Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 178 When Yu Xiaoqing Comes, I Spit on Him

Lin Yue left, and took Yaoma, Li Wula, and Kang Ya with him. This was something that the old cannon fodder had never expected. They didn't understand why Lin Yue did this. Their lives are still going on, and the division has begun to reduce the supplies that should be given to them. In the past, the military pay that was paid according to a regiment has also begun to be paid according to the actual number of people.

The quartermaster began to hide from Long Wenwen, and Zhang Lixian and He Shuguang's attitude towards the Sichuan Army was much worse than before. Once Milong and Snake Butt went to the city to buy vegetables and got into a fight with the secret service battalion. After finishing the work, I was locked up for 5 days.

The consequences of Lin Yue's departure began to appear.

With Yu Xiaoqing as a person, maybe he didn't take the initiative to order his subordinates to make things difficult for the Sichuan army, but this kind of cold treatment happened to Master Yu.

Exclusion, suppression, indifference, ridicule, ridicule, hostility... followed one after another.

The life of the cannon fodder became more and more difficult. When Lin Yue was here, he ate meat once a week and dry meat twice a day.

After Lin Yue left, as time went by, the meat disappeared. Two dry meals first became one dry and one thin, and now it has become two thin meals. Maybe in a few days, they will not even be able to drink porridge, and they will be reduced to eating plantains. The point where wild vegetables make a living.

Long Wenwen secretly sold Meng Fanle's Japanese army knife, a non-spicy compass, a Swiss army knife that Lin Yue obtained from the military headquarters and forwarded to Veterinary Hao, and even the phonograph at the shelter was given to the quartermaster's little wife, but in the face of all A group of hundreds of mouths is still a drop in the bucket.

Later, he put his mind on the jeep without a spare tire. If Milong hadn't discovered it when he went to the black market to buy goods, maybe the caravan in the north would have taken a welcome step in the modernization process.

There were two cloth bags in the package that Lin Yue gave to Veterinary Hao, and he kept them carefully. No one said anything about it.

Because Lin Yue had warned him before he left that the contents of the first cloth bag would not take effect until one month after he left. Even if he was not in Chanda, he could still make Yu Xiaoqing and Tang Ji's group fearful and dare not do anything reckless. And the second bag, when the Sichuan Army can't hold on, can help them tide over the difficulties.

Veterinarian Hao kept this secret to himself, and even tried to find a place where no one was around when he slept, for fear of leaking the news by talking in his sleep, and being targeted by Captain Long, who did everything he could to cheat and kidnap.

He waited, waited patiently, until one day, Long Wenwen returned to the position with a sullen face and told everyone the bad news.

Meng Fanle became a deserter and was captured by Li Bing when he ran out. Yu Xiaoqing was going to kill him as an example.

Many people didn't eat that night, because they all knew that Meng would not be able to live if he was annoyed.

Deserters are a disgrace, a disgrace to Master Yu, and a disgrace to the Sichuan Army.

People like Yu Xiaoqing naturally hate deserters the most, and he can finally get his revenge and make the Sichuan Army Corps the laughing stock of Zenda people.

The next day, Long Wenwen saw Meng Fanle in the binoculars who was tied up in the Henglan Mountain camp for public display.

Many people were beaten by Master Tuan Zuo, and he scolded while talking.


Wang Baduzi.

dead lame.



These are all used to describe Meng Fanle.

Even Ah Yi scolded the shame of our army, but was kicked by Long Wenwen.

Major 250 didn't know why he was beaten. Bu La and Snake Butt knew, but they didn't say anything.

Veterinarian Hao also knew that Long Wenwen was anxious, angry and anxious, so he vented all his resentment on Chief Ayi, the young bird.

Everyone wanted Meng Fan to live, but the behavior of being a deserter was too bad, even those with military experience could not be washed away, and the people from the main force regiment's secret service battalion, including Yu Xiaoqing's followers, had been waiting for this day for a long time.

Without Lin Yue, the Sichuan Legion is just a bunch of poor stepmothers.

Long Wenwen led the black panther for a walk in the woods all night, while Veterinarian Hao smoked dry tobacco for half the night.

The next day, everyone stayed in a daze until midnight.

Milong couldn't bear it anymore, so he asked Bu Lai to sneak up Henglan Mountain to deliver food to Meng Fan, but someone found out. Fortunately, Long Wenwen went there in time and snatched the two from the main team return.

On the third day, a girl named Xiaocui broke into the military restricted zone, and the soldiers watching the prisoner pushed her down, and the vegetables and rice were scattered all over the floor, which was the decapitated meal she had prepared for Meng Fanle.

