Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1773 How does it feel to be a pauper (two in one)

Fang's father sat across from him without saying a word, while Fang's mother was sobbing and moaning again and again.

Old Wangtou was afraid that Lin Yue would get the money first, so he kept urging Tong Wenjie to express his opinion.

As if her soul had come out of her body, she stared blankly at the old man's face, which was shriveled like dead tree bark.

Even if everyone doesn’t want interest, they will have to pay 3.6 million together. With the current state of Fangyuan’s parents-in-law, it is impossible to expect them to get the money out. The MLM organization will not be able to recover the money if it is laundered. If Fang's family pays, all the money left from selling the house and her dismissal compensation will be lost. It is not too much to say that the family is bankrupt.

Is this another coincidence? Or?

She glanced at Lin Yue, and didn't think that all of this was the kid's conspiracy. After all, he was not the roundworm in her and Fang Yuan's stomachs. How could he know how much money the Fang family had?

"Old Uncle Wang, even if you drive us to death, my parents won't have the money to pay you back."

After much consideration, she decided to make Hob Knife Meat, because the money was too much, and it was impossible to pay him back and not others. Once all was paid, the Fang family would really be poor.

"They have no money, don't they still have you? It's only natural for fathers to pay their debts."

"Old Uncle Wang, it's not right for you to say that. In terms of legal relationship, Fangyuan and my parents-in-law and I belong to independent families. My parents-in-law borrowed money from you to invest and ended up going bankrupt. What does this have to do with me and Fangyuan?"

"You... what are you talking about, they are your parents-in-law..."

The old Wang was so anxious that he was out of breath, never expecting that the daughter-in-law of a college student that Fang's parents were talking about would say such a thing.

"Mr. Wang, don't be so angry. The Fang family's old couple's house is in a good location. I have consulted with an intermediary. If I sell it, I can earn seven or eight million at least. It is no problem to fill in the loan hole, and it will be delayed. The longer it takes, the better it will be for us when we go to court, because the annual 24% interest is protected by the law. If your 200,000 yuan is delayed for one more month, you will pay an extra 4,000 yuan. This kind of good thing has no place in the lantern Find it, don't you?"

After Lin Yue analyzed it with him, there was a smile on Old Wang's face.

"Young man, your calculation is really good. You even found an intermediary in advance."


Lin Yue said with a serious face: "Mr. Hao was so angry that he was hospitalized because of this matter, can I not care? On the way from the hospital, I was thinking, if something happens to him, I am not a sinner? You Said that I was free to report what they were doing."

The policeman was not happy to hear this.

"If you don't report them, won't more people be deceived? Don't blame yourself, I don't blame you for this matter, it can only be said that the people who were recruited have poor awareness of prevention."

Tong Wenjie looked at the two people on the opposite side singing together, unable to speak a word.

"Wen Jie, Wen Jie, you can't let them sell your father's and me's house, where will we live if the house is sold?" Mother Fang wiped her tears with a handkerchief, and cried again.

Tong Wenjie tried hard to suppress the anger in her heart.

"Comrade policeman, you should check him carefully to see if he is connected with the leader of the MLM organization."

Lin Yue chuckled: "If I have interests with MLM organizations, I will cut off your money for your three million yuan. Am I sick? You can't even buy a decent house in Beijing with this amount of money, okay?" .As for you saying that I conspired with your money, oh, I took an unpredictable risk and threw in three million first, and then conspired with your in-laws’ interest for a month or two? Am I stupid or are you stupid? "


Tong Wenjie was stopped by his question. Indeed, according to common sense, her words did not make sense.

But rationally thinking this way, her intuition told her that the little bastard opposite was plotting against her, and was plotting against her in a logical cloak.

"Don't think about my in-laws' house, I will pay back the money they borrowed."

As soon as the words fell, Fang's father looked up, and Fang's mother stopped crying and looked at her blankly.

"Wen Jie, help us pay back? You help us pay back the money, what will happen to your life with Fanfan?"

"Mom, you don't have to worry about that. Fangyuan is still there. He said that in Africa, food and accommodation are included, and communication and transportation expenses can also be reimbursed. Usually, there is nothing to spend money on. When the time comes, I will send my salary back. Life with Fang Yifan and Leier is fine."

"Wen Jie, Fang Yuan married a daughter-in-law like was a blessing he cultivated in his previous life."

Fang's mother didn't expect that she would make the decision to help pay back the money on the spot, and she didn't even think about discussing it with Fang Yuan. It would be a lie to say that she was not moved.

"Tut tsk tsk, let me guess." Lin Yue interrupted the "Father is kind and son is filial piety": "Tong Wenjie, are you thinking that if you and Fangyuan don't pay the money, the parents-in-law will have to sell the house to pay off the debt, and the price is too high It doesn’t have to be sold. The daily interest is more than 2,000 yuan. If you want to sell quickly, you must be 5%-10% lower than the market price. It’s hard to have a similar set. The rise in house prices in 2016 scared you, right? In addition, your parents-in-law have no place to live, so they must rent a house. This is another expense, and the key is to take care of the elderly , plus Lin Leier and Fang Yifan who are about to face the college entrance examination, you will be dragged down by them after a long time, it is better to take out the spare money in your hand to plug the loan hole, yes, on the surface It looks like it was given to the parents, but in fact? My parents-in-law are over 70, how many years can they live? Once they die, won’t their house just fall into your hands? Doing this can also win the reputation of a good daughter-in-law, why? Wouldn't it be fun to do it?"

