Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1708 You are not worthy to teach me

At this moment, Aunt Wu, who had ironed a hair of woolen rolls, came into the room with an orange she brought back as a tribute. Nice job, eh?"

Lin Yue said patiently, "It's okay."

Fifth Aunt asked, "What are you doing?"

Lin Yue said casually: "The group leader."

"What is a group leader?"

"It's the agent who summons the extras to help the crew make the film."

"Is it very profitable?"

"Depending on the situation, there are many crews in the film and television city, the demand for extras is high, and the intermediary fees received by the group leaders are also high. If there are fewer films, the income will also shrink."

"You can't live by the sky, and so do pet doctors. How much money can you make? The work is hard and the environment is not good. Listen to the fifth aunt's advice. While you are young, it is better to find someone who is doing business. Look at you Dongyun Brother, I was admitted to the career editor in Shenzhen this year, and I heard that the annual salary is more than 200,000 if you add it together.”

Brother Dongyun in the mouth of the fifth aunt is the eldest son of the fourth uncle, named Lin Dongyun, who is two years older than Lin Yue. Very good, what university did Lin Yue go to? The previous three schools, Lin Dongyun, Northwestern Polytechnical University, were serious about 985 and 211 projects.

In the words of my fourth uncle, I have bad luck, but my son is up to date.

It sounds good to say it, but it's too much to lift one and demote the other.

Lin Yue's brows furrowed even deeper. In the past, he didn't look like a mountain, and he obediently stepped aside to play with himself at the adults' party. Today is fine, isn't he the first person to bring his girlfriend home for the New Year? Why? Stepped on the tail of these two people?

The fourth aunt said: "Tianhang is also good. Didn't you get admitted to Tianjin University as a graduate student majoring in chemical engineering last year? After graduation, you can work in PetroChina Sinopec or something. You can eat and drink for the rest of your life. The two of you will wait for it in the future." Have a good time."

Lin Tianhang, the only son of Lin Yue's fifth uncle's family, is about the same age as him, and his usual grades are about the same, but he performed abnormally during the college entrance examination. Ben, he was admitted to Tianjin University as a postgraduate student last year. This guy gave Aunt Wu a beauty, so he went to the best restaurant in the county to host a school entrance banquet, and invited everyone who was related to the Lin family. Zhang Yunxiu was very upset about it. for a long time.

"Good days, let's look forward to it." The fifth aunt laughed, and then said to Lin Yue's second uncle: "If you want me to say, the second brother and the second sister-in-law are blessed. Now don't everyone say that the son is the Construction Bank and the daughter is the China Merchants Bank. Well, this sentence is most suitable for the second brother and the second sister-in-law. You see, Yuanyuan changed the color TV refrigerator and washing machine for her family last year, and bought an electric car for her father a few years ago. I checked it online, and it cost tens of thousands Well, I heard that even the money for driving lessons is paid by her. Look at the Su family across from the second brother. Back then, her daughter was admitted to Ocean University. It was so beautiful. Now, isn’t she a member of the Environmental Protection Bureau? With Yuanyuan It's far worse than that, as expected, this woman is better off marrying than doing a good job."

"That's right." The fourth aunt complimented: "Look at the big hotel opened by Yuanyuan's family. There are good cars in the parking lot."

"It's not as exaggerated as what you said. No matter how caring this girl is, she must marry into her husband's family. Look at you, her son will accompany you at the New Year's Eve dinner. Her father and I are just the two of us. We can't eat a few bites even if we sit at the table. "

Lin Yuanyuan is the daughter of the second uncle's family. Because of her good looks, she married the third son of a wealthy local businessman. The second uncle is now the face of the old Lin family. The second uncle and the second mother were the first to know about the policy or something.

The uncle was called away by the neighbor, and the aunt was with him in the house. The woman who married from the suburban countryside didn't speak, just pursed her lips and smiled.

The uncle's family is the same as the second uncle's family, with only one daughter, but unfortunately, her husband died in a car accident the year before last, and now she is living alone with a three-year-old child. It is very difficult and ugly.

Of course, even if the daughter is not like this, she and her uncle have no status and no right to speak in this big family.

Lin Yue's father, Lin Dong, uncle Lin Yuan, and an aunt who is not here today, these three are brothers, brothers and sisters.

The second uncle, the fourth uncle, and the fifth uncle, these three people are the children of the second grandfather.

A few people babbled and said, you praise me and I praise you, as if the second grandpa's family is full of wealth and wealth, and the juniors here are all ordinary people who can't do anything. The key is that this is at the uncle's house. What the hell? Did you say New Year's Eve? Just because he brought back a beautiful girlfriend from an intellectual family in a big city, did he become so sour? As for?

