Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1772 It's over, and I have to lose money again (two in one)

"Yingzi, Yingzi."

Huang Zhitao yelled twice but got no response, sighed heavily, and turned his head: "Yingzi is angry."

"That can't be helped. I can only blame her for being careless in making friends."

Lin Yue thought about it, it was the opposite of the TV series.

In the episode of the TV series where Fang's family moved to Shuxiang Yayuan, it was revealed that Fang Yifan gave Lin Lei'er sleeping pills. His thoughts trembled, causing Fang's family to jump around.

Here, Fang Yifan didn't consider Qiao Yingzi's interests in order to stimulate Li Meng to engage him. These two people are really ice-sculpted old irons, and they all turn into water when the sun shines.

Lin Yue said: "I know that Fang Yifan has been pestering you all this time. What you did just now didn't ask for your prior consent. You won't blame me, will you?"

Huang Zhitao shook his head.

"In terms of acting skills and devotion, Qiao Yingzi is too far behind." He waved at her: "Okay, I'm leaving, it's cold outside, go back early."

As he said that, he turned and wanted to leave, but before he took half a step, Huang Zhitao grabbed his hand from behind.

"What you said to Tong Wenjie just now..."

"depression to luck?"

She shook her head.

"So you want to intercede with Lin Lei'er?"

She shook her head again: "You said I... I'm your girlfriend. "

"Sorry for bothering you."

"But I... I... I really... like you."

Lin Yue was "shocked" and then "can't laugh or cry".

"Tao Zi, do you regard me as Ji Yangyang's substitute?"

"No." As the confession came out, she didn't feel nervous anymore: "In the beginning, your hot and cold made me struggle for a long time, but in January, I became more and more sure that I didn't have a whim. Every weekend, I think of you and Wang Yidi will be so sad when he is reviewing homework together that he can't study with peace of mind. Whenever Fang Yifan says anything bad about you, I can't wait to tear his mouth off. And you and Qiao Yingzi, I don't know if you are acting, going to and from school I will avoid her, because every time I think of your relationship with her, I feel very anxious, and then vent my anger on her head, and even think that this sister will not do anything, at least out of sight and out of mind, so I am sure , My liking for you has nothing to do with Ji Yangyang."


Lin Yue knew that Huang Zhitao was interested in him, but he didn't expect this little girl to be very affectionate.

As the saying goes, it is better to retreat and form a net than to envy fish in Linyuan. However, if the liking for a person can be controlled rationally, there will not be so many licking dogs in the world. In fact, this thing also has the Matthew effect, and there is no lack of women's initiative. Son, the more you attract women, the more you rush to curry favor with them, the more you will be rejected...

For example, the more generous and generous you are in the circle of friends, the easier it is to attract the attention of women.

"So, you just drove Wang Yidi away on purpose, right?"

Huang Zhitao was very honest: "That's right, I did it on purpose."

"Are you so sure she likes me?"

"I think... this is a woman's intuition."

Lin Yue said: "First, it's the third year of high school, I hope you will devote all your energy to your studies and get into a good university; second, what Fang Yifan said is right, I may have helped Xiaomeng too much, and getting involved Her life is too deep, and the situation is very complicated. I don't know how to deal with her relationship. The key is that she doesn't force me. She seems to want to maintain the status quo. At least others have multiple choice questions. There is no chance, so whether it is on your side or mine, it will take a little time. If you insist on me giving you an answer now, I think... I might have to learn from Ji Yangyang. "

Huang Zhitao did not show disappointment or sadness, but accepted it calmly.

"I have time, the last thing I lack is time..."

Lin Yue knew what she meant, this was actually what Xiaomeng said.

In the past, Xiaomeng was 36 during the Spring Festival, and she was only 19 years old. She had no problems waiting for five or six years, and Xiaomeng didn't have so much time to spend with her.

As for why she is so calm, it should be that he and Qiao Yingzi acted as a couple before and gave Miss Tao Zi a vaccination. The relationship between her, him, and Xiaomeng is much simpler than the relationship between her, him, and Qiao Yingzi before. up.

"If Ji Yangyang came back suddenly, what would you do?"

"At the beginning, he proposed to break up."


Lin Yue sighed.

Huang Zhitao pretended to change the subject easily: "Can you accompany me to the post station to pick up something?"

"no problem."

She leaned over obediently, took his arm and walked forward together.

Lin Yue smiled and said nothing.

