Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1767 Ordinary and Confident Woman

The next day, big class break.

When the familiar melody sounded, the students hurried downstairs to exercise their bodies on the playground, ready to start the daily radio gymnastics.

Lin Yue didn't go downstairs, he was talking to Li Meng in the third grade office.

"This is the list of high school students who signed up for winter camps in colleges and universities. Let's have a look."

She pushed a document in front of Lin Yue.

The file consists of one form after another, which records the information, name, gender, age, grade, mobile phone number, emergency contact and so on of the students who signed up for the winter camps of various colleges and universities.

Qiao Yingzi's personal information was recorded in the last line of the column of Nantah Winter Camp, and it was undoubtedly what Li Meng asked him to read.

"Dream and boyfriend, Qiao Yingzi has already given the answer to this multiple-choice question, I want to know what else you have to say now."


"Read on horseback and wait and see. That's what you said."

Li Meng is very proud now, but her expression is very weird. On the one hand, she wants to show her stability and grandeur as a teacher, and on the other hand, as a woman who has been repeatedly bullied and full of resentment, she does everything she can to show her pride in front of him and give him A big embarrassment, restraint and indulgence, ideals and desires, these emotions conflict with each other and are intertwined on one face, so it looks very least in Lin Yue's view.

"That's right, I said it, so you think you've won, don't you? You can finally prove that you can beat me up? Li Meng, the job of a teacher is to teach and educate people, but when you come to me, you turn your mission into In order to prove that you are right, you are great, and you have authority, so... I have always said that you are not worthy of being my teacher. Is this true? You do not have this ability in business, and you are even worse in terms of character and morality far away."

Li Meng said: "You are the one who bet with me, and you are the one who refuses to admit defeat and make sophistry. This face is really ugly. Oh, by the way, from the first day you transferred to Chunfeng Middle School, I never thought about asking Being your teacher, with a student like you, will definitely shorten your life."

Lin Yue gave her a meaningful smile, turned around and walked outside.

Li Meng took advantage of the victory and chased after him: "What? Don't you have anything to say? Aren't you always sharp-tongued, and your reason is beyond the sky? I didn't expect that there will be times when you give in."

These words are not just sarcasm and complacency, she really doesn't understand, because every time there is a conflict, he always chokes people to death with a few words, but today he changed his normal, this kind of forbearance that temporarily avoids the edge surprised her Unable to adapt, even the joy of being a winner has faded a lot. How should I put it... If I have to describe it, it is like punching the cotton with all my strength, limp and effortless.

Lin Yue stopped less than a foot away from the door, looked back at her, walked out without saying anything.

Li Meng curled her lips, how could this be said, she pretended to be inscrutable, those who didn't know thought he had hammered her again.

After taking back the form and putting it in a drawer, she stood up and walked to the window, looking at the students bouncing around on the playground.

"Teacher Li."

At this time, a voice came from the door, and she looked back and found that it was Fang Yifan.

"You don't go down to do exercises, what are you doing in the office? Are you looking for Chen Qi? He's not here."

"No, I'm looking for you."

"Find me?"

Li Meng thinks this is quite strange. If you want to talk about Fang Yifan, I send her a little turtle for her birthday, nicknamed Li Tiegu, and fight with her classmates every once in a while. , so I avoid her as the grade leader every day, for fear of being reprimanded by her, but today is a good thing, and I took the initiative to send it to my door. I really don't know if the sun is coming out from the west.

"What's up?"

"Mr. Li, there is something I want to tell you about."

He was quite familiar with him. After entering the room, he directly sat down on the chair next to Li Meng's desk, and waved to her to come closer, muttering like he had some ulterior secret.

Li Meng walked over patiently and sat down beside him.

"Ms. Li, I heard that Yingzi's puppy love has been resolved?"

"Yes, it's resolved."

"My mother said it was thanks to you. Aunt Song Qian wanted to express her gratitude but you refused. You are really a good teacher."

Li Meng frowned, and said in a neutral manner: "Let's talk about business."

"Cough." Fang Yifan coughed lightly, put away his flattering smile, "Actually... I heard a gossip about Lin Yue and Qiao Yingzi."


