Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1742 I can pinch and count, a prophet

An hour later, Song Qian and Tong Wenjie left the yoga studio.

The image of the two people is like a loser who fled from the wilderness, extremely embarrassed.

"Song Qian, I will pay you back the money for the set of lessons after I sell the house."

They really gave each student in the yoga room a set of classes as a gift, because only in this way can they feel at ease, just like what Lin Yue said mocking those high-quality female students. Only when everyone benefits, can we be sure that everyone will not leak the matter secretly, because Tong Wenjie is this kind of person --- he has never been in touch with him, and he doesn't understand him at all, so he posted Xiaomeng as a fisherman who was greedy for Qiao Weidong's money Labels, people who are always on guard and good at malicious speculation, will trust strangers across their belly? Of course not, she only believes that if you have money, you can make a ghost turn a millstone, and if you don't have money, you can be a millstone.

"Are you really going to sell the house?" Song Qian said regretfully. Tong Wenjie and Fang Yuan managed to buy a large three-bedroom house a few years ago, and now they still have their mortgage repayments. It’s been a year of the monkey. After all, housing prices in Beijing have not been so crazy in the past few years. Let’s say 16 years. If it has not doubled, it has increased by 70% to 80%.

Tong Wenjie sighed: "What else? I can't watch Lei'er go to jail."

Song Qian said, "Have you found an intermediary??"


"How to say?"

"The intermediary said that it can sell for more than 10 million. If you pay off the mortgage, you will get more than 4 million, take out 1.5 million as compensation, and have about 3 million in cash flow. When Fang Yifan and Lei'er are admitted to college , Fang Yuan’s work is on the right track, and he just needs to change to a smaller house.”

"Fang Yuan is really going to work abroad? Are you relieved?"

"What can I do if I don't worry? With the current situation at home, my salary alone is not enough. Fangyuan went to Juhua's side, and I can earn 300,000 yuan a year. At our age, we are really going to be fired by the company. It's hard to say whether I can find another job, let alone a job with a monthly salary of more than 20,000 yuan, but it's okay, considering that it's mid-November, it will take more than two weeks to conduct relevant training, and I have to apply for passports and visas in advance Yes, set the date of business trip to after the Gregorian New Year, so that he can stay in Beijing for a few more days."

"Wen Jie, it's all my fault. If I had prevented you from going to Qiao Weidong's house, these things wouldn't have happened."

"I don't blame you. If you want to blame, blame that little bastard. A few days ago, I told Fang Yuan that he was deliberately plotting against you. What happened in the yoga studio today further proved my guess." Tong Wenjie paused and said worriedly: "Song Qian, your financial situation... is everything okay?"

Not long ago, Song Qian paid 1.6 million to the tax department, and now she has to pay Lin Yue another 1.2 million, adding up to almost 3 million. With so much cash, even a rich woman like Song Qian would never be able to get it out in one go.

"It's okay, I'll go to the bank to withdraw regularly, and then find relatives and friends to gather together, it's not a big problem."

Dong Wenjie did a rough calculation. Song Qian has four apartments, one for self-occupation and three for rent. According to the market conditions in the past two years, she can earn 400,000 yuan in rental income a year. The salary of the class teacher is also high, and the bonus bonus is four to five hundred thousand a year, and the extra income from tutoring students at night. Song Qian's annual income is one million +, excluding daily expenses and mortgages for four houses, one year The remaining 600,000 to 700,000 yuan is not a big problem, 2.8 million...four or five years of savings, it won't hurt muscles and bones, but there must be some muscle pain.

"Song Qian, I always feel that he will still trouble you."

"If you can't provoke me, can't you still hide? From now on, I'll go around him and go to the head office."

"I mean Nengcheng Education..."

"Hey, what's the problem? My salary is taxable and I pay social security monthly. Don't worry, he won't find a chance."

"I hope." Tong Wenjie always felt that the matter would not end easily, but as Song Qian said, what other tricks could he play? It's useless to call to expose her grabbing potential students.


At this time, the mobile phone prompts that there is a new message. Song Qian picked it up and saw that someone in Li Mengjian's class group was chatting, and the focus of the topic was a GIF picture.

"This is... the son of District Chief Ji on the first floor, right?"

Tong Wenjie took a closer look, isn't it? The little fresh meat standing next to the red Ferrari is Ji Yangyang, the son of Ji Shengli. I don't know who is so wicked, and made his head into a frame animation, which is quite funny when it is big and small.

"Who is doing such a prank."

Song Qian said, "Your son, Fang Yifan."

Tong Wenjie's cold face pulled, "Fang Yifan? Did Fang Yifan do this?"

