Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1743 Give You a Chance to Lick Me

"Excuse me for the math test, retribution is coming, just wait to be scolded by the teacher." Jiang Nuohan stuck out her tongue at him and made a grimace.

Looking at her, Lin Yue suddenly thought of Zheng Fang in the real world. Regardless of their looks, they felt that their personalities were quite similar.

"I disappointed you. Instead of scolding me, he might even beg me."

"Please skip the exam? Are you out of your mind?"

Lin Yue shrugged, pushed away the chair, stood up, and walked outside.

Jiang Nuohan and Jiang Xiaoning looked at each other and followed quietly.

He left the classroom with his front foot, and Xiaopang pointed at the bench at the stairs with his back foot: "Over there, be careful, no one is coming."

What a bad comer!

Lin Yue smiled and shook his head, don't let Xiaopang walk to the bench diagonally opposite to the stairs, looked at the physical education teacher Fan Yong and said, "You looking for me?"

"Sit." He patted the seat beside him.

Lin Yue sat down according to his words.

"How did you do on the midterm exam?"

"Why do you care about cultural lessons as a physical education teacher? Tell me, what do you want from me?"

"The city will hold a youth sports championship at the end of November. Are you interested in participating?" After finishing speaking, it seemed that a simple question was too pale, and you had to draw a picture or something: "I think with your strength, you will be able to participate in the weightlifting event." The results should not be difficult, as long as you get the title of national second-level athlete, as long as you pass the single-entry exam, the difficulty of choosing a school with a sports major will be greatly reduced, how about it? Are you interested in doing it?"

It turned out that Fan Yong came to him for this matter. No wonder Xiaopang would say that the visitor was not kind. Everyone thought that he had had a conflict with the physical education teacher. The other party came here this time most likely with bad intentions, but they didn't know Yes, as a person who can lift 170 catties with one hand, no, it should be said that a person who can hold 170 catties with one hand and lift it up with a stable center of gravity is so precious in the eyes of the physical education teacher. Tossing and turning on the bed, thinking about what I said - giving him a chance to become an Olympic champion teacher, this thing is much higher honor than how many Qingbei students are trained, how many students go to Qingbei every year? How many can win Olympic gold medals?

"Are you drawing a big cake for me?"

"How can this be considered a big cake? Use your talent to practice well, maybe the big talk that day will really come true."

Lin Yue smiled: "First of all, this is not a big talk. I never talk big. Secondly, the premise of my promise to you to be an Olympic champion is that you go to the playground and run 100 laps, but you haven't done it. Finally, I have no doubts about applying for the sports major. I'm not interested, there are too few girls in it, even if there are...they don't meet my aesthetic standards."

Fan Yong was embarrassed when he said this, and he didn't talk about the first and second. He was too thoughtful about the "last".

"Exercise your body well, you can date girls from other departments, think about it, how safe is a boyfriend who studies sports."

"Is this an experience talk? You are a teacher. In order to tempt me to become a sports student, you don't even have the reserve to be a teacher. This is too hard."

Did Fan Yong say that he couldn't spell it out? One-handed 170, two-handed, as long as you are not left-handed, breaking 350 is no problem, let’s say 77 kg weightlifting champion Lu Xiaojun, clean and jerk can reach 400 catties, Lin Yue is only 19 now, as long as he eats and exercises properly, it is not difficult to surpass the latter in time .

"I heard you didn't pass the math test?"

Lin Yue didn't know why he asked this question.

Fan Yong patted him on the shoulder: "Believe me, as long as you can become a blockbuster in the city youth championship, even if I try my best, teacher, I will definitely recommend you to Tsinghua University, how about it?"

Lin Yue blinked: "But I don't like Tsinghua University, I had a grudge against it in my previous life."

Fan Yong didn't know if he said this as a joke or something: "If you don't want to go to Tsinghua University, that's okay, Peking University and Beijing University are also fine."

"Well..." Lin Yue patted his thigh: "Forget it, for the sake of your hard work, as long as you do one thing for me, I will promise you to participate in the city youth championship. As for whether I want to go to sports or not?" Let’s talk about this way later.”

Fan Yong didn't expect him to be so difficult to deal with, but on the other hand, he felt that this matter was normal, and capable people had a strange temper.

"What's the matter, tell me."

