no movement, it is said that it cannot be disassembled.

Lin Yue's family moved from here. At present, there is an uncle's family in Maguantou, as well as a cousin, two uncles, and an aunt. In the past, when grandparents were here, parents would bring him here for New Year's Eve dinner And the dumplings on the first day of junior high school, now that grandparents are gone, it is rare to have a New Year’s Eve dinner together, but every year on the first afternoon of the first day of the new year, the males who are close to each other will go to the ancestral hall to worship together.

This year is no different from previous years. After returning from the ancestral hall, a group of people sat down and talked at the uncle’s house. After all, in this age, not to mention that the older generation can’t see each other several times a year, the younger generation in big cities may not necessarily meet each other every year. Being able to go home once, the Chinese New Year gathering is also a rare opportunity to connect with each other.

But what makes Lin Yue unhappy is that every time he chats at a party, he will go astray. When he was in college, his uncles and uncles said that so-and-so's children were admitted to 985 universities, and so-and-so's children were admitted to the county people's hospital , so-and-so's daughter married to a civil servant of an agency... and such topics, he would find excuses to sneak away and find a quiet place to use his mobile phone, but today is different. We all know that he brought his girlfriend back for the New Year, so what? It must be discussed.

"Lin Yue, I heard that you came back with your girlfriend? Why don't you bring it here to show your uncles and aunts?"

The one who spoke was the wife of the fourth eldest uncle in Lao Lin's generation, that is, his fourth aunt.

"My mother took Su Han to the shopping mall. Seeing that she couldn't handle the weather here, she wanted to see if the down jacket counter at Lianhua was open, and bought her a down jacket to keep out the cold. Later Come on, come over after shopping."

"Oh, that's right, I heard your girlfriend is a veterinarian?"

"That's right."

"Then you have to be careful. Last time I went to the pet hospital of the Animal Husbandry Bureau, the hygienic conditions... eh." She waved her hand with disgust on her face: "But you must do a good job of disinfection, otherwise it will be very dangerous, such as the past two years , so H1N1, isn’t it from pigs to humans?”

It sounds good, but Lin Yue is a little upset. The fourth uncle is one year younger than Lao Lin. It is said that the cornstarch factory belonging to a state-owned enterprise was recruiting workers. Lao Lin and the fourth uncle signed up together. Come down, the so-called slow step by step, the corn starch factory has grown bigger and bigger in recent years, and has become a well-known corn deep-processing enterprise in the province --- it was there that Lao Lin met Zhang Yunxiu, and after they got married, they saved money and bought a commercial house to move out of Ma At this juncture, the fourth uncle and the fourth aunt didn't say anything on the surface, but once something happened to Lao Lin's family, they would always say something strangely.

"Ah, yes, yes, that's what I told Lin Yue to say." Seeing his son's displeasure, Lao Lin quickly stood up to smooth things over.

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