Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1766 You have been tricked, Li Tiegun

An hour and a half later.

High school third grade office.

Qiao Yingzi knocked on the door, opened the door and walked into the office after hearing the response.

The teachers are all off work, only Li Meng is still there.

"Ms. Li, you are looking for me."

"Come on, Yingzi, sit down."

She pointed to the chair next to her.

Qiao Yingzi walked over with her head down. From entering the door to sitting down, she glanced at Li Meng throughout the process. She looked like a child who was caught lying.

"You have already figured out why I called you here."


Qiao Yingzi was silent.

"Yingzi, the teacher warned you more than once at the beginning of this semester that the third year of high school is the most important year in your life. What you have to do is to study hard and strive for a good college entrance examination score. What else are you playing games and hobbies? Put aside these things that distract energy and delay homework, especially when you are in a relationship, you need to stay away the most. The teacher also came from the third year of high school. He knows the psychology of the students very well. Beautiful longing, but according to the teacher for so many years... No, it should be said that it is the historical experience summed up by countless predecessors. Most of the puppy loves end in failure, which not only delays the study, affects the future, but also causes harm to both parties, so the teacher hopes You can recognize the reality, end the relationship, and focus on studying."


Qiao Yingzi remained silent.

Li Meng continued: "Yingzi, you have been a student with very good grades since the first year of high school. Every time you came to the top of the exam, the teachers mentioned you and said yes, but look, since you met Lin Yue, your grades have declined. How much? The mid-term exam fell to more than 20 grades, and the teachers who followed you asked me what happened. Yingzi, you have to know that whether it is parents or teachers, the original intention of our work is to think that you will have a future. Good development, rebellion is not personality, most of the time it will make you detours, and even destroy you.”

"Ms. Li, it's my mother who called you."

She finally spoke.

Li Meng nodded: "That's right, your mother asked me to persuade you, she thinks we can talk about this matter relatively calmly. You know your mother is on the phone... Hey, although the teacher is not married, she can Hear how sad and anxious she is."

"She is sad, she is anxious, has she put herself in my shoes? Not long ago, in order to prevent my father and Lin Yue from meeting, she dropped me off at school and picked me up after school, fearing that I would run away on weekends, so she took me to her I have classes with the students in the remedial class. I can’t even eat what I want, either because the oil is unhygienic, or the carcinogens exceed the standard, or it’s not nutritious. If I eat too much, I will grow meat. Sleeping, not even a minute late, she will check the guard. My dad used to take me to relax every week, but now he has moved back, and even this kind of opportunity is gone. She is doing it for my own good, but her enthusiasm overwhelms me. I can hardly breathe."

"Then you can't fall in love with Lin Yue, right? Although it involves your family affairs, I shouldn't care about them, but many people know how bad his relationship with your parents is. Is it appropriate for you to do this?"

"I have been enduring. She made something I didn't like. I pretended to like it and swallowed it. She told me to study hard, and I tried my best to do every test paper she gave me, but I didn't expect her to look at me. If I can finish three today, I will give me four tomorrow, and maybe five the day after tomorrow. She won’t let me participate in the planetarium activities, I didn’t go, Lin Yue helped me do what I should have done, they hate He, annoy him, but I don't, because without him, parents will not get back together, as the saying goes, if they have done nothing wrong, how could they be targeted by him? So all of this is They asked for it. Also, I really want to go to Nantah University when I sign up for the winter camp. I have never wanted anything like this when I grow up. I begged my dad, but my dad said he has no right to control me now. Let me tell my mother about it, I went to her, and I talked a lot about it, begging and begging, and begging, is it useful? It’s useless, she likes Tsinghua University, I’m going to Tsinghua University, she likes Beihang University , I am about to go to Beihang University, why can't I choose the school I like? What does she think of me? A doll for her to dress up? Doesn't she dislike Lin Yue? Then I like him, not only do I want to talk to him If you fall in love, you will marry him and have children for him in the future."

The more Qiao Yingzi spoke, the more excited she became, her eyes were red, and tears were rolling in them, which showed how wronged she was and how much she disagreed with her mother.

Li Meng thought she understood. Just like some students who are forced to study by their parents will become tired of studying, Qiao Yingzi's personal will has been suppressed for a long time, and it is inevitable to have a rebellious psychology.

"Yingzi, the teacher understands, and the teacher also understands you. Okay, don't cry. I will communicate with your mother about this matter. It's getting late. You should go back first."

Li Meng sent Qiao Yingzi out of the office, and turned around and walked back to the desk to sit down until she could no longer see her back.

Now she knows what to do. Didn't Lin Yue mean that they can't break up the two of them, and they have to read on horseback and wait and see, hehe, he's doomed to lose in this round—as long as Song Qian is persuaded to agree to Qiao Yingzi's participation In the winter camp of Nantah University, in the face of a mother who made concessions, does she still have the stand to stick to her relationship? After all, he is a mother and daughter with broken bones and tendons. What is he? It's just an outsider who has known each other for a few months, and Qiao Yingzi has been forbearing for many years and his heart is not satisfied, which gave him an opportunity. Once the mother and daughter compromise with each other and reach a consensus, Lin Yue will undoubtedly be abandoned that one.


in a few days.

