Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1741 was hammered again

After experiencing what happened last time, Tong Wenjie was still a little afraid of Lin Yue, not because he was afraid of being beaten, but because he felt that this guy was too insidious. It's a big loss, but it's different today. This is a yoga studio and a public place. If he beats someone because of the corner of his mouth, it is entirely his responsibility.

Convinced that the environment is in her favor, she sneered and said, "You can report Song Qian, and we can give her a bad review, why? Not convinced, there is a saying on the Internet, what is this called? It's called a double-standard dog."

"Hehe, the ass determines the head. No one in this world does not double-standard. The difference is that if my fist is hard, I can double-standard you. If your fist is soft, you can only eat melons."

"The fist is still hard, didn't you just kick the iron board?"

Tong Wenjie was very proud, thinking that I can't fix you, someone else can, Song Qian is a veteran of education, if you can bring this down, it would be hell.

Lin Yue was not angry at all, and said with a smile: "Does it mean that education can be done?"

Xiaomeng frowned, looking at this and that, not knowing what they were talking about.

"That's right." Song Qian said, "You are the one who made the report call."

There was undisguised anger on her face, and a little pride in her eyes.

"That's right." Lin Yue said, "I did it."

"Despicable and shameless! Unfortunately, you have the wrong idea."

"Is it?"

Lin Yuechong laughed at the two of them.

He didn't say anything harsh, but just smiling like that gave Song Qian a creepy feeling, which was even scarier than being targeted by a ferocious beast as prey.

At this time, Xiaomeng glanced at the timetable: "It's time to prepare for the next class."

Lin Yue said: "Can you concentrate on class with them? This will affect those students who practice hard."

"if not?"

She was very helpless about this, of course she couldn't do such things as bombarding people, just like what Tong Wenjie said, as long as she dared to do this, she would report to the industry and commerce department tomorrow, then she would wait to be interviewed by the leader, and she would be fined even more It's a small matter to make an apology, and if you don't do it well, your work will be messed up.

Lin Yue said: "They will take the initiative to leave, and they will never appear in the yoga studio in the future."

Xiaomeng was stunned.

Tong Wenjie smiled, mockingly, disdainfully, and coldly.

Today they neither smashed things nor cursed or beat anyone, but they gave Xiaomeng a bad review and made some sarcastic remarks during class. Can this kid still threaten them with violence?

"Since you say so, I won't leave."

Song Qian sat down on the yoga mat and got into a fight with him.

Yes, Lin Yue might have sent her to prison before, but the two parties had already signed a settlement agreement. As long as the compensation was paid within the agreed time limit, he could no longer appeal. This was why she and Tong Wenjie had nothing to fear.

At this moment, the students who had gone out for free activities before returned to the yoga room one after another, waiting for Xiaomeng to teach them, but Lin Yue waved to her, said do not disturb, turned and left.

Song Qian blinked her sunken eyes, curled her lips contemptuously.

Lin Yue went out with his front foot, and a small accident occurred in the yoga room on his back foot. The flat-screen TV hanging in front of the left was awakened by someone, and a flash of light and shadow began to play a video. The man held a woman's collar in one hand, and slapped her fiercely with the other hand, left and right, and slapped her more than ten times in a row, until the woman's face was swollen like a pig's head.

At this moment, the camera turned, and it was the same boy, but this time the subject of the slapstick was replaced by a woman with sunken eyes and a mean face.


A crisp slap came from the speaker, and the woman fell to the ground. this the kid who left the room just now? It's really ruthless, and the two women on TV...

The students watched TV, and then looked at the two women who had faced Xiaomeng with a haughty expression just now, and found that their complexions were so bad that they lost all color.

The top was slapped in the face.

It's a shame down there.

Xiaomeng also noticed this scene and opened her mouth, not knowing what to say. Now she understands why Lin Yue said that. Although she doesn't know how he did it, the obvious result is that Song Do Qian and Tong Wenjie still have the face to stay in the yoga studio?

The two parties did not expect Lin Yue to be so insidious. He actually edited the surveillance video into an audio-visual file and played it in the yoga studio.

Just when they wanted to stay away from those hot gazes, Lin Yue, who was also the protagonist of the video, turned back and knocked on the door arrogantly, pointing to the picture on the screen and saying to the female students inside : "As a woman, seeing a man beating a woman violently, shouldn't she speak out for the victim? Why are you still in a daze? Take a picture and post it online, calling for everyone to pay attention."

Is there anyone who doesn't think it's a big deal and wants to provoke cyberbullying for himself?