"It means that the two of them are actually acting when they are in love."


Li Meng was stunned by this statement.

"That's right, acting." Fang Yifan explained: "Didn't Auntie Song Qian always want Yingzi to study in Tsinghua University or Beihang University? But she has her own ideas and wants to participate in the winter camp of Nanjing University, and then pass the self-enrollment examination to enter Nanjing University Astronomy Yes, the mother and daughter were very unhappy about this matter, so Lin Yue gave her an idea. The two pretended to be in love to stimulate Aunt Song Qian. You have also seen what happened at the psychological lecture venue. If this happened, Aunt Song Qian would definitely not agree with them being together, and then Qiao Yingzi made concessions at the right time in exchange for the qualification to participate in the Nantah Winter Camp. You can get admission tickets to Nantah University."

After Li Meng listened to it, she felt her mind slammed, and she was blown away by this blockbuster.

It took a long time for her to come back to her senses. Now she knows why Lin Yue looked at her like she was looking at an idiot, isn't it? She is the idiot who was sold and happily counted the money .

Let’s wait and see what is studying on horseback. She thinks that the gambling game is just the boy’s aggressive method, which makes her focus on breaking up the two of them. Next, Qiao Yingzi will come out and point out that her dream is to participate in the winter camp of Nantah University. Self-enrolled to enter the Department of Astronomy at Nantah University. Now Song Qian has shattered her daughter's dream and also ruined her daughter's love. Faced with such a bitter scene, what will she do? The most effective strategy is naturally to persuade Song Qian to agree to Qiao Yingzi's participation in the South University winter camp. For Song Qian, if she had to do this multiple-choice question, the answer would definitely be the former.

Looking at it this way, Lin Yue and Qiao Yingzi joined forces to plot against her and used her as a weapon.


What a winner she was.

Recalling the conversation just now, how proud I was at the time, how ashamed and angry I am now.

This kid is too sinister, too vicious, too despicable.

And Qiao Yingzi, how kind and enthusiastic she is to her, but, her favorite student is playing dirty with her.

"Ms. Li, Mr. Li..."

Fang Yifan stretched out his hand and shook it in front of her, but got no response.

He could tell that Li Meng had already realized that he was being tricked, so naturally he couldn't stay for long at such a time, lest he get burned and let her vent his anger on him.

"Ms. Li, the exercises between classes will be finished soon, I'll go back first."

Without waiting for Li Meng to respond, he left the office as quickly as possible.

Fang Yifan thought very simply. He must have listened to his mother's words during the farce in the psychological lecture hall, and usually walked around Lin Yue, not to provoke this lawless guy, but the ghost knows what ecstasy soup Huang Zhitao drank. Falling in love with that kid, but daring to snatch his goddess, can this be tolerated? Of course not.

He didn't dare to prove his toughness, so after much deliberation, he put his idea on Li Meng's head. Originally, the two of them would not deal with each other. Once she knew that she was being tricked, would she let it go?

As long as Li Meng and Lin Yue pinch each other, wouldn't he be able to sit back and watch the tigers fight?

Fang Yifan left triumphantly.

It took Li Meng a long time to straighten out her mind. She realized that the radio gymnastics was done, and it would be time for class in a while. In order not to bring her emotions into class, she chose to leave the office and planned to take a walk downstairs. Taking a breath, I didn't expect to come out of the teaching building, and after a few steps forward, I saw many students gathered together, I don't know what they were looking at, and there seemed to be faculty and staff not wearing school uniforms in front of them.

what happened?

She walked over with curiosity.

Looking past the two shorter students, I saw Huang Kaijun and Pan Shuai standing side by side, smiling at the person carrying a camera not far away, and a well-dressed female reporter standing a little further in front, She was holding a microphone in her hand to ask questions, and as for the interviewee in front of the camera... She knew her, and to be precise, she had just met her.

It was Lin Yue, the boy who made her angry and mad.

What is he?

Li Meng paid attention to the logo on the microphone, and couldn't help but wonder, why did the people from the city TV station come to the school to interview him?

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