Compared with Huang Zhitao, Wang Yidi's scheming is far worse.

Well, a girl whose parents are abroad, living alone for three or four years, a girl who has been living in an ivory tower...


"Yingzi, what did you do? Do you know that Dad is very worried about you?"

Before Qiao Yingzi entered the house, Qiao Weidong greeted him.

She walked into the living room, glanced at the master bedroom, and found that it was pitch black, and Song Qian seemed to have fallen asleep.

"Don't you know what I did?"

Qiao Weidong looked embarrassed, let's guess what she was doing.

"He didn't do anything to you, did he?"


Qiao Yingzi didn't say anything about being slapped by him.

Qiao Weidong wanted to look for her, but Song Qian stopped her and told her to go to 602 to make trouble. With Lin Yue's temper, he might slap her a few times, and let her know how to turn her elbows outward and plot against her parents with outsiders. What will happen.

"Hungry, dad will make some noodles for you."

"I do not want to eat."

Qiao Yingzi went straight to her room. Qiao Weidong wanted to enter the room to say a few words, but she ruthlessly pushed him out.

"I want to sleep."

After speaking, he closed the door with a bang.

"Yingzi, Yingzi."

Qiao Weidong didn't dare to speak loudly, and called softly at the door twice. Seeing that his daughter ignored her, he could only walk away silently, and went back to the living room to look at the reflection on the window in a daze.

Things have developed to this point, while he hates Lin Yue and Xiaomeng, he also has a little bit of regret at the same time. In order to see his daughter a few more times, he can bear Song Qian's running on him, but now he can see it every day. It's true. The feeling is very different from the imagination.

Let's just talk about today's incident. Yes, he was also very angry and felt that his daughter had gone too far. But thinking about it later, if Song Qian had agreed to her to participate in the Nanjing University winter camp, would she still act with her enemy? The daughter was also forced to have no other way out before she made such a bad move.

The point is that he didn't dare to say it yet, with Song Qian's temper, she would blow up at once.

Given that his indulgence led to a serious decline in his daughter's grades, he has lost the right to speak on the issue of educating children.

At the same time, Qiao Yingzi was lying on the bed, thinking that it would be good to sleep, and maybe he would not be depressed after sleeping, but when he closed his eyes, the faces of Li Meng, Fang Yifan, and Huang Zhitao would flash in his mind One gave up on her to shirk responsibility, one betrayed her for selfish desires, one betrayed her for love, and Song Qian, who was heartbroken by her, and the cowardly and useless Qiao Weidong, had lived for more than ten years, and there was no one around them to rely on. .

She turned over and over again, patted her forehead over and over again, and told herself over and over again to stop thinking about it, but it was all in vain.

Time passed as she tossed and turned, the minute hand turned round after round, and the hour hand moved one frame after another.

That night, she suffered from insomnia.


January 12.

The day after the final exam.

Tong Wenjie put the IPAD on the coffee table, and tapped the connect button with her hand. After a short delay, Fang Yuan's face appeared on the screen.

"Fangyuan, can you see it?"

"I saw it, I saw it."

"Hey, what's going on with you, the picture is intermittent."

"The Internet speed in Africa is slow. It was all voice calls before. It didn't feel too obvious. If you insist on video connection, it will definitely get stuck. This is thanks to the company's private line. If it is placed in an ordinary family here, the 2Mb Do you know how much broadband is? 1200 RMB!"

"Oh, how are you doing over there in Africa? Are things going well?"

"Everything is fine, do you know, daughter-in-law, the seafood here is super cheap, and the large lobsters that cost hundreds of yuan in China can be settled here for less than a hundred yuan. What kind of devil fish, grouper, you just need to go to the beach Once you stop, someone will take you to buy it.”

"I heard that it's not peaceful there, there are many thieves, you should be more careful."

"How many times have you said this? My ears are numb. Oh, by the way, Fang Yifan and Lei'er should have finished the exam. How did they do?"

"Fang Yifan, you also know that if I don't count down, I will burn the incense, Lei'er, I have confidence in him, this time the first grade will be his."

As soon as he finished speaking, before Fangyuan could reply, a prompt box popped up on the top of the screen, indicating that there was a phone call.

"Fangyuan, I'm calling here and I'll talk to you later."

Tong Wenjie disconnected the video connection and put the phone to her ear: "Hello, who is it?"

After half a minute, her face changed.