In the evening, Krupp didn't eat anything, because when he picked up the bowl, the rice grains scattered in the haystack would appear in front of his eyes, and he always felt as if he was eating his last meal.

In the early hours of the morning, Dr. Hao woke up to Ah Yi's singing. He said that he thought of his father who died at the gunpoint of the Japanese devils, and that he joined the army to avenge his father.

Veterinarian Hao took out the package that Lin Yue gave him, and opened the first cloth bag, which contained a letter.

The old man is illiterate, but Ah Yi understands.

The sour song turned into a scream, and most of the Sichuan army woke up from howling. Long Wenwen thought that the Japanese army was launching a surprise attack in the dark, and ran out of the forest with dog meat. He tripped over a stone and fell. Dogs eat shit.

Meng annoyed his fourth day as a deserter.

The spring is bright and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant.

After breakfast, Cheng Xiaolong and Xing Jiuhong began to manipulate the cripple again, because the days of guarding prisoners were really boring.

It will take another day or two at most, and the guys who have been nailed to the wooden beams without food or drink should go to see the king of Hades, and then they can return to the division headquarters.

"If...if it wasn't for do that, I...our brother...the two brothers would...not...don't know how many..."

Meng Fan said weakly: "How happy is it?"

Cheng Xiaolong gave him a slap in the face: "No... you are not allowed to grab... steal my... lines... lines."

Meng Fanle barely raised his head, his face changed slightly: "Why are you here again?"

"Just... just you... shameless... bastard, how could... have so many... so many friends? I... I see... you... you are just... one of a kind ... the cat."

Meng Fan smiled, but only his facial muscles twitched, and he had no food or water for three days, and he still had the strength to speak, which is already pretty good: "Young master is in a good mood today, teach you to be good, the word reads HE, like a raccoon dog, Don't miss cats."

"Death... when death is still play talk, I...I just love to read... cats, cats in a hill...wh...what's wrong?"

Cheng Xiaolong was talking and raised his hand to hit him. At this moment, he heard a gunshot behind him, and the branch next to him snapped in two. He was so frightened that he sat down on the ground. When he looked back, he saw Long Wenwen with a dozen A group of people surrounded this place, and the younger brother Xing Jiuhong was watching them with sweat profusely.

"Create... rebel"

Xing Jiuhong then said: "Don't mess around."

Long Wenwen didn't bother to pay attention to them, so he pushed Xing Jiuhong back and walked up to Meng Fan: "Aren't you dead yet?"

"You're not dead, it's so lonely for the young master to go on the road alone."

"Look at this guy, he's fine." Long Wenwen said while taking out his clothes, rummaged through his butt pocket, and took out a letter from it.

"The wind and clouds are rising, the mountains and rivers are moving, the Huangpu army is powerful, the revolutionary ambition is loyal, the gold and the iron horse, the battlefield..." Watching Long Wenwen open the envelope and take out the letter from home, Meng Fan, who was still smiling just now, burst into tears.

"Your parents are here? They're in Heshun Town on the other side? No wonder, no wonder that guy said that you might do something stupid." Long Wenwen was so angry that he kicked his injured leg hard, and turned his head towards Milong and Bigfoot. Waiting for someone to shout: "You idiots, whoever deserts for this kind of shit in the future, first say hello to Lao Tzu."

After shouting, he got up from the ground and turned his head to look aside.

Xing Jiuhong stared at him blankly, Cheng Xiaolong managed to force a smile.

"Disarm them and tie them up."

Milong and Bula were holding their breath, when they heard Long Wenwen's words, they walked over and snatched their guns, and tied them up firmly.

Xing Jiuhong shouted unconvinced: "We belong to the division headquarters."

Long Wenwen walked up to them: "What's the matter with the division? Even if Yu Xiaoqing came today, I would dare to make him spit on his face."

"Talk about Di Hao Nai." Bu La gagged Xing Jiuhong's mouth without looking back.

Milong said on the side: "This guy is so messed up, he's broken him, and he's spitting on Yu Xiaoqing's face. If he didn't read the letter left by Lin Yue, would he have the guts?"

Veterinarian Hao talked about the dragon article.

The Tuan Zuo adults ignored him.

At the same time, there was an angry shout from behind: "Who do you want to kill? Captain Long."

Thank you for the 2000 starting coins rewarded by the fourth uncle before his death, the 200 starting coins rewarded by Chilingge Gufeng, the four worms in the rivers and lakes, and the 100 starting coins rewarded by Liu Shuo in 2015

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