Song Qian swiped upwards. There were two students in front of them discussing the exam questions. Somehow, they talked about this picture while chatting. One of them swore that the picture was made by Fang Yifan. He saw it with his own eyes. Fang Yifan asked Lin Leier how to retouch the picture.

"I'm going to die." Tong Wenjie said sharply, "This Fang Yifan didn't get a house for three days, and Fang Yuan blocked the principal three times before getting him from the basic class to the parallel class. The bastard is right, and he fights with Ji Yangyang again, what do you think he belongs to? A bulldog? I'm really mad at me."

"Don't be angry, let me tell you... the culprit is still that Lin Yue, what can be done with just a picture, besides, one of them is in the basic class and the other is in the parallel class, and it will stop in a few days."

Tong Wenjie also knows that in the 602 season Yang Yang mocked Fang Yifan as an idiot and revealed the fact that he recognized Lin Yue as his father, so today's picture is most likely an act of revenge by his son.

"Big and small, old and young, none of them make me worry."


While Song Qian was talking to Tong Wenjie, Xiao Meng picked up her mobile phone and dialed Qiao Weidong's number.

"Old Qiao, thank you for the snacks. I didn't expect that I told you last time that I like to eat Poria cakes from Yushiyuan. You bought me so many in one go."


Qiao Weidong's surprised voice came from the receiver: "When did I buy you snacks?"

"Didn't you buy these snacks for me?"

"I've been in Fengtai today, so I don't have time to go to the Imperial Food Garden to buy Poria cakes for you."

"Then let..."

Xiaomeng frowned, and swallowed Lin Yue's name back, wondering if he was deliberately taking this opportunity to punish Song Qian and Tong Wenjie? Or help Qiao Weidong please her?

"I read it wrong. Poria cakes were sent to the lounge by my colleague's boyfriend."

"Oh, that's right, Poria cake, right? I'll buy it for you when I get back. I still have something to talk about, so I'll hang up first."

Qiao Weidong hung up the phone.


At the same time, Chunfeng Middle School.

"Okay, stop answering the questions, put down the pens, don't do it, Lang Chao, Cai Mengmeng..." The chemistry teacher patted the desk, pointed to the last row and said: "Students in the back, pass the papers forward .”

The students began to pass the test papers forward row by row, and finally handed them over to the chemistry teacher.

He flipped through the comprehensive theory paper in his hand, and said with a blank expression: "Look at your answers, you can understand when you explain it, you can understand it when you say it, and you can make mistakes when you do it."

After speaking, he glared at the people below, took the test paper and left.

The chemistry teacher is like this. Teaching the parallel class and teaching the basic class are completely different attitudes. The students have long been accustomed to it. Nicknames describe him.

Jiang Xiaoning moved his mouth biting the cap of his pen away, straightened his spine and said to Jiang Nuohan in the aisle, "What did you choose for the 16th question of the multiple choice question? It's the question about the moon."

Jiang Nuohan thought for a while and said, "B, the option of the first cosmic speed of the moon."

Jiang Xiaoning nodded: "I also chose B."

Jiang Nuohan said, "Did you do the penultimate question?"

"I did it, but I don't know if it's right. What did you write?"

"Y0=-2CM, S0=0.3M, what about you?"

"Same." Jiang Xiaoning said, "I always feel that this question is a bit simple."

"Well, I have the same feeling, but I don't know how many points I can get in the test." Jiang Nuohan was attracted by Lin Yue who was stretching, and tilted his head and said, "What's the matter, look at your face that you don't love? smashed?"

Lin Yue said: "When the exam is no longer a challenge for you, when you know how much you can score before handing in the paper, you will be in this state."

"Tsk tsk tsk, sure enough, if you don't talk big for a day, you won't be you, Lin Daconghui, who is at the bottom of every monthly exam."

"Do you really want to know how many points you have scored?"

Zhang Xiaoning turned around and nodded at him.

He pointed to Jiang Nuohan and said, "You are 201." Zhang Xiaoning changed to: "You are 221. After this exam, you can go to the parallel class."

Jiang Nuohan said: "Just blow it up."

At this moment, the chubby classmate who always had all kinds of snacks in his pocket walked into the classroom from the corridor: "Lin Yue, the teacher is looking for you."

Thank you for the 2500 starting coins rewarded by my favorite egg fried rice, and the 1500 starting coins rewarded by my first love blue LOVE. Who doesn’t yearn for eternity? It's not a crime, the book friend with the end number 8286 gave you 200 starting coins, SHE, yayah, the rain outside the window is still falling. The book friend with the end number 4168, the book friend with the end number 0992, and the book friend with the end number 9439 100 starting coins rewarded.

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