The call was from the police, saying that Fangyuan's parents were now at the police station and asked her to go and deal with related matters.

Tong Wenjie was beating her heart. She wondered what the couple had done and they were turned over to the police station. She asked the police, but the police didn't say anything clearly. They only said that Fangyuan's parents asked her to call her, and they would discuss the details of the incident when they met.

After hanging up the phone, she thought about it, but she didn't dare to tell Fang Yuan about it. He is now in Africa, so if his parents had an accident, he shouldn't be in a hurry. If he wanted to come, his parents-in-law also realized that far away water would not quench their thirst, so they didn't let Fang Yuan know. The police called Fangyuan and contacted her in turn.

"Yingzi is stupid, Song Qian has something to ask me, so I won't make a video today."

Tong Wenjie sent a short message to Fang Yuan, telling Fang Yifan and Lin Lei'er to stay at home and not run around, and to go downstairs as quickly as possible after the incident, and drive to the police station where the in-laws were trapped.

The colorful lights on the street are ostentatious, the flow of people is strong, and it is already the end of the year.

She didn't pay attention to this, and drove for about half an hour to the Deshengmenwai police station. After explaining the situation to the police on duty, she was taken to the room where her parents-in-law was.

"Dad, Mom, what happened?"

Fangyuan's parents were sitting on the left side of the desk with sad faces. When they saw Tong Wenjie coming, the sobbing old woman called out "Wenjie", hugged her and began to cry.

"Mom, mom, stop crying, stop crying, tell me what's wrong?"

Fang's father also flicked his face: "Why are you crying? You still have the face to cry. If you hadn't been fooling around, would such a thing have happened?"

It was fine if he didn't speak, but when he spoke, Fang's mother cried even harder.

"Wen Jie, look at him... I want to share your financial pressure, Fang Yuan has gone to Africa, how miserable is that place..."

"Officer, what's going on here?"

Seeing that they could not get any useful information from the old couple, Tong Wenjie looked at the policeman holding a pen and writing materials, but the old Wang, who was sitting opposite and wearing a Hengyuanxiang OEM down jacket, spoke first.

"Your in-laws borrowed our money to raise funds."


Fundraising is a felony, and Tong Wenjie was dumbfounded when she heard this.

"Is... a mistake?"

"Old man, calm down, calm down first." The policeman saw that the situation was not good, and hurried out to smooth things over: "It's not a fundraising, it's just that your parents borrowed a lot of money from the neighbors to buy wealth management products from pyramid schemes. When the public reported it, our sub-bureau took over this illegal pyramid scheme, so strictly speaking, they are also victims.”


"Yes, MLM, didn't you see it when you came in just now? The row of people squatting in the corridor outside are all engaged in this business."

Tong Wenjie suddenly realized, she thought it was no wonder the police station was so lively, she thought it was near the end of the new year, a gang of fugitives who stole bicycles, shunted batteries, steel bars, and manhole covers were arrested.

"What are you talking about so much? It's only natural to kill people and pay debts. Since you're here, help your parents pay back the money." Old Wangtou was very excited, and he could see that he was holding back his anger.

Tong Wenjie ignored him, looked at Fang's father and said, "Dad, how much did you borrow in total?"

"Three hundred and six..."

"Three hundred and six?"

Fang's mother was cruel, and said for her wife: "Three million and six hundred thousand."

"Ah? So many!"

Tong Wenjie was a little dizzy, so she held on to the back of the chair so as not to fall.

The old Wangtou pointed to Fang's father and Fang's mother and said: "They only borrowed 200,000 yuan from me. It was agreed at the beginning that the principal and interest will be repaid in three months. Now that it is like this, I don't want the interest." Well, you have to give me the principal, my wife and I are still relying on it for retirement."

3.6 million.

3.6 million.

Tong Wenjie didn't listen to Old Wangtou's words at all, and thought that it's no wonder that before Fang Yuan went abroad, the old couple ran to Shuxiang Yayuan and gave them 20,000 yuan in one go, and said that even if Fang Yuan didn't go to work, the two of them would invest The income plus the pension can also cover the living expenses of the family. When they asked them what kind of investment made them so profitable, they mysteriously said about FOF funds. Now it seems that they were fooled by the MLM organization.

It is also to blame that the husband and wife have been troubled by Fang Yifan's affairs all day long, and Lin Yue, who is always targeting Fang's family, ignores the situation of his parents-in-law, resulting in such evil results.