Jiang Nuohan and Zhang Xiaoning walked into the campus with their front feet, and heard a burst of hearty laughter from behind them. They turned their faces and found that Qiao Yingzi and Huang Zhitao were walking side by side.

It could be seen that Qiao Yingzi was very happy, and he smiled like a flower when he greeted the security guard at the gate.

Although she was not in the same class, what was certain was that she hadn't been like this for a while. Others took it for granted that what happened in the psychological lecture hall had a bad influence on her.

However, the actual situation was not like this. The reason why Qiao Yingzi was in a good mood was because Song Qian had agreed to let her sign up for the Nantah Winter Camp, and she had signed and handed in the registration form.

In exchange, she also promised to find an appropriate time to "break up" with Lin Yue.

"You two...really... If I were Aunt Song Qian, I would definitely be pissed off when I found out the truth."

Since the conversation with Lin Yue, Huang Zhitao felt that the distance between himself and the person he liked has been shortened a lot, and his mood has become better, and his estranged relationship with Qiao Yingzi has also improved, and the two went to school together and left school together Go home and solve the test questions that you don't know how to do together.

The posters of the university winter camp hadn't been withdrawn yet, Qiao Yingzi ran to the bulletin board and made a victory gesture in front of the propaganda poster of the NTU winter camp.

"Tao Zi, take a photo for me."

Today is a victory for her, the first time she has defeated her mother in such a big age --- she thinks this is a model of the battle of wits and courage to defeat the hegemony.


Huang Zhitao took out his phone and took a photo of Qiao Yingzi.

Just then, a person came down the stairs.

"Hey, Yingzi, why are you so happy?"

"Fang Hou'er, my mother has agreed for me to go to Nantah University."

"That would be wonderful."

Fang Yifan said congratulations, but the person moved to Huang Zhitao's side: "Tao Zi, come, I have something to tell you."

Huang Zhitao frowned, didn't say no, and didn't leave.

Qiao Yingzi didn't know that Huang Zhitao had clearly told Fang Yifan that the person she liked was Lin Yue, and her inner definition of his behavior was "to take advantage of the situation". Compared with Ji Yangyang and Fang Yifan, of course she most hoped that the latter would catch up with him. My best friend.

"Tao Zi, I'll go up first."

She tactfully said goodbye to the two of them and went upstairs.

Huang Zhitao came down to a corner with few people after being greeted repeatedly by Fang Yifan.

"looking for me?"

"Tao Zi, I think Lin Yue has been getting very close to Wang Yidi recently, you know about it."

Of course Huang Zhitao knew about it, but he didn't respond directly to his question.

"What Lin Leier found me said that day, you asked him to do it, right?"

"Lei'er talked to you? What did you say?" Fang Yifan pretended to be stupid.

"What kind of person is Lin Lei'er, you should know better than me. At first I was surprised, thinking how could he slander others behind his back, but after thinking about it carefully, I realized that this matter was probably instigated by his cousin."

Seeing that she saw it through, Fang Yifan simply stopped pretending: "How can it be slander? Tao Zi, I am afraid that you will be deceived. The man surnamed Lin is a scumbag with two feet on his back. Such a person is not worthy of you." like."

"Fang Yifan, you don't know, Lin Yue and Qiao Yingzi fell in love to help her."

"Help her?"

"That's right, you know that Yingzi's mother didn't let her participate in the Nantah winter camp. Thanks to Lin Yue, she can go now."

On the way here with Fang Yifan, she was thinking about how to get rid of his entanglement, and finally decided to tell him the fact that Lin Yue and Qiao Yingzi's relationship was acting. First, Lin Yue didn't ask her to keep this matter a secret. Second, the application form had already been handed over to the school. Yingzi's participation in the Nantah winter camp was a certainty. I think he will be happy for Yingzi after he learns the truth, instead of tearing things down.

Of course, the more important thing is to completely smash Fang Yifan's desire to use this incident to slander Lin Yue.


"So, you have nothing to say, right?" Huang Zhitao sighed softly: "Fang Yifan, can you be more mature? Don't keep staring at other people's shortcomings every day. Although this is not good, I still want to say, I like it." You can't force yourself to come alone, can you stop harassing me?"

Leaving this sentence behind, she walked away.

Fang Yifan stood there in a daze.

Lin Yue and Qiao Yingzi's love is acting? Is it a scam to send her to NTU?

So Song Qian and his mother's hearts are not in vain these days? And his expectations, not only failed, but also further aroused the goddess's disgust, and the meaning behind the words... the favor towards Lin Yue has increased again?

Also, that guy's showmanship is really surprising. If it was said that Song Qian and Tong Wenjie belonged to the category of bravery before, they are now in the category of conspiracy.

Well, courageous and resourceful.

In Tao Zi's eyes, he is more mature and more attractive than him.

That's right, Mr. Fang was self-defeating, he lifted a rock and shot himself in the foot.

He is not reconciled, but what if he is not reconciled?

Fang Yifan stuck there like a bamboo pole for about five minutes, and finally licked his lips and had an idea.

Lin Yue must pay the price for this!

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