Lin Yue said a word in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

Fan Yong stared at him, watching him be silent for a moment, and finally made a decision.

"Okay, I'll help you."

The road has to be taken step by step, and the meal has to be eaten bite by bite. Fan Yong believes that as long as Lin Yue participates in the youth championship, it will not be difficult for him to win the championship with his strength. It's not just physical education teachers anymore. Parents, schools, district sports bureaus, and even higher-level forces will all be behind.

After the two discussed this issue, Fan Yong got up and left. Lin Yue took two steps towards the stairs, and bumped into two people who were eavesdropping behind a pillar.

"You all heard?"

Zhang Xiaoning nodded, and Jiang Nuohan stared at him like a monster, because everyone thought that the relationship between Lin and Fan Yong was bad, but the physical education teacher came to find someone this time, and his attitude towards him was not to say that he was licking a dog. It can't be called flattering either.

"Are you really going to the junior tournament in town?"

Jiang Nuohan looked at his figure over and over again, wondering if he went to participate in weightlifting competitions like this, wouldn't he be laughed out of his teeth? Which athlete on TV is not as strong as a cow, he? At best, it was a yellow puma, the kind that had just ended the bitter summer and hadn't put on autumn fat.

"That depends on whether he can do what he promised me."

"What did he promise you?"

Lin Yue smiled and didn't answer, because someone not far away was calling his name.

Zhang Xiaoning and Jiang Nuohan followed the sound, their expressions became a little strange.

The former said: "You and Huang Zhitao... have nothing to do, right? There are a lot of rumors in the parallel class."

"I know." Lin Yue said, "Fang Yifan is always gossiping behind others."

Jiang Nuohan said angrily: "This guy, it's unfair for the teacher to transfer him to a parallel class, but he still doesn't forget to provoke the relationship between you and Ji Yangyang, he is too bad."

"What? Nervous about me? Afraid that I will fight with Ji Yangyang?"


"Don't worry, he can't beat me."

"But his family is rich, and I heard that his father..."

Lin Yue took two steps forward, suddenly stopped, and said playfully, "You don't know, I have a good relationship with Ji Yangyang's mother."

Finished and left.

Zhang Xiaoning and Jiang Nuohan looked at each other: "What does he mean?"


Five minutes later, behind the teaching building.

It was already mid-November, and with the cold wave passing through the country, the temperature dropped below 10 degrees. Unless there were physical education classes, more than half of the students went outside for activities.

"What can't be said above? Are you afraid that Ji Yangyang will misunderstand us if he sees it?"

Lin Yue said in a teasing tone.

Huang Zhitao really thought so, but not entirely.

"Yingzi has been in a low mood recently, saying that she hasn't spoken to her mother for almost a week. I wonder if you can persuade her?"

"Are you joking?" Lin Yue said: "First, she can't do what she promised, why should I be friends with her? Second, you don't know that I have a bad relationship with her mother To the extreme, I’m sick, so I want to bring them together? Third, neither of them realizes their own problems. Is persuasion useful? Sooner or later, a situation similar to the present will happen, so why bother doing useless work.”


"If nothing else, I'm leaving."

Lin Yue turned around to leave, but Huang Zhitao hurriedly stopped him: "Wait a minute."

"Any thing else?"

"I heard that you didn't pass the math test?"

"That's right."

"Why don't you take the test?"

"Of course you don't like it if you don't like it?" Lin Yue saw that she was stunned and couldn't accept the answer, so he asked curiously, "Why do you care if I take the exam or not?"


This question stumped her, because she didn't ask Ji Yangyang if he didn't pass the exam and if he drew a car on the test paper again. Hearing from other students that he gave up the math exam, she had an irresistible urge , wondering why this is.

"How about your other subjects?"

In order to conceal the unnaturalness on her face, she quickly changed the subject.

"Whether I did well in the exam, you will know next Monday." Lin Yue waved his hand, turned and left.

Huang Zhitao was so angry that he stomped his feet like this every time he talked to him, which made people feel overwhelmed.

The weekend passed quickly, and Monday came in a blink of an eye. There were several bulletin boards with rankings in the hall at the bottom of the teaching building. There was a circle of people outside. , lower-grade students who want to get familiar with the situation in the third year of high school take a small notebook and record the proportion of students in the three ranges of 500, 600, and 700.

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