"I...I'm going to tear your mouth apart."

Tong Wenjie was instantly annoyed when he said what was on her mind.

"Sit down." The policeman glared, forced her back to the chair, and turned to look at Lin Yue with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

This guy looks about eighteen or nineteen years old, but his style of doing things and speaking doesn't look like a stupid boy at all.

After Lin Yue peeled Tong Wenjie's skin, he didn't continue to read the Fang family's jokes, and shook the loan agreement in his hand: "I'll wait for you to bring the money to my door."

Leaving this sentence behind, he turned and left.

Tong Wenjie slowly sat back on the chair: "Officer, the laundered it really impossible to get it back?"

The policeman shook his head, meaning it was very difficult.

She really wanted to complain to her in-laws, but as a daughter-in-law, she couldn't say much. Only Fang Yuan could do this kind of thing.

And the little bastard surnamed Lin, did he do so much just to disgust her? Or... does he really care about the interest?

Tong Wenjie couldn't figure it out, there were too many illogical things about this matter, but in the final analysis, if Fang Yuan's parents could keep their eyes open and not be greedy for money, they wouldn't be where they are today.


After finishing the matter at the police station, within a few days Tong Wenjie sent three million to Lin Yue's account and took away the loan agreement signed by Hao Daguan and Fang's father.

He didn't go to Wang Yidi's house for the past few days, nor sent a message or called to explain his relationship with Huang Zhitao. Only Xiaomeng knew that he had gone abroad. As for which country he went to, he didn't say, and she tactfully didn't ask.

Qiao Yingzi is still in a cold war with Song Qian. She has never been as lonely as she is now in more than ten years. In the past two weeks, she has almost lost sleep every night.

On January 23rd, she went to the planetarium and stood outside the door to look at the buildings inside from a distance. A few months ago, she was supposed to give a speech, but Song Qian blocked her downstairs. It was Song Qian who deprived her of the qualification to go to Shenzhen to participate in the NTU winter camp.

Just at this time, Liu Jing came to the planetarium and found a girl standing outside, so she took her into the museum to watch a movie, and said that she would miss her son when she stayed at home near the end of the year, so she went out to relax, and walked to the planetarium up.

The two women who needed to relax talked for a while, and the curator called Liu Jing out to ask how her illness was. The two of them didn't know that Qiao Yingzi followed them by a ghost and heard their conversation.

Liu Jing's situation made her sad, and she could better understand the sentence in "Golden Thread Clothes" written by Du Qiuniang, "The flowers bloom and the branches are broken." She went to participate in the NTU winter camp, and she also wanted to go to Shenzhen with her own will. She was born to live for herself, not for others—while she was still young, she still had the opportunity to be willful.

After Liu Jing finished talking with the director, she went back to the screening room to see that there was no one there.

Without thinking too much, she turned off the machine and left with her handbag. However, unexpectedly, Lin Yue stepped out of the cab of a Toyota Highlander by the side of the road as she went out with her front foot.

"Hey, I haven't seen you for so many days, I thought you went back to your hometown for the New Year."

Lin Yue shook his head and told her a shocking news.

"Ji Yangyang found it."

Did Ji Yangyang find it?

Son found?

Liu Jing was very emotional, she took a step forward and grabbed his hand and said, "Where is it?"

"You are too emotional now, which is not good for your condition. Get in the car first, and I will tell you on the way when you calm down." After finishing speaking, he did not forget to comfort him: "Don't think wildly, he is fine. Life-threatening, health-wise nothing serious."

Hearing what he said, Liu Jing breathed a sigh of relief, resisted the urge to break the casserole and got into the co-pilot, and let Lin Yue drive her out of the planetarium.

It was rush hour, the vehicle was moving slowly, and the car drove about three kilometers. While waiting for the red light, Lin Yue looked at the profile of the woman sitting in the co-pilot, and made sure that she had adjusted her mood, so she said softly: "Ji Yang Yang is in Shenzhen."

"Shenzhen? Why did he go there?" Liu Jing grabbed the seat belt hard to suppress her inner impulse.

"I just glanced at him from a distance. I was afraid of scaring him, so I didn't approach him. After confirming his residence, I came back. But judging from his state, I guess he went to Shenzhen because he wanted to stay away. The second purpose of this family is to prove that even without his parents and uncle, he will live well."

Liu Jing was silent for a moment after listening: "Yes, this is indeed his style."

After saying this, she sighed again. She didn't know whether to judge whether her son's behavior was a manifestation of ambition, or whether the young man took it for granted.

"By the way, how did you find him?"

In the past two months, she, Ji Shengli, and Liu Zheng have asked their connections to offer rewards. They have tried all kinds of channels, but there is no sign of beating their son. Fortunately, Lin Yue, a senior in high school, is actually more capable than them. This... is simply unbelievable.

