Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 177 You Can't Take Care of Yourself

"Yu Xiaoqing cherishes her reputation so much. During the Jiangfang sniper battle, the main regiment collapsed like a mountain. In the end, a group of scavengermen were sent back to the Japanese devils. Lord Master, don't worry too much. Let the secret service battalion clean up the remnants Well, it turned out to be anticlimactic and let go of a small group of Japanese soldiers. Of course Yu Xiaoqing couldn’t swallow this breath, but what can he do? Hey, get up wherever you fall. In the future, if you have a tough task, you Sichuan Army will stand aside , on our main force, as long as we win, people will forget the Sichuan army’s defense of the city, this is what Ah Yi said.”

"As soon as Lin Zuo leaves in a few days, he won't want to see us anymore. The Japanese are really going to fight, let us go forward. If we win, he will lose face. If we lose, someone will point at him The spine scolded, saying that once Director Lin left, you would push the Sichuan Army to the front line, what kind of person is this? Bastard, hooligan, dirty, shameless."

"So, the harder he pinches Yu Xiaoqing, the safer we gangsters will be."

Meng is annoyed and finished.

Everyone who spoke was dumbfounded.

Dong Dao said with a smile: "I said a long time ago that he is suitable to be an official."

Long Wenwen smiled and said: "It's good to be a mouse, you can't blow it up in a hole." After he finished speaking, he dragged Meng Fanle into the trench and kicked him, causing the young master of Peking to shrink into a ball with his head and crotch in his hands.

"I don't learn well every day, and I just think about this stupid thing. It is because of people like you that the family and country are ruined and sisters are slaves."

Kang Ya looked gloatingly at Meng Fan who fell on the ground: "Hit, well done, beat this bastard to death."

The snake sticks out a twig from its buttocks and holds it in its mouth: "Yu Xiaoqing is alright, I'm afraid of that Tang Ji."

Yao Ma said: "Damn, that man is experienced, you have to be on guard."

Over there, Veterinarian Hao pulled Lin Yue aside: "You tell the goose, what are you going to do? The goose has decided not to tell them."

Lin Yue chuckled: "I'll save your son."

"Cheating again."

"I am not kidding."

"You've been away for a few months, just to find the goose's baby? You've been thinking about it all day long, thinking about it." The old man was so angry that he walked away with his hands behind his back.


The cannon fodder group regards Jiqipo as their home.

The individual soldier pits have become traffic trenches, and then long trenches and trenches. There are cat ear holes not far from the position to avoid the artillery fire from the opposite bank. Usually, everyone is nestled in the trenches, bragging and blaming. Scolding the grandson of the main force, occasionally getting together to eat some meat, talking about anecdotes, legends and ghost stories in my hometown, and playing tricks on the recruits that Captain Long fooled from Zenda City, in short, life on the battlefield is boring and boring, It's fun to say.

Kang Ya loves to take advantage of small things, even if it is a piece of oil in the bowl, she wants hemp and snake butts to catch all the snakes in the woods. Milong likes to swear, and the people around him are nothing but wives and children. Oh, Li Wula is still the father of the rabbit. The image of this fellow from the Northeast has been stereotyped in his eyes, and it is difficult to change it. .

The recruits could only swallow their anger when they were scolded, and some veterans took their anger out on the Japanese on the other side, so a battle of scolding began on both sides of the Nu River.

The day Lin Yue and Long Wenwen left Jiqi Slope by car, the scolding battle escalated, but things changed after the two groups of people scolded and scolded.

Bula sang Huagu Opera, Milong also performed a duet from his hometown, and Ah Yi sang a transliteration Divine Comedy with his male duck voice, which fully explained what it means for a foreign donkey to bray like a horse.

This undoubtedly touched the G point of the Japanese army. They began to scold Yu Xiaoqing. The cannon fodder didn’t have much idea. Press down on the little devil.

The battlefield of the two armies has become a big stage in the countryside, and I will appear on the stage after you sing.

When the atmosphere reached its climax, two jeeps stopped in the open space behind the flag sacrifice slope.

With sharp eyes, Krupp dragged Manhan and Mudan down from the trench.

"Our regiment has artillery again, and artillery again."

Last time it was the German PAK37 anti-aircraft gun and the M1897 75mm field gun. This time it was two Japanese-made Type 94 rapid-fire guns.

Meng got annoyed when he heard the voice behind and retreated.

At this time, Long Wenwen had already called for people to push the cannon to the front position.

"Hey, where did you get it?"

Long Wenwen said: "Master."

"We're about to turn the main team into beggars, who is still so generous?"

Long Wenwen pointed to Lin Yue: "You can ask him about this, I don't know where he got the news, saying that there are two Japanese cannons idle in the warehouse on the outskirts of the city, and he insisted on dragging me to the division headquarters to ask for them. , Yu Xiaoqing didn’t let go until Master Jun Zuo was moved out, and asked someone to bring them over to us.”

Meng Fan glanced at the back of Lin Yue who was going to move the PAK37 anti-aircraft gun, and suddenly remembered something.

A few days ago, a small unit of Japanese soldiers passed through Jiangfang, and Zenda City formed a joint defense team for this purpose. This matter was reported to the military headquarters, and Yu Xiaoqing was credited with it. He actually accepted the muddled credit with peace of mind. People know the hard work of the cannon fodder, but no one knows Lin Yue's good intentions.

Thinking that the two of them went to the division headquarters this time, Yu Xiaoqing would suffer from insomnia again at night. It wasn't his fault that he took it. Now that the boss is here, what can he do?

Come hard? Director Lin told Junzuo that the word "Yu Xiaoqing" might become a laughing stock, and even his father would tell people how to teach their children.

So I had no choice but to admit weakness, so the two Japanese cannons placed in the warehouse on the outskirts of the city finally appeared at the cannon fodder garrison.

Long Wenwen asked Krupp about the difference between the German PAK37 anti-aircraft gun and the Japanese-made Type 94 rapid-fire gun. While talking, the two aimed the muzzle at a group of people dancing yangko on the opposite bank, and the shell was loaded.

No one knew what was going to happen next, because today the Japanese army and the Yu division reached a party, and the main group members were still singing military songs upstream, until the two bad-bellied guys tacitly pulled the rope at the same time.




The gunfire sounded almost simultaneously.

Before the group recovered their senses, Lin Yue and Long Wenwen told Krupp and his younger brother to pull the cannon away and plunge into the cat's ear hole in the trench.

It was only then that Meng Worry waited until he realized what had happened, scurrying around like a frightened gopher. The onlookers were so frightened that they slipped into the trenches and crouched in the corner with their heads folded.





70mm rifle, 75mm mountain gun, 90mm mortar, 105mm howitzer.

Shells of various calibers fell inside and outside the fortifications like splashing water, and the splashed sand was dense like rain.

Long Wenwen laughed so cheaply, He Shuguang and Li Bing on the Henglan Mountain camp huddled in the cat's ear hole and greeted his dead family members angrily. A number --- kill at least 20 people.

A 92-foot artillery position, a mortar position, and a group of devil Yangko teams stripped to nothing but Japanese underpants were all overthrown.

When Long Wenwen was telling them the story, Lin Yue took Veterinary Hao to the back and handed over a cloth bag.

"I'm leaving tomorrow."

When the old man opened the package, his dim old eyes became brighter.

ps: The Hanyang Zhizhi 88-type rifle and the 79-style rifle here are the official ones, which are the weapons that Yu Xiaoqing displayed when he was recruiting cannon fodder.

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