"Wen Jie, Wen Jie, what do you think we should do about this matter, Fang Yuan is not at home, only you can give us an idea."

Mother Fang felt guilty and did not dare to look at the old Wang's head.

What did you say when you borrowed money? The interest of 2 points a month, the interest of three months alone is 12,000, let alone repaying the principal now, the interest can't be paid.

"Comrade policeman, since my parents are also victims, should the money... be paid by the MLM organization?"

"Since they dare to cheat, they have a channel to launder the money. This thing goes to Hong Kong, Southeast Asia, and the Cayman Islands. Let alone the domestic police force, even the Interpol has nothing to do with these criminals. Want to get the money back? In the next life."

The person who spoke was not a policeman, and the voice was very familiar.

Tong Wenjie turned her face around, and her face became extremely ugly when she saw the man standing at the door.

"Why are you everywhere?"

She never expected to see Lin Yue in the police station.

"It's very simple, because I called the police."

As he answered the question, he walked inside.

"Do you know each other?" The policeman was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted and explained: "That's right, it was Lin Yue who provided the clues to the sub-bureau yesterday, and we were able to destroy this pyramid scheme hidden in Shibalidian in one fell swoop. "

What the police said must be the truth, but Tong Wenjie always felt that this incident was too coincidental, so unbelievably coincidental.

"Surprised, isn't it?"

Lin Yue said: "I think so too. You said that when I was wandering in Shichahai Park, why did I want to play chess with those retired old men on a whim? If you play chess, just play chess. Why did you become friends with Hao Daguan?" If you make friends, just make friends. Why does he talk so much and tell me that someone asked him to borrow money to invest in wealth management products. The monthly interest is 2 points, 2 points a month, and 24 points a year. Borrowing money People put it in the middle and earn a little difference. This wealth management product must earn at least 40 points a year to make a profit. What kind of wealth management product is so good? I went to observe the address of the investment company for a while, hehe, isn’t this the MLM organization exposed on the Internet with a seemingly legal cloak on the outside? I didn’t say anything, as a law-abiding and good citizen, it would naturally have to be destroyed Isn’t this den upholding the dignity of the law? It’s just that I didn’t expect to meet you at the police station, Tong Wenjie, do you think this is a narrow road for enemies?”

The logical chain is clear, and it sounds like there are no major loopholes.

"Mr. Hao knew that his life savings were almost in vain. In a fit of anger, he suffered from high blood pressure. He is now admitted to Anding Hospital. He has no children and cannot come to the police station to deal with this matter, so he entrusted me to act for him." Lin Yuewang Tong Wenjie said: "Oh, by the way, do you know how much your in-laws borrowed from Mr. Hao? Three million, here, this is the loan agreement."

He took out the loan agreement and power of attorney and showed them to several people.

Tong Wenjie was dumbfounded when she heard that, and then her complexion changed drastically, because she remembered the conversation she had with Lin Yue downstairs in the community the day before yesterday. He threatened her to spend 3 million yuan to avoid disaster. There is no "gift" anymore - don't embarrass Lin Lei'er about going to college.

Originally, nothing happened yesterday, and she was thinking of running on Lin Yue with a few words next time she saw Lin Yue, such as "talking like a fart", "I'll wait for you to fuck me", but it was only a day late, and his threat was fulfilled , 3 million, really came to collect debts.

"You bastard, say, are you in collusion with them?"

Tong Wenjie looked ferocious, and like a lunatic, he picked up something on the table and threw it at Lin Yue. The policeman was startled. Although they didn't know what dispute there was between the two, they couldn't just watch her messing around in the prison. Hurry up and stop it.

"Let go, let me go, I'm going to kill him, I'm going to kill this little bastard."

She didn't know what Lin Yue did, but what was certain was that he must have done something.

"Ms. Tong..."

"Ms. Tong, please calm down."

"calm down."

"This is the police station!"

With a roar from the police, the crazy woman was finally restrained.

"Ms. Tong, if you continue to be so irrational, I will detain you for disturbing public order and obstructing public affairs."

Looking at the stern-faced policeman, the sobbing mother-in-law, and the father-in-law whose mouth was twitching, Tong Wenjie sat down on the chair, feeling like she was done.

Thank you for the 1,000 starting coins rewarded by Shenhuang Shenyin, the 500 starting coins rewarded by ZEROHOP, and the 100 starting coins rewarded by Dragon Feather and Candle Shadow Incense.

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