"I am also responsible for Ji Yangyang running away from home. After all, if I didn't slap him back then, he might not be angry with you, so I have been following his news. Didn't I go to the south two days ago? Just sit and wait, because a foreign hacker I met on the Internet locked the IP address of the client that logged in to the racing game through his game account, and it is certain that he participated in the game through this IP address more than once. Of course, he It is also possible to sell the account. For this reason, I decided to keep it secret for the time being. I will tell you when the identity of the person who logged in is confirmed. If it is Ji Yangyang, if not, let this matter rot in my stomach. After all, the doctor said that you should avoid extreme joy and sorrow when you are sick, rest at ease and maintain a peaceful mind is very important."

Liu Jing was stunned by this passage. She never thought that he had helped the Ji family so much behind the scenes, and that he was very steady and down-to-earth in his work, and he was meticulous and thoughtful. It was hard to imagine that this kind of trait appeared in a high school student.

"Thank you for doing so much for me and Lao Ji."

"Hehe, aren't we friends? It's a shame to say that." Lin Yue drove back a car that was about to be forcibly blocked.

Liu Jing doesn't care about the situation outside, she only has one idea now, let Lin Yue take them to find her son.

"Then when shall we go to Shenzhen?"

"Tomorrow? The day after tomorrow? Or a few days later? See when you two have time."

"Tomorrow, just tomorrow, I will discuss it with Lao Ji after I go back, and ask him to put the matter in hand, and get this matter done anyway."

They haven’t seen their son for two months. For Liu Jing and his wife, they worry more than they miss them. Although Ji Yangyang is 18 years old, he is legally an adult. In an urban environment, an 18-year-old is at most an older child, but now that he has gone out for two months and has not heard from him, it is a huge boulder that can be overwhelming for any family.

In fact, they are not the ones who are most anxious, but Ji Yangyang's grandmother and grandfather. After all, the old couple are the ones who have been with the nephew for the longest time.

"Okay, then I'll book a ticket when I go back."

As Lin Yue expected, normal parents would not remain calm when encountering such a situation, they would definitely pick the nearest flight to catch up.

Liu Jing didn't say much, they were supposed to make do with Lin Yue's free time, and as for the expenses during the trip, Ji Shengli would just make up for him after the matter was over.


That night, the temperature was extremely low, and the water on the lake in the community had frozen. The property installed billboards prohibiting skating and playing in the water near the small bridge and gazebo.

Huang Zhitao took Lin Yue's arm and walked into the community from the outside. He kept talking all the way, talking about the people who bought New Year's goods in the mall, about the two Indians in the restaurant, and talking with her in the TV series. The impatience of the other party's Yifan is completely different.

"Ji Yangyang is coming back."

Lin Yue raised his mouth seemingly casually.


Huang Zhitao was stunned: "What did you say?"

"I said Ji Yangyang is coming back."

"Ji Yangyang... found it?"

"That's right." Lin Yue said, "Do you still remember when I went to the south a few days ago?"

She nodded, winter vacation, as a good student who works hard, although she also attends cram school and arranges learning tasks for herself after class, she still has some time to play. Her uncle came here two days ago and asked She took her niece to a nearby restaurant for a big meal, so she wanted to call Lin Yue over. She had thought of all the reasons to enhance the friendship between teachers and students, so that he would not find work for the class teacher every day, but only after calling did he find out that he was not. In Beijing, went to the south.

Lin Yue explained: "The last time I went to the south, one of the purposes was to confirm whether the information provided by netizens was accurate, and in the end I really met Ji Yangyang. As you know, I didn't have a good relationship with him, so I didn't have any further contact with him. , I came back to Beijing today, and I told Liu Jing about it, if there is no accident, I will take their husband and wife to Shenzhen tomorrow."


Huang Zhitao remained silent.

"Are you confused now?"


Huang Zhitao said, "I told you, it's all over."

"What if he repents and wants to get back together with you?"

"That's not his style."

"People change."

"People's hearts can change."

She said something very intriguing.

Lin Yue continued to retreat: "But I really... Xiaomeng..."

Huang Zhitao said, "Did I force you?"

Of course she didn't force him to make a choice, but if she doesn't say anything, it doesn't mean that she doesn't act. This kind of "I" seems to be with you without asking for fame, thinking of you and your good behavior, to some extent Talking is a kind of soft threat, as long as the moral values ​​are not deviated... or the man is not scumbag enough, he will hesitate and suffer for it all the time.

Or Miss Tao Zi can be admitted to Tsinghua University, from the fact that she pursues high-quality men, it can be seen how high her IQ is compared to girls of the same age.

Lin Yue said "honestly" and "honestly": "No."

Huang Zhitao looked at him tenderly, and put more force on his arm: "So, try not to mention him in front of me in the future, it's impossible for me to talk to him."


Just when Lin Yue lamented that the little girl in the past was three years older than boys of the same age, and now she has to add two or three years more, a voice full of surprise sounded.

The two followed the sound and saw Qiao Yingzi standing under the withered maple tree at the other end of the small bridge across the river, staring at them blankly.

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