Lao Lin laughed, and could hold back the anger. It should be said that he was used to it, and he didn't think there was any problem with talking like this between his cousins. Lin Yue couldn't do it. He really didn't know these people well. He moved out at the age of 10. In the past ten years, he has seen at most two or three times a year, and he feels closer than fellow countrymen. Even good friends like Tan Xiaoguang and Wang Heng are not as good as him. Let him pick things up, what's the matter? Still disgusting his father and uncle?

"Fifth Aunt, if I remember correctly, your son was admitted to the master's supervisor of Tianjin University named Zhang Yuqing. Everyone in the circle knows that the way to guide students is to falsify data, mix particles into polymers, and say that the performance is improved. I am afraid that something will happen to me, and I asked the students to sign a liability waiver agreement in order to clear the responsibilities. I think... Lin Tianhang didn't tell you about this, did he? I really worry for him. If one day Zhang Yuqing is finished, as a student, he will Wouldn't it be impossible to find a decent job?"

"And my fourth aunt, do you know how high housing prices are in Shenzhen? Some better locations cost over 70,000 yuan, and the suburbs cost about 50,000 yuan. A two-bedroom apartment starts at 5 million yuan. With your son's income, you can't eat or drink. You can’t afford it for twenty years, and you still take your son as pride? Maybe your son thinks you are incompetent, and you can’t even get a down payment. What’s the age, now you pay attention to fighting for your father, and ordinary excellent people have farts Useless, life is not as happy as rural children, at least they can lie flat, Lin Dongyun can't, but if you slack off, your little leather whip will have to be pulled off."

"What are you looking at? Calling you the second uncle and the second aunt is flattering you. Who doesn't know who the three sons of the Wang family are? Right? Actually, it’s okay, it’s much better than selling your daughter directly to a brothel, if you have two more children, at least you can earn more when you get divorced.”

The people in the room were all dumbfounded. They didn't expect the shy and timid child to say such stupid words. You must know that all of them are his elders.

The second uncle, the second mother, the fourth aunt, the fifth uncle and the fifth aunt, some of these five people have pale faces, some are angry, and some are embarrassed.

"Lin Yue, what's wrong with you?" Lao Lin's voice was a little hoarse.

Lin Yue didn't answer Dad's question, stood up and walked outside.

Lin Tianhang and Lin Dongyun were chatting at the gate. They didn't know what was going on inside. Seeing him coming out, they just glanced at him and continued the topic just now.

He went to the front road and opened the trunk, and took out a gift bag containing Wuliangye, and there were three other same gift bags inside, but he didn't move it.

At this time, Lao Lin chased after him.

"Look at what you just said."

"Am I wrong? Dad, don't worry about it, those people are just cheap." He behaved calmly, as if he didn't care about tearing himself apart with his relatives.

Even if there is no system, he can easily gain a foothold in society with his knowledge. If he can't live freely, then his years in the film and television world have been in vain?

Da da da, there was a sound of footsteps behind.

After Lao Lin, Da Niang also chased out of the alley.

"Originally, I planned to bring Mom and Su Han back from shopping and take her to the elders' house. Now it seems that this is unnecessary, because some people are not worthy." Lin Yue handed over the wine: "Mother, this It's a gift for you and my uncle."

"Hey, Lin Yue..."

"Mother, if you want to persuade me to keep peace with them, you'd better not speak."

Lin Yue entered the main cab while speaking: "Dad, do you want to go, or if you don't, I will go by myself."

After saying this, he called Zhang Yunxiu and Su Han again, telling them not to come, and to talk about the dinner with uncle and aunt tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

Lao Lin saw that his son had played a big move that could be called a map gun, and it was boring to stay. To some extent, he felt a little fed up with those people, so he opened the car door and sat in the back compartment, nodding with his eldest daughter-in-law. He waved his hand again and let his son carry him away.

At this time a neighbor came over.

"That's Lin Dong and his son Lin Yue, right?"

Lin Yue's aunt nodded.

"How did you leave? I ran into Lin Yuan just now and said that we would have dinner together tonight."

"Oh, there's something at home."

"This car belongs to him? I thought it was Dongyun who drove it back." The neighbor looked at the Wuliangye in her hand again: "Is this old Lin's kid rich? He made such a big deal."

You must know that ordinary people in the village will have a lot of face when visiting relatives during the New Year. Two bottles of Haizhilan and Lute are very face-saving. Tianzhilan and Jiannanchun are rare things, Wuliangye? Basically, they are sending leaders who can support themselves.

"I don't know, maybe."

Lin Yue's aunt shook her head and left with a gift bag for wine.

Speaking of which... Lin Yue lifted the table, implying that he couldn't bear it. In addition, there was another reason, that is, the system "ding" again.

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