The female students looked at each other, not understanding what he was playing.

Some people were curious, some were puzzled, and of course some people took out their mobile phones to record the screen according to what he said, and planned to post it on Weibo and fan circles, so that the sisters could spread the word and try to put him on the top of the trending searches.

Didn't you hit a woman?

A man who beats a woman should be let to death, no matter whether he is a teenager or not, no matter what unspeakable secrets he has, as long as he dares to do something, call on the "political correctness" forces in society to beat him to death.

However, to their surprise and to everyone's bewilderment, the victim in the picture panicked.

"Dear sisters, I beg you, delete the recorded content, don't post it, don't post it, it's our fault in the first place, we deserve it, he played well, he played right."

Tong Wenjie reacted quickly, and quickly walked up to the person who recorded the video, showing pity, saying nice things, and begging for help.

When Song Qian saw her best friend doing this, she also came to her senses, and followed the same pattern to ask the students not to make this matter a big deal.

They finally saw it, and they understood how ruthless he was --- he was ruthless to others, and even more ruthless to himself.

Well, once this matter is brought up on the Internet, it will really spread and become a hot search. The sisters speak out for the two. If they don't resort to the law to protect their rights, they will definitely be drowned by the spit star. It's bad, it's too much, it doesn't give women a face, it fails everyone's expectations, and instead they will be checked for household registration and raped by the Internet.

If they can't bear the pressure of public opinion and hold the assailant accountable, then the settlement agreement will be torn up, Lin Yue will be detained administratively, Song Qian will be sentenced, and Lin Lei'er will be imprisoned to ruin her life.

Xiaomeng was dumbfounded.

Chong Linyue blinked his big innocent eyes, as if saying that's okay? The two sides have clearly reached a settlement, but she can still use this to make a fool of herself. She no longer knows whether to describe this guy as smart or cunning.

"Begging for help, what's the use of just saying good things? As the saying goes, you can't talk well, and you can't take others softly. At least you have to take some practical actions, such as helping everyone buy a few more sets of courses, so that you can appear sincere enough." no?"

There is no doubt that this is adding fuel to the fire, or it can be said that it is adding salt to the wound, and it is a reminder to these students that this opportunity is rare. If you don't take this opportunity to kill the rich woman, there will be no such shop after passing this village.

Song Qian and Tong Wenjie gritted their teeth, but there was nothing they could do. After a brief silence, they nodded in affirmation: "Yes, yes, we paid for the set of courses for everyone, and I just ask everyone not to spread this matter."

The conflict that happened in Building 6 a week ago, some residents of Shuxiang Yayuan Community knew that Lin Yue, Song Qian, and Fang’s family had reached a settlement, so naturally they would not seek trouble. With a headline about a weak woman getting hammered, can the female users of Douban and Weibo spare Lin Yue? Once things get serious, there is a high probability that they will run amok and get out of control, and the consequences will be unimaginable, so they have no choice.

There are two female students in the room with relatively high quality. Look at Lin Yue, then Song Qian and Tong Wenjie. Although they don't understand the hidden story behind the incident, they tactfully rejected Song Qian and Tong Wenjie's gift from the idea of ​​supporting same-sex sisters. The good behavior of the set class.

Lin Yue watched happily from the sidelines.

"You know, you don't want it, but they don't dare not."

What he said was right, they could be upright and upright and not set up courses, but Song Qian and Tong Wenjie didn't buy it, and instead pushed them hard, so that they had to accept their "good intentions".

"If you want to play tricks on me, you are still young."

Lin Yuechong smiled at Xiaomeng and said, "The commission of these courses should be able to offset the loss of the performance award?"


Not only offset, but also a lot more, but she didn't speak.

"Okay, I missed the math test. If I don't take the Chinese test, I will miss it. Anyway, I have to give the head teacher a face, right?"

Lin Yue waved his hand and was about to turn around to leave when he suddenly thought of something and turned his head: "Tong Wenjie, it took a lot of effort to get Fang Yifan to the parallel class, right? You said I went to the parallel class to continue messing with him , or go to the sprint class to harm Lin Leier?"

Tong Wenjie was on fire, and when she heard this, she became anxious: "How dare you! Lin Yue, I warn you..."

Song Qian was afraid that she would anger Lin Yue, so she quickly pulled her from behind, and said in a low voice, "Don't be fooled, he is deliberately angry with you. I asked my former colleagues from Chunfeng Middle School, and based on his performance in class, don't Speaking of the sprint class of the parallel class, this time the whole district ranks at the bottom, it will be very popular."

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